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导语: Guide language:年末与年初相遇,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的"向教育提问"搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月22日北京光华路五号会展中心5号大厅盛大举行,我们将发起一场属于教育的跨年思考。盘点全年,我们抛出了六大问题:"问策-教育公平"从最原始的起点发问,关注上学累、上学难、上学贵;"问计-异地高考"讲述普通人的故事,解读概念中的深意;"问道-创新的逻各斯"带着发现的心,将教育改革先行者的勇气和成果传播扩散;"问鼎-金砖之智"在喧嚣时代以一份难得的执著虔诚守望,付诸行动用榜样案例照亮来时的路;"问君-高朋满座"对话行业掌门人,探知产业命脉;"问卷-白皮书"延续对行业的深入观察,提供专业的调查报告…… The end of the year and meet at the beginning,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual festival will be on January 22, 2013 Beijing GuangHuaLu 5th exhibition center 5 hall held grand,We will launch a belongs to the education across the years thinking.Inventory throughout the year,We raise the six big problem:"Ask policy - education fair"From the most primitive start asking questions,Attention to school tired/School difficult/School your;"Advice - different college entrance examination"Tells the story of ordinary people,Interpretation of the concept of depth;"Asked - innovative logos"With found heart,The education reform pioneer courage and achievements spread diffusion;"Shot - nuggets of wisdom"In The Times with a rare rigid religious watch,Action with an example case light up the passage back;"Ask jun - honour"Dialogue palm industry,Discovery industry lifeblood;"Questionnaire - white paper"Continue to look deeply into the industry,Provide professional report……

  王国欣,精诚教育集团董事长。 他挚爱教育事业,富有开拓创新精神,以担当社会责任为己任。热爱自己选择的事业,具有创新性,前瞻性的目光,积极探索公办教育与民办教育并行发展途径。

WangGuoXin,Sincere education group chairman of the board of directors. He love education career,Full of pioneering and innovative spirit,To bear the social responsibility as its mission.Love their choice of career,innovative,Forward-looking vision,Explore public education and private education parallel development way.


领航者的孤独与追求 Pilot of loneliness and pursuit

  领航,需要你在未知的领域去探索,在别人还没有出发时先行一步,在没有同行者的路上独自消化孤独,用十八班武艺 来应对风云时起的险境,也许要付出生命;领航,你还要有过人的力量,呼唤后来者前行;因为你领航,成功的那一刻,也许你只有一个人,所以你得学会为自己喝彩!

pilot,Need you in unknown to explore,In other people haven't started to one step ahead,In no way parties alone loneliness digestion,Eighteen class with the skills to deal with when the danger,Maybe have to pay the life;pilot,You will have great power,Call later move,Because you pilot,Successful at that moment,You may only a person,So you have to learn to cheer for yourself!


Sincere education group chairman of the board of directors WangGuoXin is such pilot people,15 years,He led his team,In the Chinese children's amateur education on the road,Banner pilot,Way silently.


Life is not only for the living,But in: why alive.


WangGuoXin,From that day on,Is carried"Pilot Chinese children's amateur education"The goal of the road,so,His steps has been have no a rest,Even tried/tired,Is the hospital as the station for maintenance,A rest in a hurry and hit the road.Bear this goal,He walked all the way,For 15 years.


In the amateur training blustery,Permeates the whole throughout the 1992 years,He also entered the field.Founded at the beginning of the children's amateur education,He hit"School class not"Bright flag,And it has been maintained.In today's training market good and evil people mixed up/Competition condition,He insisted on his insist on.In the children's English"Four period of one"The education system gradually improve later,He introduced the concept of children's second language,And put into practice.now,Sincere French class/Korean class/Japanese are launched,And gradually ChengLiang point.Beijing's bid to cheer for the first time/Cause the whole society to pay more attention to children's English,For children to create a good learning atmosphere,In 1993 he was the first capital contribution"The Beijing children's English competition",Create a doll "English first,Millions of children in the capital,Since then,Foreign language competition gradually on the rise……

  精诚现象引起全社会关注。2002年的冬天,我有幸采访了王国欣,那时,精诚的事业已经腾飞,我说他是一个《放飞希望 追赶太阳的人》,那时是精诚10年。如今,王国欣追赶太阳的脚步依旧,只是头上多了些白发。用王国欣自己的话说“我老了,我老了!”可是,每每说这句话的时候,他是笑着说的,而说这话的时候,他眼中透露出那志在千秋的神情总会让你为之动容。

Sincere phenomenon caused by the whole society pay attention to.The winter of 2002,I was fortunate to interview WangGuoXin,then,Sincere career has been boom,I said he is a[Let hope after the sun's people],At the time the sincere ten years.now,WangGuoXin after the sun's footsteps still,Just some more white hair on his head.With WangGuoXin own words"I am old,I am old!"but,Often say this sentence,He is smiling said,And say these words,His eyes revealed that aim at years look will make you moved emotionally.


