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  昨天下午,广州市市长陈建华主持召开市政府常务会议,听取了广州市家庭垃圾分类处理工作情况汇报,审议并原则通过了《广州市属公办幼儿园管理体制改革实施方案》、《关于广州国家质检中心和检测机构集聚区规划选址的请示》、《广州市中小客车总量调控增量指标竞价收入资金管理试行办法》、《广州市2012-2016年轨道交通建设征地拆迁工作方案》等文件稿,会议还研究了其他事项。陈建华强调,要分步实施公办幼儿园管理体制改革,逐步提高公办幼儿园面向社会招生比例。要推进国家质检中心和检测机构集聚区的规划建设,带动相关产业的发展,进一步增强广州国家中心城市的服务、辐射、带动作用。 Yesterday afternoon,Guangzhou mayor ChenJianHua presided over the municipal government executive meeting,Listened to guangzhou family garbage sorting work report,Review and principles through the[Guangzhou municipal public kindergarten management system reform plan]/[About guangzhou state quality inspection center and testing agencies gathering area planning and site selection of instruct]/[Guangzhou small and medium-sized passenger volume control incremental index for income funds trial implementation measures for the administration]/[Guangzhou orbit transportation construction demolished in 2012-2016 work plan]And other documents draft,The meeting also study other matters.ChenJianHua stressed,To implementing public kindergarten management system reform,Face the society gradually improve public kindergarten enrollment ratio.To promote the national quality inspection center and testing institutions gathering area planning and construction,Impetus to the development of relevant industries,To further strengthen national center of guangzhou city services/radiation/Leading role.
泉州多渠道发展公办幼儿园 明年拟建
Quanzhou multi-channel development public kindergarten built next year? ?? ?
明年6月30日前,全市14所公办幼儿园移交市教育局管理 June 30 next year,14 public kindergartens in the city over city bureau of education management


To carry out[Guangzhou preschool education action plan for three years(2011-2013)],According to a review by the standing committee of the municipal government[Guangzhou deepening preschool education work plan of action plan for three years]The deployment of,Further the innovation mechanism of preschool education system,The preschool education in area/The city government at the county level management to give priority to,street(The town)management,Centralized administration by the department of education administration management system,Relevant departments worked out[Guangzhou municipal public kindergarten management system reform plan(draft)].According to the plan,All preschool education institutions by the area in the region(County level)Education administrative department unified planning/The examination and approval and management.Guangzhou 20 municipal public kindergarten and a park,In addition to have stopped the operation of the four kindergartens and the municipal public security bureau the kindergarten/The children's activity center art kindergarten,The rest of the 14 kindergartens 15 park two phases system reform.The first stage is before June 30, 2013 over city bureau of education management,The second stage is the city bureau of education in solving the kindergarten problems left over by history/After straightening out relations,In principle on or before January 1, 2016 will be transferred to the kindergarten each park area education administrative department management.Under the public kindergarten will gradually facing the public recruitment.In handing over and placed in the process of trying to do it:Teaching level is not down/Staff treatment does not decline/Recruit students more fair/Financial investment increased year by year.


ChenJianHua said,Deepening the reform of preschool education work,Related to the vital interests of citizens.Under the joint efforts of the relevant departments,Guangzhou municipal public kindergarten management system reform is step by step in the direction of social justice,Will face the society gradually improve public kindergarten enrollment ratio.In the process of reform,To fully affirmed public kindergarten make great contribution in personnel training,Safeguard the interest of the staff,And continue to play their role.


建设国家质检中心和检测机构集聚区,抢占战略制高点 The construction of national quality inspection center and testing agencies gathering area,Preemptive strategy commanding heights


According to the general office of the state council/General office of the provincial government and the relevant documents,The relevant departments to carry out the national product quality supervision and testing center of guangzhou and inspection agencies gathering area planning and site selection work.Comprehensive consideration of the geographical location/Traffic conditions/Industry coordination/"Three rules"situation/The demolition difficulty/Many factors, such as supporting life,In accordance with the"Part three gardens"mode,Guangzhou state quality inspection center and testing institutions gathering area planning and site selection in the knowledge city park(north)/Nansha zone(Southern district)And panyu park(The central region),Covers an area of about 2 square kilometers."Part three gardens"In accordance with the"Based on the guangzhou/Radiation of south China/Service to the country/Influence on the world"The orientation of,According to different development train of thought,Scientific layout,Reasonable arrangement of specific projects,To speed up the construction of a across the region/Cross functional/Across the field/Across the economic attributes of the comprehensive examination high-end public service platform.


