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高校青年教师面临困境 挣扎在科研和生存压力中--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  近年来,我国高等院校青年教师数量和比例不断增加,据教育部统计数据显示,截至2010年底,我国高校40岁以下的青年教师人数已超过86万,占全国高校专职教师总数的63.3%。在一般人眼中,大学老师应该是“知识水平高、经济收入高、社会地位高”的“三高”群体,然而事实上,身处于象牙塔内的高校青年教师却面临着人们不了解的困惑和艰辛。 In recent years,Rising number and proportion of young teachers in colleges and universities in our country,According to the ministry of education figures show,By the end of 2010,Number of young teachers in colleges and universities under 40 has more than 860000,Accounted for 63.3% of the total number of full-time teachers in colleges and universities across the country.In people's eyes,College teacher should be"The knowledge level is high/High income/High social status"the"Three tenors"group,But the fact that,In the ivory tower of young teachers in colleges and universities are faced with people do not understand the confusion and hardship.


一位高校老师的困境:在学术研究和生存压力中挣扎 The plight of a university teacher: struggle in academic research and survival pressure


At the age of 34 LinFang(The allotted time periods specified by the)Associate professor title in a recent evaluation of loss,The reason is he teaches in the three years,Teaching though outstanding achievements,But as a result of scientific research achievement has no advantage compared with other candidates,Ultimately unsuccessful.LinFang very frustrated,There are a lot of helpless and sad at the same time.


LinFang,Domestic famous university engineering doctoral graduate,Because Dr During outstanding achievements and teaches."Choose at present,On the one hand because of interest in the scientific research work,On the other hand is that in college teaching work/Income is good."But the reality with his idea has the very big gap.


LinFang told reporters,His daily work includes several parts: one is,Our person in charge(Is often called"The boss")The distribution of work,Including issues related to the scientific research task,As well as to"The boss"With master of proofreading/course/Answering questions.The second is,Arranged by school work,Include a certain class of the teaching task,There are all kinds of school evaluation, etc."The job is easy,But very time consuming.Such as teaching,In order to give a good lesson,You may need a week's time to preparing.And one to evaluate/Assessment of the time,May all day have to consumption on it."Three is self-improvement,Involved in academic activities/Independent research,For young teachers, this is one of the most important link,Not only related to the professional development for a long time,Also influences the teaching quality.But this part of the work in the short term cannot produce benefits,It needs the support of the funds."By the existing evaluation mechanism,Inexperienced lack of qualifications of youth teacher is difficult to separate the application,So have to go through to work for boss or bear the teaching task,To obtain funds for self-improvement/Independent scientific research."LinFang helplessly say:"But I is the dilemma faced by,Do these two work occupy too much time,Their own independent scientific research of the time is very limited,No independent scientific research achievements,Can't through the title evaluation;If give up work for boss or teaching task to finish,To cut off funds for scientific research and family income."


In scientific research/The teaching and the triple pressure of the economy,LinFang has not yet found a breakthrough,Associate professor of anthropology defeat for the first time,For the future life and career development,LinFang feel anxiety and confusion,"Now is the policy of colleges and universities‘Either/or walk’,Five years can't judge on associate professors,Can only leave."


In the work,Lin will leave family had very little time,"Every day is very busy,But all the year round can contribute to the home of the salary less than 40000 yuan,Also thanks to the wife do family affairs,Almost no time with children.Oneself and family are the hope in the future,But for the future,I don't sure."


“高校青年教师如‘工蜂’,是学术体制中最辛苦的” "Young teachers in colleges and universities‘Worker bees’,Is the most hard of academic system"


LinFang the plight of many of the young university teachers' professional development at the present time.


Foreign economic and trade university teachers think cream was"Ant family"The concept of participant,In the past year,He led his team in Beijing/Shanghai/wuhan/Xi 'an/Guangzhou five cities,The 5138 young university teachers under the age of 40,Sampling survey was carried out,Combined with the depth interview/The focus group discussion and observation research methods, such as participate in way,Completed the[Chinese colleges and universities young teacher survey report].


"Today's young teachers in colleges and universities,When they after 20 years of studying‘airness’To get the degree,And win in the compete with their peers,To get a university faculty,Many of them find themselves faced with more pressure than before: the external/The inside of the,The same age/Every generation of people,The students'/The old teacher.Is more inconceivable,Scientific research funds/Title promotion/Academic achievements/Teaching evaluation/Marry and have children/Part-time income,These itself is not the relationship between the words,In the present higher education system under the complex of the causal link."In the[The report]In the,Cream best team like LinFang, as described"After 70"/"After 80"The survival of young university teachers.


