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  布朗诉托皮卡教育委员会(Brownv.Board of Education of Topeka,347U.S.483【1954】),是美国最高法院1954年审判的一个着名判例。该判例顺应了美国当时民权运动的历史潮流,推翻了最高法院先前确立的“隔离平等”的原则,最终导致了一场美国人生活中的社会与文化革命。今天,当我们重新审视这一判例史的时候,不仅对这些名垂青史的大法官当年的智慧和勇气唏嘘不已,更重要的是要探究:为什么在宪法条文只字未变的情况下,对“隔离”究竟是否平等的问题作出了完全不同的回答?在这些完全不同的司法解释后面,蕴涵着怎样的法理学问题?

Brown v BoArD of TopekA eDucAtion committee(Brownv. The BoArD of EDucAtion of TopekA,347 u. S. 483[1954]),Is the UniteD StAtes Supreme Court triAl in 1954, one of the fAmous cAse.This cAse complieD with the historicAl trenD of the civil rights movement At thAt time,The Supreme Court overturneD the previously estABlisheD"SepArAte But equAl"principle,EventuAlly leAD to A fielD in the life of An AmericAn sociAl AnD culturAl revolution.toDAy,When we review the cAse history of the time,Not only to the fAme of the justice of the wisDom AnD courAge to infinity,It is more importAnt to explore:Why the constitution hAs not chAngeD nothing,to"isolAtion"Whether the proBlem of equAlity mADe A completely Different Answer?In these Different BehinD the juDiciAl interpretAtion,ContAin whAt kinD of jurispruDence proBlem?

  一、“隔离但平等”原则: A/"SepArAte But equAl"principle:


"isolAtion",Refers to the rAciAl segregAtion.AmericA's rAciAl proBlem is very complicAteD,CAn sAy the BAsic composition of the AmericAn sociAl AnD politicAl focus.ConstitutionAl when the founDing of the,North AnD south reAch A compromise,Allow the south keep slAvery.The UniteD StAtes[The DeclArAtion of inDepenDence]clAims"All men Are creAteD equAl".In this concept cAn tolerAte slAvery?finAlly,The AmericAn civil wAr Broke out.


The wAr freeD the slAves in the south,AnD through the three AmenDments to the constitution.Article 13 the AmenDment ABolisheD the slAvery;Article 14 the AmenDment ADmitteD thAt BlAck citizens stAtus,AnD to limit stAte power in the form of rAciAl equAlity protection Authority the stAtement:"Anyone,AnD in the UniteD StAtes wAs Born or nAturAlizeD AnD suBject to the jurisDiction of the UniteD StAtes,Are the UniteD StAtes, citizens of the stAte.No stAte shAll not mAke or perform Any limit citizens of the UniteD StAtes privilege or immunity lAw.Any stAte,Without Due process of lAw,MAy Be DepriveD of Any other person's life/LiBerty or property;Also not to Anyone in unDer their jurisDiction,RefuseD to grAnt legAl equAl protection."Article 15 (1) the AmenDment guArAntee the BlAcks the right to vote.


These three AmenDment,EspeciAlly the fourteenth AmenDment ABout the lAw of equAl protection clAuse,the[The DeclArAtion of inDepenDence]The iDeA of equAlity of life AnD Become the people of the UniteD StAtes A constitutionAl right.This mArks the AmericAn people to struggle for the equAl protection of the lAws the historic results.


But the constitution through AnD the implementAtion of the constitution Are two Different things.The Supreme Court of the UniteD StAtes in the eArly interpretAtion AnD ApplicAtion of the fourteenth AmenDment in A series of cAse severely limiteD the constitutionAl right.the,estABlish"SepArAte But equAl"The generAl principle of lAcy cAse (2) is A greAt AnD fAr-reAching influence BAD cAse.


In 1890,,LouisiAnA stAte legislAtion,In the stAte of trAnsporting pAssengers in the trAin shoulD Be white AnD coloreD proviDe sepArAte But equAl cArriAge AnD service fAcilities.PAssenger if insist to stAy in the rAce Does not conform to the cAr,Belong to mAke misDemeAnor.A mAn nAmeD generAl lAcy hyBriDs,BecAuse there is one 8 of the BlAck BlooD,Belongs to the coloreD.When he refuseD to sit to for coloreD on the cAr,WAs ArresteD AnD New OrleAns county criminAl court juDge ferguson conviction.GenerAl lAcy refuses to Accept,The cAse hAs Been plAying to the Supreme Court.The Supreme Court juDges in the ABsence of,In seven thAn A through the justice Brown(J.B rown)Write the court opinions.


Brown sAiD the:"The purpose of the fourteenth AmenDment,No DouBt is to reAlize two RACES in the ABsolute equAlity Before the lAw,But it won't Be AssumeD to cAncel the Distinction Between BAseD on skin color,Or reAlizAtion AnD politicAl equAlity of Different sociAl equAlity.In the BlAck AnD white rAce Are more prone to contAct plAce even Allow for the isolAtion of the lAw,Does not necessArily implieD Any A rAce in the meAning of inferior other RACES."


Brown sAiD the to Distinguish Between two kinDs of Different lAws,One kinD is interference BlAck politicAl equAlity lAws,The Supreme Court hAs ruleD thAt cleArly Belong to DiscriminAtion properties;Another is to require in the school/TheAtre AnD puBlic trAnsportAtion tools the two rAciAl segregAtion lAws,"If two rAce's civil AnD politicAl rights equAlity,So A rAce cAn't Be citizens or politicAl sense poor in Another rAce.If A rAce in society thAn Another rAce is low,So the constitution Does not mAke them on An equAl footing."(3) the opinions of the Brown suggesteD,The fourteenth AmenDment to guArAntee the equAl protection clAuse"politicAl"EquAlity rAther thAn"sociAl"equAlity.Before the civil wAr,[The DeclArAtion of inDepenDence]of"All men Are creAteD equAl"of"people",Not incluDing the slAves/BlAck/AnD women.The seventh PresiDent JAckson wAs Born into A poor fAmily,After the White House,UrgeD the people's sovereignty,EmphAsis on All politicAl equAlity.But in his iDeA of"everyone",Also not incluDe the BlAcks AnD women.He thinks,In Any fAir government,AlwAys there sociAl Differences:"HumAns Do not use system to contriBute to ABility/The equAlity of eDucAtion or weAlth."(4) so,When the fourteenth AmenDment After through,On how to unDerstAnD AnD explAin"The lAw of equAl protection"when,Still cAnnot AvoiD the limitAtion of history.


Give the Devil his Due,Brown's opinion not from At thAt time AmericAn politicAl AnD lAw of the mAinstreAm culture.


Know this unDerstAnDing of Brown v BoArD of eDucAtion committee to overthrow the generAl lAcy cAse of jurispruDence is very importAnt significAnce.


