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全市18所公办中学所做调查显示:成绩中等偏下生压力最大 The city and the public high school do survey:Results the average pressure maximum growth
Guangzhou ear Hong Kong and Macao youth research institute recently released 2012 annual"Guangzhou youth health of body and mind development research report".According to the city and the public survey of high school,Physical and mental health from good to bad student category(According to the academic achievement)were:Exceptional student/Above the average students/difference/The medium was born among the students/Middle rdi students.Specific to the body/interpersonal/emotional/thinking/ambition/Faith and so on six indicators are so.
部分青少年缺乏对未来的思考 Some youngsters lack of thinking of the future
Guangzhou schools subordinate's ear Hong Kong and Macao youth research institute in September 2012 to October in period"Guangzhou youth health of body and mind development indicators"Questionnaire survey,In order to understand the current situation of the development of teenager's body and mind/Characteristics and trend.This survey mainly through stratified random sampling way,Issue 1500 questionnaires,The 1323 copies of questionnaires for effective,Accounted for 88.2%.
The object of study in junior high school students in guangzhou and higher/The students of senior grade two,From the body/interpersonal/ambition/thinking/faith/Emotional six aspects of the student to carry on the questionnaire survey.The distribution of teenagers in the whole seven area(city)And the public school,Men and women half and half.
Investigation shows that,Be investigated physical and mental health of teenagers averaged 67.53 points(100 divided into full marks),But the health category development not balanced,the,Young people questioned interpersonal development better,The second is body/emotional,thinking/faith/Ambition low score,Especially the ambition,Score fail.
Researchers believe that,Family and society to youth test scores/Studies focusing on employment,Lead to the physical and mental health failed to achieve balanced development.At the same time,Because of ignoring the cultivation of young ambition,Guangzhou youth pursuit more comfortable life,Lack of thinking of the future.
高年级生体魄不如低年级生 Seniors body than in the lower grades
Investigation shows that,In the physical and mental health indicators and five health category index body/emotional/thinking/faith/Ambition on,Junior high school students' scores were higher than high school grades,And significant difference.In the interpersonal communication,Middle and high school students is no significant difference between the two groups.
Survey found that,Junior high school students' physical and mental health and overall health/thinking/emotional/faith/The development of the ideal situation is better than that of high school students are,And linear regression analysis result also shows,A senior of adolescents,The physical and mental health of the poor performance.
Researchers believe that,Along with the higher grade,Especially in high school,The academic burden overweight/Long learning time/Too much study pressure,Will lead to the development of physical and mental health of junior high school students as well.
学习成绩中等学生心理压力大 Study result secondary students' psychological pressure
The survey also found an interesting phenomenon:In the six reference indicators,The study result in different level students arrangement,Get score high and low order are:Exceptional student/Above the average students/difference/The medium was born among the students/Middle rdi students.
Ear Hong Kong and Macao youth research institute, director of the center for research WuDongHua think,The school and pay much attention to students' academic achievement about."In the current competitive society,Study the result the height/The school rewards and punishment,Tend to be students/Family and the social from all walks of life evaluation of their success and failure, gain and loss of the dominant index,Sometimes is the only index.so,Part of the study result poor teenagers easy to have a strong sense of frustration,As time passes,Formation failure self-image,To all aspects of evaluation are negative."
So why does ChaDengSheng than medium instead of the physical and mental health of life better?WuDongHua explain,"This is very similar with the adult world.In the society,Tend to be sandwich layer pressure maximum.Record bad student,Part for success has don't care,Or will the life focus on other things,Therefore the pressure but smaller.And the result of medium/Especially middle rdi students,Most are faced with the problem,Always worry about not climb up will be falling,Psychological pressure.so,Parents and teachers should give such students more attention and support."
专家建议 Expert advice
参与志愿服务可令心理更健康 Participate in volunteer service can make psychological more healthy
How to improve students' physical and mental health?The study found that,More interest to participate in activities and volunteer service of respondents in the health of body and mind development more ideal.
Researchers believe that,Extracurricular activities,Not only can enrich the students' after school life,But also for body/thinking/Interpersonal were more help.In addition,Volunteer service of advocacy"dedication/love/mutual/progress"Volunteer spirit and service concept,Can let teenagers active concern for others,Pay attention to the social change,In social construction,Helps them develop a positive value orientation and positive social beliefs.
除以上因素外,母亲的学历、现场观看艺术表演或展览等因素,都对青少年的身心健康有着显著的影响。调查显示,母亲的学历越高,参与兴趣班活动越多,现场观看古典或传统艺术文化的表演或展览越多,青少年的身心健康的分数就越高。(文/记者罗桦琳 通讯员吴冬华、周理艺、丘异龄)
In addition to the above outside factors,The mother's education/Attend art performance or factors such as exhibition,On the physical and mental health of teenagers has a significant effect.Investigation shows that,The mother of the higher education,To participate in the activities of interest,Watch the classical or traditional art culture performance or the exhibition,The physical and mental health of teenagers score is higher.(Wen/reporter LuoHuaLin WuDongHua correspondent/ZhouLiYi/QiuYiLing)
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