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实习生初入职场 敢于坚守最重要--亲稳舆论引导监测室


At nine o 'clock in the morning,Office of the elevator was packed with quick late an office worker.Even so,You are very easy to distinguish from the sort of interns figure dressed no matter into what look like,Always looks a full face of juveniles,The bridge of the nose shelf glasses son,Eyes are bright,Unlike other office worker general deadpan.


Interns are mostly happy,Is fear of.happy,Perhaps because the new workplace,Although don't take any money,At least can use reality rather than imagine the outline of the future career.fear,Because be swayed lost,Afraid of doing something wrong,Afraid of being laughed at,Afraid of poor performance,Lose employment.


职场初期 实习很重要 The early work practice is very important


When we entered the workplace from school early,No matter in what type of computer/The size of the design company or enterprise,Have to undergo a few months different length of internship.Internship for just into the workplace for the couple,Is a very important period,Since the beginning of his career,Also learn to blend in society/The beginning of a social person.


The beginning of his career,Choose a management and operation relatively normal company is very important,But not everyone can best.but,No matter in what kind of company,Begin to understand the system of the company/Design flow/Interpersonal relationship/Even may have a gang of points,Learn to stand in line right.Internship will reap the many in the school can never understand and feel things,The first novel,Will soon fade,Alternative would be lost/May also be suddenly enlightened,Is depressive/Also may be excited,Is failure,May also be the beginning of success.


For fear of challenge and professional knowledge not firm people,The beginning of the work will realize the importance of professional knowledge,Practice is the need to keep learning and innovation,Like a challenge and progress for the people,Practice is excited,Will improve the design ability at the same time,Get a sense of achievement,Get around the colleagues and leadership of the recognition,Start from one step of success to another,At the same time gradually learn to get along with people,For the later development begin to weave connections.

  实习期也是一个人职业生涯定位的重要时期,有部分人感觉现有的公司或岗位不合适,会选择立刻跳槽,甚至选择转行,也有一些人选择坚持。而现如今,许多原来的实习生在职场上已摸爬滚打数年,当初的生涩已被老练代替,当初的棱角已被岁月磨平,当初获得一点点成就后的兴奋已变成一种习惯。 当回头回味一下自己的实习期,会是什么感想呢?是庆幸自己当初的坚持还是后悔当初没有选择别的。

Internship is also a person an important period of career orientation,Some people feel the existing company or post don't fit,Will choose job immediately,Even choose turned,There are also some people choose to adhere to.now,Many of the original interns in the workplace has me.but years,At the beginning of crude has been tact instead,At the beginning of the edge has been years grinding flat,Get a little bit of achievement at the excitement has become a habit. When a back your internship,What do you think will be?Is glad his original insist or regret have no choice other.


成功: success:


敢于坚守 实习生顺利“转正” Dare to stick to intern smoothly"Become a full member"


Luggage is a from xian university of electronic science and technology of undergraduates,After graduation,He is a foreign company in Beijing during the internship got many tutors and interns high praise,And achieved very comprehensive and rapid progress.Practice with the interns say he is the interns"The first person",Although a little joke composition,But the luggage is in the internship period made outstanding achievements.


In fact,Luggage in the first practice,Is an unknown/Very small"dogface",But now he has become a can acquire/Independently execute project master.He is how to accomplish such magnificent transformation?


In the luggage seems,Practice is not only a simple task complete practice,And his company is a big school,Here he can absorb as much as possible all sorts of nutrition.In the face of every challenge,As long as overcome many difficulties to complete the task can learn a lot,And various aspects ability to have a qualitative leap.


The LiHaoDe ZhangHaiTao tutor to his summary happen to coincide,He thinks,Each teacher to intern arrangement task will have certain expectations,And if you can achieve even more than expected are interns his decision,And also determine the harvest you reap.At that time,To LiHaoDe each task is quite difficult,He will have to look forward to,And luggage each performance basic will more than looking forward to level,This means that his ability has a very large increase,Gradually accumulated is rapid growth.


