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“富豪”女环卫工引关注 媒体称给暴富者上了一课--亲稳网络舆情监测室

figure//CCTV, respectively[The evening news]/CCTV.[The first time]/CCTV news channel[newsweek]Reports of YuYouZhen video screenshots.
From the day before yesterday evening to last night,CCTV has three program continues to focus on our newspaper[YuYouZhen two identity a role]A series of reports.After a show host broadcasts the news,Can't help comment on:"YuDaJie,Good on you!"
央视一套《晚间新闻》夸赞余大姐 A set of CCTV[The evening news]Buds YuDaJie
前天晚上,中央电视台《晚间新闻》在“热点扫描”栏目里,以《千万“富豪”环卫工 只为儿女做榜样》为题,播放余友珍扫马路的镜头。播报前,主持人先反问一句:“千万富翁会扫大街吗?会的,武汉环卫工余友珍就是这样做的。”
The day before yesterday evening,China central television (CCTV)[The evening news]In the"Hot spot scanning"The column,In order to[Ten million"rich"Set a good example dustbinman for children]Under the title,,Play YuYouZhen sweep the street.Broadcasts before,The host to ask a question first:"Multimillionaire will sweep the street?Will the,Wuhan sanitation spare friend Jane is doing so."
The host introduced,YuYouZhen demolition had 17 sets of house property,Light value over ten million yuan.But YuYouZhen didn't resign,But continue to sweep the street.In front of the great wealth suddenly,YuYouZhen isn't doing a nouveau riche.The host after finish,Specially added:"YuDaJie,Good on you!"
央视二套昨晨《第一时间》重点推介 CCTV 2 yesterday morning[The first time]highlights
余友珍给暴富者上了一课 YuYouZhen to get a lesson
Yesterday in the morning,CCTV the early news[The first time]the[Read the newspaper]column,And highlights the YuYouZhen must still richer when dustbinman news,As for 2 minutes.
Announcing the whole screen below,Successively rolling appear three title:[Never rich Ian do dustbinman only set a good example to their children]/["Rich dustbinman"Transfer of positive energy]/["Rich dustbinman"To get a lesson].
The host said:"This two days,Sanitation, 53, spare friend Jane accident fire,Why??[Wuhan evening news]The report,Because she this dustbinman professional name before,There is a title called never rich.As dustbinman YuYouZhen have 17 sets of house property,These are the demolition of her house is build,In wuhan now house prices is worth ten million yuan.But keep so many house,But continue to do the $1420 a month dustbinman hard and dirty work.YuYouZhen myself,Not rich after living at home,To give children do."
The host then:"These two years,‘villages’Dou fu spend/Secondary insurance coverage of repeatedly made public,And YuYouZhen has never assets do dustbinman gump,Couldn't help a shine at the moment.YuYouZhen although it is case,But she this industry seriously,Keep a clear mind to face huge wealth,As well as to encourage children's education,In the current China's economic transformation of double,Is undoubtedly a huge positive energy."
Host newspaper quoted last comment,It seems to others,In fact rich or,Dustbinman or,But all is to give her the identity of the label,Now her son daughter are all doing the a common job,Relative to the big of spoiled children plute people,She this is called true love children have never pertained to do,Will be a technical alongside,To present in the blundering utilitarian,Put yourself in the heart,Can be in the long maintained a calm life.
央视新闻频道昨晚回眸一周热点 CCTV news channel last night in a week
播出余友珍受访画面 Broadcast YuYouZhen surveyed
昨晚10点41分,央视新闻频道《新闻周刊》栏目,回眸一周热点新闻时,播出余友珍的受访画面,报道说,从不喊苦的余友珍看到村里有人一夜暴富后,无所事事,甚至沉溺于打牌赌博吸毒,也担心自己的孩子甘于堕落,坐吃山空。她一边警告孩子,如果不干事,就把房子捐给国家,一方面,自己坚持继续干了14年的清洁工,希望以此作为表率。余友珍说:人睁着眼睛就要吃饭干活,不能停。(记者龚平 实习生黄骏)
41 10 o 'clock last night,CCTV news channel[newsweek]column,Return to mou a week hot news,Broadcast YuYouZhen of picture,Reports say,Never cries bitter YuYouZhen after seeing someone to coin money overnight in the village,Nothing to do,Even addicted to gambling drugs at CARDS,Also worry that their children taking down,living.She warned the children,If not for,The house to the country,On the one hand,To continue to dry cleaner for 14 years,I hope as example.YuYouZhen said:People will eat with your eyes open,Can't stop.(Reporter GongPing interns HuangJun)
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