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北京考生上北大比率190:1 网友调侃投胎是艺术--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

2012 年北上广三地高等教育毛入学率、高考一本录取率数据分析
2012 north guang three higher education enables/Acceptance rates at the university entrance exam a data analysis
开闸异地高考 恢复全国统考? Actually different college entrance examination restore a nation-wide?
今天,距离教育部提出的“异地高考”时间表仅剩4 天,但包括广东在内的大部分省市的方案仍在制定中。
today,From the ministry of education"Different college entrance examination"Schedule with only 4 days,But most of the provinces and cities, including guangdong, the plan is still in making.
12 月25 日,广东省教育考试院向媒体发布《我省随迁子女就地升学考试需稳妥推进》的消息,发布了8名专家对异地高考方案的意见,认为“异地高考”要考虑现实承载能力,“异地高考”应稳妥推进,并合理设置门槛。
On December 25,,Guangdong province education the examination to the media[Our province SuiQian children entrance examination on the spot to be steady]The news of the,Released eight expert opinion of different college entrance examination scheme,think"Different college entrance examination"To consider the reality,"Different college entrance examination"Should be steady,And reasonable set threshold.
As the migrant workers first in guangdong province,Different college entrance examination scheme affects all nerves.And many experts and scholars,In order to eliminate different ground facing the college entrance examination"dilemma"position,Must be on the top of the scientific design,Fundamental way is to promote the reform of college entrance examination system.
放开异地高考 京沪粤各有“压力” Let other beijing-shanghai guangdong college entrance examination each have"The pressure"
京沪两地将面临“高考移民”冲击,广东压力主要来自“就地高考” Just two faces"College entrance examination immigration"The impact,Guangdong pressure mainly comes from"College entrance examination on the spot"
今年暑假, 一条微博公布的一组数据亮瞎了广大网友的眼睛同样是考上北京大学, 安徽的比率是7826: 1,而北京只要190:1, 北京人上北大的几率是广东考生的37.5 倍, 是贵州考生的35.4 倍,而上海人更狠,上海考生进复旦大学的几率是全国平均的53倍,是山东考生的374倍……高考就这么不公平?
This summer vacation, A micro bo published a set of data on the eyes of the blind Internet users is also admitted to Beijing university, The ratio of anhui is 7826: 1,And as long as Beijing 190:1, From Beijing in the north of the rate is 37.5 times of guangdong examinee, Is 35.4 times of guizhou examinee,And Shanghai more malicious,Shanghai examinee in the probability of fudan university is 53 times the national average,Is the shandong examinee 374 times……The university entrance exam is so unfair?
公开资料亦显示, 各地优良大学资源不平衡严重, 不同地区的一本录取率差异悬殊: 北京超过27% , 上海超过20%,广东仅为6%,四川更低达3.99%。
Access to information is also displayed, All good university resources imbalance, Acceptance rates at the differences in different parts of the gap: Beijing more than 27% , Shanghai more than 20%,Guangdong is only 6%,The sichuan lower reaches 3.99%.
难怪有网友在微博上调侃:高考固需拼,投胎才是艺术! It is no wonder that netizens ridicule on the micro bo:The university entrance exam solid need to spell it,Reincarnation is art!
根据目前的高考招生实际情况,在异地高考政策中,受冲击最大的是北京、上海和广东, 但三地承受的压力特点不尽相同。
According to the current actual situation of the recruit students of the university entrance exam,In the foreign policy of college entrance examination,The biggest hit is Beijing/Shanghai and guangdong, But three characteristics of stress is not the same.
据分析, 异地高考主要分成两类情况,一类是“就地高考”,即虽然户籍都不在A 地, 但子女随父母长年在A 地就读,随之产生在A 地高考的需求;一类是“高考移民”, 即考生为了达到上大学或者上好大学的目的, 利用一切可能的手段和途径,向录取分数线比较低、录取率比较高的省份流动。
According to the analysis, Different college entrance examination is mainly divided into two categories,One kind is"College entrance examination on the spot",That although household are not A land, But children with parents long in the land of A school,Resulting in A to the demand of the college entrance examination;One kind is"College entrance examination immigration", Namely the examinee in order to achieve the goal of the university or a good university, Use every possible means and ways,To admit fractional line is low/Acceptance rates higher provinces.
