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重庆一学校实行班干部轮岗制 家长忧孩子变虚荣--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

The final is near,Many teachers busy body to score.But in chongqing bashu primary school second grade(4)class,The teacher in charge all the teacher felt a little also not favour.Learning minister/Labor minister/Discipline minister……From this the beginning of the semester,Class 42 students everyone when the class cadre,Most students class affairs to handle it.This office,For at least two months,Once each semester work shift.
42人都是班干部,还有博客部长 42 people are the class cadre,There are blogs minister
At 12 at noon today,Bashu primary school second grade(4)Class ready in."The teacher,I want to eat eggs""Play more order yo!""Today's food taste can be"……Today's boys ZhangXiao brought on duty,He skillfully went to the front of the class,Left see right to see,A pair of eyes not to leave the classroom.
"comrades,Remember to put the bowl meal in barrel yo!"ZhangXiao is brought on in the class commissary in charge of physical labor,Such labor of a total of four class,And a labor minister.Five students are boys,Responsible for the class and grade clean,One day each value.
In addition to labor minister,In the class and learning minister/Minister of life/Recreational minister/Propaganda minister/Discipline minister/Sports minister/Blog minister.Eight minister led and name of the ministry,Plus two monitor,All the class cadre.
From the morning the first class to class in the afternoon,42 the class cadre each doing his own job.The teacher is gone,The children would also be able to work.Accept assignments/Borrow equipment/Do clean/Management blog……Each time all can find the person in charge.
前两轮任职,每人当了两次班长 Before two wheel for,When two each month
And a post office of the standard is???????The teacher in charge all the teacher said,After the campaign two monitor and eight ministers was born,Thirty-two squadron members are taking cover and adjustment of two-way choice model."According to the candidate's usual performance and speech,The children vote for the monitor and minister."
In campaign before,The class is LunGangZhi monitor.All the teacher said,The first round two people a group of as our monitor,Each group when one day,Is to teach children how to be our monitor/How to manage students,To develop the boys' confidence.The second round"Sharp eyes"Find monitor,According to the advantages of each person on duty to monitor.
"More than two months,42 students each at least when two monitor."All the teacher said.
培养责任感,关注孩子体验过程 Cultivate the sense of responsibility,Pay attention to children experience process
"Let every doll shift cadres,Is to cultivate the children's management ability/Service consciousness and sense of responsibility."For 25 years of school age of teacher said,Discipline students can run for secretary of discipline,Good at writing the thesis the children,Can also go to campaign blog minister,The candidates will be in speech.
All the teacher said,The children's class position and not fixed,Each semester will make work shift,Every school year and re-election,On the basis of respect child opinion,Let everyone involved in the class affairs to,In the process of service students enjoy a sense of accomplishment.
"The beginning is worried about something,Afraid of parents is a child in post."All the teacher said,For this special and parents do a lot of communication,"We suggest that parents pay attention to children's experience process,And to give guidance doll,Teach our children how to work."
家长:担心孩子变得虚荣热衷“当官” parents:Worry about the children become vanity mania"officer"
After a LunGangZhi cadres,Parents think?GuWeiHui members about Mr. Lin emotionally."Son never do housework,Your own thing also want us to help him to do,After a LunGangZhi,He first when the commissary in charge of physical labor,Now had become very hard-working."Mr. Lin think,This is LunGangZhi credit.
but,Also has the question parents attitude.And the street primary school grade three parents ms peng said,Although this way can train children various aspects ability,But it won't let baby become vanity mania"officer",Even let children were forced to participate in adult competition?
专家:人人当班干部 孩子能在体验中成长 experts:Everyone on the cadre child can grow in experience
today,The reporter interviewed our China southwest university ZhangZhongMing psychological experts.
"This way not do more harm than good."ZhangZhong testified,The class cadre is not a few things,Each class members can participate,Advantageous to the growth of children.In addition,This way can also training doll psychological quality,In the campaign the class cadre and services in the process of students,Let the kid get exercise.
不过,也有部分家长担心孩子会因此过早融入社会竞争。张仲明表示,学校的竞争与社会竞争具有显著区别,在整个过程中,学校和老师应该加强引导,学生没有好差之分,当班干部重在培养服务意识。家长们也不要过于看重结果,孩子在体验中的成长最重要。(记者任思聪 实习生孙梦璇)
but,There are some parents worry that their children will be so early into the social competition.ZhangZhongMing said,The school competition and social competition has significant difference,In the whole process,Schools and teachers should strengthen the guide,Students have no good bad points,Focus on the cultivation of cadres on duty service consciousness.Parents don't think too much of the results,Children in the experience of the most important growth.(Reporter RenSiCong SunMengXuan interns)
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