GenerAl lAcy cAse certAin"SepArAte But equAl"principle,In fAct the UniteD StAtes on the fourteenth AmenDment on rAciAl DiscriminAtion AnD segregAtion policy AccorDing to the constitution,fAr-reAching.It leD to the AmericAn,EspeciAlly in the southern common rAciAl segregAtion,The expAnDeD to"Churches AnD schools/Living AnD working plAce/Even the DAily, AnD DiD eAt AnD Drink……All of the puBlic trAnsport form/Sports AnD leisure plAce/hospitAl/orphAnAge/prison/shelter,Even funerAl home/MortuAry AnD cemetery"(5) the isolAtion unDer the guise of equAlity,It is not eAsy to sepArAte BlAck AnD white,But will excluDe BlAck,BlAck wAs forceD to inferior to others.

  这正如普莱西案唯一的反对者哈伦大法官在其强烈的反对意见中所指出的:“我们一向吹嘘,我国人民享受的自由超过任何其他国家的人民。但这种吹嘘难以自圆其说:法律实际上把我们一大批在法律面前平等的公民,打上奴役和堕落的烙印。在列车车厢上为旅客提供‘平等’设施的假象,并不能误导任何人,也不能为它所产生的过错解脱。”他断言:“在我看来,未来将证明今天的决定和本院决定的‘蓄奴案’(Dred Scolt Case)几乎同样有害。”⑥历史证明了他的断言。

As the generAl lAcy cAse only justice hArlAn opponents in the strong opposition of pointeD out:"We AlwAys BoAsting,Our people enjoy freeDom more thAn Any other country.But this is not BoAsting:The lAw is ActuAlly A lArge numBer of citizens Are equAl Before the lAw,A slAvery AnD fAllen BrAnD.In the trAin cAr shoulD proviDe for the pAssenger‘equAlity’Illusions of the fAcilities,Does not misleAD Anyone,CAn't for the fAult free."He clAimeD thAt:"In my opinion,The future will prove thAt toDAy's Decision AnD the Decision‘SlAve cAse’(DreD Scolt CAse)Almost equAlly hArmful."6 history proveD his Assertion.

  二、布朗案Ⅰ: two/Brown Ⅰ cAse:


Brown is A cAse from KAnsAs/South CArolinA/VirginiA AnD DelAwAre four relevAnt cAse consoliDAteD cAse.Brown's home is locAteD in the TuoPiKAShi KAnsAs,LocAl school ApArtheiD,His chilDren hAve to go to A mile AwAy AnD BlAck school.In SeptemBer 1950,Brown's DAughter LinDA to three grADe,He took his DAughter to A neArBy white school is trying to register,refuseD.Brown to the UniteD StAtes AnD the nAtionAl AssociAtion for the ADvAncement of coloreD people for help.


AmericA's nAtionAl AssociAtion for the ADvAncement of coloreD people(NAACP)Is of greAt eminence civil rights orgAnizAtion,FounDeD in 1909,For AgAinst rAcism/Security BlAck constitutionAl right to cArry out Activities,In cAlling for A chAnge in the lAw is the most successful.In 1939,,AssociAtion legAl Defense committee wAs estABlisheD,HAve the humAn rights movement of the role of legAl weApon.This cAse is their ten yeArs the climAx of legAl Action.


When Brown finD nAAcp,The lAtter Are Also looking for cAse chAllenge"GenerAl lAcy principle",BecAuse the time to.The seconD worlD wAr for BlAck people in the USA proviDes greAt Development opportunities.The first is A pressing neeD of the wAr,BlAck AnD white As the Army comBAt AnD show loyAlty AnD BrAvery;The seconD is the expAnsion of the wAr inDustry cAuseD employment opportunities thAt A lArge numBer of BlAcks in the north from the south,Their politicAl AnD economic stAtus hAs A Direct effect on the improvement of the pAttern of the election;The thirD,WAr propAgAnDA mAke people convinceD thAt the UniteD StAtes is AnD nAno Broken rAcism struggle Between the hero,A gooD imAge AnD Domestic rAciAl segregAtion reAlity is AntipAthetic.These Are forcing us Authorities hAve to tAke some meAsures to try to eliminAte rAciAl segregAtion phenomenon.WAr of the Roosevelt government to expAnD the BlAck in the feDerAl Agency of employment opportunities,PresiDent TrumAn in 1948 on ADministrAtive orDer wAy to ABolish the Army of rAciAl segregAtion.The post-wAr internAtionAl situAtion mADe the UniteD StAtes into serious DiplomAtic emBArrAssment:"RAciAl DiscriminAtion for communist propAgAnDA mill sent to grinDing grAin.It Also let frienDly countries to whAt extent we DouBt Believe DemocrAcy".Whether the internAtionAl puBlic opinion or inDirectly Affect the Domestic fActors,All the nAAcp DetermineD from legAl chAllenges"GenerAl lAcy principle".


The chAllenge is By the nAtionAl AssociAtion for the ADvAncement of coloreD people legAl Defense AnD eDucAtion founDAtion generAl counsel/LAter, the Supreme Court justices hArp guDe MArshAll(ThurgooDMArshAll)lAuncheD.MArshAll is A seeD slAves,GrADuAteD from HowArD university lAw school,For A long time After grADuAtion in the nAAcp legAl Defense AnD eDucAtion founDAtion work.In his Supreme Court won 29 lAwsuit.In 1961,,KenneDy presiDentiAl nominAtion MArshAll feDerAl seconD circuit court of AppeAls juDge,The senAtor wAs repeAt oBstruction,But eventuAlly pAsseD the senAte ApprovAl.In 1965,,PresiDent Johnson nominAtion MArshAll for first BlAck feDerAl Attorney generAl,Two yeArs lAter BecAme the Supreme Court of the first BlAck justice.MArshAll retiring in 1991,DieD in 1993,At the Age of 85.


On MArch 22, 1951,Brown's lAwyer to KAnsAs locAl court,Request for BAn BAn TopekA in puBlic schools continue to implement the policy of ApArtheiD.District court triAl in August of thAt yeAr After 3 DAys to mAke the Decision:In view of"GenerAl lAcy principle"HAs not Been the Supreme Court overturneD,Even without serious question,Although some recent cAse there Are some chAnges A little,But the court still hAve to refuse to Brown AnD other the plAintiff for the request of the BAn.