如果彻底放开异地高考, 京沪属于高考招生资源相对充沛的“高考洼地”,将首先面临“高考移民”的冲击,其次是“就地高考”的冲击。而广东本来的高考招生资源就比较紧张,主要压力来自“就地高考”,“高考移民”的冲击相对较小。
If completely let go beyond the college entrance examination, Shanghai belongs to the college entrance examination enrollment relatively abundant resources"The university entrance exam depression",Will be the first to face"College entrance examination immigration"The impact of the,The second is"College entrance examination on the spot"The impact of the.The guangdong college entrance examination enrollment originally resources is more nervous,The main pressure comes from"College entrance examination on the spot","College entrance examination immigration"The impact of the relatively small.
特点1 重点高校本地化 Localization characteristics 1 key universities
以2012 年北京大学、复旦大学、中山大学在全国各省市招生的数据来分析 In 2012, Peking University/Fudan university/Sun yat-sen university enrollment data to analysis of cities and provinces all over the country
其中, 北京大学在北京招生的人数为396 人,相当于广东的10 倍;复旦大学在上海招生人数为810 人, 相当于广东的16 倍,而中山大学也特别“倾向于”广东,招生人数为4100 人! 据了解,几乎所有教育部部属重点大学, 虽然主要的拨款来自中央,如果加上保送生、自主招生等其他不纳入全国招生计划的数字,都“不约而同”地把近50%的实际招生名额给予了当地。
Among them, Peking University in Beijing, the number of recruitment of students for 396 people,Is equivalent to ten times as many as in guangdong;Fudan university in Shanghai recruit students number for 810 people, Equivalent to 16 times of guangdong,And sun yat-sen university is special"Tend to"guangdong,Recruit students number for 4100 people! It is understood,Almost all the department of education subordinate key university, Although the main funding from central,If combined with unripe/Autonomous enrolment and other not included in the number of national recruitment plan,all"Happen to coincide"To nearly 50% of the actual enrollment quota to the local.
特点2 高考洼地聚名校 Characteristics of the two depressions in the college entrance examination get school
以2012 年北上广三地高等教育毛入学率、高考一本录取率的数据来分析 In 2012, north guang three higher education enables/Acceptance rates at the university entrance exam a analysis of the data
由此可见, 北京成为读好学校最容易的城市,上海成为考大学最容易的城市。而同样是外来务工人员随迁子女集中地的广东则与全国水平几乎没有优势。
Thus it can be seen, Become the most easy to read good school of Beijing city,Shanghai has become the most easy to city college.And is also a migrant workers SuiQian children's concentration guangdong is with the national level have little advantage.
特点3 广东压力在“刚需” Characteristics and pressure in guangdong"Just need to"
公开资料显示,在广东的“新客家”人口超过2000 万,随迁子女“就地高考”的“刚需”不可小觑。
Access to information that,In guangdong"The new hakka"More than 20 million population,SuiQian children"College entrance examination on the spot"the"Just need to"Do not underestimate.
12 月6 日, 广东省教育厅厅长罗伟其在接受羊城晚报记者专访时透露,广东要解决异地高考的问题面临着各方面的难题。首先是随迁子女人数非常多,目前, 在广东接受义务教育的外来务工人员子女达到338 万人,占全国的1 / 3 ,而这一数字还在以每年25 万的速度在增长;其次,国家每年安排给广东的本科招生计划比例偏低,特别是重点本科的招生计划数,远远低于全国平均水平。
On December 6,, LuoWei director of guangdong provincial department of education in the accept Yang cheng evening news reporter when the interview disclosed,Guangdong to solve the problem of different ground the university entrance exam is faced with various aspects of the problem.Number is first SuiQian children very much,At present,, In guangdong accept compulsory education of the migrant workers children reach 3.38 million,A third of the whole country ,And the number is growing at a rate of 250000 per year;The second,Country to guangdong every year of undergraduate enrollment plan proportion is low,Especially focus on the enrollment of undergraduate course plan,Far below the national average.
