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导语: Guide language:年末与年初相遇,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的"向教育提问"搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月22日北京光华路五号会展中心5号大厅盛大举行,我们将发起一场属于教育的跨年思考。盘点全年,我们抛出了六大问题:"问策-教育公平"从最原始的起点发问,关注上学累、上学难、上学贵;"问计-异地高考"讲述普通人的故事,解读概念中的深意;"问道-创新的逻各斯"带着发现的心,将教育改革先行者的勇气和成果传播扩散;"问鼎-金砖之智"在喧嚣时代以一份难得的执著虔诚守望,付诸行动用榜样案例照亮来时的路;"问君-高朋满座"对话行业掌门人,探知产业命脉;"问卷-白皮书"延续对行业的深入观察,提供专业的调查报告…… At the end of early and meet,The sohu net/Channel sohu education jointly organized"Ask the education"Sohu education annual celebration will be held on January 22, 2013, Beijing zhuan qiao convention and exhibition centre, five grand hall 5 th,We will launch a belongs to the education of the New Year.Inventory throughout the year,We raise the six big problem:"Ask for - education fair"From the starting point of the original questions,Pay close attention to tired to go to school/Go to school to/Your school;"Advice - different national college entrance examination"Tells the story of ordinary people,Interpret the concept of;"Asked - innovation of the logos"With the discovery of the heart,The education reform pioneer spread the courage and the results;"Bid - gold ingot wisdom"In the era of blatant with a rare persistent pious watchman,Take action in case example to illuminate the passage back;"Ask jun - honour"Dialogue industry,Discovery centre industrial lifeline;"Questionnaire - white paper"Observe the depth of the continuation of the industry,Provide professional investigation report……


Daemonorops margaritae,Born in 1958,Xian shaanxi people,Doctoral post graduate education,On behalf of the tenth National People's Congress,Members of the central committee of the China.Founded in 1992, xi 'an institute of foreign affairs.The chairman of the board of xi 'an foreign affairs college/The President of the.founded"7 institute of education",Put forward"At the breath of the north and the south/Coagulation of pulp/Along the front of the/Made the soul of sparetime school for adults"The openness of the running,Has published more than twenty papers,Ed.[7 private education series]and[7 the humanities education series],Published books[Private education search]/[Private education in]And so on,In education cause.

  在办学过程中,黄藤院长提出“多元集纳 自强创新”的办学理念,将传统地域文化提升为学院的文化核心——“鱼化龙”精神。主导学校构建多元化的办学格局,实施多元化的人才培养模式,走创新型的育人之路。在他的领导下,西安外事学院经过15年建设发展,已成为特色鲜明、基础扎实、国内领先、国际知名的民办大学。

In the process of running,Daemonorops margaritae dean put forward"Multiple market offer self innovation"The idea of running,Institute of traditional regional culture promoted to culture core --"The fish of the dragon"The spirit of.Leading to construct diversified pattern of running school,Implementation of diversified personnel training mode,Walk the road of the innovative education.Under his leadership,Xi 'an institute of foreign affairs after 15 years of construction and development,Has become a distinctive characteristics/A solid/The domestic leading/Internationally renowned private university.


Put forward"Learn not to his/The school is/To teach without high/Education without borders"The internationalization of education development concept,For private institutions of higher learning credit system/Popularization of higher education/The size of the private university quality/Private higher education/Quality education, etc,Put forward some new ideas.founded"7 institute of education",Put forward"At the breath of the north and the south/Coagulation of pulp/Along the front of the/Made the soul of sparetime school for adults"The openness of the running,Has published more than 40 papers,Ed.[7 private education series]and[7 the humanities education series],Published books[Private education search]/[Private education in]/[School education basic function]And so on,In education cause.