  1951年10月1日,原告向最高法院提起上诉。1952年6月9日,最高法院决定受理,并同其它几个类似的案子合并审理。同年12月,本案在最高法院第一次开庭,主持审理的是最高法院第十三任首席大法官文森(Frederic Vinson),他表示不准备推翻“普莱西原则”。他认为,在国会没有任何行动的情况下,最高法院很难禁止种族隔离。

On OctoBer 1, 1951,The plAintiff to the Supreme Court.On June 9, 1952,The Supreme Court DeciDeD to heAr,With severAl other similAr cAse consoliDAteD.In DecemBer,In this cAse the Supreme Court heAring for the first time,PresiDeD over the triAl is the Supreme Court chief justice Vinson As 13(FreDeric Vinson),He sAiD not going to overthrow"GenerAl lAcy principle".He thinks,The congress Does not hAve Any Action By the,The Supreme Court is Difficult to rAciAl segregAtion.


The other three stuDents from southern justice support Vinson.But the other pArty is five juDges,Constitute A mAjority opinion,They Are going to overthrow"GenerAl lAcy principle",But in mAny specific issues still hAve Differences.EspeciAlly in the constitution of the fourteenth AmenDment shoulD Be how to explAin whAt,Difficulties.


oBviously,If the fourteenth AmenDment to ABolish segregAtion,So the Supreme Court on it hAve Been misreAD.It is not eAsy to correct himself,In such mAjor issues is correct more not eAsy.especiAlly,By A simple mAjority,More thAn 4 to 5 By ruling overturneD"GenerAl lAcy principle"


Risk greAtly,MAyBe cAn cAuse nAtionAl rivAlries AnD Division.The chief justice of the UniteD StAtes of not the kui is A hero,They not only proficient in lAw/Superior intelligence,AnD the feel of the politicAl AnD sociAl life,To solve the Difficult proBlems in specific when show greAt wisDom.At this time the mAjority choice"Drag",The Decision to holD A court DeBAte.

  1953年9月8日,文森因心脏病突然病逝。历史给了本案一个巨大的机遇,厄尔·沃伦(Earl Warren)就任首席大法官。被誉为改变美国的大法官沃伦出生于洛杉矶,父亲是来自挪威的移民,一个铁路公司的修理工。他自己早年也在铁路上工作,亲身感受过劳苦大众的生活境遇。大学毕业后,除短暂从事过私人执业律师,一生都在从事“公共服务”。他当过18年的检察官,当过州司法部长,当过12年州长。沃伦是一个领袖级的人物,他曾经是一个非常受欢迎的州长,以至于在竞选连任时可以同时获得两党的提名。最终,他将目光投向全美的政治舞台,当他辞去州长准备担任联邦司法部的副部长时,机遇把他推向了一个更大的舞台——联邦最高法院。沃伦1969年退休,1974年去世,终年83岁。

On SeptemBer 8, 1953,Vincent DieD suDDenly from heArt DiseAse.History gives the cAse An enormous opportunity,EArl wArren(EArl WArren)As the chief justice.Is known As chAnge AmericA's chief justice wArren wAs Born in Los Angeles,FAther is from NorwAy immigrAtion,A rAilwAy compAny mechAnic.His work on the rAilroAD At An eArly Age,Experience After toiling mAsses life situAtion.After grADuAtion from the university,In ADDition to short in privAte prActice lAwyers,Life is engAgeD in"The puBlic service".He workeD As A eighteen yeArs prosecutors,As A stAte Attorney generAl,As A governor of 12 yeArs.WArren is A leADer level chArActers,He wAs A very populAr governor,ThAt in the run for re-election At the sAme time cAn get two the pArty's nominAtion.finAlly,He will look to the politicAl stAge,When he resigneD As governor prepArAtion As the feDerAl DepArtment of justice when vice minister,His opportunity to A Bigger stAge - the feDerAl Supreme Court.WArren retiring in 1969,DieD in 1974,At the Age of 83.


The seconD session Due to Vincent's suDDen DeAth AnD wArren's inAugurAtion postponeD to August 12.


Before the Supreme Court heAring instructions pArties lAwyer first focus on three questions:


The first/HAD congress/ApprovAl of the fourteenth AmenDment stAtes Are consiDereD/To unDerstAnD whether the AmenDment will ABolish segregAtion in puBlic schools?


The seconD/Assume thAt congress AnD the severAl stAtes hAD no unDerstAnDing to the fourteenth AmenDment woulD immeDiAtely ABolish segregAtion in puBlic schools,So the AmenDment mAkers AnD through the person if you Are interesteD:


(A)After congress cAn exercise AmenDment with the Authority of the fifth pArAgrAph,The ABolition of the ApArtheiD?or(B)Let the court AccorDing to the situAtion of the future will Be interpreteD As AmenDment coulD Be ABolisheD the rAciAl segregAtion?


The thirD/If the Answer to the seconD question still cAn not solve the proBlem,The court in explAining AmenDment whether hAs the right to ABolish segregAtion in puBlic schools?


The Brown cAse to Answer the ABove three questions hireD wAs the most fAmous of the constitution AnD the constitutionAl history experts mADe A lot of speciAl pAper.The pAper mAkes the court to society on the unDerstAnDing of the fourteenth AmenDment stAte As well As to the congress AnD the courts Apply their own jurisDiction of the fourteenth AmenDment unDerstAnDing AttituDe.CAn sAy,WArren court in triAl risks.


On DecemBer 12,,WArren first presiDeD over the Supreme Court internAl ABout Brown cAse Discussion,He let everyone justice Don't rush to A vote,But for informAl Discussion.In his first speech reviews in worlD wAr ii in the cAse of the JApAnese people,He wAs As CAliforniA Attorney generAl,Support enforce the feDerAl government's commAnD,Will All JApAnese AmericAn citizens migrAteD to concentrAtion cAmps.He will this experience"RegArDeD As the BounDAry points of the importAnt moment of his life",BecAuse"For the JApAnese, AmericAn chilDren Are forceD to uproot their fAmilies the feArs of expression,Still lives in the memory,fresh".7 so moving speech,The court to the question to Be DiscusseD At the cAsing As A morAl Dispute.WArren Assertion,The BAsis of rAciAl segregAtion/At the BAsis of lAcy principle is BAseD on A coloreD nAturAlly scAly iDeAs.This will force eAch justice in voting with their own morAl iDeAs.WArren is AnAlyzeD After the ABolition of ApArtheiD stAte possiBle reAction,MAy cAuse conflicts,This requires the wisDom of the Supreme Court,Which USES A tolerAnt wAy to solve the proBlem,Will Be emotionAl AnD conflict reDuceD to A minimum.


WArren not the kui is A politiciAn.He reAlizeD thAt to solve this Difficult proBlem,First of All to the Supreme Court internAl consensus.After the meeting he DiscusseD mAny Different opinions AnD the chief justice of the communicAtion,He will Be An outstAnDing politicAl BAlAnce AnD coorDinAtion Brought to the Supreme Court.He DrAfteD juDgment AvoiDeD everything possiBle to stimulAte the emotionAl lAnguAge,MAy Be missing some cleAr juDgment,But As fAr As possiBle to A wiDe rAnge of legAl AnD morAl consensus.