Cream think compare young teachers in colleges and universities"Worker bees"."‘Worker bees’,Now with the characteristics of industrious young intellectuals.Worker bees honey in all his life,And intellectuals in all his life.Worker bees are the most tired of the bees,The most hard of intellectual and academic system."Cream thinks so.


The report shows,With 72.3% of respondents and LinFang thinks as work"pressure".The biggest pressure comes from the research,According to the survey,The vast majority of colleges and universities put the title to the promotion and the number of published papers/Number of published books/Application project number, etc"Quantitative indicators"Direct link.At the same time,"No family"Used in scientific research and teaching of time/To work for big boss/The teaching task/Evaluation of schools.78.1% of the respondents,Their time engaged in scientific research"Not enough use".Cream thought for example,"No administrative work of the teacher,General is 3 in the teaching time,7 a time of scientific research,And 7 into the research time is used for directly related to scientific research work time less than half,The rest of the time are in‘Write the tender/Fill in the form/Make the invoice’".


Look at professional development of teachers,Titles and promotions are linked to published papers and projects,But our academic accreditation mechanism is not favour young teacher.Scientific research and academic resources to elite and big shots,Young teachers even the actual research,But it is difficult to play,Independent signature in core journals published articles is also very difficult.The report shows,Nearly three years,20.5% of the liberal arts"Worker bees"Not in the paper has been published on CSSCI,92.5% of the science"Worker bees"Not in SCI(Science citation index)The paper has been published on,85.5% of the engineering"Worker bees"Not in EI(Engineering citation index)The paper has been published on.


青年教师生存和职业发展困境亟须破解 Much-needed break to survival and young teachers professional development situation


Cream think told reporters,He had to do"Ant family"The study,Concerned about the bottom disadvantaged groups,All high evaluation,Now pay attention to the young university teachers,A lot of questions have appeared on the voice."In the society have a lot of people have more than their miserable,Even if their pay is not high also not the lowest in the society,Summer and winter vacation every year,Also respected in society,Said that they need to care who believe?"


"Teachers in colleges and universities under the status of the good,Easy to ignore the survival and development of young university teachers real trouble."Cream think said:"Pay attention to the survival and development of young teachers in colleges and universities is of great significance.Young university teachers is a cross of youth and intellectuals,Through the university classroom and networking platform,They have become a strong social influence of the group.And their distance is nearly with students,Contact with students,Their thoughts and behavior may also influence young people."


Cream to think that,We use this year published SSCI(Social science citation index)/CSSCI(Chinese social science citation index)How to measure a young teacher,Will only make some craftsmen.Under the existing academic system,Young teachers in colleges and universities and scientific research is quick,Only pay attention to the number of published papers and not pay attention to the quality of scientific research work.There is a phenomenon in young teachers is heavy scientific research/Light of teaching.The teacher to students in class"Conscience live",Prepares a lesson/The lectures are serious enough,Arbitrary large,Little homework after class,After-school tutoring answer less,Teaching quality therefore deteriorated.


"Pay attention to‘Worker bees’Gens of the survival and development of great significance,They shoulder the party and the country's future,And in the future of the party and the country.The healthy development of young teachers in colleges and universities,Also relates to the university's academic character and the quality of teaching.To improve the‘No family’The survival environment of the delay."Cream we solemnly said.


呼吁:为高校青年教师营造良好发展环境 Appeal: create a good development environment for young teachers in colleges and universities


Combining the results of investigation,Cream best team called for the plight of focuses on the development of young teachers in colleges and universities at the same time,Also the author puts forward his own Suggestions.


The first,Establishment of a fair and reasonable evaluation system,For youth teachers provide more academic resources.Scientific research project examination and approval,Is usually the smaller the project the more democracy,The greater the project is not democratic,Led to the scientific research resource allocation imbalance.Suggest increase of youth teachers scientific research funding.


The second,For the growth of the youth teachers create a more comfortable environment.Clear objectives/Quantitative assessment of industrialization,May contain 10% of the worst teacher,At the same time also will kill the top 10% of teachers,Unfavorable to talent training.Academic evaluation should be heavy quality, not quantity,Recommended more flexible management system and methods,Such as"Representative academic achievements"PingJiaZhi/"Peer PingYiZhi"And so on,Extension of young university teachers assessment and evaluation time and cycle,Allows it to force with a longer time,achievement"Academic master".


