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导语: Guide language:年末与年初相遇,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的"向教育提问"搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月22日北京光华路五号会展中心5号大厅盛大举行,我们将发起一场属于教育的跨年思考。盘点全年,我们抛出了六大问题:"问策-教育公平"从最原始的起点发问,关注上学累、上学难、上学贵;"问计-异地高考"讲述普通人的故事,解读概念中的深意;"问道-创新的逻各斯"带着发现的心,将教育改革先行者的勇气和成果传播扩散;"问鼎-金砖之智"在喧嚣时代以一份难得的执著虔诚守望,付诸行动用榜样案例照亮来时的路;"问君-高朋满座"对话行业掌门人,探知产业命脉;"问卷-白皮书"延续对行业的深入观察,提供专业的调查报告…… At the end of early and meet,The sohu net/Channel sohu education jointly organized"Ask the education"Sohu education annual celebration will be held on January 22, 2013, Beijing zhuan qiao convention and exhibition centre, five grand hall 5 th,We will launch a belongs to the education of the New Year.Inventory throughout the year,We raise the six big problem:"Ask for - education fair"From the starting point of the original questions,Pay close attention to tired to go to school/Go to school to/Your school;"Advice - different national college entrance examination"Tells the story of ordinary people,Interpret the concept of;"Asked - innovation of the logos"With the discovery of the heart,The education reform pioneer spread the courage and the results;"Bid - gold ingot wisdom"In the era of blatant with a rare persistent pious watchman,Take action in case example to illuminate the passage back;"Ask jun - honour"Dialogue industry,Discovery centre industrial lifeline;"Questionnaire - white paper"Observe the depth of the continuation of the industry,Provide professional investigation report……


Yang yong who is?


Yang yong is very young,More than 30 years of age,daring,Often let the students don't know how to call"The teacher"Or this call"Eldest brother".


Yang yong some"River's lake",Between subordinates to talk,Often forget to"The boss"The identity of the,Become a circle"The eldest brother".


Yang yong a daredevil,Dares to do everything first,Often go back to the imitator,A smile and a.


Yang yong speaks very straight,Good and bad,Success and regret,Never hide.


Yang yong is the laughter of,Let the people who heard unforgettable,That is a man with bear and fearless of laughter.


This kind of Yang yong,Led the LongWen school,All the way yet today,And into the future with a smile!


不畏惧 有担当 讲得出 做得来 A bear not afraid to speak that do it

  作为龙文教育董事长、北京龙文学校校长,青年教育家,心理学家,北京市优秀教师,杨勇董事长秉持“个性化”教学理念,领导龙文教育在前行中发展,在发展中壮大,2006年龙文教育成为了北京师范大学管理学院等高校院系的实习基地。长期以来,杨勇董事长致力于教师的成长与发展、课程教学理论与实践和青少年心理发展与教育的研究。先后被评为“2004年度青年教育家”、“2004年度心理教育家”、“2005年度北京教育先锋人物”、“2006年度北京教育协会优秀成员”、“2007年度北京教育领军人物”、“2007北京品牌教育社区行优秀品牌教育人物”、“2007年度首都教育电视协会领军人物”、 “2008年度北京教育中心优秀人物”、“2008年度北京教育风尚人物”、“第二届北京民办教育园丁奖的优秀校长”、2010荣获“北京市民办教育优秀校长”称号。

As LongWen the chairman of the board of education/Beijing LongWen school principal,Youth educator,psychologists,Beijing outstanding teacher,Yang yong uphold the chairman of the board"personalized"The teaching idea,Leadership LongWen education development in the way,In developing,Bred by 2006, dragon culture and education in order to Beijing normal university school of management of college practice base.For a long time,Yang yong the chairman of the board is committed to the growth and development of teachers/Teaching theory and practice and adolescent psychological development and education of the study.Has been awarded as"2004 youth educator"/"2004 psychology educator"/"2005 Beijing education pioneer"/"2006 Beijing education association members"/"The 2007 Beijing education leaders"/"2007 Beijing brand do good education community education"/"2007 annual capital education television association leader"/ "The 2008 Beijing outstanding character education center"/"2008 Beijing education fashion"/"The second Beijing private education gardener award of outstanding principal"/2010 won"Beijing private education good headmaster"The title of.

  2006年至今,龙文从京城一家并不起眼的家教机构,在短短几年的时间蜕变成为全国首屈一指的“1对1”教育辅导机构——目前龙文在全国56个城市拥有1 对1教学中心1047所,堪称全国教育行业的奇迹!信中利4.5亿PE投资加盟龙文,成为教育界最大的一笔重入,信中利董事长汪潮涌先生的信任,更是引发了大众的好奇心。大家都在传,龙文教育的诞生,激发了一个时代年轻人的创业梦想;龙文教育的诞生,创造了一种新的教育模式,引起了很多人对中国教育体制改革的思考;龙文教育的诞生,解救了成千上万的家庭和学生,让那些在学习中困惑的孩子得到了真正的减负!龙文教育创始人、现任龙文教育董事长的杨勇到底有什么神奇的能量,能够带领这些平凡的人创造出一个又一个的传奇?

Since 2006,LongWen from a city and ordinary family education institutions,At the time of just a few short years become the second to none"1 to 1"Education counselling agencies - the LongWen 56 cities across the country have 1 to 1 1047 teaching center,Is the miracle of the national education industry!Joining LongWen XinZhongLi 450 million PE investment,Become the biggest education into the pen,XinZhongLi chairman Mr WangChaoChong's trust,It is caused by the curiosity of the public.Everyone in the,The birth of LongWen education,Inspired a young people in the age of entrepreneurial dream;The birth of LongWen education,Created a new kind of education mode,Caused a lot of people are thinking about how to reform China's education system;The birth of LongWen education,Saved hundreds of thousands of families and students,Let those in learning the children get confused in the real burden!LongWen founder of the education/Current LongWen education chairman Yang yong of what is the energy of the magic,To lead these ordinary people to create a another legend?


教育心 Education heart


More than a decade ago,Yang yong graduated from capital normal university,Assigned to a public high school chemistry teachers in dongcheng district.Industrious Yang yong believe my teaching ability is the first-class,But little by little,He found that the,There are some of the children in the class.so,Yang yong offered,Have questions to ask the classmates,Can break into his office.To Yang yong's surprise,There's plenty to ask questions of the child,Even sometimes lined up at the office table.For this,Yang yong in the spare time set up special answer every Friday afternoon.In the patience to solve the problem of the students at the same time,Yang yong also found that,There is a problem of the students,Is not a class didn't understand,But for the individual small knowledge seeking the answer,Solve different problems of students,Often need to adopt different methods,Vary from person to person to impart facts and theories of uncertainty.


Yang yong of education enthusiasm and responsible attitude to the student soon won the attention of parents and high praise,Many parents put forward,Pay Yang yong special cram school for their children.As a teacher of the school,Yang yong declined the request of the parents.


At the same time,Yang yong also gradually felt the classroom teaching of congenital defects, again good teacher also is unable to meet the needs of the class,As a matter of fact,Every student is the subject of study,Improve the ability of children learning/The best way to study,Is the implementation of personalized education for students,Cultivate the students' interest in learning,Dig deep learning potential of students.
