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部分中学设大学先修课 考试成绩成北大自招依据--亲稳网络舆情监测室

部分中学设大学先修课 考试成绩成北大自招依据蔡华伟绘 CaiHuaWei draw


部分中学开设“大学先修课程”,考试成绩成北大自主选拔依据 Part of the school curriculum"University first courses",Test scores into north independent selection basis


“让会飞的孩子先飞起来” "Let the child can fly to fly"


Spare capacity to learn when,"left"How to cast?Peking University and part of middle school cooperation in pilot"The Chinese university first courses",For these"left"Provides a sprinkle of space.The attempt,It is necessary to,More pressing.

  任何深思熟虑的改革都是对教育体制的有益补充,都是对历史积弊的努力革除,但往往其中的一些改革难以坚持、化于形式,敌不过高考指挥棒的轻轻一点,挡不住积久体制的惯性滑动。改革,要从细节着眼,也需顶层设计,高低配合,巨细兼顾,才能真正药到病除。编 者

Any deliberate reform of education system is a beneficial supplement,Are any of history to abolish,But some of them are often difficult to adhere to the reform/Change in form,The enemy but the university entrance exam baton and gently point,Stop JiJiu system inertia sliding.reform,To focus on the details from,Also need to top design,With high and low,Both big and small,Can we truly medicine arrived a disease.Knitting is


17,The school should be part of the request,Peking University and middle school announced that it would open cooperation pilot"The Chinese university first courses",For GaoErXue spare capacity students take as an elective course,July organization unified exam,Result will be an important basis for the selection of university autonomy.If conditions mature,To achieve outstanding students,The university related disciplines that audit,Enrollee reduces its corresponding university course credits,Advanced standing corresponding course.


初衷 Original intention


发挥学有余力学生的潜能,淡化中学教育应试色彩 Play the potential of students learn spare capacity,Desalination middle school education takes an exam the colour


Why to teach students advance college course?Several have begun promoting"The Chinese university first courses"The high school principal words very intriguing:


"A period of time,We found that some children in the class,Pretended to be listening to the teacher's class,In fact he had learned,Just because respect the teacher and make believe,It is a waste of time."Beijing eleven school principal LiXiGui said,"We in the school has organized a independent research institute,Found a large number of students have the ability to high school at the high school curriculum,When high can finish university mathematics and physics course."


Starting from 2010,Beijing. The school will open the calculus/Linear algebra/General physics/General chemistry/biology/Advanced English translation university courses,To meet the needs of the development of students' autonomous part.


"before,To learn the students with spare capacity to improve method is mainly subject contest,but,Subject contest students face is narrow,Utilitarianism is becoming more and more strong,so,We need to set up some new course,Emphasize experimental/Participate in process and practical operation."Beijing university affiliated high school principal WangZheng said,"Discipline competition also cannot be satisfied in the liberal arts and art have outstanding potential of the child's needs,For those who are interested in liberal arts and science students have left the university to provide general elective,Is a good direction."


"First Open University courses,This may be a DaoBi results."Hangzhou, zhejiang province, the second high school principal leaf CuiWei is introduced,"Now graduated from high school,Even in a high school/Second grade will go abroad students more and more.In the age of globalization,The students have the right to choose the high quality education,If don't reform,Or around the examination,So choose to go abroad students more and more.so,School curriculum with answering not for the purpose of the first university courses,Hope to be able to inspire/Train the student to a subject of interest."

  “教育应该让会飞的孩子飞起来,让能飞的孩子飞得更高。教育要主动回应孩子自主的发展诉求。大学先修课程有效地淡化了目前中学学科教学‘试题为王’的现状。” 叶翠微说。

"Education should let the child can fly fly,Let can fly children fly higher.Education should take the initiative to respond to the child independent development appeals.University first courses effectively fade the current middle school teaching‘Questions for the king’Situation of." Leaf CuiWei said.


迫切 urgent


高三教育成“训练小白鼠”,大学新生不知自己兴趣在哪 Three education into"Training mice",Freshmen do not know their interests


Middle school students aware of the importance of interest,University is more recognize the urgency.Beijing university, vice President of the college mathematics LiuBin said,"Pku students exams don't care about the difficulty of the examination,They care about examination purpose type.The high school education about pure examination.Middle school teacher put the exam questions into several types,Tell the students various questions and solving the trick.This makes a lot of students in the university examination feel does not adapt."


LiuBin introduced,In the United States and France,Many famous middle school opened the first university courses,Please university professors for high school students in class,As early as possible to stimulate children's interest in learning,Grasp the 16-17 years old this golden age.


At present,Many middle school has started to make a conscious effort to according to the students' different needs and different interested in doing hierarchical culture,But cannot avoid the university entrance exam baton,Let many schools in a dilemma.


"Middle school find our,Would like to take a different admission system,To adapt to the middle school the talent training mode change,So as to better protect students' interest,Desire to better encourage."Peking University manages director QinChunHua is introduced,"Now the biggest hope is middle school and university butt,Want the university reached out his hand and a,By changing the basic education in the examination are serious problems."


In the personnel selection and training,Universities are facing greater pressure."Foundation education,Especially in the last stage of high school education,In the training mode of alternative education is more and more serious.In some schools,Appraisal student is good,Not see whether students to do the right question,But require students to see the topic to write an answer without thinking,This is not education,Is the training mice formation conditions reflection."QinChunHua said.


A graduate of Peking University says,There are many students just to the north demonstrate strong discomfort.Many people do not know where is interested in,Don't know his likes and dislikes,Don't know what suitable for you,The teacher said is right,Has not had its own independent opinions.


突破 breakthrough


先修课程尝试衔接教育“脱钩”,有望获更多高校认可 First try to join education courses"decoupling",The university is expected to be more recognition


Foreign experience that,University first courses can solve high school education and university education decoupling problem.


Students according to the personal interest,Advance experience/To know about the college course,To complete the college to prepare learning."Let the students learn to have left early contact university courses,For future rational choice university major lay the foundation."LiuBin think,"Repair university first courses can be found that the students have the ability to complete the college education,And fully display their certain aspects of the academic achievement,University autonomy for the future provide a basis for selection."


The reporter understands,From 2013 spring semester began,The part of the middle school will be in current high school elective course system,In mathematics/physical/chemical/Chinese and history and other basic disciplines open differential and integral calculus/electromagnetism/University chemistry/Ancient Chinese culture/General history of China(Part of the ancient)Five door"The Chinese university first courses".According to the plan,The 2013 fall semester will also launch linear algebra/geometry/mechanics/thermal/optical/Modern physics/Chemical front/Classic masterpiece in/The history of the world/Human geography/Environmental science/psychology/Life science/microeconomics/Macroeconomics, etc more than ten door first courses.


To further support the"The Chinese university first courses"Project implementation,Ap course curriculum standard and teaching outline advance by Peking University related discipline senior professors and middle school teachers to establish.Every year on July,"The Chinese university first courses"Committee will organize unified exam,Issued updated curriculum standard.

  “我们也正在同清华大学、复旦大学、天津大学、浙江大学、北京师范大学等高校讨论,中学的大学先修课程未来有望被更多高校认可。”秦春华说。(记者 赵婀娜)

"We also is working with tsinghua university/Fudan university/Tianjin university/Zhejiang university/Beijing normal university and other universities to discuss,The first middle school university courses in the future is expected to be more recognized universities."QinChunHua said.(Reporter zhao graceful)
