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Nanjing is zhu qingshi six provinces and cities to recruit students preaching activities last stand.In 2013,,The south university of science and technology will recruit students expand to 14 provinces across the country,Jiangsu province, including 6 provinces is new."Students and parents to understand the south university of science and technology is too little."So the 67 - year - old man began his continuous flight.On January 6,,hangzhou.On January 8,,shenyang.January 10,,nanchang.On January 15,,xian.January 17,,shijiazhuang.On January 19, he came to nanjing.Although the spirit is very good,But difficult to mask a face of tired of color.It is a pity that,To listen to a lecture yesterday most are the parents,Jinling high school students is not full.It is the reporters to the Chinese education reform pioneer principal quite interested.From the day before yesterday evening the rounding,But zhu qingshi are too tired and refused to be interviewed.


三例子解答“创新人才培养” Three example solutions"Innovative personnel training"

  在1个小时的讲座中,朱清时先说了这么一个故事。1953 年,阿尔弗雷茨参加全美物理年会。午餐时,阿尔弗雷茨旁边唯一的空位上坐了一个27岁的博士后格拉塞。格拉塞说,由于被安排在最后一天最后一场演讲,自己很担心没什么人会来听报告。阿尔弗雷茨也没时间去听,就请这个年轻人说说自己的报告。格拉塞说,他受啤酒冒气泡的启发,产生一个想法,可能用来建造探测基本粒子的装置气泡室。就这5分钟的谈话开启了阿尔弗雷茨的思路。回去后,阿尔弗雷茨和同事立马动手,8年后,终于做出了液氢气泡室。这东西跟格拉塞的原始设计相比有大变化:乙醚换成了液氢,体积也扩大了许多,功能更不可同日而语。但是,1960年诺贝尔物理奖只给了格拉塞,因为原始的创新思想来自他,尽管格拉塞还很年轻,而且真正造出气泡室的是阿尔弗雷茨。“最好的创新人才,是提出新思想的人,而非经验丰富,花力气最多的人,这点在科学界已经达成共识。”朱清时总结。

In 1 hours of lecture,Zhu qingshi first such a story.In 1953,,Alfred's annual meeting in the physical.At lunch,Alfred beside, the only space to sit a 27-year-old postdoctoral gravel plug.Gravel plug said,Due to be arranged in the last day of the last lecture,They are worried about no one will listen to report.Alfred, you don't have time to listen to,Please the young man talk about their own report.Gravel plug said,He is beer bubbled inspiration,Produce a idea,May be used to build the basic particle detection device bubble chamber.This 5 minutes of conversation opens the Alfred's ideas.After return,Alfred, and his colleagues immediately begin,Eight years,Finally made the liquid hydrogen bubble chamber.This thing with gravel plug of the original design compared with big change: ether replaced by liquid hydrogen,Volume also enlarged the many,Function more cannot be mentioned in the same breath.but,The 1960 Nobel Prize for physics only gave gravel plug,Because the original innovative ideas from his,Although gravel plug is still very young,And really made the bubble chamber is, Alfred."The best creative talents,Is put forward new ideas,Rather than experience,Take strength most,This in the scientific community has reached an agreement."Zhu qingshi summary.

  朱清时以事例来证明创新人才应该具有“5个力”批判力、想象力、洞察力、注意力、记忆力。“法国数学家伽罗华,20岁不到就发现了群论, 21岁时和人决斗,死了。当时他的理论数学家都看不懂。直到死后50年他的手稿才发表,被当时的学界认可了。科学史上最伟大的发明往往来源于年轻人,为什么?因为他们受传统思想影响还不大,没有条条框框的限制,还有批判思维能力。”朱清时举了一个在很多场合都举过的例子。“小学老师给学生讲灰姑娘,有个小朋友问,为什么到了12点魔法消失所有东西都变回原形,水晶鞋却没有变回去呢?老师一时无语,说不要胡思乱想了,书上怎么说你就怎么说。我们现在的教育,是老师和家长一起联手压抑、遏制了孩子的批判思维能力。”

Zhu qingshi with examples to prove the innovation talented person should have"Five force"PiPanLi/imagination/insight/attention/memory."French mathematician jia LuoHua,Twenty years of age less than he found the group theory, 21 years old and people duel,died.At that time he theory mathematicians don't understand.Until fifty years after the death of his manuscripts published only,At that time was recognized by the academic circle.The greatest invention in the history of science often comes from young people,why?Because they were traditional thought impact is not,No rules limit,And critical thinking ability."Zhu qingshi lift a on many occasions for all the example."Primary school teacher to students speak Cinderella,A child asked,Why to 12 mana disappear all retransformation,Crystal shoe but no change to return it?The teacher say a,Don't think the said,The book how to say you how to say.Our present education,Is a teacher and parents together to suppress/Contain the child's critical thinking ability."