A 校长是广东省一所著名的大学校长(应本人要求,学校名和校长名字皆隐去),在教育界浸淫几十年,A 对异地高考的态度是:一定要改,但是眼下看来,让地方政府担当异地高考改革的重担,一是找错了对象,二是改错了方向,“高考歧视无法靠地方政府抹平”。
A principal is A famous university in guangdong(Should I require,School name and the name is hidden),In education being a few decades,On A different ground is the attitude of the college entrance examination:You must change,But now it seems,Let the local government to bear the burden of different college entrance examination reform,One is the wrong object,2 it is can the direction,"The university entrance exam discrimination cannot rely on the local government with ping".
解密: decryption:
名牌大学,为何喜欢本地生? Famous university,Why do like local life?
与他的同仁一样,作为一所在广东的著名大学,A 的学校也在广东本地招录了大部分学生,而在早年,他们在外地招生的比例要更高一些。A 坦承:“其实外地生源要比本地生源好一些。”
With his colleagues,As a famous university in guangdong,A school also in guangdong local - recruited most of the students,In the early,They are higher than the proportion of foreign students.A confessed:"Actually foreign students better than local students."
他举了个例子,“2012 年,我们在广东招生的人数,是在江苏招生人数的近100 倍, 广东考生总数是65.5 万人,江苏考生总数是47.5 万人,就是说,如果我们在广东录取的是成绩排在前5%的学生,那么在江苏,很可能录取的就是前0.5%的学生。这就造成一种情况:虽然外地学生的总量很小,但是在奖学金评定时,我们常常发现,外地生的‘中奖率’要比本地生高。在全国统招的研究生当中,因为衡量标准是划一的,外地学生与本地学生的比例,远远高于本科阶段。这种优秀不仅仅是说读书成绩,而且体现在综合能力上,毕业后,他们的就业也常常排名靠前。”
He cited a example,"In 2012,,The number of people we recruit students in guangdong,Is in jiangsu recruit students number nearly 100 times, Guangdong examinee total number is 655000,Jiangsu examinee total number is 475000,That is to say,If we admit in guangdong is ranked in the top 5% of the students,So in jiangsu,Is that the top 0.5% of students are likely to be admitted.This is caused by a situation:Although the amount of foreign students is very small,But when the scholarship assessment,We often find,The foreign born‘worth’Is higher than local students.The graduate student of communication all over the country,Because the measure is uniform,The proportion of foreign students and local students,Far more than undergraduate.The outstanding is not just said reading scores,But also on the comprehensive ability,After graduation,The top of their employment and often."
In that case,Why are so many famous universities will bring the enrollment of index tilt in this province/In the city?A said,"There are three reasons."
“一是不得已而为之。省属、市属大学主要靠本省财政养活, 食人俸禄,自然要把最大的蛋糕留给本地生;即使是教育部直属高校,本省、市也常常会给予不菲的财政支持, 所谓吃人嘴短,也要照顾本地生;再退一步,像北大、清华这种资金非常雄厚的超一流高校,不看重本地财政支持,但‘县官不如现管’,学校的市政设施、交通便利、周边环境……哪一样不要本地支持? ”
"A is necessary.provincial/Beijing university mainly by the province financial support, Ogre bread,Nature wants to leave the largest cake in the local;Even if it is directly affiliated to the ministry of education in colleges and universities,In the province/City is often will give significant financial support, Eat people mouth so-called short,Also want to take care of the local life;Step back again,Like the north/Tsinghua this funds is very solid super colleges and universities,Don't care about local financial support,but‘The magistrate is tube’,The municipal facilities of the school/The traffic is convenient/The surrounding environment……Which don't local support? "
“第二个原因是在一个地方招多招少,生源差异并不特别大。以北京大学为例,即使它把1/3 的招生指标留给北京,也就是在北京招几百名学生,往往第200名学生和第400 名学生的考分也就差了不到20 分,绝对还是‘掐尖’的。”
"The second reason is in one place for more for less,Student differences is not particularly big.In the case of Beijing university,Even if it take a third of the recruit students index for Beijing,Is also in Beijing for a few hundred students,Often 200 students and 400 students in the name of the test scores are sent less than 20 points,Absolute or the‘QiaJian’the."
