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18岁同性恋女学生怕女友知道自己借钱 锤杀债主--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  本报讯 (记者刘艺明)18岁是少女的花季年龄,可是阿莹(化名)和麦某这两名花季少女,却因为走错了一步,最终陷入了万劫不复的境地,青春的花朵也从此凋零。受害者阿莹,在高一的时候便辍学当上了一名有钱人的“小三”,而行凶者麦某,则因为与班上同学阿清(化名)的同性恋关系,借下了阿莹钱。在阿莹的一再催促下,麦某害怕自己借钱的事情给阿清知道而和她分手,于是起了杀机,在阿莹与其情人的“爱巢”内,麦某用羊角锤连续多次锤击阿莹头部,至其当场死亡。近日,佛山中院一审以故意杀人罪和盗窃罪,判处麦某死缓。

Report from our correspondent (Reporter LiuYiMing)Eighteen years old is the flower girl age,But, jade-like stone(alias)And Michael a the two adolescent girl,But because go the wrong step,Finally in one way or another beyond redemption of situation,The flower of youth and since then die.Victims, jade-like stone,When in a school as a rich man's"Small three",And the perpetrator wheat one,Is because the class, clear(alias)Gay relationship,Borrow the money, jade-like stone.O in jade-like stone repeatedly urged,M a fear that they borrow things clearly know, o and break up with her,Then up the history,O in jade-like stone and its lover's"Love mew"inside,Wheat with a claw hammer has repeatedly hammer, jade-like stone head,To its died on the spot.recently,Foshan then first to intentional homicide and theft,Sentenced to wheat a death sentence with a reprieve.


案发:18岁“小三”离奇死于“爱巢”内 the:Eighteen years old"Small three"Weirdness died in"Love mew"inside


Started in 2009,In nanhai jiujiang town, read a jade-like stone dropped out,The reason is very simple,Is a local alongside the named huang's rich.Have insider said,Huang have been married,In fact, jade-like stone become huang's lover.By 2011,The association between two people further,Huang in renmin road chancheng district near rented a house to live, jade-like stone.Huang not only every month to 3000 yuan, jade-like stone of the cost of living,For she bought two iPhone4 mobile phone.


but,Beginning in July 2011,Two people are beginning to make antinomy,Huang and have a long time no connect, jade-like stone.later,Huang want to find, when jade-like stone,O find jade-like stone phone how also couldn't get through.In the same year on September 6th morning 3 when ten points,Huang and friends together with,O to jade-like stone houses."At that time to the second floor stair,I caught a whiff of rat's taste."With that memory.


Huang also feel wrong,He quickly opened the door with a key,A strong smell blow on the face and come.In the sitting room there is a TV set of the lights on,Light is very dark,But enough to let him see lying on the bedroom near the door, jade-like stone,The ground/The wall is full of blood.O jade-like stone dead,Two people so immediately called the police.


侦查:鞋印锁定行凶者应为女子 investigation:Shoes seal lock perpetrator should be the woman


After the forensic,Confirm the dead jade-like stone head o the bruised laceration.Forensic analysis,The dead are people with a metal objects,Multiple pounding head to the dead.According to the degree of corruption bodies with stomach content consumption situation analysis time of death for ten days or so,After 2 hours was killed.


The police investigation is found,The cash/Mobile phone/Designer handbags and other precious items were swept away,Preliminary estimates have been people into the house after the robbery suspected of killing these people off.Police also noticed the room two door locks are intact,There are two aspects of the possibility:Or is the shadow to the dead opened the door,Forced in the killing;Another possibility is for acquaintances.


later,A key evidence for the case of qualitative have changed.The police from the body side extraction to others shoes print,From which the a stuck"IPhone4 plating set"Label in plastic box set,Also taking the others fingerprint.From shoes print analysis,Should be a woman,This let into the house the possibility of robbery diminished.


破案:凶手:18岁女学生 凶器:羊角锤 clear-up:murderer:Eighteen years old female students weapon:Claw hammer


According to the forensic deduce the time of the crime,Police near the thumb through surveillance video and the telephone records.Repeated after visiting,Only eighteen years old/When studying in nanhai jiujiang a high school girl students a wheat,Locked in for a crime the major object of people.The police found the first wheat a head teacher WuMou.WuMou said,On August 25, 2011 morning Michael one ever leave out,Then listen to the roommate reflect a wheat is the next day and returned to the dormitory.Usually wheat a grades are good,Test can test very,But on August 27, language examination wheat a got ten somewhat.


