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珠海公务员收入调查:副科级干部年薪17万珠海市公务员、驻珠海中央公务员、其他珠三角城市部分公务员收入情况对比 Zhuhai municipal civil servants/In zhuhai central civil servants/The other part of the pearl river delta city civil servants income contrast


珠海两会之场外调查 Zhuhai two outside of the survey


Zhuhai civil service pay what's the matter?Shenzhen and guangzhou and the pearl river delta city its ranking compared?Salary how to constitute?Award many?The public accumulation fund for housing construction is rich?Holiday is issue loyalty card?Holiday overtime if there is a subsidy?These are the concerns of the topic.But after the zhuhai no media disclosure of information,therefore,We to zhuhai from middle-level officials to the income of the cadres are overall survey on.


Integrated many news,Can confirm that,Zhuhai civil servant salary structure,Mainly includes basic salary/Life forms subsidies/Workability allowance and year-end bonus once several large.The discrepancy of the cause,In addition to the discretion of the rank outside,The length of the length is also an important factor.Such as the new ZhengKeJi cadre deduction"Three risks a gold"outside,monthly"paid-in"Approximate 13000 yuan,But there are also dry for more than ten years are family cadres,A month after the wage reform can be paid in approximate 16000 yuan.


年终奖 award


In recent years off when,Award people become hot debate topics.The reporter learns,Zhuhai straight of civil servants is generally in the form of double pay at the end of the year,But the area/town/street,Said to some in the year-end assessment after,Will issue year-end appraisal award.As for assessment award bonus level,General with the economic level and floating."From several thousand to tens of have",A straight civil servants told SMW reporter,Heard about a year a town west hair year-end appraisal award had several hundred thousand,Let many civil servants straight at the retailing.


公积金 Accumulation fund


In the era of high prices,Civil servants should be not so upset for prices of one of the crowd.In fact,Civil servants is zhuhai the real estate market in addition to outside the foreign capital,Most of the purchasing power of people.The reason,In the civil servants have significant accumulation fund,Can charge against monthly payments.SMW reporters found that many verification,Zhuhai housing accumulation fund to pay for the proportion of individual pay by 20%,"Then the provisions of the state only 12% said the highest",A civil servant has revealed,Buying housing maintenance fund and fill the gaps are found to be 8%.Have ZhengKeJi civil servants has revealed,His monthly withholding accumulation fund of about 2000 yuan,Unit make up 2000 yuan,Count down there is 4000 yuan per month,In the urban area purchase three rooms one hall housing,Basic monthly accumulation fund is also mortgage.


加班费 overtime


More than that of comprehensive civil service,Zhuhai's civil servants group should be no overtime pay a nominal."In the evening/The weekend/Holidays are in turn on duty,No overtime wage,Let alone what double pay/Three pay the",A civil servants told SMW reporter."No can't afford to the early",So most civil servants to work overtime all apparent if a dangerous road,listless.


过节费 Festival bonus


The same integrated many civil servants saying,Now supervision strict,Loyalty card/Entertainment card is dead,Generally no unit again hair loyalty card.It can take out of eight is coarse,Each has 1000 yuan festival bonus.


香洲区副科级 FuKeJi xiangzhou district has injected


季度奖1000元 Quarterly prize is 1000 yuan

  据香洲区一位副科级干部介绍,其是单位副局长,工龄为30年,任副科级干部有几年,其工资收入为5000余元/月,公积金为3500元/月,车补为220 0元/月,季度奖为1000余元/月,算下来平均月收入为12700元,年终奖为17000余元,年薪约为17万元。

According to xiangzhou district has injected a FuKeJi cadre is introduced,It is deputy director of the unit,Seniority for 30 years,Let FuKeJi cadres have a few years,The wage income for 5000 yuan/month,Accumulation fund for 3500 yuan/month,CheBu for 220, yuan/month,Quarterly award for 1000 yuan/month,Count down for the average monthly income of 12700 yuan,Award for 17000 yuan,Salary is about 170000 yuan.


同一级别 The same level


干部收入也有差别 Cadres income also have difference


A city of politics and law system ZhengChuJi officials told reporters,Even the same level of the place class staff,In the salary still have distinction,And will be in accordance with the provisions of an adjustment,In the ten years salary change is not big,Income generally include basic wage/Post allowance and housing accumulation fund,Earning more than $200000 but less than 250000,Award is double pay,Multiple a month of basic salary,Every holiday has 1000 yuan festival bonus,At ordinary times and no other additional income,It says,In addition to a unit in the city for recognition,Give yourself hair bounty,But only a few hundred dollars.


副处级干部计生奖5000元 Deputy place class cadre family prize is 5000 yuan


Straight unit of a deputy place class cadres FeiLingDao position,The seniority have 33 years.According to the introduction,Its current income constitute four parts,Basic salary + housing accumulation fund + weighting(CheBu)+ bonus.Basic salary is about 6000 yuan,Accumulation fund in 3600 yuan or so,CheBu for 2400 yuan,In addition every year 7 big festival bonus every 1000 yuan,And the end of the year or award for 5000 yuan.It says the average monthly income roughly 12000 yuan to 13000 yuan.In addition also has double pay at the end of the year,Annual income last year about 170000 yuan.And the leadership positions ZhengChuJi cadres,Basic is more than 200000 each year


斗门区属干部收入比市区低 Doumen ringed mountains belongs to low income cadres than the city


Doumen district a government unit mainly responsible for ZhengKeJi belongs to,He took part in 25 years,The officials say"Each month obtainable cash have almost 8500",Is also deduct the public accumulation fund for housing construction/Housing maintenance after hit the money on card,if"The odds are is,A month of income should be in 12000 yuan of above."He also says,Doumen district middle-level officials pay basic almost,Whether the secretary of the towns/mayor,Or branches of a hand,Won't be a big difference,But compared to xiangzhou district has injected jinwan district and less,This is mainly lies in the doumen financial income is not very high,But eat financial rice are many.This person in charge said,In previous years are a year hair 13 months salary,But don't know whether this year or in the policy implementation,If according to current salary calculation,He's income for the year 156000 yuan.


住房维修费补了不少 Housing upkeep fill a lot


YaoChang(alias)Work in 21 years,At present in doumen work,Only two years ago from vice GuJi ascended to the GuJi.She SMW reporters,At present she each month income constitute"Salary + housing accumulation fund + housing maintenance cost",the,Wage deductions for 5400 yuan,Accumulation fund for a total of 2400 yuan,Housing maintenance cost is 2300 yuan,All added up to 10100 yuan.Before the Spring Festival last unit will be sent"Double food",so,Counted down YaoChang annual income of about 131300 yuan.In her eyes,"This is a few months after the premise to have so many."YaoChang said,Before her salary for 4300 yuan,The public accumulation fund for housing construction is 3000 yuan,No housing upkeep this a,Monthly income for 7300 yuan.


市属干部收入低于香洲区 Under the cadre income below xiangzhou district has injected


A municipal department FuKeJi cadres said,The income is in relative department,Monthly income less 1200 yuan,Salary is less than 140000,Below the xiangzhou district has injected a same position the income of the cadres.


科级干部每月车补2200元 Middle-level officials CheBu 2200 yuan a month


The municipal department middle-level cadres salary as an example,Its length is more than twenty years,Let ZhengKeJi cadres have twelve years.According to the introduction,The income is composed of three components:wage/Workability subsidies/Housing subsidies.The middle-level cadres wage income for 7000 yuan,The public accumulation fund for housing construction for more than 3000 yuan,CheBu for 2200 yuan,Monthly income for 12000 yuan.