  1954年1月16日,沃伦第二次主持布朗案讨论会。会议讨论了废除公立学校的种族隔离的实施问题。许多积极赞成废除种族隔离的大法官都对实施前景表示了担忧。后面我们将看到这些担忧并非多余,它有助于最高法院乃至全国的法治力量的持续多年的努力。在这次会上仍有大法官里德(Stanley Reed)不惜以1:8表示反对。但沃伦绝不放弃,多次和他交换意见,最终直言相告:“现在这个案子就剩你一个人反对了。你应该确定一下,这样做是否真的对国家最有利。”里德终于意识到,公平对待黑人要比简单地遵循普莱西案更重要。⑨1954年5月17日下午12点52分,九位大法官一起来到最高法院,宣判开始了,全世界的新闻编辑都在静待这一时刻。一反惯例,这次没有把判词抄本事先印发给记者,因此他们对案子究竟会怎幺判一点都摸不着头脑。在现场气氛极其紧张的情况下,沃伦开始宣读他那低调平缓的判决书。判决书全文尽管很短,但在宣读法院的结论之前,沃伦的论述并非一开始就能显示自己的立场,所以听者都得竖起耳朵静听。

On JAnuAry 16, 1954,WArren seconD host Brown cAse Discussion.The meeting DiscusseD the ABolition of puBlic school segregAtion implementAtion proBlems.MAny positive for the ABolition of ApArtheiD in conDucting justice expresseD concerns ABout future.We will see BehinD these feArs Are reDunDAnt,It is helpful to the Supreme Court AnD the legAl power of continuous yeArs of efforts.In this meeting still hAve justice reeD(StAnley ReeD)At 1:The opposition.But wArren never give up,MAny times AnD he exchAnge of views,FinAl outspokenness:"Now the cAse is left you A AgAinst the.You shoulD mAke sure,If it is reAlly the most ADvAntAgeous to the country."ReeD finAlly reAlizeD,FAir treAtment for BlAcks thAn simply follow the generAl lAcy cAse is more importAnt.9) on MAy 17, 1954, 12 o 'clock Afternoon 52 points,Nine justices to the Supreme Court together,Sentence BegAn,The news of the worlD eDitor Are wAiting for this moment.A reverse prActice,This DiDn't put her in ADvAnce to copy issueD By the reporter,So they will Be in cAse whAt MAO how to grAsp At All.In the Atmosphere is very tense situAtion,WArren BegAn to reAD his low-key gentle juDgment.The written juDgment text even though it wAs short,But in the court's Decision to reAD Before,This is not A wArren BegAn to show its position,So the listener must listening eArs.


WArren first stAtement,The court's two DeBAte AnD court their own investigAtion thAt Despite the fourteenth AmenDment formulAtion AnD through some of the situAtion,But not enough to solve the court is now Are fAceD with the proBlem.On the one hAnD, we cAn't know precisely when the fourteenth AmenDment congress AnD stAte whAt is whAt the heArt how think;On the other hAnD, the puBlic eDucAtion stAtus AnD now quite Different.So with"Intent sAiD"ExplAin the constitution cAn't solve the proBlem.


The next,WArren with plenty of Descriptions"HistoricAl chAnge",He cArefully will Be limiteD to the"eDucAtion"AnD is"PuBlic eDucAtion",He even speciAl mention the generAl lAcy cAse involves is not"eDucAtion"But"TrAffic fAcilities".These's intentions to AvoiD the whole southern wAy of life question the legitimAcy.


But this cAse will Be rAciAl segregAtion in puBlic eDucAtion influence Directly cArry out.Although the court hAs founD the BlAck AnD white cAse school school in school BuilDings/course/TeAchers AnD other"tAngiBle"FActors hAve equAl or tenD to Be equAl,But the court hAs not only compAre these"tAngiBle"Aspects,AnD must inspect the rAciAl segregAtion itself on puBlic eDucAtion influence.WArren wrote:


"This pAper Discusses the proBlem,The Supreme Court cAn't put the clock Down DiAl through to the fourteenth AmenDment in 1868,Or ruling generAl lAcy cAse in 1896.The Supreme Court must, in AccorDAnce with the full Development of puBlic eDucAtion in the UniteD StAtes AnD the nAtionAl life now to stuDy the position of puBlic eDucAtion.


The only wAy to Determine,PuBlic eDucAtion of rAciAl segregAtion is DepriveD of All pArties to the cAse of equAl protection lAw."⑩ clock cAn't pour DiAl the,Show thAt wArren negAtive"GenerAl lAcy principle"Is to emphAsize the legitimAcy of the chAnge of history.AccorDing to wArren Decision logic,On the one hAnD he thAt puBlic eDucAtion in the UniteD StAtes toDAy"Full Development";On the other hAnD Also puts forwArD the rAciAl segregAtion of sociAl AnD psychologicAl meAning of historicAl chAnges hAve tAken plAce,GenerAl lAcy cAse mAy not Be ABle to enjoy toDAy's reseArch Achievements,WArren occur for the first time in here with A note,QuoteD the seven sociology AnD psychology to compose,Prove rAciAl segregAtion thAt BlAck people hAD to feelings of inferiority,AnD this kinD of feeling Affect A chilD's leArning initiAtive.In view of the fAct thAt the ABove to finD out,The Supreme Court is the conclusion:In the fielD of puBlic eDucAtion,"SepArAte But equAl"Principle no plAce.The isolAtion of eDucAtion fAcilities Are nAturAlly inequAlity.So the Supreme Court ruling,This cAse the plAintiff AnD the rest of the similAr,Are DepriveD of the feDerAl constitution of the fourteenth AmenDment guArAntee lAw equAl protection.


Here we see two Different constitutionAl interpretAtion:One is"Living constitution"


explAnAtion,ThAt is the meAning of the constitution with the chAnging situAtion AnD chAnge.In this cAse,WArren emphAsizeD Due to puBlic eDucAtion significAnce importAnt chAnge AnD mAnDAtory ApArtheiD society significAnce importAnt chAnges,Will leAD to the chAnge of constitutionAl interpretAtion.so,AccorDing to this interpretAtion methoD,GenerAl lAcy cAse even toDAy is negAtive,It hAD Also is correct;Another interpretAtion is insteAD,ThAt is when the wArren AnnounceD"The isolAtion of eDucAtion fAcilities Are nAturAlly inequAlity",So the generAl lAcy estABlisheD"SepArAte But equAl"principle"No plAce"when,He is equAl to thAt in the meAning of the constitution woulD never chAnge,"SepArAte But equAl"The principle of no mAtter whAt time is in violAtion of the constitution,So generAl lAcy cAse in the 1896 Decision wAs wrong.Why two contrADictory methoD AnD logic in A short ruling confusion together,The reAson is thAt the provisions of the constitutionAl text ABstrAct rights AnD sociAl justice to the specific requirements of the conflict Between.


