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做题卡壳@作业答案来了 看各路学霸奇葩解答--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  做作业遇到难题卡壳,你会怎么办?微博@作业答案来了,各路学霸在线帮你解答,一不小心,各路奇葩答案纷至沓来。你看,作业和微博都能如此好玩。有意思的是,这个微博的运营者跟前段时间大火的网上入殓师@逝者如斯夫dead,其实是同一个。其实,这人既非专业营销,也不是网络传播研究人员,游戏开发才是他的本职工作。 Do your homework encounter problem jam,What will you do?The answer to the micro bo @ assignments,By learning the on-line help you answer,Do not take care,Each flower answers.Do you think,Assignments and micro bo can be so much fun.What is interesting is,The micro bo the operators and fire in the period of time online today casket division @ deceased husband dead,In fact is the same.In fact,This man is non-professional marketing,Is not network communication researchers,Game development is his job.


物理、化学、数学、英语 physical/chemical/mathematics/English


什么题都能@作业答案来了 What topic can @ homework answer here


Homework is difficult problems of jam,The past is racking my brains to think out the answer,Can only leave blank handed in your homework.Along with the social media,Now to put our heads together to solve the problem of the moment.As @ homework answer to the micro bo,You can and other kinds of learning online bullying help you solve the problem,Sometimes problems caused by the net friend to vomit slot,Can hit a wonderful answer.


In micro bo @ homework answer to the above,You will see the physical/chemical/English/Language and music, etc,Problem sets are even abroad."What is called a chord?What is the seventh chords?""Below is somewhere in eastern China's contour diagram,About the area of agricultural development,The following statement is true?A to grow rice;B must build terraces;C is suitable for large-scale mechanization of farming;D only LinMuYe development.""Today is 0 ℃,Yesterday the temperature is today's two times,Ask how many degrees yesterday?"Read this micro bo all the problem sets and answers,Like in the course of several disciplines.


"Want to ask[Long to]the‘To weak to strong’The translation from the weak become strong or weak beat the strong!?Both have heard!"For a slightly strange problem,On the micro bo some soon.Others because there is no standard answer,The net friend to lay.

  有的奇葩问题遭到吐槽,被网友“歪楼”。阅读宋代词人石孝友的《惜奴娇》,这是一首采用热恋中男女对话形式来写的爱情词,请根据词的内容和提示,把对话补完整。根据网友上传的试卷内容,该题在补对话时,还补充了男女双方的语气:“男(热烈地)__女(羞涩地)__男(脱口而出)__女(娇嗔地)__”网友“宇安冉”补充了对话,“前世的冤家,百忙之中百里之外,才刚刚知道你的存在,真的是相见恨晚! 那么没有前程没有追求,还有谁像你一样呢? 我是还没有取得功名,可那都是因为恋着你的缘故啊! 就是因为你! 那我也没有办法不喜欢你!”更多的网友则是对题目膜拜,“现在连题目都看不懂了……”

Some flower problem was to vomit slot,By the net friend"Slanting floor".Read the song ci ShiXiaoYou[XiNu jiao],This is a used in love between men and women dialogue form to write words of love,Please according to the content of the word and reminder,The dialogue for complete.According to the net friend upload content of the paper,This topic in the dialogue,Added the tone of the men and women both parties:"male(passionately)__ female(shyly)__ man(If you can blurt out)__ female(娇嗔 to)__"The net friend"Yu, Ann"Added dialogue,"Past encounters,In spite of being very busy toglance hundreds,Just know you,Really is brief encounter! So no future no pursuit,Who else is like you? I am haven't achieved fame,But that is because of the sake of the love with you! It is because you! That I also have no way to don't like you!"More net friend is on the subject,"Look not to understand even topic now……"


微博不是智力问答, Micro bo is not with intelligence q&a,举手之劳帮助他人 Little effort to help others


@ the homework answer to the intermediary is actually a topic question and answer.Ask questions of the covering the scope of young students to university students,Every night,Is the peak FaWei bo,This may be related to the students the most homework at the moment.The net friend"The cat egg east"Summed up the nature of the micro bo,"The micro bo is not intelligence q&a.Will all simple,Not is.Instruct me to the person,Little effort,Teaching people to fish,Merit is boundless."

  @作业答案来了微博皮下君“欧贼欧贼”在果壳上发帖讲述了自己运营微博的经验,原来前段时间很火的@逝者如斯夫dead也是他维护的。“这个作业微博专门为初高中生服务,同学把不会的题@ 我,我负责转发,然后粉丝里的学霸负责解答。创建半个月,粉丝13000多。每天晚上8点-10点都有一大堆人@ 和刷题,每道题目在5-10分钟内就会被解答出来。我想把@作业答案来了做成一种不仅仅是求答案的地方,还有各路学霸有意思的讨论。”

@ the homework answer to the micro bo subcutaneous"The thief the thief"In nut shell post about his operation experience of micro bo,Original recently very fire today @ deceased husband dead as well as the maintenance of his."This assignment at the beginning of the micro bo for high school students,The classmate don't question @ me,I am responsible for forwarding,And fans in the school bully is responsible for the answer.Create a half month,More than 13000 fans.At 8-10 p.m. every day there are a lot of people @ and brush,In 5-10 minutes for each question will be answered.I want to @ homework answer to make a kind of not only is the place to ask,Have each learn bully interesting discussion."


The thief the thief had spent 125 yuan for micro bo made a marketing,Results no experience,Only get 7 times forward.Later he gradually grope for the experience,Timing will forward the answer to answer some very naughty,On the one hand, stimulate the respondents,On the one hand to the user guide:Do you think,The micro bo is actually play this."Turn some flower,Also there will be a good amount of forwarding."


Netizens summary @ homework answer to the success,"In the final analysis or a user location problem.Accurate positioning,Content is clear,And novel idea is easy to get success."


本职做游戏开发,喜欢金融历史文学 Duty to game development,Like the financial history and literature


@ work where the answer is coming?If he is reading a book is the student?yesterday,Reporter contact to the thief the thief.The thief the thief said,He is a man of ideas and practice.Although job is game development programmers,But like financial history literature,Suppress too much idea didn't place,And in other places,Maintain the two micro bo.

  有人评论,学生爱上了刷微博求教,自己不愿独立思考。对此,欧贼欧贼并不担心。“整篇求答案的我不会去转,我是想弄成一个讨论的氛围,大家觉得看评论非常有意思,而不是直接抄答案。”随着粉丝的增多,他刷微博的时间开始放开,并不集中在晚上。有网友担心,自媒体做大之后如果进行商业运营就是运营者和粉丝的共同噩耗。至于下一步的安排,欧贼欧贼没打算下一步做商业营销,而是继续做好内容,增加互动,更好地解决网友提出的问题。(记者 王亚楠)

Some comments,Students fall in love with the brush of micro bo for advice,You don't want to think independently.this,The thief the thief don't worry about it."The whole essay for the answer I won't go,I want to get into a discussion of the atmosphere,You think watching comments is very interesting,Not directly copy the answer."Under the increasing of the fans,He brushed the micro bo's time to let go,Is not concentrated in the evening.Netizens to worry about,Since the media do big if business is the common news of operators and fans.As for the arrangement of the next,The thief the thief didn't intend to do next commercial marketing,But the content should be continued,Increased interaction between,To better solve the problem of users put forward.(The reporter WangYaNan)
