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  人民网合肥12月25日电 本网记者从合肥市政府新闻办获得的消息:12月25日凌晨3:31分,接该市110指挥中心指示,肥西路奥林花园14-15号门面房发生火灾,消防、公安等部门迅速赶到现场施救,大火20分钟之内被扑灭。火灾造成“头发乱了”理发店50平方米被烧毁,位于门面房二层的晨光旅社10平方米部分烧损,据悉,该旅社当晚七点至11点陆续入住7位旅客,均为大学生。火灾发生后,有4人及时逃生,其中2人呼吸道灼伤,另外3人死亡,死者为两男一女,2名为安农大经济技术学院学生、一名为安师大学生。目前,火灾原因正由合肥市蜀山公安分局进一步调查之中。

People's net hefei on December 25, our reporter from hefei government information office for news:December 25 oxgoad points in the morning,The city's 110 command center,FeiXi road Olympian garden 14-15 appearance room fire,The fire/The public security departments rushed to the scene rescue them,Put out the fire within 20 minutes.Caused by fire"Hair is a mess"Barber's 50 square metre was burned down,Located in appearance room on the second floor of the morning hotel 10 square metre of burning,It is reported,The hotel that evening at seven o 'clock to eleven o 'clock in succession in seven passengers,For college students.After the fire broke out,There are 4 people in time to escape,Two are respiratory tract burn,The other three people were killed,The dead for two man and a woman,2 called Ann nongda economic technical college students/A name, normal university students.At present,,The cause is from hefei of shushan district public security bureau for further investigation.


After the fire broke out,Hefei municipal party committee/The city government attaches great importance to,The mayor ZhangQingJun clearly required to further verify the casualties,Quickly find out the cause,Properly handle the funeral,To cure the wounded.Because is in winter,The city to strengthen fire prevention safety publicity and education and inspection,Especially the potential of fire to do the testing work,Takes strict precautions against such events happen again.Member of the standing committee/Vice mayor HanBing,Of shushan district party committee/The district government main leaders/The administration of/Emergency do/Of shushan district public security bureau and other department main person in charge of the first time rushed to the scene,The disposal of/Concrete research to carry out the measures of the accident,And set up a working group,Timely and properly arrange follow-up all the matters/To appease good relatives,The relevant responsible persons have been of shushan district public security bureau.
