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河南小学生被砍案嫌犯父亲:未听儿子提世界末日 在校门附近等接孩子的家长 Near the school and the parents of the child 河南小学生被砍案嫌犯父亲:未听儿子提世界末日 闵拥军的父亲 The father of MinYongJun 河南小学生被砍案嫌犯父亲:未听儿子提世界末日 被砍学生 Are students


来源:北青网 The source of:BeiQingWang

    凶犯16日被批捕 警方称其因受“世界末日”谣言影响而行凶 村民反映当地治安混乱 警方只抓赌不破案

    16 be necessity to police say if the murderer"The end of the world"Rumors and shooting at the villagers reflect the local public security police ZhuaDu only chaos not solve crimes


 最新消息 The latest news

  首批责任人被处理 三人撤职两人免职 The first person is dealing with three people removed two removal

河南22名小学生被砍 七名儿童转院 Henan and pupils are seven children turn courtyard? ?? ?[相关] 河南光山23名小学生被..  (relevant) Henan guang shan and pupils are.. 


23 students cut case yesterday there is new progress.Guang shan county, henan province to find out the responsibility of the first person to deal with:Presided over by Chen in the work of the tent you vice principal ZhangZongZhu/Manjusri center school principal Mr. Wang/Manjusri police station PeiGuangBin give removed;In charge of education manjusri township party committee members/Armed forces minister declining and others will be removed.Other person ascertain responsibility,Will publicize the results.

  文/人民日报记者 曲昌荣

The text/People's Daily reporter QuChangRong


闵父称未听儿子提“世界末日” MinFu says not to listen to son"The end of the world"


17,,Henan guang shan county departments confirmed that the suspect for MinYongJun,male,36 years old,Guang shan county township manjusri zou tent village peach yuan group,Preliminary determination suspect MinYongJun due"The end of the world"Rumors affect the stabbing behavior,Constitute a crime of endangering public security with dangerous method,On December 16, prosecutors approved the arrest,And admitted for the first time issued suspects name of sound.On December 14,,Xinyang city guang shan county manjusri township a man cut injury in according to Chen tent village elementary school students.Now to find out,Students and wounded,The one person.


17, in the morning,Manjusri in guang shan county township zou tent village MinYongJun courtyard at the entrance,MinFu to several media said,MinYongJun in front of the crime,Is not mentioned"The end of the world"Such issues as,And said he worked as a soldier,Don't believe superstition.With MinYongJun elementary school students said one of the villagers,No one believes in the village"The end of the world"said.


MinFu says its really sick,The elder to take medicine,On December 13, words and deeds.Son said to people will happen during the day,By arguing trifles and mother after supper,Want to use the cup a parent.Night night son once three times,Up for the third time after go out to say to want to move bowels,After I don't know where.


事发小学昨日已复课 The primary school classes will resume yesterday

  学生由家长老师护送 Escorted by the parent teacher students


17,,Reporters saw Chen guang shan county manjusri township tent village elementary school in class during the school gate lock,No one can in school during the break.Day all over a dozen reporters are not allowed to enter.At noon after school at half past eleven,Many villagers came to pick up their children,No one pick up the children in a team by teacher escort back home.


but,In guang shan county people's hospital,The injured children parents told reporters,The advance at the school gate not so strict.A take grandson to the grandma told reporters of the school,She didn't leave the child has been sent to the seat.Didn't go out how far they heard that the school have an accident,To see when the suspect is down from the building,Being chased.She ran into the classroom to see grandson head is cut down,To go to the hospital for 24 stitches.Another reporter discovery,Preschool children was almost cut injury are developing.


附近其他小学依然警备松懈 Other primary school still police lax


About 12 p.m. at noon,It is local schools to rest time,Reporter via manjusri township center elementary school.School also hang a sign is the center of manjusri township.The students can literally go at this time,Nor did anyone stop reporters enter the campus/ask.There are two bungalow in school door.Bungalow among hang a piece of writing with the ZhiAnShi sign.The room is a shop,Filled up with all kinds of food,Many students are to buy things.Another room,A three sign hung on the wall,A piece of written entrance guard management system,A piece of writing with the guard post responsibility,A piece of writing teachers on duty responsibility.The room has a attack of the cabinet,There is a batons,Place with a fire extinguisher on top of the ark.Nobody in the house.


Reporters from building a layer of up to three layers,Many there are students in the classroom,But didn't see a teacher.Ask students to learn,Teachers on the side of a building in the office.Reporter went downstairs to see two young teacher,Ask them where is the school leader office,They didn't respond.After a while to reverse back,Told reporters on campus now strangers are not to enter.Since there is a young man dressed in the uniform of the security,Said with a face of guilt:"To dinner just now."The school year is only a security.The reporter sees on the spot,Suspect MinYongJun came out from home,After a corner has been go to the south,Two or three minutes to the school.The situation of the school is worrying.


当地卫生院医生不常来 Local health hospital doctors don't often come


Reporter in the prominent Chen tent village and zou tent village saw each have one clinic,Red red hat,Also equipped with air conditioning.But indoor empty.See from the window,A like ward there is two beds in the room,Bed upper berth or mat.The burglar out of the window full of dust on the fence.One villager told reporters,Illness can also contact a doctor,Have a telephone,But the doctor not to often come.According to the villagers said,On the day of the crime,The injured children were sent to the county hospital or other hospital,No one sent to the clinic.


当地村民不满意治安 Local villagers are not satisfied with order


 多起偷盗案都未破获 Many theft case are not cracked


Reporters to Chen of the tent village/Zou tent village,Referred to the local public security situation,Are not satisfied with.Especially the recent theft case,But are not cracked.One villager told reporters he home two cows was stolen in October.A cow worth tens of thousands of yuan,Local villagers by NiuGeng grow rice.One of the villagers' home two pigs not long ago also has been stolen.A pig is worth two thousand yuan.villagers,Who stole cattle is very severe,They give the dog,MiHun death or to steal.According to the report,In 23 students cut happened recently,Guang shan county have happened a middle school students was stabbed to death together.Similar events have happened before.Some people say that the guang shan county,The police only interested in ZhuaDu.An interview with reporters in county people's hospital,Saw two young man lying in a hospital room.Those who were told reporters,They are being cut with a knife wound last night,At that time was a total of seven people.


In the guang shan county public security bureau,A female officer not to be named said,After the incident,Overall the police at all.Everyone is a wish,Want to solve as soon as possible,Give the children a sense of security.But county police is really limited.More than 300 police officers to the hundreds of thousands of people on one side of the peace,It is not easy.

  文并摄/本报记者 王进

Wen and perturbation/our reporter WangJin


 头版刊文《光山:努力办好人民满意的教育》 The front page 刊文[Guang shan:Efforts to do good people's satisfactory education]

  《信阳日报》致歉称报道伤害了被砍学生 [Xinyang daily]Apologize say hurt was cut down


yesterday[Xinyang daily]The front page 刊文[Guang shan:Efforts to do good people's satisfactory education],Caused a lot of net friend angry.Xinyang journal last night said sincere apology about it,Say in 23 innocent students were cuts the malignant cases published the report,Which caused the damage to the students and their families,And the formation of public opinion,Also hurt the feelings of users and readers.


According to the[Xinyang daily]
