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班主任出招“拯救男孩” 布置寒假作业男女有别--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  掷实心球男生近半未达标,要求降为女生标准 Throwing medicine ball boy nearly half bolo,Requirements for the girl down standard


The boy hand rub skin cry for five minutes,The girl finally help to the clinic


Take a group photo,The boy all requirements to row in front of girls




These two days,Jiangbei xincun create international primary school class 2 grade 3 children,The winter had already started life,Began to seriously"implement"The teacher in charge teacher assigned LiuYing winter vacation homework.This winter vacation work,The biggest characteristics is different between men and women!


Reading books is different:Boy reading is[Submarine two miles]and[Gulliver's travels],Mainly about inspiring/Unity and adventure story;Girl reading is[The little princess]and[Can fly girl],Mainly about self-love/confidence/Self-improvement and friendship.


Physical exercise is different:Although every day with for 1 hour,But for boys exercise is run jump shot/Many playing basketball playing football,Practice push-ups/sit-ups;The requirements of the girl is rope skipping/jogging/To play table tennis and badminton.


Winter vacation work why the difference between?In the winter vacation last weekend ceremony in school,Chongqing evening news reporter walked into them.


一半男生投掷实心球没达标 Half boy throwing medicine ball not standard


向班主任抗议要求参照女生 To the teacher in charge protesting for reference to the girl


"I to the class difference between male and female students of only one objective:Hope to guide and change on the part of the boys sissy,Train them into masculine resolute/Broadminded man,Avoid boy crisis."The teacher in charge teacher LiuYing first sentence,Then the earthquake live the reporter.


3 grade 2 class there are 25 boys and 23 girl,In their early thirties LiuYing of school age ten years.


Make a difference between boys and girls,Is in the middle of December happen together protest derivation of their boys and girls YaoHaoYu athletics member of committee(male)/kary(female),To the reporters about the incident thoroughly:


At that time,The whole class physical education classes in medicine ball throwing test,According to the national standard standard,Boy for 5 meters,The girl is 2.5 meters.The results,25 boys half is not eligible,Some of the boys only just over 2.5 meters of girl standard these boys were girls kick up a fuss"Than we may as well".


this,A lot of little man pride injured,They began to use the saliva counterattack.finally,Defy spirit of ten boys ran to protest LiuYing there:"We also want to reference the girl standard test,So we have to pass the exam."


"why?"LiuYing was surprised.


"We want to equality of men and women to work on the same,As the test,Sports test standard of course also to be the same.This is the real equality between men and women!"To participate in the protest the boys all mounting public indignation,outraged,Individual boy even for men and women unfair injustice want to cry out.


For the sudden protest,LiuYing no answer on the spot,But commitment at the class meeting will give you a reply.


Although there is no answer on the spot,But LiuYing thoughts has started to long,In the past to see some of the scene,In one mind blink."These thoughts of fragment,Some of the boys in the class is all about physical difference/No air/Sissy pictures."LiuYing told reporters,She from 1 grade begins to take this class,Found this and past the two students the biggest different is:Many boys serious lack of masculinity,The specific performance in four aspects.


体质差 Physical difference


很小气 Very stingy


跑得最快的竟是女生 The fastest is the girl


run/jump/throw,It is to measure the quality of the men and women living body is the most basic mode.But in this respect,Never let the boys in the class LiuYing province beings.


In addition to the medicine ball throwing test,LiuYing also learned from physical education teacher,The boys in the class of the standing long jump performance,The same nearly half did not reach national standard;The whole class sprint the fastest is the girl"These show that,The boys in the class body quality than go to the far worse."


More let LiuYing worried,Are the boys don't matter attitude and do not love exercise behavior."And the child before compared,Now the boys like playing games on the Internet,A physical exercise but didn't interest;They are not who is tall/Do well/Body strong/Run fast,But who is the highest level in the game."LiuYing concerns,If not strengthen ideological guidance and physical exercise,New sick man of east Asia is not alarmism.


很小气 Very stingy


拍集体照都要争前排 Pat will occasion for the front


"A man's masculinity,Should include and easy atmosphere/open-minded/Obey girl/Things straight/aboveboard,Rather than love of petty/Cannot afford to lose,What things are and the girl has to win an argument,Get like a hatred fu male!"LiuYing said.


LiuYing to reporters about an instance:once,The class in the school playground take group photo.Considering the girl a relatively short some,LiuYing then let the girl sitting or squat down in the front row,All the boys and myself standing in the back row.Didn't expect such a normal behavior,Should draw boys collective protest:"Why the opportunity to show girl,We also want to stand in front of the!"


Xiao zhi in order to manage,"Magny cours,Even loud voice and stern expression,LiuYing just in the mobilization education for several minutes,To persuade the boys.


娘娘腔 nance


擦破手掌哭了五分钟 Rub hands crying for five minutes


The most let LiuYing to worry about,A few boys in my class is sissy,Words and deeds show women trend.


"There is a boy in the class,MeiQi speak mei sound,Often tilt LanHuaZhi,And from time to time the glad eye!"LiuYing said,When she put the boy called to the office communication,Deliberately mei sound MeiQi imitate the boy's behavior,The other side also embarrassed smile."obviously,The boy himself can't bear to see this nance behavior,But he was often unconsciously do out."LiuYing said,After further communication,The boy didn't tell the whole story:He in Hong Kong and Taiwan of movie and TV drama are found to have gay characters,The mirror is very funny,His figure more so imitate...


"There is also a sissy,Is effeminacy crying and habitual coquetry."Liu said,Last term, one at noon,A boy is in the run and play when he fell down,Hand rub refers to the carapace size a piece of skin,Had to sit down on the ground crying at least 5 minutes,Finally the class a girl counsel discussion,He didn't stop crying,Finally by the girls put his hand to the clinic.