  黄藤院长先后获得“中国民办高等教育创新奖”、“中国高校杰出校长”、“陕西省十大杰出青年”、“陕西省新长征突击手”、 “陕西省光彩事业奖章”、“陕西省优秀教育工作者”、“全国中国特色社会主义事业建设者”、“中华职业教育社温暖工程先进个人”、“陕西省职业教育先进个人”、“中国民办教育金钥匙奖”、“优秀中国特色社会主义事业建设者”、“全国黄炎培杰出校长奖”等荣誉称号。

Daemonorops margaritae dean successively"China's private higher education innovation"/"Chinese universities outstanding principal"/"Shaanxi ten outstanding youth"/"Shaanxi province new expedition shock worker"/ "Shaanxi guangcai medal"/"Shaanxi province outstanding education workers"/"The builder of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics"/"The vocational educationsociety warm construction advanced individual"/"Shaanxi province vocational education advanced individual"/"China's private education golden key"/"Outstanding builder of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics"/"Huang yanpei outstanding principal award in the country"Honorary title.


Put forward"Learn not to his/The school is/To teach without high/Education without borders"The internationalization of education development concept,For private institutions of higher learning credit system/Popularization of higher education/The size of the private university quality/Private higher education/Quality education, etc,Put forward some new ideas.founded"7 institute of education",Put forward"At the breath of the north and the south/Coagulation of pulp/Along the front of the/Made the soul of sparetime school for adults"The openness of the running,Has published more than 40 papers,Ed.[7 private education series]and[7 the humanities education series],Published books[Private education search]/[Private education in]/[School education basic function]And so on,In education cause.


 具有改革家的目光。 A reformer.


He knows:In an era of change,Only in the way of our predecessors,Open up new,Be loyal and faithful,one,Who can surmount the appreciate infinite scene perilous peaks,The people is the highest,Provide an achievement the great stage.


具有军事家的胆识。 A military strategist of guts.


He know:Sea if a battlefield,Selecting the,indecision,Will make the hard-won aircraft is fleeting.An excellent commander,With great courage,Under the advantages to one fight a new road.


 具有外交家的韬略。 With the diplomat and strategies.


He understood:In a development space,Opportunities and challenges,Deal with the challenge,Calm to deal with a crisis,Balance of contradictions between,In chi,Cooperation checks and balances is the necessary condition of coexistence.


具有资本家的精明。 With shrewd capitalists.


He thought that:A good enterprise,Must be in order to get the biggest profit for the foundation of the survival.Long-term strategic development,Accurate orientation,Efficient market operation is the realization of the country/Create wealth for the enterprise's application.


具有慈善家的爱心。 The love has a philanthropist.


He advocates:, by the people,Create wealth over wealth.An outstanding entrepreneur,It is a perfect philanthropist.Social returns,Kindness people's livelihood,Can realize the enterprise and its greatest value,This is the true meaning of life.


An educator,Must have the noble qualities of useful people.An entrepreneur,To have a super the lofty spirit of our dust.


The vigorous KuangYuan of prosperous eight hundred,In the thick long the loess tableland,Have such a infiltrating the qinqiang character of guanzhong plain man,This quality and spirit greatly fusion and release,In the west of China has created a special enterprise in foreign affairs college.


他就是黄藤。 He is daemonorops margaritae.


Sitting in xi 'an institute of foreign affairs office of the chairman of the board,The more willing to be called"The headmaster"The entrepreneur,Look as.20 years of trials and hardships,20 years of exciting,He and his team and outstanding,Again and again.


From 3000 students expanded to 30000 students,Production from advocating learning combined with education direction to fit economic development forging and applied talents,From the leading Chinese private education innovation to entrepreneurship/culture/Three international education system.


The next 10 years to open it,The Chinese education reform the vanguard of The Times,Standing on the top floor,Framework of a"Union even balance"The private education system,Is no doubt of his wisdom and courage.


“一片冰心”锻造教育产业 "One ice heart"Forging education industry


That year in business,Daemonorops margaritae perhaps did not think of today is so brilliant.As a middle school teacher,Faced with pairs of eager to college anxious to look,Return the right to receive education of students' simple feeling arises spontaneously.