The chArActeristics of the constitution itself is the height of the generAlizAtion AnD ABstrAction,Is the principles AnD rules/The integrity of the purpose AnD vAlue of the expression.The constitution of the UniteD StAtes civil rights clAuse,The theoreticAl source is the moDern theory of nAturAl rights.NAturAl right to the stAte AnD government is A morAl right,The morAl right to Be incluDeD in the constitutionAl text into After the constitutionAl rights,It still hAs the morAl AttriBute.so,In terms of constitutionAl rights such As the cAse of the fourteenth AmenDment explAnAtions Are not only is A kinD of semAntic interpretAtion,It is A kinD of morAl philosophy to explAin.WhAt is equAl?


RAciAl segregAtion investigAte whether equAl or not?Their juDgment must Be BAseD on morAlity,Or from the juDge their own morAl iDeAs.Due to the morAl iDeA is growing,So the legAl text unDer the conDition of constAnt conflict is inevitABle.In this cAse we see the logic of the oBvious contrADiction,It is Deeply unDerstAnD the UniteD StAtes constitution prActice in suBtlety.


WArren finAlly points out thAt,BecAuse of this cAse is A collective Action,Also BecAuse of this cAse ruleD thAt hAs wiDe ApplicABility,AnD All of the Differences mAy leAD to complexity,The Supreme Court woulD hAve to consiDer to the AppropriAte relief must first solve the rAciAl segregAtion in puBlic schools violAtes the constitution is the primAry proBlem.Now the Supreme Court hAs AnnounceD,This isolAtion DenieD equAl protection lAw.In orDer to fully help mAke Decision All over,The Supreme Court is now the cAse BAck,The pArties AccorDing to the requirements for the seconD time the court DeBAte the Supreme Court put fourth AnD fifth question(DetAils BehinD)Put forwArD further comments.


A yeAr lAter,The Supreme Court AgAin After the court mADe the seconD opinions ABout this cAse,Known As "the Brown cAse Ⅱ [11].

  三、布朗案Ⅱ: three/Brown Ⅱ cAse:


The pArticulArity of the Brown cAse lies in its first AnnounceD in puBlic schools rAciAl segregAtion wAs unconstitutionAl,But there is no specific orDers which the DefenDAnt must immeDiAtely/Or whAt time in receiving the ADministrAtion chilD ADmission.The Supreme Court will Be the proBlem to the locAl court,ThAt is the Brown cAse of the concrete implementAtion to the locAl court,But the Supreme Court ruleD thAt to implement proBlem must hAve An opinion,ListeD for the lower court consiDer vArious fActors,Not All proBlems Are on the lower court.


therefore,The Supreme Court for the seconD time the court DeBAte is put forwArD when the fourth AnD fifth questions to Do,The fourth proBlem is:


If the verDict of the puBlic school segregAtion in violAtion of the fourteenth AmenDment,(A)You must then hAve A verDict,Provisions in the normAl cAmpus geogrAphic rAnge,BlAck chilDren shAll immeDiAtely ADmitteD to their chosen school;or(B)The Supreme Court coulD in the exercise of its equity when,Allow from existing isolAtion system grADuAlly ADjust to rAciAl Difference AccorDing to the system?


The fifth proBlem:


AccorDing to the fourth question,To Assume the Supreme Court AccorDing to the fourth question(B)The purpose of the provisions of the exercise of equity,(A)If the Supreme Court shoulD Be in these cAses formulAte DetAileD Decision;(B)If it is,JuDgment shoulD Be involveD in whAt proBlem;(c)If the Supreme Court shoulD Appoint A speciAl AssistAnt to listen to the eviDence,For these Decision recommenDeD speciAl conDitions;(D)The Supreme Court is the cAse shoulD Be sent to court of first instAnce,AnD instructeD them to how to mAke Decision in the cAse;If it is,The Supreme Court's instructions generAlly shoulD incluDe whAt content,Court of first instAnce shoulD Be BAseD on whAt progrAm,For more DetAileD Decision mAke speciAl conDitions?


On April 11, 1955,The Supreme Court helD the court DeBAte.On BehAlf of the southern lAwyer Rogers pointeDly puts forwArD,"Although cAn't put the clock Down to DiAl the fourteenth AmenDment through 1868,Or ruling generAl lAcy cAse in 1896,But not the clocks to 2015 or 2045."[12] this is ActuAlly sAiD,It is no longer possiBle to implement the ABolition of rAciAl segregAtion.


April 16, 1955,WArren Brown Ⅱ presiDeD over the Discussion,Put forwArD the Supreme Court shoulD Be how to implement the Brown cAse issue An opinion,RAther thAn A formAl Decision,The Suggestions will Be listeD for lower court consiDer vArious fActors.Justice BlAck Don't Agree with the opinion of the wArren,He wAs Born to the south,Know thAt the south will never give up eAsily rAciAl segregAtion,So he thinks thAt the Supreme Court ruleD in the ABolition of rAciAl segregAtion strAtegy shoulD Be step By step,Don't issueD cAn not Be implementeD opinion,Better juDgment is only for the pArty.But consiDering the importAnce of the Supreme Court AgreeD,BlAck willing to give up their oBjections,Support wArren.


On MAy 31, 1955,The Brown Ⅱ promulgAteD.WArren in All the justice of the support for the Brown cAse AgAin to write in:


1954 yeArs of Brown cAse Ⅰ hAs AnnounceD,PuBlic schools in rAciAl segregAtion unconstitutionAl.FeDerAl AnD locAl legislAtion must oBey this principle,Now consiDer is implementing this principle the relief wAy.


Fully implement the ABove principle,PerhAps neeD to solve All kinDs of Different types of locAl schools.The school Authorities to clArify/EstimAtion AnD solve these proBlems the mAjor responsiBility.The court must Be consiDereD is the prActice of school Authorities to constitute the BAsic constitution principle of meticulous integrity.Due to the court to Be fAmiliAr with the locAl situAtion,UnDerstAnDing mAy neeD further heAring,So cAn the Best exercise juDiciAl evAluAtion function.AccorDing to,The Supreme Court ruleD thAt the cAse remAnDeD to court is proper.


WArren emphAsize,In the formulAtion AnD implementAtion of the Decision process,The court shoulD follow the principle of equity.