Have a time,Also after the killing of the abnormal findings,This let the police more doubt Michael is a murderer.On September 6,,The police will m a arrested.The comparison,M a fingerprints at the scene to extract fingerprint consistent,Wheat is one of his crime confessed.the,Investigators in wheat a led,A middle school in jiujiang nearby river in chung remove murder weapon a claw hammer.


Michael o a and jade-like stone the two age between the girl,What is what kind of"deadliness",Let m a pain killer under?


动机:怕同性恋女友知道自己借了钱 motivation:Afraid of gay girl friend know they borrowed money


Michael said a,She and students, clear(alias)Before the attack began in a homosexual relations.later,She knew the numerous students o o jade-like stone,And to know, after school jade-like stone alongside a rich boyfriend.


Love is the need of the money.And Michael, a go out to play and when shopping,The general is a wheat bill,Sometimes a wheat will remit money to clear o.Because have no economy source,M a money soon spent.In order to continue, and clear communication,On aug 12, 2011,A wheat to jade-like stone, borrowed 2000 yuan,She took 300 yuan,The rest two points remit, clear.


23,O jade-like stone began to push her to return money,She was no repayment ability.M a worry, clear once knew she borrow things,Is likely to break up with her.so,A terrible idea from wheat and a mind to emerge."I borrow money to jade-like stone, things will never be a stranger know,O can let jade-like stone dead!"


The next day,A wheat to jiujiang a middle school nearby a hardware store bought a hammer,To find work for, jade-like stone for o let jade-like stone take registered permanent residence this getting on them and make an appointment to meet,She asked the teacher asked for leave and secretly took students rucksacks containing iron hammer, ect.


残忍:偷袭后铁锤猛打脑部 cruel:After the attack hammer pound on the brain


The 25 8 or so,Take bus to school from jiujiang, jade-like stone is located in renmin road chancheng district dwellings bided laid hands on him.The girl in order not to let others know her whereabouts,Also temporary replacement new mobile phone number.


That day night at about eight,They played a day later,O back to jade-like stone of let.Night at about 9,Wheat one that said to go back to school,O to jade-like stone send her downstairs.When she opened the door, jade-like stone back to when,She took the hammer from the bag,On the side of the brain, jade-like stone after knock down heavily.O jade-like stone instinctively turned to room run direction,But ran to the door of the room fell to the ground,Systemic tic.M a see she is still active,Just squat body with a hammer, continue to strike jade-like stone head.


Kill jade-like stone, after,M a sitting on the sofa for a while after the hair to stay,Will be about 2500 yuan, jade-like stone with a black leopard grain purse/IPhone4 mobile phone and take designer handbags.When he,She also conveniently shut the door.


Will all related items after treatment,She will steal to sell 2500 yuan and designer handbags income 400 yuan with bank card all remit, clear.


判决:因学生身份从轻判死缓 judgment:For student identity from sets death sentence with a reprieve


After the,M a family and its compensation 900000 dollars to the family members of the deceased.


Foshan then the after hearing that,M one of national laws,Deliberately rob others life,To one death,Their behavior has constituted intentional homicide;After the killing and take away the victim property,Large amount,Their behavior has constitute theft,Should be in accordance with the number of crimes.


The court also pointed out,Michael can truthfully a confession of guilt,Their families also actively for wheat a compensation for the victims and their families economic loss,The victim of a family Michael said understanding,According to the defendant can take into consideration the lighter punishment.In addition,M a crime just eighteen years old,And it is on the students,When sentencing can be considered.According to,Foshan then first instance sentenced to wheat a death penalty,With a two-year reprieve,Deprived of political rights for life;Committing the crime of stealing,Sentenced him to six months,Shall also be fined 1000 yuan;For several crimes,Decided to implement the death penalty,With a two-year reprieve,Deprived of political rights for life,Shall also be fined 1000 yuan.