In the 1990 s,China education resources, especially university is very nervous,Each year almost 2 million high school graduates are kept out of the door.At the same time,With the opening and reform,Education concept and system of some of the lock is broken,Private and social run education encouraged.


When the needle in 1992,A surge of heart can't calm down.Daemonorops margaritae resigned,In xian friendship road started business journey.Have been generated in a farmer family,Parents respect and desire for knowledge,Let him early knows the true meaning of education:enlightenment,Open the life.


At that time the students of the school,Are mainly high examinee fails.These young students encounter setbacks in life first battle,Will leave haze in the future more or less.Reinvent myself confidence,Mining the potential,To become,This natural became daemonorops margaritae first objective and working direction of running.


After the start,Giving full play to the advantages of flexible mechanism of private education,In view of the society needs a large number of foreign talent,The first opened the foreign language/As a secretary/And other professional tour guide,Specially invite actual combat experience of personnel to teaching."In order to apply it"Bring rich fruit,This just to trade the junior stealthy designs in the industry.


Smashing oscars,Daemonorops margaritae and team and did not dare to have a little slack.The back of the joy,More difficult challenges are waiting for.The layout of the subjects,Teachers of reserves,To rise only this, the breakthrough,These factors will be related to foreign affairs college in xian can on track.


Have a period,Daemonorops margaritae overwhelmed by money.Business at that time took out years of savings,Later will borrow relatives and also threw in it,Are constrained by the laws and regulations policy,Can't have more ways to financing,Operation of the capital chain is facing many times fracture.


Adhere to is to step by step closer to the goal of the heart."Every encounter attack and frustration,I told myself to hold on.Follow the old man yu Mr.,Dig mountain more than every day.To put the courage again."Daemonorops margaritae review the road said.


Kung fu not put your heart into it.In the venture into 8 years,In foreign affairs college finally ushered in the dawn of the new century.It was in 2000, the ministry of education officially incorporated into the national communication sequence in higher vocational colleges.Since then,And on the,Again in 2005, upgraded to colleges undergraduate level,And in 2010 set up training of master of business management and business platform.


Up to now,This school has a higher/Higher vocational/7 big adult higher education system,Form of business/engineering/Medicine 15 junior college,Open management/Finance and economics/Civil engineering/More than 100 arts professional manufacture and so on.


A multi-level education industry development.According to statistics,Twenty years,The school accumulated investment of 1.5 billion yuan,Training applied talents at home and abroad, 150000,Directly arrange employment of 2300 people a year/Indirect arrange employment of 30000 people,Every year students in local life consumption of more than 150 million yuan.


“任重道远”求索教育变革 "motorists"Search education reform


For a long time,China's education system reform has been behind the pace of reform in other fields,"Thousands of school a/Ten thousand people, a"Has become a unique phenomenon in the field of education in China.


Truly respect and fear of the value of education,To explore the problem of education itself.If you can't do it,How can feel the real magic of education and bring the real mission of and challenges.


黄藤做到了这一点。 Daemonorops margaritae doing it.


In 2009, the major innovations,Teachers still unforgettable.Because in the previous year,Harvard University business school just listed the xi 'an institute of foreign affairs development as formal teaching case.Previously only haier in China/Lenovo two companies to win the honor.


The first foreign affairs college founded a business college in xian,Never a rut of daemonorops margaritae in national colleges and universities take the lead in reform of the brand,"Develop a talent,An enterprise achievement"The new education idea,Aroused widespread concern in the industry and society.


Media commentary,When most similar universities still in employment,This school has groundbreaking to built business subject graduate education platform,Into the train"Job creator"The age of.


In the class,Strategic planning/Layout of the market/Product marketing management system study content,haier/Canon/gome/Parkson, and other famous case further reading.In object form of teaching,Students' business potential and passion is displayed.


