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College students are in to their peers"To know sexual knowledge"survey,The results show


Small sample survey,More than eighty percent students concerned about how to deal with sexual harassment,More than six adult care about how to protect themselves from sexual harassment


Encounter sexual harassment,Friends should be active to understand and comfort,This is the most important


College students' fear of sexual harassment?a,Guangdong several university students in the age of a small survey,Twenty percent of respondents had be sexual harassment experience,The earliest even can be traced back to primary school grade 6.and"Meet sexual harassment what should I do",Be more than eighty percent of students about the topic.The students think,The investigation shows that today's college students are more concerned with yourself in the lawful rights and interests of the sex,Also in a certain extent description,College students encounter sexual harassment risk may be higher than people might think.


案例 case


Guangdong a college sophomore cui hangzhou(alias)Encountered three times sexual harassment,The first time actually happened in primary school grade 6."I development better,At the age of 12 is already close to 1.6 meters,As high school students are often.Perhaps because of this reason,I always encounter‘pervert’."She said,First encounter sexual harassment occurs in the park a relatively remote location of the public toilet.A trivial middle-aged man followed her into the toilet,When she felt something was wrong,Doubt when back,Surprised to find that man to her LiaoKai clothes,Show the nakedness.


"When young,Do not know how to call out to people,Also don't know fled,Just stay standing in situ,Afraid to cover your eyes."When waiting for her to open your eyes,The man has a laugh wildly rush out of the toilet.Small cui said,This disgusting scene often in her eyes shaking.A long time,She dare not a person on the light is bad or less public toilets.sometimes,Walk on the road to hear with the abnormal man voice similar laughter,His will uncontrollably nausea/vomiting.


The second and third are on the bus encounter"Sexual harassment".The first happened in senior high school,"When the hand was very shocked/anger,Afterwards feel wronged,Also have depressed."She dare not complaining to the students,Because of fears that the"The somebody else will say‘Did you not,So unlucky things appear in your body’".Due to the psychological pressure is too great,Small cui since then began to deeply with insomnia.


After college,To relieve their psychological pressure,Also to understand those who bring you pain the distortion of the psychological,She took psychology,Try to ease heart wounds.In the BBS on,She found his misery loves company with not a few,Everyone will exchange deal with experience.


Last October,When the bus again encounter when sexual harassment,She has been taken off calmly at the man's"Sexual harassment",, face to face"Do you want to do?Broad daylight do such a thing,You are not afraid of be the police to catch?"Harasser dejected to run away to get off.


"Now I often go to search the Internet to the skills of sexual harassment.""She laughed,Because and public place than sexual harassment,In the future to step into the workplace,Sexual harassment event also many,You want to save for a rainy day,Ready to of policy measures.


调查 survey


两成受访同学称曾遭遇性骚扰 Twenty percent of students say encountered sexual harassment


Last year,Sun yat-sen university school of public health of undergraduate level 2010 king Wan ping etc. Students under the guidance of the teacher,Finished the topic"College students to know sexual knowledge"Students scientific research projects.They choose to sample is not big,Only 49 people,"Is twenty to 24 years of undergraduate students,A lot of people have male and female friend,And may begin to consider happen first sexual intercourse."The king Wan ping said,Maybe for this reason,contraceptive/Sex and venereal disease and other related knowledge,Are all respondents are more concerned with topic.


however,One group of data to a few students both surprised and confused."We found,As much as 81.36% of the students care about how to deal with the issue of sexual harassment,There are 61.02% of the people are concerned about how to protect themselves from sexual harassment."The king Wan ping said,In the personal interview,Have two boys and nine girls said he had met sexual harassment.Sexual harassment and harm party both members of the opposite sex,Also have gay,Most of their peers for,There are also external stranger.There are many people said,The harassed experience the earliest traced back to primary school.


In recent years,Campus sexual harassment case repeatedly been network,Almost every time can stir up young people nervous.Maybe for this reason,BBS/Micro bo appear on each"Defend Wolf operation"Teaching for,Will be crazy forward.however,Back to the real life,College students still worry:Meet sexual harassment,How to prevent?How to reduce as far as possible to their own damage degree?


专家点评 Expert comments


性骚扰可令受害者精神受创 Sexual harassment can make traumatised victims


"Encounter sexual harassment,Victims often caused by trauma,Especially for teenagers of sexual harassment,More far-reaching influence."The third affiliated hospital of sun yat-sen university of doctor of vice director of psychology department WangXiangLan pointed out,In the sexual harassment victims,The most common mood changes,Such as easy to panic/nervous/depression.Part of the victims will appear behavior change,For example to others aggressive,Others become back,Don't want to interaction with others.


Constitute a personal injury/Properties of bad sexual harassment,May further affect the victims of the psychological,Lead to marriage life frustration,If there is a little girl was adult male obscene,Grow up to think that men are bad,Affect her relationship with the opposite sex;Some people can appear sex pain/frigidity;Others go to the other extreme,Physical and mental injury because of giving up,For the performance of the abandonment of sex.


专家支招 Experts move


亲友理解和安慰最重要 Relatives and friends to understand and comfort is the most important


Encounter sexual harassment,How to save?First of all,Be brave to implement sexual harassment said"Don't",Decisive alarm or to the surrounding people publicly for help.This will help to suspend the infringement,Avoid worse,Maximum protection.secondly,Keep as much as possible by the harassment of evidence.Conditional students can take pictures will be mobile phones/Recording function set to shortcut key,Facilitate rapid concealment to preserve evidence,Facilitate the perpetrator to justice,Make it punished.


secondly,Don't blame yourself,Don't think"Others do not suffer harassment,Is my bad before anyone invasion."Punishment should be perpetrator,Rather than the harassed person.again,As early as possible to count on friends and relatives for comfort.Family and friends support,Is the best healing medicine.finally,If the relatives and friends talk,Still cannot get rid of the nightmare,Can to professional psychological doctor for help.

  王相兰指出,如果身边朋友因遭遇性骚扰而痛苦不堪,亲友可以主动给予理解和安慰,这是最为重要的。情感的支持,可以避免令对方产生“我被大家嫌弃、抛弃”的感觉,加剧心理伤害。在安慰受害者时,如果受害者流露出自责、对未来绝望等悲观念头时,要给予纠正,鼓励其放下思想包袱,积极寻求心理干预。(文/记者任珊珊 通讯员江澜、李文敏)

WangXiangLan pointed out that,If friends because of suffering sexual harassment and pain,Friends and relatives can be active to understand and comfort,This is the most important.Emotional support,To avoid that make each other produce"I was the abandon/abandon"feeling,Intensifying psychological damage.In the comfort victims,If the victim show remorse/In the future, such as despair when pessimistic thoughts,To give correct,Encourage the drop thought load,Actively seek psychological intervention.(Wen/reporters as she JiangLan correspondent/LiWenMin)
