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"One hundred million people add hundreds of millions of life,Tai ping years old value peace spring."


这幅乾隆御制的对联寓意天下"Shou qian li with",From the Forbidden City ning shougong garden of one place building "jade extract porch".[The Forbidden City]Magazine in 2013, 12 issue of the cover,It all came from this picture don't have interest "jade extract porch" through landscape painting.


[The Forbidden City]The magazine has published 33 years,33 years,Clear the principle,Come style concept,Relying on the national Palace Museum unique cultural relics and expert resources,Through the domestic and foreign outstanding the author's field of vision,Reading ancient imperial collection,Carry forward the traditional culture of classic.

  千古风雅,期期相随。《紫禁城》中既有贯穿古今的宏论,又有执着于一器一事 的琐谈,还有徜徉于一朝一代的风尚……评传说之是非,钩渐隐之史实,寻残存之实物,别真赝之参数。《紫禁城》期待的是愿读者在阅读中体味文化的魅力和意蕴,在修身的过程中获得愉悦和畅快,在您的身边再造一个真实的紫禁城。我们希冀,借着故宫这个境界独具的文化高地,寻求更开放的交流与合作,共同传承中华文明的香火。

千古风雅,Period period at your feet.[The Forbidden City]Both ancient and modern throughout the informed opinion,And have attached to a device to talk of zobah,There are walking in a generation of fashion……The book is said,Hook sneak out of the historical facts,For the remaining material,Don't really the pertinent parameters.[The Forbidden City]Looking forward to is let readers appreciate in reading culture charm and connotation,In the process of cultivate one's morality for joy and carefree,In your side to create another true of the Forbidden City.We hope,Through the palace the state's unique cultural heights,The search for more open communication and cooperation,Common heritage of Chinese civilization, incense.

  ● 《紫禁城》依托故宫恢弘的皇家建筑与180万件(套)的文物藏品资源,透过国内外的名家与学者之笔,为您呈现以故宫为代表的中国经典文化的博大精深。

● [The Forbidden City]Rely on the imperial palace royal grand buildings and 1.8 million pieces(set)The cultural relics of the resources,Through the domestic and international famous scholars and the pen,Present to you to the palace as a representative of Chinese classical culture broad and profound.

  ● 《紫禁城》注重保护和展现老一辈学者的研究成果,并且热心引导和鼓励青年学者的成长,为中国传统文化的传播一同努力。

● [The Forbidden City]Notice to protect and show older generation scholars' research results,And enthusiastic guide and encourage the growth of young scholars,For the spread of Chinese traditional culture working together.

  ● 《紫禁城》的设计复古而优美,以竖排文字呈现对中国传统阅读方式的回归;细节处充满巧思,以古人优雅细致的品味,启发当下的生活情趣与想象力。

● [The Forbidden City]Design and beautiful to restore ancient ways,To ShuPai words of Chinese traditional reading on the return of the way;Detail place full of think of opportunely,With the elegant taste,The inspiration of life interest and imagination.

  ● 《紫禁城》2013年1月刊延请故宫博物院研究员王子林以图文并茂的方式,解读了乾隆皇帝的“玉粹轩”“倦勤斋”与“养和精舍”中分别代表“春”“夏”“秋”“冬”的四幅通景画(图二)。中国社科院文学所研究员扬之水与文化学者孟晖则分别考证了“众香国里的翠色——清代金银首饰”与“宝钗的项圈”,于清代饰品中一窥古代女子精致的生活情趣。另有国家博物馆研究馆员于成龙由“颂”鼎说开去,讲述青铜器铭文的故事,让我们看到了西周至春秋时期,周王是怎样任命官员的。

● [The Forbidden City]2013 1 issue of the postponement of the Palace Museum WangZiLin researcher with illustrated way,The interpretation of emperor qianlong"Jade extract porch""Tired frequently observed"and"Raise and se,"On behalf of the"spring""summer""autumn""winter"The four picture through landscape painting(Figure 2).By the Chinese academy of social sciences researcher at the literature up water and culture MengHui scholars respectively the research"All the sweet kingdom's attendants, gold and silver jewelry in qing dynasty"and"Treasure chai collar",In qing dynasty act the role ofing is tasted a peep ancient woman delicate life interest.Otherwise the national museum YuChengLong research by librarians"praise"Ding said open,Tells the story of the bronze inscriptions,Let us see the western zhou dynasty to the spring and autumn period,How ZhouWang appointed officials.