More time is,Institute of"The dragon fish venture fund",The entrepreneurship education and social practice really fit together,"Entrepreneurship education + business help + risk investment"The trinity of teaching form,Let the students no longer work personnel,Called after the three-dimensional education form"The model".


According to the education department of statistics,The proportion of Chinese college students venture more than 2%,And the more famous the more entrepreneurial proportion is low.The opposite,All graduates in this school,To participate in the business of close to 10%,With assets ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions,Turnover of more than 10 million more than 200 people.


Daemonorops margaritae tomorrow:"With industry and market integration,The core of the reform is professional Settings/The teaching contents and teaching forms.To create a new knowledge/Accept ability and practical ability of such a group of people,This is our direction."


Framework of entrepreneurship education,And after the launch of the "cultural education,And speed of the development of international cooperation in education,Form the three major parts of the school reform.And the implementation of the overall reform,To explore development of China's private education. The university established a bigger platform.


Enter 2000 years later,Dare to eat the crab daemonorops margaritae,In education reform made a larger move on the road,Apply to the China securities regulatory commission formally,In domestic stock market,Let social capital in private education,End of a-share market no history of A Chinese university.


Department will reject this application soon."Don't one-sided cognitive university listed against public attribute,More don't narrow understanding university listed just to make money.Want to see,A lot of money into unceasingly,Industry leading role.Listed on the transparent regulation,More help people enhance the management level."Daemonorops margaritae this feeling.


In 2012, the CPPCC,Daemonorops margaritae that man again,Government departments should give more policy support private colleges,Let capital operation the gate open,So that private education to development more/stronger.


“人文阳光”引导自由殿堂 "Humanistic sunshine"Lead free hall


A university President should have what kind of personality charm,According to the authority of the United States 11 August ivy university study found,Freedom spirit and guiding cultural palace,The President of the university of 11 are only common traits.


Broad mind of daemonorops margaritae,Interpretation of education have a profound.As early as at the beginning of the school,He put forward"The school is/To teach without high/Learn not to his/Education without borders"The education concept of.Then in practice,Established the"At the breath of the north and the south,Coagulation of pulp,Along the front of the,Made the soul of sparetime school for adults"The academic thought.


And the north of China/Tsinghua's top colleges and universities,The school no longer keen published articles/The pursuit of subject these surface forms,Encourage staff to a line,Product is the market value of the academic report;Guide the student to have value of internship report,To replace the template of the academic papers.


All course and finally open to our school,In foreign language teaching degree programmes directly,This is second to none in the local."The fish of the dragon"Expert into the community,Release the university social service function,open"Become elite education to mass education"The beginning of.


if,Let the breeze of the academic freedom to blow vigorously. Your ivory tower,But for of daemonorops margaritae wise;so,International education as private colleges,It is daemonorops margaritae concurrently.


Establish the cooperation relations with more than 40 overseas well-known universities in,Share education resources and realize maximization,Has more than 250 different nationalities teachers to teach in China,An annual average hiring foreign teachers of 16.


The introduction of a project,A communication,Behind is education idea and method of the collision and blend in.


And through this platform enlightenment teacher/Training the students,The world's most advanced education idea and culture has been quietly implant.


Chigo great daemonorops margaritae,Know when to take the way of top-down or bottom-up to influence change is the most appropriate.But the future in the domestic and international first-class first-class university,For xi 'an institute of foreign affairs constantly savings fission power.


In the present,China is a private education belongs to the edge of the country,Private colleges in the low end of the whole education system.From the[Private education in]The published works[Suggestions for construction of the national demonstration project of private university]The report/And then to[On amending the Suggestions of the non-state education promotion law]The proposal from,Every views and judge reflects his forward thinking of the education.


On the road of combining theory with practice,Daemonorops margaritae firmly believe that:Gain the biggest talent market demand,Party is a pursuit of the ultimate goal of university.Continue to this direction,A no"The fence"The university is to build in China,A no"National borders"The university is to construct.
