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Eisenhower was consider,I finally decided to invasion.First of all,Compared with state law,The constitution and the law is the supreme law.President Abraham Lincoln have a civil war to solve the problem,There is no need to make today's President hesitate to ravel.


Dwight Eisenhower"World war ii"When served the allied commander in chief,After the war was elected President of the United States.In September 1957,He is faced with a difficult choice:Whether or not to tone down soldiers?Soldiers front the,Not Eurasia,But their little rock, Arkansas state.Troops need to complete tasks,Hailing town is not critical,But the implementation of the Supreme Court ruling.


1954 years ago,The United States and the southern states still segregation measures.This kind of system forced black accept inferior education,Use of public facilities is not perfect,To make them suffer the endless hurt and insult.This year on May 17,,Supreme Court ruled in"Brown v board of Kansas TuoPiKaShi education committee case"Announced in:"Public education field will never allow‘Separate but equal’Principles exist.In the education institution in implementation of the racial segregation,In essence is a kind of inequality."As for the southern segregation,The violation of the constitution about"state……Shall not……Deny anyone to equal protection law"Provisions of,Should be abolished as soon as possible.


"The brown"Judgment is more popular,But encountered strong resistance from the racist.The case sentenced a year later,The south eight state is not a public school really cancel the racial segregation.meanwhile,From the southern congressmen joint release[Declaration of south],announced"The brown"Is together"Abuse of judicial power"Wrong judgment,is"The federal judiciary legislative competence"Another evil cases,Called on people to"It's legal way"The Supreme Court and boycott"The brown"judgment.


In fact,At the beginning of the founding of the United States,Alexander Hamilton was in[Federalists corpus]Demonstrated in a,The Supreme Court have neither"Fund sources",Also don't grasp the"The barrel of a gun",is"The three branches of the government the most disadvantaged department".In other words,If the Supreme Court decision can not get recognition and support,Judicial authority will also disappeared.In the history of the United States,An example of this can be found everywhere.In the 1830 s,President Andrew Jackson even lead the recalcitrance Supreme Court decision,Adjustable soldiers forced the Cherokee indians from Georgia family out to the west.


For the implementation of"The brown"judgment,In the summer of 1957,Little rock education committee selection nine black students,Intends to arrange them in September this year to local recruits only white students before the central secondary schools.These students all the result is outstanding,Superior intelligence,History says"Little rock nine people".however,In the eve,Arkansas governor f bers suddenly speak on television,Serious question the legality of the Supreme Court ruling,And announced that the national guard will send to the central high school,Stop black students enrolling.Opening day,National guard troops came,The black students stop outside the school gate.


In the federal government's pressure,F bers withdrew the national guard,but,Because of his repeated agitation/indulge,Campus surrounding has brought together a large number of the black hostile crowd,Many mob began to trouble,Some black reporter was mistaken for the enrolling students,Was savage beating.Support the integration of the mayor had to little rock to the federal government for help.


In fact,Dwight Eisenhower to abolish segregation Supreme Court ruling,Also a qualified opinion,Think do not consider public opinion of the south,Action too hasty.and,Once the adjustable federal troops entered the state land,Clashes occurred,Even with deadly,Such as the killing of women and children,Integration plan and how will it end?If the other cities in little rock such events,And do?Whether you want to like the after the civil war"Reconstruction period"that,Directly implement uniform?In addition,Eisenhower in mind,Public education is local affairs,State governments should take main responsibility.He must consider,The union army once appear,Will not charging,made"The federal shall not interfere with the states' rights"Of taboo.


Eisenhower was consider,I finally decided to invasion.First of all,Compared with state law,The constitution and the law is the supreme law.President Abraham Lincoln have a civil war to solve the problem,There is no need to make today's President hesitate to ravel.secondly,In recent years history has shown that,The court's instruction if not implement,Will only become a waste paper.In Texas,Due to the governor Alan hepher, refused to carry out the decision of the court,The local black students cannot enter the public schools.finally,A former allied commander in chief,Eisenhower had seen many black soldiers bloody battles,Practice has proved,Racial segregation is a kind of unfair practices.


On September 23, 1957,Eisenhower decided to use"Necessary force,Clear law enforcement obstacles,Implement the federal court's decision".He announced on national television address:"According to the President of the United States constitutional power",I"Ordered all hinder law enforcers immediately stop or end resistance,Immediately dissolved".In order to avoid too much aroused against,Eisenhower deliberately sent in the United States people's heart full of the prestige of the 101th airborne division.The force to participate in the Normandy landing,experienced"Baden campaign",Give a great sacrifice,Is a play out of the mighty force and civilized force.


On September 24,52 plane carrying 1000 paratroopers,To the little rock,And quickly deployed in central school around.The second day morning,Rioters gather again,Find the campus has been military blockade.Some people open abuse soldiers,Throwing stones to them.In order to avoid damage or injuries,Paratroopers as far as possible will lower the bayonet,But still hurt a few people.the,A man was bayonet tong injury,A man was hit by a head butt plate.At 9 PM,Black students are military jeep sent to the central high school.Paratroopers row orderly queue,Bayonet out,All the way with escort nine students,Along the steps into the campus.Related photos by newspapers,Spread rapidly through the world,Also make the world to see how the federal government of the United States safeguard judicial authority,Desegregate determination."Little rock nine people"The Ming, jean brown wrote in his diary later:"I live so big,The first time feel he is an American citizen".


The second day morning,There is no street crowd gathered.Black students normal entrance,No serious accidents.Polls show,68.4% of americans approve of the President's decision is the key to soldiers.Although racist saying:"If use the military to,The President also won't win,Because the soldiers will not have been stationed in little rock".but,The federal government execution of the judgment of the court strong determination,Or have the effect.By 1959,Many southern schools began to gradually implement at black and white.


Today's central high school,The United States is one of the best public schools,The 2000 students,52% is black,42% were white.In the distance the school a miles away,People can see Cherokee family's chief wife tombstone.the,Because the Supreme Court ruled against the President,She and her family people are forced to migrate,On the final illness.The tombstone and central high school,Common carrying a past the rule of law.The school and tombstone distance is short,but,The country in their symbol between two sentence,But has come a long way.but,Goal eventually became the right direction.
