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安徽宿州中学老师被强迫买彩票 校称乡里下任务--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  昨日,一名宿州市西二铺中学老师抱怨其学校“坑爹”,每名老师被强行购买彩票。对于此事,校方称是因接到了乡政府通知,认为这只是一种“捐款”善举。而西二铺乡相关工作负责人告诉记者,此举并非摊派,而是上面交代的任务,但购买自愿,但他承认确实全乡学校有9500元的彩票任务。并称已经实施两年。 yesterday,A SuZhouShi west two shop middle school teacher complained about the school"Pit dad",Every teacher was forced to buy lottery tickets.For this,University officials said is because received notice of the township government,Think this is just a"donation"benignity.And the west two shop township related working person in charge told reporters,This is not assessed,But the task of above replacement,But buying voluntary,But he acknowledged that does the entire town school has 9500 yuan lottery task.And has been carried out for two years.


老师:被人强迫买彩票 The teacher:Being forced to buy lottery tickets

  “校长为了一己私利,与乡民政所相互勾结,竟然强迫老师购买彩票,不买不行。每年春节快到的时候,他总是强迫老师买这买那。强烈呼吁社会上有良知的人一起来谴责这样无耻的校长,这样坑爹的校长! ” 昨日这样一则抱怨“坑爹学校”的帖子在网上引起广泛关注,而在该帖发出不到一小时,就有人回应称“根据市、区、乡下达的任务,我乡教育口分配10000元,平均每人50元,且所得奖金归个人所有。各小学上星期已经完成任务,西二铺中学昨天(周一)例会刚刚布置,会上就有人强烈反对,现又上网攻击学校领导,败坏学校和政府声誉,其目的何在? ”

"The headmaster to selfish interests,And township home the collusion with each other,The teacher was forced to buy lottery tickets,Don't buy no.Every year the Spring Festival when come to,He always forced the teacher to buy the buy that.Strong calls for social conscience of people together to condemn such shameless headmaster,This pit dad principal! " Yesterday a complain about this"Pit dad school"Post on the Internet is a concern,And in a GaiTie less than an hour,They respond to say"According to the city/area/The country up to the task,Township education mouth distribution is 10000 yuan,Fifty yuan per capita,And the bonus to all individuals.Last week the primary school has been completed the task,Col. Spread middle school yesterday(On Monday)Meeting just arrangement,The meeting he was strongly against,Now the Internet attack and school leaders,Destroyed schools and the government's reputation,What is the purpose of? "


学校:乡里下通知定任务 The school:The notice under constant task


Yesterday afternoon,SuZhouShi west two middle school a shop staff introduced,The said lottery is a kind of"Scratch color",Each denomination ten yuan,The teacher complained that forced the purchase it says this is the task of the township government issued.School has not only,Including the township government authority/Police station/CunBu have task.At the same time,He says,The school really at the meeting yesterday about this notice.


相关负责人:确实下任务、购买自愿 The relevant person in charge of:Do the task/Buy voluntary

  “没有摊派,摊派是指一定的任务,一定要买多少,我们是自愿买的,我自己也买了。 ”昨日,西二铺乡政府办公室一位刘姓工作人员还告诉记者,这其实是一项民生工程,这确实是上面发下来的任务,但是乡政府没有强行摊派。 记者随后找到了乡政府负责该项工作的王健。王建称这次不仅包括学校,机关也买,“彩票进机关、进学校、进企业活动。我们乡机关里至少100元,多的不限。 ”对于这个活动,王健称是上级单位安排的任务,“每个乡镇6万元,我们乡小,3万元。 ”而他介绍,今年全乡所有学校定的任务是10000元。但对于摊派一说,他予以否认,称购买自愿。“你们一边下任务一边说自愿购买? ”对于记者的这一疑问,王健没有作答。(安徽商报 记者吴尚)

"No apportionment,Assessed refers to a certain task,Must buy many,We are voluntary to buy,I also bought. "yesterday,Col. Shop at the township office a surnamed lu staff also told reporters,It is a people's livelihood project,It is the task of top hair down,The township government but not forcibly assessed. Reporter then found the township government is responsible for the work of yongchang.Wang said the includes not only the school,Authority can also buy,"Lottery into authority/Into school/Into enterprise activities.Our country offices at least 100 yuan,Any more. "For this activity,Kenneth wang says is superior arrangement of unit of task,"Each township 60000 yuan,Our country small,30000 yuan. "And he introduced,This year the entire town all schools set task is 10000 yuan.But for assessed said,He denied that,Say buy voluntary."The task you side side said voluntary purchase? "The question to journalists,Yongchang no reply.(Anhui business newspaper reporter wu is still)
