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》》》进入“向教育提问”2012搜狐教育年度盛典专题 ]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:2012年中国教育行业有哪些关健词?
In 2012, the Chinese education industry what key word?
张莉(滨才留学CEO): ZhangLi(Offshore to study abroad CEO):第一是增长;第二是低龄化;第三是集中:往年各个国家市场均等,今年美、英澳占据了留学市场接近80%的份额,尤其以美加为甚;还有一个关健词是变化:包括英国、澳洲都相继了出台一些国际教育政策。
The first is to increase;The second is DiLingHua;The third is to focus on:In previous years each country market equal,The beauty of this year/The Macao accounted for nearly 80% of the study abroad market share,Especially with the United States and why;There is a key word is change:Including Britain/Australia has one on some international education policy.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在这个行业里,您对模式创新和管理创新的理解是什么?模式创新我们可以从产品层面来讲,而管理创新,众所周知,企业越大,管理压力越大,因此很多老板都尝试在管理方面做一些创新。
In this industry,You to mode innovation and management innovation to understand what is it?Mode innovation we can from product level speaking,And management innovation,As is known to all,The enterprise,Management the more the pressure,So many bosses are trying to do some innovation in management.
张莉(滨才留学CEO): ZhangLi(Offshore to study abroad CEO):创新是每一个行业、每一个企业的关健词,因为你每一天都面临一个新的市场,我们都要去尝试着进行变革。出国留学的根本是服务业,创新分为几个方面,第一,如何在营销方式上创新。第二,在服务上细化创新。包括我们怎么能做得更延伸、更具体、更细化。因为服务从商业模式上,我们从原来的线下机构转变为移动互联网,传统的商业变成电商,而且比例还在增加。从创新上说,但是并不是颠覆性的创新。真正的创新包括管理,搜狐教育的年度盛典上做了很多教育领域里的上市公司的财报,其中的几个关健词都是增长。不止营业额,还有运营费用的增长,物价上涨,广告费上涨,房租上涨,人员工资上涨。这意味着企业面对着更多的挑战,企业管理者需要思考的可能关键就是如何比竞争对手更好地控制费用。
Innovation is each industry/Each enterprise's key word,Because you every day are all faced with a new market,We are going to try to reform.Studying abroad is essential services,Innovation is divided into several aspects,The first,How to the marketing mode innovation.The second,In the service innovation of refining.Include how we can do more extension/More specific/More refined.Because the service from a business model,We from the offline institutions into mobile Internet,The traditional business into electricity business,And the proportion is on the increase.From innovation said,But not disruptive innovation.Real innovation including management,Sohu education annual festival on many education in the field of listed company's earnings,One of the several key words are all growth.Turnover of more than,And the growth of the operating costs,prices,Advertising rise,Rent rise,Personnel salary rise.This means that enterprise face more challenges,Managers need to think about the possibility of the key is how to better control than competitors cost.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您在管理创新上之前做过什么样的尝试?
You in management innovation had done before what kind of try?
张莉(滨才留学CEO): ZhangLi(Offshore to study abroad CEO):首先我们整合了运营,原来是每个分支都是有各自的运营团队,我们今年首先把网络中心整合,届时整合成一个营销中心。其次在管理上优化,调整到最适合现阶段企业发展。
First of all, we integrate the operation,It is each branch are all have their own operation team,This year, we first turn on the network center integration,The integration into a marketing center.Secondly in the management of optimization,Adjustment to the most suitable for enterprise development at the present stage.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您作为教育企业家,您是如何平衡扩张和企业的发展、教育责任这两个方面?滨才发展了这么多年,现阶段这个问题肯定是解决了,我们也想听听您之前的纠结过程。
You as education entrepreneurs,How do you balance expansion and the development of the enterprise/Education responsibility these two aspects?Offshore to development for so many years,At present the problem must be solved,We also want to listen to your previous ravel process.
张莉(滨才留学CEO): ZhangLi(Offshore to study abroad CEO):首先,人的发展和企业的发展应该要付出代价,包括可能会降低服务关注度,降低管理的精细化,可能会更着重模块化的、大战略层面的和运营层面的管理,二不仅仅是业务层面。你要体量就会造成一定的不满、就会有一定服务的精细。我们第一是从服务的分段,然后招募到具备服务理念的人,加以理念的灌输、培训和培养。
First of all,The development and the development of the enterprise should pay the price,Including may reduce service attention,Reduce fine management,May be more focus on modular/Big strategic level and operation level of management,The second is not only a business level.You want to mass can cause certain dissatisfaction/There will be a certain service fine.We first from service section,Then recruit to have the service concept of people,To instill the concept of/Training and training.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这一年里在留学行业出现了一些工作室和DIY的情况。您觉得这种现象对于传统的留学机构有多大的冲击?这种冲击现在来说是可控还是不可控?