Let the memory of luggage was in 2011,The teacher led by waves together is responsible for a development project promotion work,Include in the booth to do propaganda,And in the venue of the lecture.Another big challenge.the,Luggage to a reverse do before the audience/The role of visitors,Picked up a microphone to face you experienced the personage inside course of study/experts/Business owners as a narrator,In a short time,Clear introduce technology and development process, etc,In lecture activities,But also to face hundreds of industry senior developer."cub,Hold the can live?"


"In order to improve the confidence,At the same time to lecture attracted the audience,The development process of the complex/Technology to more interesting/An easy way to appear,I did homework,Standing in the point of view of the audience on the way and constant revision explain details,Repeated card time rehearsing,Finally the effect is very good."Luggage confidently told reporters.


Luggage participate in the organization of similar activities still has a lot of,The project is different but the same,Every time he activities from the set goals/Planning schedule/Edit brochures until the activity at the site execution/After the activity summary,From the beginning to the end follow up even responsible for,Also on the platform,According to different groups in the lecture.While facing the challenge,He chose to get up the courage to face,Results in"After wind and rain"Ushered in the"Brilliant rainbow".


When a reporter asked luggage in the internship period have through curve road,He is very sincerely said of course.About to other intern advice,He stressed that must pay attention to the communication with the teacher."Just began to practice time,I also just sunk work,Never active with teacher reports also won't go to for advice,So teacher doesn't know if he is in hard work,Even for my work attitude and ability some questions."Luggage in the summary of the experience of the process found the problem,Adjusted the work method,Be a timely report to supervisor work progress,Listen to their advice on stage work,so,Not only ensure the work according to the right direction,And avoid waste of time.Look at forward steps,He summed up to:"Heart have how old,Big stage".


失败: failure:


“怎么老让我打杂?”无奈结束实习 "How old let me fetch and carry?"But end practice


Studying from lanzhou business school graduate this year senior eppinger s. sourcing by design,Recently resigned from her in an electronic products company practice half a year's work.She told the reporters complaint way,Himself in the company do merchandisers and customs brokers work,Every day all feel very tired very hard,Weekend often work overtime in the evening QiBaDian don't say,The heart of the pressure of the body than heavier load."A began to feel that you have to take the college knowledge are displayed,Also want to do everything possible to stay in the company in any chance."


"How old let me fetch and carry?"Eppinger s. sourcing by design is complain,Her fine like to,During my internship in only a little dry trivial matters:transceiver/Copy documents,Copy the files to the U disk,Material to the leadership office,And clean the office health,Help the teacher a teapot.


In eppinger s. sourcing by design seems to,These things no technical content,Learn to be less than what things.But in the belt eppinger s. sourcing by design teacher looks,Even if is very simple,Can carefully to complete,So I can't give her more important work."Such as,A speech give leadership binding,Because is big draft,Pages more,The finish my have doubled in conveniently,Not a crooked,Actually less a page."The most let teacher helpless one thing:"Arranged for her to take U disk to the next office print files,File is playing out,U disk forgot to bring back,Later, but I can't find them,Keep in the important material also lost all."


For his carelessness,The teacher often can give some help eppinger s. sourcing by design,Occasionally accused her,gradually,Eppinger s. sourcing by design to the job more and more no faith,Often does not leave to the teacher is absent from work without cause,See the teacher calls also don't answer.granted,Hard-edged eppinger s. sourcing by design felt a colleague and the leadership of the department out,Always feel that she's not the right attitude of practice,After two months,She also do the sending and receiving documents/Cleaning work,Work schedule without a little improvement.


Someone just so deliberately privately to she said she such a situation is not change,Nature will not be in the company,Because the company any employees will she is now doing the job.The results was the heart is fragile sensitive eppinger s. sourcing by design after you hear the story,Ran to the toilet to injustice has cried,Think you are always the sending and receiving documents little clerk,Never is the attention of the leadership.So she in the internship is no longer actively in the work,Rarely with colleagues and leaders active communication,Caocao to end her half a year's practice work.