Say to the insight."We are in the performance evaluation of athletes,Often said he's feeling a bit can't find it.This kind of feeling is insight.In fact when facing the complicated things,Not by derivation,But intuition,To find out the key to a complicated things/law,This needs insight.Foreign senior scientists evaluation when young people prefer to use feeling this word,Often said,He was on this field have no feelings.Takes an exam the education of,The teacher will say to feel,Let the student through would become a problem to look for a feeling,But this is mechanical,Maybe can get high scores,But killed the real insight."


科大如何培养创新人才? 南科大现在还是一张白纸 South university how to cultivate innovative talents? South university is still a blank sheet


Zhu qingshi said,The south university of science and technology in China is to find a new road,answer"Of qian xuesen asked"Why our school always cultivate a outstanding talents?"Because it is a piece of white paper,We can according to own ideas to do.Such as we are now more than 100 professor introduced,The two students there are more than 200,Undergraduate course after admission,Two years ago by the arrangement of our school uniform science basic course teaching,Two years after the students according to their interests and the ability to customize each institute and center set up professional class,And do research practice.All laboratory equipment are open,Students may make the design plan to do the experiment.We implement the system management mode,Teachers and students live together,Students have problems can find a teacher at any time."Zhu qingshi to south university ideal design is,The next 10 years teacher is expected to more than 1000 people,More than 8000 students,Including the graduate and undergraduate students,To ShiShengBi".


朱清时现场问答 不参加高考,完全自主招生是我们最终的理想 Zhu qingshi the question not to participate in college entrance examination,Completely independent enrollment is our final ideal

  问:从2011年不看高考成绩录取,到现在的“6∶3∶1”( 高考成绩占60%,南科大自主招生成绩占30%,另外10%的成绩来自学生的平时成绩评估)的选拔模式,有人质疑,南科大是不是被“收编”了?

ask:From 2011 years from the university entrance exam admission,To the present"6:3:1"( The university entrance exam accounted for 60%,South university autonomous enrolment performance (30%),In addition 10% of the results from students' usual assessment)Selection mode,Some question,South university are"incorporated"the?


a:Don't participate in college entrance examination,The school completely autonomous enrolment this is our final ideal,But like mountain climbing,You want to mountain climbing,Don't choose a straight way,But roundabout way,And to ensure that every step is walking more completely,Not fall,So our 6:3:1 mode walk is a roundabout way.After obtaining the experience,We will gradually increase the proportion of autonomous enrolment,Finally achieve completely independent school recruitment of students.


At present 6:3:1 mode is China's college entrance examination system reform in recent years the most important step,Changed the university entrance exam a hammer set for life,This model is easy to integrate with the world,First-class university not college entrance examination,Like the United States has SAT,But that is the essence of it as a reference,Don't like the university entrance exam so absolute.I believe that we have made,Obtained after experience,The ministry of education will also continue to support,The proportion of the autonomous enrolment carry higher.


问:南科大自主招生考试与“华约”“北约”有不同吗? ask:South university autonomy and the recruitment of students test"Warsaw pact treaty""NATO"There are different??


a:Completely different.Our test does not need any review.Such as last year there is a problem,Let students"In 7 minutes from digital 1 until about the number 300"example.The subject was let many students can't believe my eyes,That is very simple,But the fact is that the problem of the test is for the attention of students.When students write the number 200 is very tired,Head and hands not consistent,Most students want to go wrong.We want to the selection of the attention is very concentrated students.similar,We also take an examination of imagination,insight,These do not need to do any preparation.As selection of athletes,Want to take an examination of long jump/High jump,running.


问:南科大已经有两届学生了,他们后悔选择南科大吗? ask:South of the university have two students,They regretted choose south university?


a:In fact I am most delighted thing is now school children,Because they are very supportive of our idea.A student told reporters,The future waiting for us is the grandma and grandpa,We will follow the grandchild said,My whole life,Took part in China's most important a higher education reform!This is the student's common sense,After all, to participate in the reform of higher education,They can get a lot of other schools something,For the students to,Is a very rare opportunity,Their experience is a precious wealth.