“第三个原因是学校体制方面的。大学的校长常常几年一换, 而由于生源的差异对学校口碑产生的影响, 却要经过多年积累才能显现。你如果是我,是愿意坚持全国平均招生、得罪当地,还是愿意顺应现实,你好、我好、大家好? ”
"The third reason is that the school system.At the university of the principal often for a change, Due to the effects of the difference of students for the school reputation, But can be seen after many years of accumulation.If you are my,Are willing to adhere to the national average/Against the local,Still willing to conform to the reality,How are you/I am good/hello everybody? "
观点: Point of view:
高考歧视,地方政府难抹平! The university entrance exam discrimination,The local government to wipe flat!
A 校长认为, 异地高考的初衷是便利外地考生高考,倡导高考公平性,但方法是错的, “就好像你欠了钱, 要我去还! ”
A principal think, Different the original intention of the university entrance exam is convenient from the examinee college entrance examination,Advocate equality in the college entrance examination,But the method is wrong, "Looks like you owe the money, Want me to return! "
A 校长认为,首先,招生指标尤其是异地名牌大学的招生指标,都不是地方政府定的,而真正的好学校,永远是稀缺资源,一旦放开异地高考,外地考生一拥而入,本地生肯定不满意,真是“顺了公婆心,就得逆了姑嫂意”。其次,即使调剂一些招生指标到考生涌入的省市, 但是你怎么知道增加的指标就能补上缺口? 对于新增考生的考试成绩你怎么预测? 再次,你增加甲地的指标,就意味着减少乙地的指标, 那被减少指标的省份,怎么向本地的父老乡亲交代?
A principal think,In the first place,Admissions index especially other famous university admissions,Is the local government,And the true good school,Is always scarce resources,Once let go beyond the college entrance examination,From the examinee swarm in,Local life must be not satisfied,It's"Shun out her heart,Have to inverse the sisters in law".The second,Even if adjust some admissions index to the examinee of provinces and cities, But how do you know the increase of the index can fill the gap? For new students test scores: how do you predict? Once again,,You increase the index of point,Means to reduce the observed index, That is to reduce the index provinces,How to the fellows in local metasomatism?
A 校长认为, 解决异地高考之难,其实可以“退一步”看问题。
A principal think, Solve different college entrance examination,In fact can be"Take a step back"See a problem.
“我国1977 年恢复高考后,很长时间都是全国一本大纲、一套教材、一份高考试卷。后来有人提出,边缘省份的教育资源落后, 如果全国学生都在同一起跑线上,边缘省份的学生就吃亏了,再加上其他一些原因, 最终形成眼下全国各省市各学各、各考各、高考成绩失去可比性的结果。其实我认为,统学统考的老办法应该保留, 根本没有必要人为地突显地区差距。”
"Back in China in 1977, after the college entrance examination,A long time are an outline of the whole country/A set of teaching materials/A college entrance examination examination paper.Later someone put forward,Edge of province education resources, If the students are in the same starting line,Edge of the provinces of the students is good,Plus some other reasons, Eventually form each learn each of provinces and cities at the moment/Each test/The university entrance exam to lose comparability of results.In fact, I think,Statistical test the older ways of doing things should be retained, There is no need to highlight areas."
"After the national curriculum,Edge of the area?
这个问题很好解决:先统一考,再由国家调配,适当地对落后地区加分,而不是人为地割裂各地, 框死各地招生人数。这样,全国考生就能在同一个平台上竞争。因为无论我在哪里考,都不是和这个省的人在抢指标,而是和全国考生竞争。”
This question is very good solve:First unified exam,To allocate by the state,In underdeveloped regions,Not to separate, Recruit students number around box to death.such,The students will be able to compete on the same platform.Because no matter where I am,Is not with the people in the province,But with the candidates."
