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广东异地中考政策今年出台 与异地高考衔接--亲稳网络舆情监测室

热点探访 Hot visit
a,Guangdong college entrance examination in 2012 foreign policy at the cup.Information such as the winter is a warm current,Let thousands of migrant workers in guangdong family feel warm.According to the general office of the provincial government forward[The preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in our province to participate in after school entrance examination work opinion notice],Guangdong in 2013/In 2014,/2016 for three time node,Step hierarchically solve migrant workers SuiQian children in guangdong college entrance examination question.In addition,Does not conform to the conditions in guangdong enter oneself for an examination of rural migrant workers in SuiQian children,Since 2014,Or can JieKao in guangdong.The human is SuiQian set to see the children in the hope of guangdong college entrance examination.
According to the statistics,As China's most populous province/First class dynamic populous provinces,Guangdong at present obligation education stage the census register number of students up to 3.654 million people,The provincial census register 1.881 million people,Average annual level by more than ten thousand people,Than the national compulsory education students ten province larger amount.In the provincial census register more than students/The big province high total/College enrollment plan less triple pressure out of the college entrance examination different policy,Guangdong made hard and significant step.
There is concern,The college entrance examination and different matching different tests policy,[notice]Also have clear requirements:In the local 3 years complete junior high school students SuiQian children,The people's government on all level listed to adjust measures to local conditions to develop SuiQian children attend school entrance examination tests the specific measures,And in 2013 started.
Step into different ZhongGaoKao policy implementation of the initial years,Southern daily reporter soldier multiplexing,Migrant workers in the majority of guangzhou/Shenzhen and dongguan lane,Listen to the common people on the New Deal expectations,Look at all SuiQian children in solving the problem of admission experience and deployment.
百姓期待 People look forward to
深圳湖南籍“的嫂”漆阿红: Shenzhen HuNaJi"Under the"Paint, red:
希望异地高考同等录取 Hope the same different college entrance examination admission
"Son don't transfer to go home!"TV news broadcast has different new policy of guangdong province college entrance examination,Paint, red couldn't wait to share the news with her husband Lao Yang.
More than a decade ago,O red and Lao Yang came to shenzhen,Lao Yang to open"taxi"living,For many years, red insist on to have their children by their side.however,The university entrance exam approaching day by day,But the population is still in their hometown,An ancestral home to participate in college entrance examination become helpless but also the necessary choice.This means that, to the red,Leave a Lao Yang in shenzhen to continue work.
Different college entrance examination new policy let face separation family come up smiling.According to the policy is put forward vision,In 2016,,Son will be in shenzhen to tests,And accept high school education.And Lao Yang, and red also accord with policy on migrant workers professional/residence/Social insurance condition requirements.This means son can sign up to participate in college entrance examination in guangdong,And with the guangdong census register the same admission.
There are also many fellow countryman aside what their concerns:"If accepted,The nonlocal census register than guangdong household candidates admit fractional line to high,It was transfer back better".The news couple turn out to see a few times,No read about admission conditions in more detail,"Hope whether local or foreign account,Admit a mark is the same".
According to the statistics,In 2011,,Shenzhen high school has 160373 students,the,The deep census register students number for 65438 people.From 2007 to 2011,The deep census register of high school students the proportion of the total number of students increases about 12%.This year the proportion is still had a tendency to rise.Stay in shenzhen,Will become more and more migrant workers in the choice of their children.
东莞安徽籍“打工仔”田旭: The dongguan AnHuiJi"Migrant job-hunting boy"TianXu:
希望顺利申请异地高考 Hope well apply for different college entrance examination
Until July 2012,Anhui fuyang from the TianXu experiment,To get a hanging in mid-air heart to put down:Eight-year-old son finally from his home came to the side,Merge into read public elementary school.
12 years ago,TianXu came to the dongguan way kau town work,Four years later a wife and son.A couple busy to earn enough money for food,Few time to take care of the son,Then the son back to their hometown.In recent years,Parents age grew,It is not convenient to take care of the children,TianXu began planning is a primary school grade the son received the dongguan reading,First is the dongguan of public school.
Somebody reminded him,Want to let the son into public school,Can through the"Integral entrance"channel.fortunately,Last year,The dongguan"Integral entrance"No longer limited obligation education stage of the initial grade,Allow migrant workers as a drop-in children,Enter the compulsory education stage of the initial year study.
More fortunately,Because of the application"Integral entrance"The number of people because of insufficient,Submit application materials"integral"for"zero"The TianXu finally entered the public list.then,TianXu son into the word beijiao town experimental primary school second grade learning.
These two days,Let TianXu feel more exciting is:Guangdong province issued a"Different college entrance examination"scheme,Migrant workers children have the opportunity to participate in the college entrance examination in guangdong.that,His son to continue in the dongguan accept junior high school/High school education the,Avoid family undertake.TianXu said,Can predict,Their family or will be"Different college entrance examination"Direct beneficiary,"Would like to apply for different in guangdong college entrance examination can go well.both."
各地行动 Action around
“积分入学”解决随迁子女入学难 "Integral entrance"To solve SuiQian their children to school
As a SuiQian children with 530000 of the population,Guangzhou to properly solve different tests the problem is not easy.The personage inside course of study was pointed out,Guangzhou if you want to fully open ZhongGaoKao foreign policy,Acceptance of rural migrant workers in children's schooling only compulsory education stage,The city is to build a total of 340 primary school and junior high school.
Even so,Guangzhou in solving problems SuiQian their children to school still have many window.As the implementation of guangzhou"Integral entrance"Of pilot area county,Panyu district in 2010 began to implement[Solve migrant workers children in panyu area to receive compulsory education interim measures(trial)],To meet the conditions of migrant workers who work will be through the relevant preferential policies/Integral application two big ways,For the children to read the panyu district for the compulsory education stage is business school,And enjoy this locality census register students equal treatment.
but,Limited public degree after all cannot fully meet the needs of a large group of admission.According to the panyu district education bureau chief introduction,On the failed the integral apply for business degree,But conform to the provisions of province"Five years"Conditions of the migrant worker SuiQian children,The education guidance center guide into read private school,And with reference to the reading public school subsidised standard enjoy financial funds subsidies.
In migrant many following enterprise,"Integral entrance"The same policy in solving problems SuiQian their children to school achieved very good results.In recent years,The dongguan fully digging the potential of each school,Guarantee through the"Integral entrance"Degree maintain growth of around 10%.It is reported,In view of the partial ZhenJie public school degree already saturated condition,The dongguan will also explore the quality school of run by the local people to buy degree,Migrant workers in order to meet the needs of the children to quality degree.
部署 deployment
异地中考条件将与异地高考衔接 Different tests with different conditions will join the college entrance examination
Province college entrance examination on foreign policy,Guangzhou bureau will clear the 2013 should publish different tests scheme,And revealed that will be in accordance with the legal residence/A stable income conditions set different tests of qualification standard,And the "college entrance examination scheme cohesion.
Dongguan city education bureau also declare,Will be in accordance with the national/Provinces to request the,According to the work of migrant workers/buys/Social security and children studying life conditions,the"positive/Safe and we"way,Promote the dongguan"Different college entrance examination"and"Tests eleven-plus"work.
Dongguan city education bureau officials said more,Started in 2013,The dongguan will set up a special fund to judge on provincial standardization above levels of private obligation education school rewarded,Compulsory education school of run by the local people to realize standardized school full coverage.meanwhile,Through the private schools and public schools for the custom of the supporting measures,Improve the private school teachers/Teaching and management level.
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