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明年“三大联盟”自主招生减负 笔试科目大缩水--亲稳网络舆情监控室


as"NATO"/"Warsaw pact treaty"/"outstanding"Three major league autonomous enrollment policy announced,Three major league autonomous enrolment"war"open.In 2013 three major league autonomous enrolment"Happen to coincide"The written test is scheduled for March 2,,For college students is to let quality turn to white-hot war.


Reporters from three major league independent selection test that announcement,In 2013 three major league independent selection test collective thin body,Science study maths class/physical,Tests the language of liberal arts/mathematics,Part of the school also add physical test.In addition,Many colleges will admit by examination object set for a subject specialty/Have the innovation potential of high school graduates.


In 2013 three major league independent changes in the selection,Many education experts reading says,The purpose is to reduce the burden of students.Independent enrollment was preference comprehensive quality or specialty students,Even reduce culture course of study,Can also through the interview and awarding to investigate students.


对文化课程的考察减轻 To reduce the cultural courses study


In 2013 three major league independent selection test the biggest change,Is the exam course reduction."NATO"From the exam reduced to 2 door,"Outstanding league"From 3 door reduced to 2 door,"Warsaw pact treaty"Test total time is more from the original 6 hours reduced to 3 hours.


Reporter from Beijing university's official website issued the relevant notice that,"NATO"Union exams from previous years five door reduced to 2 door.Just for two exams,Mathematics for all candidates study subject.the,Science and engineering specialty evaluation subjects for natural science foundation,Including mathematics/physical,History class professional assessment subjects for the humanities foundation,Including Chinese/mathematics.In addition,"NATO"Beijing union university autonomy enrollment will also increase the physical test,Written by the students must participate in the school organization's system test,Time synchronization and interview.


Compared with 2012,In 2013,"Warsaw pact treaty"Alliance from the test subjects to the test time is greatly reduced.From the past three exams reduced to 2 door,Test the total time from 6 hours reduced to 3 hours.The undergraduate students in tsinghua university and the announcement issued by relevant,2013 independent recruit students mainly inspects the basis of professional disciplines,The seven school under the unified organization of the proposition,Exam course is 2 door,One for[Mathematical and logical],This is all of the study subjects;second[Physics inquiry]or[Reading and expression],Candidates to choose a door.Each subject test time are for 90 minutes.


Tsinghua university in 2013 independent recruit students also continue to keep physical test,But the candidates may choose voluntarily.Said in the attached,Through the test,Think your body quality good,Can voluntarily choose to participate in the school organization's physical test.Test score good,In the independent deemed appropriate to offer.


And outstanding league 2013 independent recruit students academic ability test involves subject to reduce.The reporter understands,In 2012,"Outstanding league"Academic ability test mainly consists of three parts,Namely mathematical/Natural science(Covers the physics and chemistry)/Social science(Covers the Chinese and English).In 2013,Academic ability test involves the professional more single.In the recruitment of students of south China university of technology, released online["Outstanding university league"2013 independent selection admission notice implementation]shows,"Outstanding university league"2013 independent selection is divided into two categories,That is the base of the discipline of a test(Covers mathematics and physics knowledge)/The base of the discipline test two(Covers math and language knowledge).


招生标准强调要有学科特长 Admissions standards emphasized to be subject specialty


Reporters access to universities independent recruit students general rules found,Many schools to recruit students object conditions had had a subtle change,That is, from the past emphasis on comprehensive development of virtue, wisdom, body, beauty,Convert to emphasize the subject specialty and has innovation potential.


It is understood,In 2012 Beijing university autonomy in the recruit students general rules,Requirements for recommended students comprehensive quality good/Specialty outstanding/The award of high school graduates.In 2013 the independent recruit students general rules,Instead of the subject specialty outstanding/Have the innovation potential.