Education is a famous scholar XiongBingJi in yangcheng evening news interview,Indeed it is hard to implement different college entrance examination policy/But must be implemented,The success of the implementation of the key lies in the central would decentralization to colleges and universities.
Yang cheng evening news:Different college entrance examination"In the middle"Where is the source?
熊丙奇:源头是我们目前寻求的解决途径就是错误的,因为现有的高考制度就不是“对”的制度,各个地方的招生指标不均衡,人为造成了各地享受教育权利的不公平。在“错”的基座上纠错是不可能的。我认为,要促进高考公平,关键是政府要愿意放权, 推进高考改革,实现自主招生。
XiongBingJi:Source is we are currently looking for the solution is wrong,Because of the current college entrance examination system, it is not"to"The system of the,All parts of the recruit students index is not balanced,Man-made all over the enjoy the rights of education is not fair.In the"wrong"On the base of correction is not possible.I think,In order to promote the university entrance exam fair,The key is the government to willing to decentralization, Promote the reform of college entrance examination,To realize autonomous enrolment.
高考制度怎么改? 我认为,要在合理范围内打破按计划录取的制度。如果把全国高校分为3 类全国重点大学、地方院校和高职高专,在现在的制度框架之下,国家级院校(往往也是一流院校)应该面向全国招生,让全国考生公平竞争,这就能解决异地高考的核心问题。对于地方性高校,既然是当地出资给它办,那么向当地学生倾斜也是合情合理的,美国等西方国家也是这样的。对于高职高专,现在普遍都招不满学生,所以不存在这个问题。
College entrance examination system how to change? I think,To break within a reasonable range system of admission as planned.If the national colleges and universities are divided into three types of national key university/Local colleges and vocational colleges,Under present institutional framework,National colleges and universities(Often is first-class universities)Should be facing the whole country,Let the examinee fair competition,This can solve the problem of different ground the core of the university entrance exam.For local colleges and universities,Since is the local contribution to it,Then leaning to the local students also is reasonable,The same is true of the United States and other western countries.For higher vocational colleges,General dissatisfaction with all students now,So there is no this problem.
Yang cheng evening news:To thoroughly solve the problem of different ground college entrance examination,Do you think what is the best way?
熊丙奇:全国统一考试、学校自主招生。这里要提醒一句:全国统一考试不等于全国集中录取,只凭一个分数定乾坤,这个方法并不科学。首先应该有一个全国统一的考试,让学生以这个为基本前提去申请大学,但不是只靠一条一刀切的分数线来划分学生优劣。在达到一个最低分数线之后,招具体哪个学生的权利,应该交给学校,没有学校不想招好学生的,他觉得这个学生综合水平比较高、比较适合这个学校,就可以录取他, 而不用在乎他是来自哪个省、哪个市的。
XiongBingJi:The unified national examination/The autonomous enrolment.Here to remind:The unified national examination is not equal to the concentration,Only by a score,This method is not scientific.First of all should have a unified national examination,Let the students for the basic premise to apply for a university,But it is not only a one size fits all fractional line to differentiate students.After reached a minimum scores,For which the students' rights,Should be handed over to the school,No don't want to recruit a good student in school,He felt that the students' comprehensive level is higher/Is suitable for this school,Can be accepted, But don't care about he is come from which province/Which city of.
Broke through the regional bounds,Also school recruit students right after,Different college entrance examination/College entrance examination immigration problem will be solved naturally.
重庆孩子广东读书 何地高考左右为难 Chongqing children study in guangdong where college entrance examination in the middle
小光今年15 岁,长得水灵灵的,是一个有点叛逆的重庆妹子。小光妈妈特别怕她学坏,这也是小光至今还在广州读高中的主要原因。
XiaoGuang this year 15 years old,Grow watery,Chongqing is a bit rebellious sister.XiaoGuang mother especially afraid of her getting bad,This is XiaoGuang is still the main reason for the high school in guangzhou.