Look from the trADitionAl,Equity principle is chArActerizeD By the relief wAy Agile,CAn give consiDerAtion to the puBlic AnD inDiviDuAl neeDs.The treAtment Also reflect the principle of equity for the trADitionAl chArActeristics.ImportAnt is,On the BAsis of non-DiscriminAtory,As soon As possiBle this cAse the plAintiff ADmission to puBlic schools,This involves their vitAl interests.TAke Account of these interests neeD to Be in school system AccorDing to 1954 Brown cAse in which the constitution principle in the process of reform to eliminAte All kinDs of oBstAcles.The chAncery in comprehensive AnD effectively eliminAte these oBstAcles,ShoulD Be AppropriAte to consiDer the interests of the puBlic.But,NeeD no further elABorAtion,CAn't Allow only BecAuse of the constitution principle unDerstAnDing Different AnD suffocAte the constitution principle of vitAlity.


Despite the neeD to weigh the puBlic AnD personAl interests,The court shoulD require All the AccuseD immeDiAtely AnD reAsonABle to perform the Brown.Once the DefenDAnt BegAn to perform,The court mAy finD,In orDer to effectively implement the increAse time is necessAry.The DefenDAnt is hAve the oBligAtion to prove,In orDer to protect the puBlic interest,Must increAse the time,AnD gooD fAith to perform As soon As possiBle.therefore,The court mAy consiDer some specific implementAtion proBlems,Such As the mAnAgement of the school/MAteriAl conDitions,TrAffic system,stAffing,ADjust the cAmpus more compAct,To estABlish not AccorDing to the rAce in system,To solve these proBlems AnD moDify the locAl lAws AnD regulAtions.At the sAme time, the court shoulD Also consiDer the DefenDAnt Any of the proposeD plAn cAn Be enough to solve these proBlems,The reAlizAtion of the no rAciAl DiscriminAtion to the school system trAnsition.TrAnsition perioD,The court hAs jurisDiction over the cAse is still.


WArren AnnounceD lAst,The Supreme Court's opinion is,On the BAsis of no rAciAl DiscriminAtion,"HAs Been to the pruDent speeD"ImplementAtion Brown cAse.[13]

  四、“一直以审慎速度”实施布朗案: four/"HAs Been to the pruDent speeD"ImplementAtion Brown cAse:


LegAl history which mAy not Be the cAse thAn Brown cAse more Difficult to implement the,So thAt it is Difficult in eArly Decision By the court when to expect,MAy increAse the time is necessAry,But time for severAl yeArs or even DecADes I'm AfrAiD is BeyonD All expectAtions.On the implementAtion of the Brown cAse thAn juDge more intriguing.


As the Supreme Court cAse,EspeciAlly As the UniteD StAtes Supreme Court cAse,HAs the highest Authority enforcement,This is BeyonD DouBt.In the UniteD StAtes the typicAl constitutionAl government,The Supreme Court's Decision is Anyone cAn't resist,Otherwise, will cAuse the entire constitutionAl crisis.mAyBe,As A politiciAn's wArren AlreADy AwAre of this,So in the Brown cAse Ⅱ wAs put forwArD"PruDent speeD",As executive Brown cAse Buffer.Some scholArs think thAt:"Brown cAse reAl compromise plAce,In cAse of Brown first suBmissions to the right of the louD DeclAre AnD Brown cAse the seconD opinion thAt the hArmonic sex Between,The lAtter is A signAl in the court of first instAnce execution BlAck the plAintiff's right,CAn hAve their own time ArrAngement."[14] time/PruDent speeD put forwArD BecAuse of executive Brown cAse hAve greAt Difficulty,The mAin Difficulty comes from the south of the juDgment of the cAse to Brown"MAss resistAnce".In 1956,,101 south senAtor sign A so-cAlleD"DeclArAtion of southern",ThAt Brown cAse juDgment is illegAl,The southern stAtes shAll hAve the right to ignore it.At the sAme time,The south lAuncheD impeAchment wArren movement.In some stAtes, the legislAture pAsseD"RefuseD to cArry out"anD"protesteD"resolution,The lAtter AnnounceD the Supreme Court Decision is invAliD;Some commAnD stAte AnD locAl Authorities within the scope of his Authority to tAke All meAsures to mAintAin rAciAl segregAtion;Some stAte no longer to miscegenAtion school funDing;Some will Be puBlic schools to hAve enough power to mAke its closing governor or stAte eDucAtion committee Direct control;For some stuDents to privAte school to proviDe finAnciAl AssistAnce;AnD the ABolition of forceD ADmission lAw,etc.


But the legislAtion mostly frustrAtion in the feDerAl District court,WAs sentenceD to unconstitutionAl invAliD.visiBle,Within the scope of the lAw,Southern Boycott is useless,ThAt is only to the hArD.


In SeptemBer 1957,Southern ArkAnsAs cApitAl, little rock Broke out A shock of the UniteD StAtes"Little rock event".EArly in the Brown cAse Ⅰ AnnounceD After 3 DAys,ThAt is in MAy 1954, twenty,Little rock puBlic school council hAs voteD to ABolish segregAtion,Three phAse implementAtion.The first stAge in SeptemBer 1957 in puBlic high school BegAn.On SeptemBer 2,,ArkAnsAs governor ForBes DeclAreD puBlic unrest is coming,OrDereD stAte nAtionAl guArD to prevent nine BlAck stuDents to enter the school.SeptemBer 3,PresiDent Eisenhower sAiD At the press conference support ForBes,SAys the lAw cAn't chAnge the heArt.On the sAme DAy,The locAl council request feDerAl court instructions,The court orDereD the continue to implement the ApproveD By the court council ABolisheD rAciAl segregAtion plAn.Then three consecutive weeks,ForBes/Eisenhower/council/The nAtionAl AssociAtion for the ADvAncement of coloreD people/Extreme rAcist AnD feDerAl District court were involveD in the fight AgAinst A pitcheD in.On SeptemBer 21,,The feDerAl District court ruling the so-cAlleD puBlic unrest upcoming story is grounDless,The governor use nAtionAl guArD to prevent BlAck stuDents ADmission is illegAl.ForBes governor hAD to move the nAtionAl guArD.On SeptemBer 23,When nine BlAck stuDents into the school,A group of white stArt riots.


ThAt morning PresiDent Eisenhower in WAshington for A meeting,He receiveD the minister of justice ABout little rAmBunctious emergency telephone,AnD on the phone to rAtify puBlisheD A strongly worDeD stAtement:


FeDerAl lAw AnD the UniteD StAtes District court orDer……Never Allow Any inDiviDuAl or Any DepenD on strong homiciDAl storm the ArBitrAry to scorn.I will use the full power of the stAte,IncluDing All the necessAry strength,Stop All illegAl Activities,The feDerAl court orDer to implement.


He listeneD on the phone the originAl stAtement,Some hesitAte to sAy:"You hAve to senD this stAtement.It seems thAt I proBABly hAve to sign,But I'll hAve A look."


ThAt night he repeAteD to stuDy the stAtement,Go to BeD until there is still no sign.The next morning when 9,Minister of justice AnD from the phone cAme the little BAD news,The moB teAm AnD increAse the,BlAck stuDents to stAy At home,The mAyor of little formAl request presiDentiAl intervention.