The same,Tsinghua university in 2012, recruit students general rules display,The recruit object for a subject specialty,And comprehensive quality comprehensive and innovative potential excellent graduating high school graduates.In 2013,"Comprehensive quality"Was deleted,To has the subject specialty and innovation potential outstanding high school graduates,At the same time for special immortal more specific description,Namely at the provincial level in(including)Above all kinds of course contests and reap the rewards,And actively participate in the innovative research work or research learning and obtained a certain result students preferred.


In addition,In Peking University and tsinghua university in 2013 independent selection admission in the recruit students general rules,The increased with subject specialty students admitted to the provisions of the proportion,In the year 2013,Subject to special outstanding/Have the innovation potential outstanding student independent selection admission plan control in the school undergraduate enrollment plan within 5% of the total.


in"Three major league"The two institutes of higher learning in guangdong,The requirements of the object to the recruitment of students have the same change.In south China university of technology in 2012 independent recruit students general rules,Admission principle in the national college entrance examination scores as the main basis for comprehensive measure virtue, wisdom, body, beauty,Comprehensive evaluation,Contest mobility.In 2013, according to recruit students general rules,Recruit has the subject specialty and innovation potential,Or in the subject contest/Science and technology innovation/Practice ability/Humanity has significant special talent(To join/Sports class)And good moral character/Physical health of high school graduates.About subject specialty show such as particular candidates,After qualify in a line on admission.


Sun yat-sen university in 2012 in independent recruit students general rules,The application condition of recruit students object will be divided into two classes.Class A qualification for A good learning ability,Full-scale development,High school learning result is among the best,In all kinds of competition or a prefecture-level above awards,And with high sense of morality and the sense of social responsibility,Participate in social activities/Public welfare undertakings for recognition or makes great contributions of high school graduates.Class B qualification is very innovative spirit and practice ability,In a certain subject or related field has significant specialty and cultivate potential subject especially immortal.In 2013 years of autonomous enrolment in the announcement,It made it clear that recruit object for a subject specialty and innovation potential outstanding high school graduates.


三大联盟包括哪些大学? Three major league including what university?


"NATO":From Beijing university(Including medical)/Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics/Beijing normal university/Xiamen university/Shandong university/Wuhan university/Huazhong university of science and technology/Sun yat-sen university/Sichuan university/Lanzhou university/The university of Hong Kong and the composition.Each has the greatest number of candidates for 3 universities.


"Warsaw pact treaty":By the Shanghai jiaotong university/People's university of China/University of science and technology of China/Xi 'an jiaotong university/Nanjing university/Zhejiang university/Tsinghua university and college composition.Students can enter oneself for an examination seven universities in any of the two universities.


"Outstanding league":By the Beijing university of science and technology/Chongqing university/Dalian university of technology/Southeast university/Harbin industrial university/South China university of science and technology/Tianjin university/Tongji university/The northwest industry university of science and engineering characteristics of 9 universities.Students can also apply for two outstanding university league college.


华工“繁星计划”全国推广 south"Stars plan"The national promotion


中大不再单独面向广东考试 Cuhk alone is no longer for guangdong test


Three major league from two universities in guangdong province,Its admissions policies also have corresponding adjustment.


The reporter understands,from"Outstanding league"South China university of technology in 2012 only to the implementation of the province"Stars plan"(To the south by the high school to recommend outstanding graduates)Will be popularized to the whole country,Recommended for the secondary school places for independent selection last year south at qualification and be accepted number two was two.the,Signed outstanding student base alliance cooperation agreement of middle school can be based on this add six.Equal to the national each secondary school can recommend 2 candidates.


from"NATO"The union of sun yat-sen university,In 2012, the guangdong a separate proposition examination,Guangdong province the candidates/Test can be separately,Without a league unified examination into the retrial stage,And the final list,The corresponding weight of guangdong province,And in the national league were given qualification.But in 2013,Cuhk no longer separate written organization,All candidates are unified in comprehensive university independent selection admission joint test(namely"NATO"Entrance exam).


This year the university to nearly middle school recommendation quota,Recommended students can directly obtain the qualification test,The guangdong recommend middle school more than 200.