“愁死了,左也不是、右也不是! ”小光妈妈跟羊城晚报记者诉苦,她真不想让女儿回重庆读书,但老师已经给她下了最后通牒:“你这样扣着她在广州,终究还是要回重庆高考,会害死她的。”
"Sorrow is dead,The left is not/Right or not! "XiaoGuang mother with Yang cheng evening news reporters,She really don't want to let daughter back to chongqing to read,But the teacher had to give her an ultimatum:"You this clasp her in guangzhou,Or going back to chongqing university entrance exam after all,Will kill her."
小光的爸爸妈妈都是重庆人,在广州打拼了20 多年,开着一间小公司,早年就在番禺买了房子,最近又买了辆车,在邻居的眼里,是很幸福的广州“新客家”。在小光读高中之前,小光妈妈也并不觉得户口是什么问题, “因为想着将来还要回重庆养老, 加上老家集体用地出租效益很好,每年有上万元的分红,所以都舍不得把户口转出来”。
XiaoGuang of mom and dad are in chongqing,Played in guangzhou for more than 20 years,Open a small company,An early age in panyu bought a house,Recently bought a car,In the eyes of my neighbors,It is very happy in guangzhou"The new hakka".Before XiaoGuang read high school,XiaoGuang mother also don't find account is what problem, "Return to chongqing endowment for thinking about the future, With home collective land rental effectiveness is very good,Every year there are tens of thousands of yuan of share out bonus,So they won't turn account out".
今年6 月,小光在小区附属的初中毕业,在升高中的时候,妈妈这才发现小光面临两难境地: 番禺区就有不少私立高中,多付些学费便可以读高中,但是,学习和考试的教材却和重庆大相径庭。“按照现在的政策,3 年后, 小光必须回原籍高考,重庆考卷和广东考卷是两码事,怎么办?! ”老师也催促小光妈妈,“早点转回去读,早点跟上进度。”
In June this year,XiaoGuang subsidiary in the junior high school graduation,In the rise time,Mom this XiaoGuang found face a dilemma: Panyu district there are many private high school,Pay some fees can read high school,but,Learning and examination of the teaching material and chongqing."According to the policy now,Three years later, XiaoGuang must be an ancestral home college entrance examination,Chongqing examination and guangdong papers can be very different things,What to do?! "The teacher also urged XiaoGuang mother,"Go back early,To keep up with the schedule."
小光妈妈非常犹豫,“小光已经大了,又漂亮又叛逆, 在广州都有不少男生来‘撩’她。现在家里只有爷爷奶奶在,回去读书,根本管不住,‘野’了怎么办? ”但是,要让妈妈跟着回重庆陪读,也不现实。“我们开的是夫妻店,平时老公主外我主内,我要走了,公司要塌下半边天。”
XiaoGuang mother very hesitant,"XiaoGuang is big,The beautiful and rebellious, In guangzhou there are many boys‘liao’she.Now only grandparents at home,Go back to study,Fundamental cannot manage,‘wild’The how to do? "but,To let my mother to follow back to chongqing or relatives can apply for,Also not realistic."We open the mom and pop store,At ordinary times old princess from my Lord,I have to go,Company will collapse under the sky."
小光也不想回去,这个在周末会把头发临时漂染成一缕缕紫色的女孩儿,喜欢和同学们逛街、喝奶茶,粤语讲得顺溜溜的,还参加了番禺一个义工组织,在广州生活得有滋有味,“我回去干嘛? 别说回去定居,过年回老家我都老大不愿意,又冷又湿,没有朋友,重庆话我也听不懂,我不想成为被遗弃的留守儿童! ”
XiaoGuang also don't want to go back,This weekend will be temporary dye the hair into continuous purple girl,Like to go shopping with my classmates/Drink milk tea,Speaks cantonese along the way,Has participated in panyu a volunteer organization,In guangzhou life person,"I went back to why? Don't go back to live,Chinese New Year I the eldest brother don't want to home,Cold and wet,Without a friend,Chongqing words I also don't understand,I don't want to be a stay-at-home children left behind! "
“现在我们全家最大的愿望,就是希望能在广东参加高考。”小光妈妈说。(蒋铮 林晓湄)
"Now our family's biggest wish,Is hope I can participate in in guangdong college entrance examination."XiaoGuang mother said.(JiangZheng linxiao region)
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