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According to the[The New York times]The report,The massacre of Adam orchid, the 20-year-old,In high school won"Honor student"The title of,But the distinction performer in local time 14 days to return to his Alma mater sandy hook primary school,To shoot innocent children after before taking his own life.
Even more shocking is,In front of the home,He also shot in sandy hook elementary school's biological mother,What is the reasons for the distinction performer such behavior,According to Syria, brother said,Syria has been beset by personality disorder,And LAN, my parents had a divorce,Is family reasons buried the orchid, the implementation of the shooting factors of violence?
同学眼中:性格忧郁成绩优秀 Students in the eyes:Depressed outstanding achievement
According to the British media reported,Until shooting case happened before,Adam had pizza and mother Nancy lived together in helmut Newton town in a nice house,The house not far from mother Nancy sandy hook elementary school work and.
Look from the photos of the media,Adam SaWei low head,Look a little shy,Adam to photography seems to have a kind of fear,In 2010, graduated from high school on the school yearbook of even don't have his photo,He only left in the above sentence"The camera shy".Adam did not even social networking account.
This kind of exclusion of photos with classmates to his feel very similar,Adam's senior high school classmate would always feel him with some strange people,But couldn't say what it feels like.
"You can call him a genius,"Adam's classmate alex Israel said,"We are before high school classmates,He is very clever,But it is very quiet,Always like to be alone."Another classmate Tom's also said,"Everyone when he is a genius,Think this is the reason why he doesn't talk to us,He is always playing alone."
As in the eyes of a classmate,Adam had pizza in 3 years of high school life,Won the"Honor student"The title of,Although results well,But never speak in class,And almost didn't make a few friends.Adam for the students' impression of surprise:"talented,smart,But shy,A little bit nervous".
Senior high school classmate said Olivia:"Three years I seldom saw him with what person,Now I can't remember all who have been friendly with him."Adam's classmates after know he the murderer is,Reaction is almost the same,They all think like Adam private person do such a thing seems to be a well-deserved.
家人眼中:深受人格障碍困扰 Family's eyes:By personality disorder
According to the students to describe,Although Adam outstanding achievement,But in the social activities but always show as sick of discomfort.Adam Syria, one of the few social activities is in the school set up the name"LAN party"The group activities,Members can be in the home to join the set up local area network (LAN) playing games together.
According to a team member,Adam seems to have been brother Ryan protected,"We once we should dismiss activities of the discussion of the meeting,As the person in charge of Adam said nothing,Is brother to speak on his behalf,He seems to have been living in his brother's wings."
Ryan, 24, orchid, currently live in New Jersey,Is a famous accounting firm of the senior staff,After by the police as the shooting case,In a police investigation,Ryan said that Adam was a bookworm,His brother has long been favored by personality disorder.
Not only brother and classmate think Adam personality disorder problem,According to the[Daily news]The report,Many intimate relationship with LAN, home of the friend also have feel Adam's extraordinary.An orchid family members said,When at home,Adam had pizza"Look is obviously wrong",Always need to mother Nancy spends a lot of time and energy to discipline him.
According to Syria, family friends said,Adam there seems to be no pain,A few years ago,Adam took part in the school basketball team,Everyone on the team of Adam will get hurt,Can't seem to feel pain because of Adam,He's hurt like fine also continue to activities,Until someone remind he didn't stop a wound.
In the neighborhood,The spirit of Adam question is an open secret,Adam many strange behaviour annoys neighbors,"When he was 5 years old,I found him funny compared to the rest of the people",Adam's neighbor Tom del in pushing on wrote:"He always has some strange,He can do such a thing(shooting)I'm not surprised at all."
But not all people think that Adam had pizza very tricky,A student who is not willing to give his name,Adam is a person with good manners.
The students said,They are met during the scout.Adam is a big fan of Japanese culture,Collect pokemon CARDS,Play three kingdoms without games.He is a very quiet man,"I remember when I was his only friend in elementary school.He is a very good child,Very polite."
疑犯亚当·兰萨档案 The suspect Adam sa files
Age 20 years old,Once the title of the honor student,Smart unsocial,Like to collect magic CARDS,Love to play shooting game.
