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长春工大男生集体织围脖送温暖 两月织出300条--亲稳舆论引导监测室

长春工大男生集体织围脖送温暖 两月织出300条

  据《新文化报》报道 扯毛线、舞棒针、织围脖……提起这些手艺,大家会想起女孩子们的心灵手巧,可在长春工业大学北湖校区,这儿的男大学生却用行动颠覆了这种思维。为给长春家庭贫困的孩子送温暖,男生学起了织围脖(见图),在不到两个月时间织出300多条。

According to[New culture to]Reports pull wool/Dance club/Woven collar...Raise the craft,Everyone will think of the girls' ingenuity,Can be in changchun university of technology BeiHu campus,Here is the male college students in action overturned the thinking.For changchun family poor children to warm,The boy learn up woven collar(See chart),In less than two months time to weave out more than 300.


Daily 22 at,Changchun university of technology BeiHu campus dormitory boys will turn out the lights on time,A few minutes later,Some of the bedroom door will open in succession,The boys out of the stool,Needle in hand and are not weave the collar,Sit on a porch with faint light began to dance needle lane line.


"They are all mechanical and electrical engineering college freshmen,Learning woven collar nearly two months,Although they were at ordinary times,Dance up notion to hand a coincidence!"Changchun university of technology institute of electrical and mechanical engineering, secretary of the communist youth league KouJianXin said.


"Average weave a collar with 1200 needle."Boy ZhaoQingYang said,Woven collar when most hard is shoulder and left hand finger abdomen,Many people's fingers are grinded the blisters.