Eisenhower finish telephone immeDiAtely signeD the DeclArAtion.immeDiAtely,SecretAry of Defense commAnD will ArkAnsAs nAtionAl guArD in the feDerAl government's governAnce unDer,Don't let ForBes governor hAnD,At the sAme time, Army chief hAs mAneuver the 101th AirBorne Division's 327th BrigADe in little rock,The plAne crAshes from Kentucky to little rock fort CAmpBell sent pAcify riots pArAtrooper.This is the reconstruction perioD,The south BecAuse of rAce proBlem DefieD the centrAl AnD leAD to militAry first,ShockeD the south Also shockeD the nAtion.PresiDent Eisenhower sAiD in A television tAlk thAt night:


"Our inDiviDuAl rights AnD freeDom is the BAsis of the PresiDent AnD the executive BrAnch will support AnD ensure thAt the feDerAl court Decisions to implement,Even when necessAry,Use the PresiDent to use All meAns.Unless the PresiDent to Do so,Otherwise, will inevitABly leAD to AnArchy."[15] Eisenhower hesitAte to use the Army,Although the mAin purpose is to mAintAin orDer,Not on the Brown cAse itself sAys support,But the Brown cAse implementAtion enormous influence,At the sAme time Also shows thAt the UniteD StAtes the power of the principle of the rule of lAw.We know thAt,He is ActuAlly AgAinst the Brown cAse of juDgment.As mentioneD,He thinks thAt Brown juDgment in cAses of infringement of the little rock like thAt in some plAces the Deep-rooteD hABits AnD trADitions,AnD sAiD thAt the lAw cAn't chAnge the heArt.BecAuse the Brown cAse,He even sAiD,NominAteD wArren serveD As chief justice of his life is the Biggest mADe/The most DAmn AnD the most stupiD mistAke.But,WhAtever his personAl opinion,As he speAk,"Is irrelevAnt.


Must see this is legAl,AnD I, As PresiDent of the UniteD StAtes,HAve the responsiBility to mAke lAw implementAtion."


But the council hAs little unBeArABle the mess,The school Also is unABle to guArAntee the normAl teAching orDer,They suspenDeD to court for two AnD A hAlf yeArs ABolish segregAtion implementAtion plAn,At the sAme time will Be nine BlAck stuDents BAck to sepArAte schools.The feDerAl District court ApproveD the request,The nAtionAl AssociAtion for the ADvAncement of coloreD people AppeAl to the Supreme Court,AnD the Supreme Court overturneD the District court's Decision.


Brown cAse After issueD,In the fAce of the lArge-scAle Boycott,The Supreme Court mostly remAin silent,But the little shArp confrontAtion,MAke it must insist on his own Authority,WArren wrote AgAin won unAnimous Decision.[16] AwArD AnnounceD,The Supreme Court cAn't support with All sorts of excuse DelAy ABolish segregAtion,So As to Deprive BlAck chilDren's constitutionAl rights.WArren emphAsize,All thAt hAppeneD in little rock, ArkAnsAs is Directly Due to the long AnD stAte council DeciDeD to Boycott the Brown cAuseD.AccorDing to the chief justice MArshAll in MABoLi v. MADison in the estABlishment of the feDerAl juDiciAl Authority is the feDerAl constitution interpretAtion of the principle of the highest Authority,The Supreme Court cAse in Brown in the interpretAtion of the fourteenth AmenDment is the highest lAw,To stAte BinDing.Cooper After the sentence,ForBes governor orDereD to shut Down the little rock All puBlic high school,LeAD to little rock of puBlic high school eDucAtion in A whole yeAr limiteD to pAuse.In the feDerAl District court DeclAreD stAte closeD school Decision After illegAl,To restore puBlic high school,AnD symBolicAlly to ABolish segregAtion.


Cooper their,Southern Die-hArDs feel pressure is more AnD more Big,They hAD to oBey the Authority of the court,At the sAme time Also must consiDer the progress of The Times.But in the Deep heArt of the severAl stAtes,The Die-hArD forces still in put up A DesperAte struggle.They Don't hesitAte to KAngFA violence/Inciting unrest/Even opposing the feDerAl government,One of the most typicAl cAse is At the university of Mississippi"Night violence".


Mississippi is the southern pArt of the UniteD StAtes the most BAckwArD/The closeD stAte,Is the most serious rAciAl DiscriminAtion of the stAte,So Are the hArDest to implement the Brown of the stAte.In MAy 1961,A mAn nAmeD JAmes MAiRui Diss BlAck stuDents At the university of Mississippi to put forwArD ApplicAtion.He is A once in the UniteD StAtes Air force nine yeArs of veterAns,In the ADmission ApplicAtion form he AttAcheD A section of the instructions:"I Am Mississippi BlAck AmericAn citizens.In view of our country in the new erA eDucAtion system is going on All sorts of chAnge,I Believe you won't to my ADmission to feel surpriseD.Of course I hope on my ApplicAtion processing cAn give the Mississippi AnD the university of Mississippi ADD luster."But the school DiD not"ADD luster",But with A string of AcADemic complex reAson rejecteD his ApplicAtion.MAiRui Diss no compromise,AnD oBtAineD the nAtionAl AssociAtion for the ADvAncement of coloreD people support,The lAtter sent lAwyer for he engAge in A lAwsuit.Since June 1961,LAwsuit repeAteDly severAl,In the seconD yeAr 9 menstruAl feDerAl Supreme Court of finAl AppeAl only to,CommAnD ole miss immeDiAtely Allow MAiRui Diss entrAnce.The court orDereD After issueD the seconD DAy,Mississippi governor Ross · Bennett is A speech on TV,ClAimeD thAt he the stAte officiAls woulD rAther jAil time is ABle to cArry out the court orDer.


In SeptemBer 1962, twenty DAys,MAiRui Diss in the justice DepArtment officiAls AnD police officers the first cAme to university registrAtion.They met with Bennett governor,Bennett hAs to reAD A"Now AnD forever in the future no MAiRui Diss enter the cAmpus"commAnD.The justice DepArtment officiAls immeDiAtely pointeD out thAt this is contemptuous conDuct,Bennett hAs ignoreD.In orDer to AvoiD Direct conflict,BAiliff not enforce A court orDer,Sent BAck.The legAl Action is necessAry for the university AnD the governor's criminAl contempt.In the UniteD StAtes,Resist the court orDereD constitutes criminAl contempt is the goD's truth.Then the school the compromise,AnnounceD the receiving MAiRui Diss entrAnce.But Bennett is still unwilling to mAke concessions,He threAteneD to the school"surrenDer"feel"shockeD",AnD AnnounceD thAt the feDerAl government personnel if Any interference MississippiAn performAnce of their Duties will Be Arrest AnD imprisonment.PresiDent KenneDy's Brother,The feDerAl DepArtment of justice long RoBert KenneDy cAll the Bennett hAs pointeD out,The inhABitAnts of the Mississippi,IncluDing governor,Are AmericAn citizen,ShAll comply with the lAws of the UniteD StAtes.Bennett sAiD:"I think the court Mississippi is no worse thAn Any other court,I will oBey the lAws of the stAte of Mississippi."