ChenJianHua pointed out that,Guangzhou to the development of advanced manufacturing/Modern service industry,The construction of national quality inspection center and testing institutions gathering area is the strategic high ground.Guangzhou will be based on this platform,Strengthen with foreign institutions in mutual check recognition aspects of cooperation.At the same time,Gathering the construction will also promote the development of relevant industries,To further strengthen national center of guangzhou city services/radiation/Leading role.Each related area(County level)To grasp planning preparation work,, the relevant departments should strengthen guidance,To ensure the construction funds.


今年前11月,全市生活垃圾焚烧、填埋处理量同比减量3.09% Before November this year,The city life garbage incineration/Landfill capacity reduction 3.09% year-on-year


On July 10, from guangzhou city living garbage classification work deployment mobilization meeting since,district(County level)According to the municipal party committee/The deployment of the city,In the community(The family)Living garbage classification promotion for the stage,seize"Wet separately"The key link,下大力 pays special attention to the construction of community living garbage classification operation system,Achievements have been achieved.According to statistics,Until November,The city's 1400 in the community,Comprehensive promotion of living garbage classification is 1220,Accounting for 87.1% of the total community.Established 31 small eat hutch waste recycling treatment demonstration,Built more than 1700 community recycling site/20 large sorting center/39 hazardous waste storage library.Before November this year,City life garbage transporting process for total of 4.59 million tons,Average daily processing 13711 tons,burn/Landfill capacity reduction 3.09% year-on-year.district(County level)Reduced from renewable resources/Eat hutch waste classified collection quantity have larger year-on-year increase.The next step,Will all the community comprehensive promotion garbage classification,Build community living garbage classification of supervisor system and evaluation system,Regulate community link workers classification homework,And according to the work plan to do a good job of facilities configuration.


After seriously listen to the report of the relevant departments,ChenJianHua pointed out that,From the city life garbage disposal work deployment mobilization meeting since,After more than 150 days of work,Has obtained the certain effect.The following,Up and down in the city will continue to attach great importance to the garbage processing work,In order to improve the residents' awareness of waste classification/Participation and accuracy.At the same time,According to the scientific method,From the reality,Take DaoBi mechanism,We will speed up the establishment of a garbage disposal facilities,To ensure that funds in place.


中小客车指标竞价所得收入,专项用于城市公共交通事业支出 Small and medium-sized passenger car index for the income,Dedicated to the payment of urban public transportation business


According to the requirement of the relevant documents,Formulated by the municipal finance department[Guangzhou small and medium-sized passenger volume control incremental index for income funds trial implementation measures for the administration(draft)].According to the way,Guangzhou small and medium-sized passenger volume control incremental index for the income all over the city budget at the corresponding level,The income and expenses two line management,Dedicated to the payment of urban public transportation business.Competition the income funds update purchase subsidies mainly used for public transport vehicles/Bus station construction and harbor stand standard transformation/Construction of bus lanes/The water transportation construction/Rail transit construction and traffic management and improve the project,And guangzhou city bus subway fares discount/General subsidies for public transport industry/Water traffic operation allowance, etc.

  陈建华要求全市各级各有关部门要加强组织,科学合理、规范高效地使用好竞价所得收入。 要统筹管理竞价所得收入,用于支持公共交通事业建设,体现公交优先发展战略,促进城市发展。

ChenJianHua requirements in the relevant departments at all levels must strengthen organization,Scientific and reasonable/Good for the income standard and efficient to use. To plan as a whole management for the income,Used to support the construction of public transportation,Reflect the bus priority development strategy,Promote the development of the city.


加快推进轨道交通建设过程中的征地拆迁工作 Accelerate the rail traffic construction in the process of land expropriation demolition work


According to the municipal party committee/The deployment of the city,By the year 2016,Guangzhou will be built the new opening 284 km orbit transportation lines,Has opened more than 500 km mileage.The above line land demolition work must be finished before the end of next year 3 basic,Task abnormal pressing.The relevant departments of the draft[Guangzhou orbit transportation construction demolished in 2012-2016 work plan(draft)].According to the plan,Will be established by the mayor RenZuChang city rail transit prophase work leading group,Each related area(County level)Respectively established rail transit demolished headquarters,Innovation incentive mechanism,To simplify programming/Ministry of land and/Occupy the/Greening migration/In the water/In the electricity/Traffic organization/Pipeline moved to administrative examination and approval.

  陈建华要求各级各相关部门做好统筹安排,抓好落实,加快推进轨道交通建设过程中的征地拆迁工作,力争按时完成任务。(记者徐海星 通讯员黄少江)

ChenJianHua asked the relevant departments at all levels to be overall arrangement,In implementation,Accelerate the rail traffic construction in the process of land expropriation demolition work,Strive to finish the task.(The reporter XuHaiXing correspondent HuangShaoJiang)