Five years of time,WangGuoXin for it,Not only is a time concept and node.But also in the process of children's amateur education,One pole sex milestone,Pilot status rich deposit - Beijing private education advanced unit/Advanced school of chaoyang district/Beijing the first private education characteristic construction scheme/The 2008 Beijing Olympic education model school/The 2008 Beijing Olympic education"Double knot"The school……


On the basis of amateur education,Sincere and started a full-time education.Founded in 2002, the sincere experiment elementary school,Has the student to 30 to 350.School characteristics of English teaching famous city,A JieJie graduates into Beijing high quality junior high school.Parents reputation became the school best advertisement.


Nearly two years,Sincere and early education to march.now,Sincere little join experimental class/Qinzi field/The kindergarten at city one after another.Around the school has its own distinguish according to the southeast of Beijing northwest,In Beijing's amateur education field so the second place.In education service as the leading education industry in study abroad/Publishing sales and other fields has their own achievements.


With my whole heart towards its goal of the people,The whole world has to give way.


This describe pilot difficult situation a little too much: like a personal polar trek,Polar night is still not coming out of the polar - without the sun,Of ice and snow,isolated,Lonely and cold and freeze the whole world.


Pilot on the way,Will play the.responsibility,Persistence is a pilot on horn.


In WangGuoXin for tired and sick on the body,There is a kind of what kind of power driven him so strong,So firm cannot defeat it?In his own words,Are parents to sincere trust,Are the employees for the cause of love,Is social to sincerely honor.Sincere business get recognized by the society,Can do better and better,Can not have the slightest bit slack,Parents must face/The teacher and social trust.He said:"A student in sincere teaching system go,Learn at least 35 years down.Parents send children the best study time to you,It's about the child's life,Which permits no dishonesty.Many teachers resigned from office came to faith,Faith must give them build good teaching platform,Let their career in sincere sustainable development."


startup,In the limited funds down,He did not costly capital,but,Now through the primitive accumulation,By rights,He should enjoy the enjoyment,But he still plain again.He doesn't drink or smoke,No high-grade famous brand and body,Don't have their own special.If you see him now,May not believe - walking arm in arm with his sleeves/The leg is full of dust,Shoes have don't see color is sincere education group WangGuoXin manager.But it is he,In recent years, at the completion of the day and night in the sincere experiment elementary school international division of the site.Said he silly,Said he didn't live there understand,This time,WangGuoXin always laugh eyes mi became a line.In fact,Only he knew,He put the pilot Chinese children's amateur education this career,Look better than the life also important,Pieces of this he asked for nothing.A famous for he didn't have allure.


To the love of education into the after life,His life has the loading not too many things,The most famous curtilage the aim of human,In his eyes as if never existed.Education has deep soul,Let him beyond all worldly obstacles.


领航者的另一面 The other side of the pilot


Beyond leading,Pursuit of perfection,Pilot is consistent style.Because the pilot,Often can make most people can't keep up with the pace of his.Especially in the industry is still not fully mature,Have a common rules of the game time.


Always think the way of pilot,Various issues,Is the lack of exquisite,But this year the spring,I change this view.WangGuoXin hospital in the temple of heaven,After work to the hospital to see him,Just half an hour's car ride,He called for the third a phone call.


The first telephone"On a day class,Everyone pretty hard,The hospital is not what good place,Don't come over";


The second telephone"Never buy what things,flowers/fruit/Supplements are here,I can't eat too many things,Don't waste money";The third phone"Near the hospital in the city transformation,In the all around,No decent hotel can have dinner,You must come back after eating."


I don't want to against his will,But visits his patients don't get something,Always seem to lack some??????.I clearly remember,Walked into the room,He buried in messy newspapers and a lot of documents,For I follow their own intend to buy that he like it very much,In the face of the ice cream him as a child soon finished.Until the doctor warned,I didn't leave.A suit of Johnny WangGuoXin standing in the moonlight at the door of the hospital,Let a person be sour.I have already forgot his hungry belly,Just remember clearly,He told us the doctor nurse wardmate recognized him,Sincere thanks to the cultivation of the children.


"The May Day"period,With the principal WangGuoXin visit to henan private education,Parties have jiangsu suqian centre group chairman of the board of directors ZhangShu was born/Henan luoyang homag group chairman of the board of directors XuDaoHao,Although his first line,For private education development we had consensus,Road is difficult,But infinite prospect.


Read WangGuoXin and sincere,[On the way]This song will leap into my mind"That day I was forced to hit the road,For troubled heart,For the survival of self-esteem,For proof of self.The way the bitterness of already melt into my eyes,Heart trouble already into my firm."