Parents divorced,Parents are teachers,Tutor strict.His brother said,LAN, had been suffering from personality disorder.
每个人都当他是一个天才,认为这是他不和我们说话的原因,他总是自己一个人玩。 亚当·兰萨同学对其评价
Everyone when he is a genius,Think this is the reason why he doesn't talk to us,He is always playing alone. Adam had pizza students for their evaluation
当他5岁时,我就发现他跟其余人相比怪怪的……他总是有些奇怪的举动,他能做出这种事情(枪击案)我一点都不惊奇。 亚当·兰萨邻居对其评价
When he was 5 years old,I found him funny compared to the rest of the people……He always has some strange,He can do such a thing(shooting)I'm not surprised at all. Adam had pizza neighbors on the evaluation
揭秘 Reveal the
枪手母亲被爆是枪支爱好者 The gunners mother gun is critical to be lovers
In the shooting,Another shocking is the fact that,Adam had killed his own mother, Nancy,Nancy, 54 years old,In the massacre occurred sandy hook elementary school.Although the neighbors think Nancy is a good man,Adam's things cannot blame to Nancy,But some also speculation that Nancy is the motivation behind the shooting.
In 2009,,When Adam on three,Father mother Nancy and Peter, because"The contradiction between incompatible"And divorced,Start a new life and remarried.It is not clear whether parents divorced Adam this one of the causes of the act,But before the divorce,LAN, a family life seems to is not very bad,Father Peter and to the family filled with love.According to Peter Abram, his lawyer says,When received the phone,Peter was shocked,Then drove back to helmut Newton cooperate with the police investigation immediately.The 52-year-old Peter went, have good academic background,In a university.
"Although Peter has remarried,But he is still very love their own children,Original signed the divorce agreement,He even suggested to me more to Nancy and children left property,"Peter lawyer says:"Now he still active to Nancy and the children send alimony outside of pocket money."
Adam's aunt Melissa, Syria, said,Before the divorce,Adam has been parents good care,They will meet Adam's almost all needs.But divorce to Adam or caused the influence,Time Adam seems to suffer from autism,Also accept the medical treatment.
According to Syria, family members said,Recently for a period of time Nancy seldom go to work,But choose to spend more time at home with son."From Adam small start,Nancy he request to him is very tough,Hope the smart Adam can come out on top,Adam has a little bit afraid of Nancy,But Nancy besides strict with him to study well,To Adam is opinions."
Although Nancy in the neighbor is a man of love,But for Nancy to decorate the Christmas tree in the garden company boss Dan holmes revealed details of an unknown,Nancy seems to is also a gun enthusiasts,And this neighbor's eye Nancy vary widely,Nancy had showed him oneself buy high-end rifle."She is a fanatic guns collectors,She often with a gun to the children.
And according to the report,Adam is registered in the use of the shooting guns mother Nancy.
美重大枪击案疑犯 The major shooting suspect
age:23 years old
professional:The students
The case:On April 16, 2007,33 people were killed in the Virginia tech.
Current situation:After shooting before taking his own life
Shooting reason:Before the shooting,Cho in mailed to the national broadcasting company in the United States more than 1800 words of the declaration,Another malignant campus shooting in U.S. history to honor the murderer.
Rafael nadal, malik, hassan
age:39 years old
professional:The psychological doctor
The case:On November 5, 2009,Shoot in fort hood army base damage,Killed 13 people,30 people were injured.
Current situation:Still in the trial
Shooting reason:According to hasan cousin,Malik has for his own immigration background in the Middle East,And hope to be able to as soon as possible out of U.S. troops.He employ military lawyers want by way of compensation for the government to leave troops.
James holmes
age:25 years old
professional:Reading doctor
The case:On July 20, 2012,In Denver[batman]Premiere shooting,Killed 12 people,59 injured.
Current situation:Still in the trial
Shooting reason:New York city police chief said,Holmes insanity.Holmes has dyed her hair red,Say you are"The clown"Batman enemy.
本版采写/新京报记者 韩旭阳
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