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学生没完成作业被罚跳楼梯 学校:责令老师道歉--亲稳网络舆情监测室
This morning,Hainan GuoXing middle school grade(1)One of the students of class to our news hotline complaints says,19 in the afternoon when politics,Because there are 24 students didn't finish my homework,In political lesson teacher corporal punishment,Penalty running,Jump stairs;Punishment do homework and times,Write a review.The student said:"The corporal punishment student let's mood is depressed,How can the teacher this to us!"
This morning,Hainan GuoXing middle school students to a southern metropolis daily news hotline complaint said:"I want to complain the corporal punishment student teacher!"Reporters let the situation are introduced in detail.According to the introduction,19 in the afternoon,Was the teacher of the corporal punishment student have boys and girls,The teacher is miss wang.Teacher wang penalty girls around the building running,A boy at the stairs scamper.
The students finished after the penalty,Teacher wang and 24 students call together,Ruthlessly scolded.then,Teacher wang and punish the students didn't finish the homework twenty times,And asked the 24 students write check.
The student introduces to the reporter situations,Obviously feel the mood is heavy.When the reporter that he speaks his own name,He is very nervous to say:"Can I report name,If my name's word,I'm worried about the future days will not good."
Reporter guarantee not reveal its name,The student to the name to offer the reporter.
The student said:"The teacher use corporal punishment student's approach to students,Let us feel the teacher is very rough.This let the students the mood was very depressed.Hope that the media exposure,Let you review a evaluation of this education method is right?"
More than 3 o 'clock this afternoon,Reporters through GuoXing hainan middle school grade(1)BanBan director teacher's phone,The teacher in charge teacher says this temporary not informed,He said to the reporter understanding after will reply situation.
5 PM,The teacher in charge of this class and school administrators ChuZhongBu character director to reporters call a telephone,Reflect the situation of investigation.
According to the teacher in charge teacher introduction,After investigation, we can be sure that understanding,The student told reporters reflects the basic problem is true,He also to the school manager reflects the matter.He asked the reporter and competent leadership direct call.
The school chief ChuZhongBu character director says,In the class teacher corporal punishment is study result good class(The teacher in private called major work class),The teacher to student's demand is higher,The teachers is also great pressure.
Because the class last month's monthly exam political test scores dropped,Political lesson teacher so criticized.therefore,A political lesson teacher to the student with some really means(The corporal punishment student, etc)In order to promote students' political literacy class results,If not complete political work,How many times will be sent to do,And it also requires running around the education building, etc.
Operator director says,Now the final exam to immediately,Learn some relative tension.School for Saturday let teachers to strengthen students' learning guidance.School has more than 60% of the students are laid up,Schools require teachers try not to on Saturday and Sunday group of false,Lest students out.
This cause part of students dislike,The students hope Saturday and week sunrise school to play it,Such as a let down the nets, etc,Them to school on Saturday and arrange a time for learning guidance does not approve of.
这位领导说:“老师体罚学生是一种极端的、落后的、过时的教育方式,根本不能适应当前的教育要求。我们要求这位上政治课的老师,20日晚上在班上向所有学生进行赔礼道歉,保证不再发生类似事件。” (南国都市报 记者聂元剑)
The leader said:"The teacher the corporal punishment student is a kind of extreme/backward/Outdated education mode,Can't adapt to the current education requirements.We ask the political lesson teacher,And in the evening, in the class to offer an apology to all the students,Ensure that no longer happen." (Southern metropolis daily reporter nie yuan jian)
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