In the school After the compromise,MAiRui Diss seconD to the school is trying to register.But to meet them is still Bennett AnD A lArge crowD of onlookers who kick up A fuss.Governor sAiD,The heAD of the university is unABle to perform registrAtion promise,BecAuse they Are the stAte legislAture pAsseD An investigAtion of the.so,MAiRui Diss seconD entrAnce still hinDereD.


In Both siDes DeADlockeD this perioD of time,BecAuse of the tough AttituDe Bennett,The locAl people's mooD hAs Been inciteD.TeAchers of the university of Mississippi nervously luncheon Attention from more AnD more people ArounD the south,These people put on A fierce look/Extremely Aggressive,Most with weApons.


When the fifth circuit court Bennett mADe After the criminAl contempt,Bennett hAs to hiDe.


On SeptemBer 26,,MAiRui Diss thirD entrAnce,But this time to meet them is vice governor PAul Johnson leAD A group of stAte police AnD county police,So they were turneD BAck AgAin.


But At the moment, Bennett hAs scAreD,On the one hAnD is the court AnD the feDerAl government's pressure;On the other hAnD is the increAsingly intense emotion.He DeciDeD to hAve A Decent compromises,So AnD minister of justice to reAch A confiDentiAl Agreement,By him AnD the vice governor keep in cAmpus At the Door of the BAr,StAnDing on Both siDes of the free stAte police,When the justice DepArtment officiAls leD 30 BAiliff escort MAiRui Diss ArriveD when the entrAnce of the school,The justice DepArtment officiAls AnD 30 BAiliff All pull out my gun to,At this moment is the Mississippi to Both siDes get out of the wAy,MAiRui Diss cAn go in from the gAte registereD.so,He cAn clAim is in orDer to AvoiD BleeDing AnD yielD.the(On SeptemBer 27,)In the Afternoon,MAiRui Diss fourth to register,But hAven't returneD to school.The originAl,The situAtion cAn't control,StAte police tAke not to tAke weApons irrelevAnt,The crowD gAthereD with weApons enough to DeAl with the BAiliff.If the BAiliff to pull out A gun,DAngerous oBvious,BecAuse only Bennett know Agreement,PerhAps the only person will mAke open circuit.He in the wAiting to think of it,So to mAke A phone cAll to the minister of justice, sAiD the situAtion cAn't control,Agreement to Be unABle to fulfill.


The feDerAl government finAlly cAn't stAnD the,BegAn to Discuss the use of ArmeD forces AnD prepAre the PresiDent mAy sign A Document.The fifth circuit court sentenceD Bennett mADe criminAl contempt,AnD if MAiRui Diss provisions on OctoBer 2 hAs not mAtriculAteD,The DAily Bennett hAs A fine of $10000.


PresiDent KenneDy reADy to speAk on television,The whole event will Be releAseD to the AmericAn people.Bennett hAs finAlly AgreeD to let MAiRui Diss on SunDAy(SeptemBer 30)The secret to enter the school in the Afternoon.


At ABout 5 PM locAl time in the Afternoon,The justice DepArtment vice minister cArD hAD BAch leD 400 BAiliff escort MAiRui Diss,Not By the use of Simon into the school.MAiRui Diss wAs quietly zone to the cAmpus A heAD of A BuilDing,AnD cArD hAD BAch AnD BAiliff teAm is in Another BuilDing set up commAnD post.


AnD At sunDown when BeyonD the Mississippi,The news hAs spreAD All over the city,The scAle of the unrest hAs Been inevitABle.The moB cAn't finD MAiRui Diss,to"Love BlAck ghost hyBriD"BAiliff AttAck,BAiliff hAD orDers not to return the BAll,CAn only use teAr gAs to protect themselves,Results more thAn 160 were wounDeD.Riots hAve two people were killeD,A French journAlist AnD A surrounD.On normAl forces in more thAn five hours lAter ArriveD,AnD hAve to Be All the wAy into the cAmpus,Forty people were wounDeD.Before DAwn,Riots wAs finAlly cAlm,Were ArresteD more thAn 200 moB.Morning At eight,MAiRui Diss in two BAiliff, AccompAnieD By into BeAten DisreputABle office BuilDing,CAlmly DeAl with the formAlities of registrAtion.


Mississippi violence night shockeD the whole worlD,AnD the UniteD StAtes to the civil rights movement towArD the high tiDe.1963 is issueD By Lincoln"EmAncipAte the slAves to"100 AnniversAry,The UniteD StAtes hAs more thAn 800 cities hAve hAppeneD protests AnD riots.August, AnD,The 250000 BlAcks AnD whites to WAshington to AssemBly AnD pArADe,Protest segregAtion.MArtin Luther King mADe A speech[I hAve A DreAm],CAlls for nonviolent wAy to enD AmericA's rAciAl DiscriminAtion AnD segregAtion.In 1964, MArtin Luther King won the NoBel peAce prize,In the sAme yeAr in July 3,,PresiDent Johnson signeD in 1964[Civil Rights Act].The lAw fully emBoDies the principle of Brown cAse,For feDerAl legislAtion/The juDiciAl AnD ADministrAtive DepArtments jointly By the stAte power promote rAciAl equAlity/ABolish segregAtion pAving the roAD.From now on,AlwAys with"CAlculAting speeD"ImplementAtion of the Brown cAse significAntly speeD up the pAce,But this Does not meAn thAt All is well.ArounD the implementAtion of the Brown suit is still A huge numBer,The segregAtion of the Dispute continueD to cling to the wArren's court After/Rehnquist court…….


In 1997,,in"Little rock event"Forty AnniversAry conference,PresiDent Clinton recAlleD his 11 yeArs olD in neArBy school experience,For white stuDents Bullying BlAck stuDents rememBer the scene.But he emphAsizeD thAt,"Although the UniteD StAtes ABolisheD legAl segregAtion,Event occurreD of the high school,The BlAck AnD white stuDents proportion is sixty more thAn forty,But BlAcks AnD whites in other schools AnD DAily life still mutuAl isolAtion.Even in the high school,Honors clAss/Dining room AnD reseArch conference,The vAst mAjority of BlAcks AnD whites or sepArAtely.ChilDren of All RACES from A school in,But often their run to Different hAll room."Clinton ADmitteD:"In the UniteD StAtes,RAciAl segregAtion is no longer legAl,But it is still rules."
