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山东一16岁女生被4名室友殴打4小时 边打边拍照--亲稳网络舆情监测室
本报济南1月6日讯 “十六岁的女生在山东艺术设计学院12月23日被4个同学4个小时打成这样,天理何在?”近日,实名认证为“济南市中正荣凯法律维权协会会长”的网友“李荣凯”发布的微博引起众多网友关注。6日,本报记者对此事进行了调查。
Our jinan on January 6"16 years old girl in shandong institute of art and design on December 23, by four classmates four hours on this,What is wrong?"recently,Apply the authentication for"Jinan CKS RongKai legal rights association"The net friend"LiRongKai"Issued by the micro bo caused attention from many users.6,,Our reporter has carried on the investigation on the matter.
It is understood,Light rain(The allotted time periods specified by the)In the outskirts of yucheng rural areas,In September 2012 was admitted to shandong institute of art and design.The rain"The big ye"Jinan is Mr Recalls,Evening of December 10, 2012, he received a distress call xiao yu,"Hear the phone,That kind of fear for help,I went to take a taxi to school."In the way he told xiao yu"Don't strike back",When to go to school,The police have know the situation at the scene,See things calm he went home.Happened the night of the dormitory is 4 students of rain WeiOu for the first time.Xiao yu said,You've lent the dormitory a classmate 30 yuan,Because didn't also urged the default,Will cause dissatisfaction with the students.In addition,"Because they all wear uniforms,They said that I give the dormitory a disgrace."
The first time after WeiOu,Four students by the police and the teacher's criticism,They, however, has not changed.On December 23, 2012,Four men to a second WeiOu light rain."More from 11 PM to 3 o 'clock in the morning the next day,Dig the my clothes at last."Light rain memories,Call her people with a broom/Mop stem/The belt,Someone play tired went to rest,Others continue to play,There are people in their mobile phone to take photos at the dormitory."I just started to want to rebel,But later can't resist,Finally has been they play numb."Xiao yu said,In this process,Other people out of the dorm,And knock on the door and ask why so loud,Whether in bullying classmate,But the students immediately be scold.
The management problems of the school,Responsible for handling the matter the shandong college of art and design President sun said,School dormitory building with the camera,There are personnel search,But what happened after the lights out,Is in the interior.After the incident at a children and parents to go to the hospital to see the rain,Parents everyone take the cost of the compensation of two thousand yuan.
For such a reply,Xiao yu's parents are not satisfied."Why such a thing happening again?"Xiao yu's parents say,Children in the treatment of spent buying treatment costs,More serious is that it brings rain hard to disperse the psychological shadows.
"Hitting children is still in school,Wait until the police station survey clear the question,We will according to the police station to deal with the results and give a decision of the school."President sun said.
这不只是赔偿问题 It is not only compensate for the problems
16 years old girl be inmates several classmates beaten,To make people angry and sick.Deal with the incident,There is no doubt that you must solve the problem of the compensation for the victim.But it happened again must cause our reflection,Because this is not just a question of compensation.
Several young girls why so cruel to his roommate?Schools and parents have to ask yourself.From another point of view,These hurt other people's children is also a bad education environment and the victims of the way.As an educator must first have the courage to responsible,Courage to change myself,Not just a compensate it,In order to avoid similar events happen again.
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