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哈佛交换生急求熊猫血 网友破解“血疑”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

哈佛交换生急求熊猫血 网友破解“血疑” 哈佛交换生“急求”熊猫转发率过高网友开始破解“血疑” 川大证实:查无此人 Harvard exchange"Urgent please"Panda blood forward rate too high net friend began to crack"Blood doubt" Sichuan confirmed:No such person

  这样的字眼充斥在北京一名叫边岩的大学生的人人网信息中,令人揪心。这是边岩为一名叫上官思义的成都学生所发布的求助帖。此信息一发,短短两小时被转发上万次,当大家都为上官思义病情着急并四处寻找熊猫血的时候,有网友开始质疑信息真假。昨日,记者联系到边岩本人及曾转发该信息的 “四川大学吧”微博负责人,同时结合搜集到的各方网友声音后,得到的结果让人愕然。

This word is in Beijing a everyone nets named edge of college students' information,The disturbing.This is the rock as a named ShangGuanSiYi chengdu issued by the students for help.This information at,Just two hours by forwarding tens of thousands of times,When everyone is worried about ShangGuanSiYi condition and are looking for the panda blood,Netizens begin to question the information true and false.yesterday,Reporter relates to the rock and have forward this information "Sichuan university."Micro bo head,Based on collecting the parties after net friend's voice,The results to surprise.


网络求救 Network for help


25日22:01 25, 22:01


“大三学生可能因失血过多死亡” "Junior students may be bled to death"


"Think righteousness is the second let me cry boy,Don't know what he's got time,I hope not to leave,Everyone who is Rh Yin people with blood type?Urgent please!"25 and at,In side of capital economics and trade university freshman yi 琛,In all online with the rock's identity has released a help message,Hope help chengdu netizen ShangGuanSiYi looking for panda blood.


The rock is introduced,ShangGuanSiYi is industry and commerce management of sichuan university student now,Has applied to harvard exchange,But all of a sudden flow nosebleed,Has been in a coma and die for bled to shock at any time,The situation is very critical."Later have a claim to the school students who pick up my phone,Said ShangGuanSiYi is faint,Was sent to school after the hospital,Transferred to west China hospital."The rock words sincerely,Want to see people help forward,And leave the contact information of the ShangGuanSiYi."He and I know,Is in the case of very occasionally."The rock said,You in Beijing,ShangGuanSiYi in chengdu,Both sides are not too familiar,Once in a post on the Internet,Because of the common topic and talk to one another,"I plan to go to the foreign exchange junior,ShangGuanSiYi said he has applied to harvard exchange.I add his QQ,Convenient later can consult him about going abroad."


25日24:00 25, 24:00


求助消息被转发一万余次 Help forward message is more than ten thousand times


The night side rock at 10 o 'clock news,Just 2 hours,This message is transferred to micro bo from everyone nets,To the QQ group,Forward has been more than ten thousand times.


26日01:00 26, 01:00


川大并无“上官思义”这个人 Su is no"ShangGuanSiYi"This man


The proof of the industry and commerce management college students after school,No one called ShangGuanSiYi classmate."


Sichuan net friend


In all efforts for ShangGuanSiYi condition worried and looking for the panda blood,The day after 1 o 'clock in the morning,Netizens begin to question the rock is in order to increase traffic and publishing false information.


And users questioned the rock release information of the original intention is not to help,But self-interested or fun.At the same time,The net friend also to question ShangGuanSiYi real identity.Graduated from sichuan university's net friend"HuXiaoBen hh"To introduce,The proof of the industry and commerce management college students after school,No one called ShangGuanSiYi classmate.


Many users at the same time,Not only search sichuan university students register without them,And school did not set up with the exchange program at Harvard University.But more let netizen is angry,Internet search by the telephone number,When am in baidu's gay friends leave contact information.Graduated from sichuan university's net friend"Old man talk about hair young crazy crazy"said,"This is obviously the cheat money trick."


At that time,The rock and ShangGuanSiYi are sunk into the vortex of the network public opinion,Became a net mouth of the target.


出面澄清 To clarify


26日上午 26, morning


边岩与上官思义取得联系 The rock contact ShangGuanSiYi


Posters and rock is also very grievance,Keep update everyone nets information,Clarify what he says is the truth.


26, morning,The rock contact ShangGuanSiYi,"His answer is is,Explained that because the relationship between parents changed name,ShangGuanSiYi is not specific,But I don't want to say real name,But promised to released a statement,Help me to clarify."


26 at 12 at noon,A purported ShangGuanSiYi elder sister,Call the rock,Say they work in yunnan,Brother ShangGuanSiYi indeed had a congenital genetic disease,But this kind of behavior of the younger brother,Sister said:"He had loved deceive people."When the rock - ShangGuanSiYi real name,"The elder sister"Hang up the phone.


26日16:40 26, 16:40


边岩发个人声明 The rock a personal statement


A lot of doubt,Let the rock realize things is not himself started to think of so simple.After know that sichuan has confirmed that no person,26 16 when 30 points,Released a personal online side rock in everyone that log,"When we chatting,He suddenly say to me he is bleeding."The rock is introduced,Myself constantly to call each other,Has been no one answered,Until a claim to the students' union stewards who picked up the phone said,ShangGuanSiYi has been sent to the west China hospital emergency department,Also need the panda blood.


So the rock and released the help information,"I didn't know I would is false,Let a lot of net friend sad love,Cause the vibration of the sichuan university,Really should not be."The rock apologize to cause misunderstanding.


26日10:06 26 October:06


@四川大学吧更正消息 @ sichuan university's correct information


"Sorry to be the pit……You will see a state blindly forward?About the continue to panda state of blood,Everyone on the Internet or inquires drove to the class of the industry and commerce,And no one called ShangGuanSiYi,And the telephone number seems is a for gay……Pit dad...,Waste of everyone's time is very embarrassed."


查证结果 Verify the results


Reporters by sichuan university/Sichuan university./Chengdu university of technology/West China hospital/Chengdu blood center as well as more than net friend and post the edge of verification,Determine the edge by the hair"Su harvard exchange need panda blood"The information is false.

  与此同时,另外一个问题也随之出现,究竟这个上官思义是何人?为何要欺骗边岩?这样做有何用意?(记者:李丹 实习记者:王玥 颜雪)

At the same time,Another problem also appeared,What this ShangGuanSiYi is who?Why want to cheat the rock?What do this mean?(The reporter:LiDan practice reporter:WangYue YanXue)
