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In December 2012 and day,Xinyang city of henan huangchuan county area just outside the nursery school kindergarten classes of 4 years old boy HuangXing(alias)Because to forget to take exercise book,The school is two teachers take turns using pointer leather bottom,Scar has clearly visible.According to their classmates speak,Many students have been the two teachers whipped.(On January 2, big river network)
YanYanGong hands carry a small boy's ears,His feet off the ground will ask about ten centimeters,Also called colleagues took photos zhejiang possessing child abuse event,The corporal punishment student who is the reach the limit.however,Henan HuangChuan two teachers take turns to flog 4 years old preschool children,Child abuse event properties than possessing more bad.
"Possessing child abuse"is"Action alone",Or can be considered a YanYanGong give priority to/Another man as;and"Take turns to flog"is"Common action",Not the deputy of the points."Child abuse"Occurred in human soul engineer body,And from"Action alone"Upgrade to"Common action",No matter how to say is education sad.
By rights,"Possessing child abuse"Has a national,Child abuse event should be convergence.however,Unexpected is,"Take turns to flog"Birth without notice,Reason actually very simple to forget to take exercise book;Process let a person very disappointed to beat a child teacher refused to apologize,And say HuangXing himself to the toilet of depletion;The results of the survey should be exactly the same two teachers are not from job seniority card,Reporters trying to understand whether there is a kindergarten when running qualification,By combination of huangchuan county bureau office staff refusal……
Children are the future of our motherland,"The future"Do not allow damage.but,In the baidu input"Child abuse",Find the related results about 21,800,000;input"Fine child abuse",Find the related results about 4,120,000.Thus it can be seen,"The future"very"injury",Situation is not optimistic.
"Take turns to flog"is"Possessing child abuse"Upgrade edition."Child abuse"Cannot have,Cannot renovation,The more couldn't carry a file to upgrade.therefore,The Chinese governments at all levels and education/Judicial departments as whether should be active,The whole society in addition to the behavior of the accused,Seems to also should do something specific things.
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