This year in study abroad industry there have been some studios and DIY situation.Do you think this kind of phenomenon for the traditional study institutions have much impact?This kind of impact for now is controlled or uncontrolled?
张莉(滨才留学CEO): ZhangLi(Offshore to study abroad CEO):我觉得这是一种方式,什么叫高端工作室。我创业的时候就我一个人做。我也可以称之为高端工作室。究竟有多高端?可能有一些工作室的人曾在沃顿、宾夕法尼亚大学有过求学经历,但是他的人文素养、他的职业规划理念,他对一个学生的励志和规划,可能他未必能满足所有学生对这个规划的期待。因此高端工作室和DIY并不会影响我们这些传统的留学机构,也不会影响整个行业的发展格局。这只是一个现象,就像我们去买东西,有LV这样的一线品牌,有普通品牌,有淘宝,还有地摊货。你可以选择在任何地方找到你的产品。但如何让客户了解你、认知你、选择你,这个很重要。对于传统的机构,这个行业只是阶段性的服务,不像你的日常的衣食住行,人们需要有一个可信赖的品牌,所以在恰当的时间让客户恰当地了解你,这才是我们这些传统机构在不断的去思考的。高端工作室和学生的DIY它不会是主流。只是一种现象,这种现象不会非常可观,也不会占去整个留学行业很大的份额。
I think this is a kind of way,What is the high-end studio.I venture when I do.I can also call high-end studio.How many high-end?There may be some studios have in Luke Walton/The university of Pennsylvania had study experience,But his humanistic literacy/His career planning concept,He to a student's inspiring and planning,Maybe he is not necessarily can meet all students to the planning of look forward to.So high-end studios and DIY will not affect us these traditional study institution,Also won't affect the whole industry development pattern.This is a phenomenon,As we go shopping,A LV such a line brand,A common brand,A clean out treasure,Goods and goods.You can choose at any place to find your product.But how to let the customer know you/Cognitive you/Choose your,This is very important.As for traditional institutions,The industry is only periodic service,Don't like your daily basic necessities,People need to have a reliable brand,So at the right time to let the customer know you properly,This is our the traditional institutions in constant thinking.High-end studios and students' DIY it won't is the mainstream.Is a kind of phenomenon,This kind of phenomenon will not very impressive,Will not take up the whole study abroad a significant fraction of the industry.
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这次参加我们的年度盛典,您肯定有自己的感想。您对中国教育的未来有什么样的期许?
This to our annual festival,Are you sure you have their own thoughts.You for the future of China's education what kind of expectations?
张莉(滨才留学CEO): ZhangLi(Offshore to study abroad CEO):就像今天我们向教育提问:问计、问策、问鼎。今天,大家对教育关注度这么高,对大学的期待也普遍较高。通过媒体的呼吁是能够引发当局的思考,令他们有所动作,但这需要一个过程。而且随着中国越来越多的出国留学的人员带着对这个世界的一种改变,可能会对我们今后的教育起到很积极的作用。中国现在的现象特别像早期六七十年代的台湾。那个时候台湾的经济好起来了,但是它的教育能力跟不上,大家就会选择出国留学,出国留学回来的人变成了台湾的学者、变成教育领域里的主管者,就会对这个地区或者这个国家进行教育改革,这是一个好的趋势。我觉得未来会向越来越好、越来越健康的方向发展。
As today we ask to education:advice/Ask for/took.today,Everyone to the education attention so high,The universities are generally high.Through the media appeal is able to cause the thinking,Make them to action,But this requires a process.And as China more and more people go abroad to study abroad to this world with a kind of change,May our future education play a very active role.China's current phenomenon especially like the early s Taiwan.At that time Taiwan's economy better,But its education ability can't keep up,You will choose to go abroad for further study,Study abroad back into Taiwan scholars/Into education in the field of executive,To the area or in the country for education reform,This is a good trend.I think the future will be able to better and better/More and more healthy direction.
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