"Actually think,Original idea is a little extreme,Now really regret it a bit,At the beginning give up the chance to continue to practice,And now struggling is looking for better company let me practice."Now a little regret eppinger s. sourcing by design,There had been no steadfastly in company practice,She told reporters:"I had is to overlook the every interns are in trouble grow up step by step,And is not achieved overnight process,This needs to be a serious/Right attitude,I missing it is this the right attitude,Led to the failure of my experience."


放下心理包袱 走出实习误区 Put down the psychological burden error out of practice


关于实习过程中的一些建议: Some Suggestions about the process of practice:


实习急功近利不可取 Practice to get rich quick


Many people are looking for practice work too utilitarian,If the company said does not keep a person or not sure,We always in the attitude and action on a lot of slack,This kind of practice is not recommended.In fact,Many enterprises have been secretly observation,As long as the students in the practice process distinguishing can stay,Enterprise is willing to continue to employ interns.


小公司也让人成长 Small companies also let a person grow


A lot of people looking for work practice tend to look for big companies,Think in a small company internship can't learn anything,And not for future job bonus,But big company open position co., LTD., after all.In fact,The content of the practice what is more important than where practice.Employers are mainly through the students' practice process on students' ability and quality.


脆弱心理尽快成熟 Fragile psychological mature as soon as possible


In the work,Many interns behave psychological fragile.College students are called god's favored one,In school is the teacher's pet,Home is the parents' baby,So some interns comparative effeminacy,Also some lazy.But after the workplace,Work is have the time and quality requirements.Psychological too fragile they need to be strong,Quite a few students from the student identity to work the conversion time is too long,Need to mature as soon as possible.Should forget student status as soon as possible,Finish from students to social man to the transformation of the workplace.


多看多听多想多做 See, listen, and many want to do more


Some professional internship work actively,But the lack of thinking,To do things without the brain.See colleagues do,His difficulty to do such and such a thing,It was not able to let oneself have great progress.New appointment,Still want to see hear much, speak little,Can't be eager to expressing oneself.As a trainee,Should say less,But listen more look want to do more,The work of predecessors experience to summarize precipitation,For their own use.


记者手记: Reporter notes:


Each trainee are called work too hard,The company don't take yourself as a man,This is not my ideal company,This is not the place to start their own dream,but,If there is then a person is willing to put every simple job to be a little farther along,Again a bit further?Each trainee is complaining about job content is boring,It is to fill in the form called hair express copy things,But whether careful thought,The job content have a problem of solution scheme.


practice,Not to go to a famous company to do many things,But to go through these things,To start from the school to the social transformation,Let oneself have a contact with the society/To recognize the opportunity,And through the chance to realize their step by step the advantages and disadvantages/Ability and be fond of,In order to quickly out of the campus into society,Choose a more satisfactory work.


so,Practice more significance is give you a chance to think about,Thinking about his,Thinking about social,Think about the matching degree,Think you still lack/Like what.But in practice,Learn more is how to respect their teachers,How to go all out to work,Also learn some manner/Handling matters method and attitude.As for the working content,But is secondary to send express/Copy things these things anyone can do.

  有句老话叫做“当机会来临的时候要抓住它”,或者叫“机会只光临有准备的人”,但事实证明,机会是不会从天上掉下来的,而是靠我们自己每时每刻的积累换来的,认真对待实习的机会,踏踏实实做好自己的本职工作,争取在最快的时间内成功“转正”。(鑫报 记者 海小燕)

There's an old saying called"When the opportunity is coming to take it",Or call"Opportunities only to are ready for it",But the fact that,The opportunity is not of falling from the sky,But on our own every moment of the accumulation of the change,Seriously internship opportunities,Steadfastly completes own labor of duty,For the fastest time in success"Become a full member".(Xin news reporter sea xiaoyan)
