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广东异地高考方案惹议 外来工家长忧“三道坎”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  原标题 [外来工家长忧心“三道坎”]

The original title [migrant workers parents worried"Three hurdles"]


On dec. 30, 2012,Guangdong foreign college entrance examination scheme,Will be"Three steps/Take four years/layered"Solve different workers SuiQian children in guangdong college entrance examination questions,Specific operation level remains to be refined.Such as,Integral door/Record of formal schooling is still important indexes such as,Parents had worried about stuck a large number of migrant workers.Again for instance"Stable career",How to define it is need to related departments issued uniform standards.

  方案摘要 Plan the

  广东异地高考三步走 Guangdong college entrance examination three steps in strange land

  2013年起 在粤积分入户的异地务工人员、高技能人才子女“零门槛”参加高考;

In guangdong in 2013 integral door of other workers/Children of the talent of high technical ability"Zero threshold"To participate in college entrance examination;

  2014年起 职业住所稳定并连续3年以上持居住证、在粤参加社保累计3年以上的进城务工人员,其随迁子女在广东中职学校具3年完整学籍的,可参加中职报考高职的考试,并与广东籍考生同等录取;

Since 2014 professional home stable and continuous 3 years with the residence permit/In guangdong for social security of migrant workers more than 3 years,The SuiQian children in guangdong secondary school complete with three years of the university,Can attend secondary to enter oneself for an examination to the exam,And guangdong examinee admitted to equal;

  2016年起 进城务工人员条件同上一条,其随迁子女在粤参加中考且具3年完整高中学籍的,可报名参加高考,并与广东籍考生同等录取。

Since 2016 above conditions a migrant workers,The SuiQian children in guangdong for tests and complete high school 3 years of the university,Can enter the university entrance exam,And guangdong examinee admitted to equal.


外地扫描 From scanning

  天津:今年先放开异地中考 tianjin:This year first let go of different tests

  据新华社电 天津市2013年招生考试工作的基本原则确定,进城务工人员随迁子女在津接受义务教育后升学考试政策已被纳入2013年天津中考中招工作。

According to xinhua in tianjin in 2013, the recruitment of students test the basic principle of work,Migrant workers SuiQian children in the entrance examination of tianjin after receiving compulsory education policy have been included in tianjin mid-term exam in 2013 come back work.


According to the policy,Tianjin will further open vocational education in 2013,Qualified SuiQian children can be in tianjin enrolled in secondary vocational school recruitment of students test/In the spring the university entrance exam, and independent recruitment of students in higher vocational colleges.SuiQian children enter oneself for an examination of average high school policies,Will be mid-term exam in 2013 brought explicitly stated in the way,This method will be announced in early 2013.At the same time,Tianjin will seize perfection and 2013 years exceeded other regions manages method of ordinary university oriented SuiQian children of the recruitment of students test policies.


江苏:须在省内读三年高中 jiangsu:Must be in the province read three years of high school

  据新华社电 江苏省昨日公布异地高考方案。从2013年起,在江苏省取得普通高中学籍并有完整普通高中学习经历,其监护人在省内有合法稳定职业、合法稳定住所(含租赁)的随迁子女均可在江苏省报名参加普通高考和本科、专科层次录取。

According to xinhua released yesterday different ground of jiangsu province college entrance examination.Since 2013,Obtained in jiangsu province ordinary high school student and have full of average high school learning experience,The legal guardian in the province have stable career/Stability and legal residence(Of the lease)The SuiQian children are enrolled in common the university entrance exam and undergraduate course in jiangsu/Admitted to college level.

  声音 voice

  专家:门槛早在意料中 增加指标是关键 experts:Threshold as early as the expected increase in index is the key


Guangdong foreign policy of the university entrance exam,As it is before the expert's opinion,Practice is the"A threshold/conditional/Step of the release".In the 21 st century education research institute vice-president XiongBingJi said,Considering this locality census register population and foreign personnel of balancing of interests in the college entrance examination,As well as the local education resources bearing capacity and the capacity of the city,The threshold of the guangdong college entrance examination in a strange city my clother procure me set early in surprise.And residence permit/Social security provisions as a group of people who will get stuck.


XiongBingJi think,Compared to some of the major provinces and cities,Let go of the college entrance examination in 2016 in guangdong province,Is still high.It is understood,In 2012,,Acceptance rates at the college entrance examination in guangdong province is about 6%,Below the national average of 8.5%,Further than Beijing/Shanghai an acceptance rate of 25%.XiongBingJi think,If there is no corresponding increase enrollment index of guangdong,Once beyond the college entrance examination,Guangdong province have been admitted to the university entrance exam will face,By that time,Different implementation of the college entrance examination is still fraught with difficulties.


Although foreign policy has the university entrance exam,But XiongBingJi thought,Solve the problem of different college entrance examination in the land of north guang, etc,Should play the leading role,Formulated by the state opening of basic threshold,And according to the threshold condition of coordination in all parts of the enrollment,Create conditions for local open different college entrance examination.

  积分入户:门槛有点高? Integral door:The threshold is a little bit high?


Integral door this time of different ground in guangdong college entrance examination scheme,Occupied very important position.But many migrant workers is considered a high threshold.


"According to the integral enter a rating standard,College degree or a professional engineer qualification of the applicants can add 60 points."Migrant workers Lao Yang to guangzhou for 18 years,His second child was born and raised in guangzhou,Is now a junior student."If not in guangdong college entrance examination,Can only back to henan home to read high school,But home only a 70 - year - old granny,Can't take care of the children."Since last year,Integral door policy let Yang see the hope,Declare when he found he had only a high school education,Low degree let he lost the dozens of key points.


guangzhou"Director of"A survey shows,At present in guangzhou of the floating population,With the junior middle school culture level of 51.35%,High school educational level of 28.19%,Bachelor degree of culture is only 1.65%.The social security of floating population/Children's education,Guangzhou is facing a big problem.


 稳定职业:标准是什么? Stable career:What is the standard?


"It should be said that,After three years,By the year 2016,Different college entrance examination is a real implementation."Guangzhou sea bead area haizhu high school principal guo open branch said,According to the regulation,Parents have a legal stable career/Stability and legal residence/Buy social security,The student to participate in the tests,And three years of high school student,Not too harsh conditions,"But a migrant workers to meet these conditions,To be able to run at least five or six departments,To cover the chapter."


Guo open branch Suggestions,Different college entrance examination of other supporting documents as soon as possible,And implementation.Such as,How to just calculate stable career,What is stable residence,Believe that every the understanding deviation,Hope these can have a unified standard,Is a ruler,This is for migrant workers relative to the fair.

  中职高考:录取面小? Secondary college entrance examination:Admitted to face small?


Nonlocal census register secondary 2014 was born in guangdong admitted to higher vocational colleges,It remains to be seen whether local higher vocational.And admission number is being released from students"occupy"The condition of the.In the case of zhongshan,Enroll more students lay particular stress on students in higher vocational colleges,To students of the secondary quota.This year the city of the students in higher vocational college entrance examination enrollment only 1130 people.