问:您一直坚持高校的“去行政化”,最难点在哪里? ask:You have been to university"To the administrative",The most difficult in where?


a:To achieve administrative is sooner or later,Don't go to the administrative,The school is not as a academic institutions to do university is certain to do bad,This is is not negotiable.No matter how stubborn administrative power,How many difficulties we encounter,The established way will achieve.Go to the administrative is more profound/A more fundamental reform.To change the relationship between each brain thinking habit,The real enemy and not outward,But our staff themselves,Such as our cadres or traditional thinking,Hope to have administrative levels,Hope that in accordance with the administrative rights to his word.This is not a short time can do.


How to cultivate innovative talents?"China now meet education problem and the end of the 19th century foreign situation almost,Einstein in his memoirs wrote such a sentence,To describe his in Zurich, Switzerland, university of technology:To be a good student,Must focus on the class,discipline,Homework conscientiously,All these just are my short,For be like me so love the people thought,University education is not always good.No matter how good food forced to eat it,Will one day be the stomach and the stomach spoil."Zhu qingshi said,This and we are now in the university is the same."But to twenty (superscript th) century,All countries in the world are in the educational reform,The educational reform has two key elements,One is the teacher as the core into to students as the core,The second is the curriculum is designed to teach the knowledge into ability training type.Course wants fewer but better,We are now university general requirements students to take 160 points,And foreign general 120 minutes has worked a lot,A semester we usually learn to one class,And foreign general three or four door has a lot of.In order to make time for students to study their interest in the project,To do experiment,To practice.China's high JiaoJie to all this very clearly,But it is very difficult to transform.So you can only like this,The class after calculate.This kind of education mode not only ignored the innovation quality ability training,Even killed the innovation ability of students."


家长、学生:欣赏但心存疑虑 parents/students:Appreciate but doubt


Before the lecture,Reporters asked one of his parents,South university is run by the local people?As a new school,Have such doubt is not a surprise.This is President zhu qingshi proffered to recruit students for reason.But in understanding the school later,Most of the parents still doubt."Idea is good,But after all to do,Haven't tested,The traditional school or more safety."yesterday,Reporters also random quizzed the presence of parents and students.


"Children have to I sent SMS,Said zhu qingshi must come to the lecture."A parents take out mobile phone to reporters to see the child to her message,"Her name is ZongXuHao,In yixing officer Lin middle school read three,University of south very interested,Have in front of me said it many times.But I was not in favor of,Think not mature,The teacher is also very high expectations for her,We hope she could enter into the south/University of such school.But today to listen to and the headmaster's lecture,I think the child's idea can understand."


Several senior high school students to listen to the lecture.LiuSiTong said,"Feel south university is a be talent control machine,It is a us to control the machine,Instead of unidirectional transform our machines.From the heart, I still want to read south university,Because it is the students as the core,Is what I want to do,As long as it is reasonable should be satisfied."


"We worry most about,The school has not graduate,The employment?Will be social give a special treatment?Actually free tuition for us,But attraction is not big."A guardian said.


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The south university of science and technology is an innovative university,Goal is to rapidly developed international high level research university,Similar in California institute of technology and the Rockefeller university so small/The high quality of research university.In march of 2011,South university reform the experimental class.


But in 2011 before the college entrance examination,The south university of science and technology of the first class 45 students whether or not to participate in college entrance examination become the hot social concern.Because there are net friend came,Already through the south university of autonomous enrolment of the students of class teaching reform,Still need to participate in the college entrance examination.


Already have a 9 weeks of university career students said will not participate in the college entrance examination.Many parents also force is their children."In the objective conditions allow conditions,I also hope he around the college entrance examination,Continue to study in south university."

  朱清时 化学家,教授,博士生导师,中国科学院院士、第三世界科学院院士,南方科技大学校长。1998年6月任中国科学技术大学校长。2009年9月10日起任南方科技大学创校校长。2012年当选“中国教育年度声音”。(实习生 曹恩慧 扬子晚报记者 张琳 宋峤 侯彬彬)

Zhu qingshi chemist,professor,Doctoral tutor,Chinese academy of sciences/The third world academy of sciences,The President of the university of science and technology.In June 1998 as President of the university of science and technology of China.2009 September 10 RenNaFang university of science and technology and the school principal.In 2012 was elected"China's education annual voice".(Interns CaoEnHui yangzi evening news reporter zhang Lin song Jiao HouBinBin)