The third,For young teachers to set aside special promotion channel.Technical titles in colleges and universities still exist"seniority",Suggestions on all kinds of young teachers in the management system of special channel,Avoid young teachers face in all kinds of non - academic competition situation of inequality,As in all kinds of topics/Fund besides specially set up to cultivate young teachers,Provide the survival and development of young teachers can sprout"seeds",In various PingXian assessment mechanism in special formulated under 40 young backbone teachers selection mechanism and management methods,Key support for outstanding young teachers have development potential,As soon as possible to make a batch of excellent talents.


-委员建言 - member Suggestions


The survival and development of young teachers in colleges and universities also is Chinese people's political consultative conference committee.In this year's national conference (CPPCC),ZhangQuanFen/TangJin 30 members jointly submit[About pay attention to and solve the survival pressure of young university teachers],Detailed reflects the survival status of young university teachers,To improve the young teachers in colleges and universities situation needs.In addition,GuoJin cloud/ZhongBingLin/ChengTianQuan and other members of the national committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference several times in recent years to submit proposal focuses on the development of young teachers in colleges and universities and survival problems.In this,We act two committee's recommendations.


The editor


多措并举为高校青年教师解压 While the more young teachers decompression for colleges and universities


In the college and university teachers,Young teachers is one of the largest groups,Is the backbone of the school teaching group,Bear the main teaching task.But with the change of social environment,Young university teachers is difficult to calm in the face of life,Young teachers in colleges and universities are faced with a series of survival pressure.Part of the teacher in order to earn more in class,Have migrated in class,Already can't find the feeling of scientific research;Parts of young teachers,For the commercialization of writing,For a newspaper/Press or write some works for others,Earn some cost to support her family.There are some young teachers,Almost entirely from the enterprises,Part-time work or to the company,Or their own open store, etc,Such already can't devote yourself to teaching and research.If this situation continues for a long time,Colleges and universities teaching and scientific research quality will drop,Talent will loss.


We think need many,Improve the young teachers in colleges and universities survival predicament.First of all to improve university teachers treatment,Maintain the stability of wage growth,Solve their worries in life.2 it is to reform management system,Reduce the psychological pressure of young teachers.Especially the reform of the management system of colleges and universities,University administration democratization/professional/equality/To bureaucratic/Humanization is inevitable trend.The third is against academic corruption,Reduce the pressure of the scientific research of young teachers.Academic resources distribution of bureaucratic/Heavy title/Heavy individual colleges and universities, and so on need to change,Should give young university teachers the opportunity to exercise more.Four is to improve the social status of university teachers,Form the respect knowledge/Respect the social atmosphere of teachers.

  张承芬 唐瑾等30位全国政协委员

ZhangChengFen TangJin of 30 members of the CPPCC national committee


加强职后培养解青年教师发展之困 Strengthen the training of young teachers development solution


In recent years,Rapid expansion of scale in colleges and universities at the same time,Higher school teachers' construction and development,Current situation.One is the scientific research/The tendency of light teaching still exist,Young and middle-aged teachers energies of talent training and teaching work;The second is the part of the lack of effective teachers' professional development system in colleges and universities,Young and middle-aged teachers in teaching ability and level of ascension basically unwinding;3 it is young and middle-aged teachers in career development and living conditions(Such as the treatment/housing)Are confronted with difficulty in aspects and so on,Affect the energies of the teaching and scientific research.These problems if not cause enough attention and solve,Will seriously affect the quality of higher education and higher school reputation.


In the first place,Suggest education administrative departments at all levels in the budget increase the training of teachers' in-service training and development;Institutions of higher learning should also be more funding for teacher professional development,Especially increase to improve young teachers' teaching ability and level of budget.The second,Suggest that state and local education administrative department pay attention to the related policy research,To strengthen policy guidance for the development of university teachers and project guide.


In addition,Relevant government departments should attach great importance to the life of young and middle-aged teachers treatment problem,Especially difficult to solve by universities power or unable to solve the problem,To promote teachers' team construction.Such as the housing problem,Suggest increase special funds,For the middle-aged and young teachers in colleges and universities ZhouZhuanFang construction;Formulated related policies,Will the young and middle-aged teachers into the local security room for series and so on.


Young teachers in colleges and universities should be allowed to live in decent conditions,Have a good environment for teaching and research,To make them grow mature as soon as possible.If you can't grasp the training of young teachers,Will seriously affect our country's innovation ability and competitiveness in the world.

  全国政协委员 钟秉林 (韩柳洁)

Committee of the national committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference ZhongBingLin (HanLiu jie)
