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女教授驾豪车撞倒老人 亮人大代表证后离去(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

肇事女司机系广东海洋大学水产学院教授 人大代表视频截图 Hit and the driver is guangdong ocean university professor aquatic products to the National People's Congress video screen
  说起人大代表,咱们老百姓第一感觉就是,能反映老百姓心声,为老百姓出面讲话的人。10多天前,湛江市的陈伯也遇到一位人大代表,但对方的举止,让陈老伯大跌眼镜之余,也感到很寒心。 Speaking of National People's Congress,Let's first feeling is people,People can reflect the heart,For common people to talk to.More than ten days ago,Zhanjiang's ChenBo also meet a National People's Congress,But each other's behavior,The old man let Chen patch over,Also feel very happy.

  广东湛江64岁陈伯骑电动车回家,过斑马线时被一辆豪华小车撞倒,车上自称人大代表的女司机质疑陈伯目的不良,没任何表示就离开了。据了解,女司机王某是广东海洋大学水产学院教授、湛江市人大代表,所驾驶车辆已三年未审。 广东女子驾豪车撞倒老人 亮人大代表

Zhanjiang, guangdong 64 - year - old ChenBo electric bike home,A zebra crossing was a fancy car knocked down,To the National People's Congress, the driver questioned ChenBo bad purpose,No any said left.It is understood,The driver wang mou is guangdong ocean university professor aquatic products/Zhanjiang National People's Congress,The driving the vehicle has three years not careful. Guangdong women's coming hao car knocked down the old man bright National People's Congress? ?? ?


 闹市区交通事故女司机亮出人大代表身份,以下为文字实录: Downtown traffic accident the driver reveals people's congress representative capacity,The following is a text memoir:


The host:Say National People's Congress,It is our common people speak,And ten days ago zhanjiang county of the Chen old man also meet a National People's Congress,But his manner but let old man Chen patch over the also feel very happy.


interpretation:On December 29 afternoon,The 64 - year - old ChenBo ride electric car to go home,In the zebra crossing,Be a fancy car knocked down,Before ChenBo slow lead strength to speak,Driving the driver is ChenBo question is what purpose.


ChenBo(Zhanjiang neighborhood):She said,I didn't hit you it?My car was not damaged,Your feet did not bleed,I tell her that you see,Feet swollen into it.


interpretation:This picture is on ChenBo after photographs,The sole of the foot even to the position of the right leg obviously fully congestion bruising.ChenBo said,At that time he has pain on the road,But the women drivers do not have any said.


ChenBo:When the car and her two colleagues,They also don't say,On the phone,May think I am a party.


interpretation:then,ChenBo son and friends arrived on the scene,And use his cell phone to film and collect evidence.


"He(Zhanjiang neighborhood):I found her car front windshield,There is a people's congress pass,She said what pat pat,Haven't seen National People's Congress.


interpretation:finally,In ChenBo and family repeated insistence,The claim to the National People's Congress's the driver,Finally agreed to let ChenBo colleagues accompanied to the hospital.


ChenBo:Be hit after,And also don't say to make a phone call to say hello.


interpretation:Reporter according to family members provide the female driver material,Search on the Internet.Data shows,The driver wang mou is guangdong ocean university, professor with the school of aquatic products,Now as zhanjiang National People's Congress,MaZhang district political consultative conference (CPPCC),The National People's Congress that the vehicles driving,It is three years since year careful.


ChenBo families:I want to ask,After my uncle that car is no yearly check?


Zhanjiang traffic police brigade:yes.


ChenBo families:From what time does it start?


Zhanjiang traffic police brigade:Since 2009 no.


interpretation:ChenBo family said the accident happened until now,Have 14 days time,The traffic police department issued by traffic accident liability has not a book.The day before yesterday afternoon,ChenBo families to zhanjiang traffic police detachment nepheline mountain traffic police brigade accident treatment center,Puts forward to want to watch the video monitoring,Was also refused to.


ChenBo families:I want to ask now is to see electronic eye,Responsibility is to decide?


Zhanjiang traffic police brigade:yes.


ChenBo families:That is how see?


Zhanjiang traffic police brigade:To see our unit,Not for you to see.


ChenBo families:We can't see it?


Zhanjiang traffic police brigade:Must not,Even I can't see the.


ChenBo families:To now have treatment?


Zhanjiang traffic police brigade:Now check on tight,In charge in check,Was also refused to.


interpretation:This morning,Traffic police brigade in the connotations of the accident treatment group,Reporters saw the name is wang's National People's Congress,For the families of the wounded about,She doesn't agree with,When the reporter that identity offered to interview,She left in a hurry for serie a meeting.


wang(National People's Congress):I also all settlement face to face,I also all settlement face to face,I don't want to the,We send you the past,All say ten minutes to send you the past.


reporter:I wish I could go don't have to wait.

  主持人:一名人大代表这样对待被她撞倒的老人家,真是让人寒心,这么一起简单的交通事故,为什么至今拖而未决,这辆车三年没有年审,为什么还可以上路,我们记者对此也向湛江市公安局提出了采访要求,但截至发稿前,仍然没有收到任何回复。 (来源:央视网)

The host:A National People's Congress so treat she knocked down by the old man's house,It is to let a person be chill,So with simple traffic accident,Why has tow and pending,The car three years without careful,Why can also hit the road,Our reporters are put forward to zhanjiang city public security bureau interview requests,But at the time of before,Still have not received any reply. (source:CCTV network)