减负为避免自主招生成“小高考” Reduce the burden for avoid independent enrollment into"Small college entrance examination"


For the three major league independent selection test subjects to reduce,Many teachers believe that,This is to reduce the burden of students.Independent enrollment was preference comprehensive quality or specialty students,Even reduce culture course of study,Can also through the interview and awarding to investigate students.


"Subject to reduce the test time and on the same day,This year is the biggest change."River high school principal HeZhiJiang think,Exam course reduce,To reduce the burden of the students have certain effect."Students have to cope with the independent enrollment and to face the college entrance examination,Burden is heavy."Shenzhen senior high school physics teacher YaoXueLin think,The autonomous enrolment subject reduction,To avoid it become autonomous enrolment"Small college entrance examination".


Shenzhen experimental school principal CaoYanQing is considered,Exam course the quantity is not very important,Independent recruit students actually pay more attention to students' comprehensive qualities and special skills,"Behind still have an interview,Through face-to-face communication with the students to study".


but,YaoXueLin think,Subject to reduce more important reason is based on the original autonomous enrolment preference GuaiCai partial to characteristics."Some schools will definitely need partial to GuaiCai,So set up specifically test regardless of subject."YaoXueLin said,In science as an example,Independent recruit students just got physics and mathematics,Because the two course is most engineering the foundation of this course,"Learning other engineering need physics and mathematics as the foundation".


"Why science class exam English and Chinese,Also because of this involves the university entrance exam comprehensive investigation."YaoXueLin think,Due to the participation of the autonomous enrolment after candidates are required to attend the university entrance exam,This knowledge in the college entrance examination will also be detected.


For many school enrollment conditions into to emphasize the subject specialty and creative potential,YaoXueLin think,This is the entrance examination for competition policy adjustment for walks supplement.The reporter understands,Competition policy in 2014, he will have to be adjusted,The competition of various disciplines,No special circumstances,Will and bound walks and bonus reward decoupling.


"This is a very good supplement."YaoXueLin think,Independent recruit students very emphasis on specialty,Especially immortal back no college entrance examination walks bonus way,Use this way to admission.


so,He suggested that no specialty students do not participate in the independent recruitment of students,"Many in the independent recruitment of students,Even didn't take compliments,But most of the competition after training,Without training students took part in it".CaoYanQing argues that,Independent enrollment or to see the accumulation of at ordinary times,Pay attention to comprehensive quality and the cultivation of special interest.


三大联考未体现其应有价值 Three big entrance exam should not reflect its value


In the candidates nervous note three entrance exam at the same time,Many educators began to reflect on three entrance exam being value."The existence of multiple entrance exam,It is a positive."The 21st century education research institute experts XiongBingJi said,Between the entrance exam can compete with each other,Improve the quality of the evaluation,Also can expand the option."But China's own recruit students entrance exam,Not socialized test,Is not the school entrance exam by social institutions proposition,But by the national education test center proposition,It is difficult to make up the entrance examination competition".


"In addition,Our country independent recruit students and school entrance exam is binding,Not by independent school approval."XiongBingJi said,so,Entrance exam will become school group enclosure rob means of students.Now three entrance exam test subjects positioning two door,Time is set on the same day,Seriously limits the students' option,Lead to entrance exam value to sell at a discount greatly.


"Because all the entrance exam exam content doesn't make too much difference,Students cannot according to his own personality/Characteristics choose to suit their own test,Independent recruitment of students school is hard to use entrance exam scores for students in science/Objectively evaluate the."XiongBingJi think,The key is,We must break the autonomous enrolment and unified college entrance examination/Concentrated accepted grafting,University can get full autonomy,Students can obtain the option,All the concept of autonomous enrolment will be fundamental change.


Shenzhen experimental school principal CaoYanQing are there are concerns,"This is actually a kind of distribution in advance",I'm afraid I will be in this way for a good student.In his view,Independent recruit students should expand the autonomy of the school,Inspects the student's comprehensive quality or specialty to more meaningful.Although the meaning may not appear,but"Have such a goal is also a kind of progress".