花美男 Flower "pretty boy"


漫画影视侵蚀男子汉 Cartoon film erosion man


Still have a kind of symptom,Let LiuYing very alert comic books/The film and television play even entertainment programs,Often appear all sorts of chi enchanting so-called flower "pretty boy".


"The children's values are fuzzy,Vulnerable to the outside world guide,As on TV/Magazine frequent exposure is beautiful/good,Will follow quietly."LiuYing said,Although similar in all the boys in the class is not present,But also need to be vigilant and worry.


教孩子弄清什么是男生女生 To teach a child to find out what is the boy girl


约法三章做什么不该做什么 Draw up three chapters do what shouldn't do??????


"To get rid of sissy boy/Cultivate masculine man."LiuYing decided to boys collective protest standard it has been revealed as an opportunity,Open a special class meeting:Teach your child understand what is the boy,What is the girl.


Late last December.,The planning of the already a long time"Save the boy"Class meeting held.The combination of these LiuYing experience fragment,Not to call way,The men and women born in physical exercise/Physical quality/behavior/Character hobbies and so on various aspects of the performance for the interpretation and explanation,"For they are what happened around,The boys could hear with relish,Nod from time to time."


finally,LiuYing and class men and women living together draw up three chapters:The boy in daily life learning should do??????,Cannot do what


1/The boy can't cry tears easily;


2/The boy can't a snitch;


3/Meet at,The boy to obey the girl,Particularly can't kick up a fuss/Abuse the girl;


4/Doing class clean sanitation,water/Move the desk physical strength live, etc,Should the boy active rob to do;


5/Come home from school/Outside to play,If meet sudden accident situation,The boy should be stepped forward to protect the girl;




男生父亲收到特殊寒假作业 The boy father received special winter vacation homework


每周要陪儿子读书跑步打球 Weekly to accompany son reading play running


After class meeting,In children's education temporary end,But parents and communication has just begun.


In the final parents meeting,LiuYing special to the special class meeting the ins and outs of the communication with parents,Calls for parents, especially the boy's parents,With the enhancement of the supervision of the sons of masculine change education,Avoid boy crisis.


"The boy's growth,The father's role to deep influence."LiuYing said,Reality condition is common,Father perennial on the run out,Fight hard career,Home tired and don't want to talk much,The godson work all to his wife,Lead to partial mother son/Partial feminine."In fact,Even if the father in the field,As long as the heart,From time to time to make a phone call home care son two sentences,Effects are better than mother perennial nagging.Father son in mind,Never open since wei images."


finally,LiuYing to all parents, especially the boy's father decorate a winter vacation homework:Again busy work,At least every week with his son to read a book,Run a step,Or play a game,The child's homework by father urged to complete and sign.


After the parents,A lot of the boy's parents to LiuYing winter vacation homework deeply touched,Some mother said,Winter vacation must husband time with son do homework together,The next parents must let the son to father.


提水搬桌扫地全由男生完成 Move the water table is complete by the boy finished


主动要求为女生拎包送一程 Active request for girls bag send a path


now,From the special class meeting and parents have the past a month and a half month,The boys in the class have what change it?In yesterday's school after the ceremony,Chongqing evening news reporter saw the three grade 2 class of dribs and drabs:


As the semester last spring cleaning,water/Move the table/Sweep the floor and heavy work,All the boys finished,The girl is responsible only for clean the blackboard/Wipe glass;


When you,Because home books material too much,Particularly heavy bag,Side by side out part of the school boys active request for girls bag send a path;


After getting out of school,The boys very gentleman to reunification walking in the street near the sidewalk,The safer pavement inside for girls;


The most"Die don't turn"The male activists komori(alias),Promise little play games during winter vacation,Play more;


The boys in the fastest XuWenJi dash(Fifty meters 8 seconds 73),The fastest to the class"scud"Girl WuJiaWei(Fifty meters 8 seconds 72)afternoon:"Winter vacation after exercise,Two people to compare again,I will fight for male classmate rights."




四大原因形成男孩危机 Four reasons for forming boy crisis


Reporter noticed,Create international primary school class 2 grade 3 appeared"The boy crisis",Is by no means an individual cases.In other cities in China and many countries of the world,All have a similar situation.


so,cause"The boy crisis"What are the reasons?Chongqing normal university professor of psychology/Psychological education experts ZhouXiaoYan according to many years of research,From the four aspects are analyzed.


女性大包围圈 Women ring of encirclement


ZhouXiaoYan said,Now children life down,Basically into a ring of encirclement women mother/grandmother/grandma/Female nurse/Kindergarten female teacher.At home,Young and old women turn around the child,Children can come in contact with a male only father.In the school,At present our country still is a female teacher is in the majority,And the female teacher's words and deeds,Must take its own gender brand.The boy caused the lack of growth model,Don't know the real men should be what look like,Difficult to obtain about man and man role cognition.


男孩成为闺蜜 The boy became, honey


"To listen well,No with naughty ran play"/"You want to and good/Sven classmates friends"...Almost all the parents will be warned the children.ZhouXiaoYan said,In fact the boy basically born like horseplay/naughty,Like and parents hate this kind of people to make friends.however,Parents and teachers like sven/Obedient student,The girl is necessarily most,Children are naturally to imitate the girl,Selection and girl friends,"So now a lot of boys are girls's maiden honey,This is not a normal phenomenon."


应试教育惹祸 Takes an exam the education to


ZhouXiaoYan said,Many parents talked about,Present should try education mode,Limit the boy's gender growth needs.Takes an exam the education only pursues a standard,That is the result.The education system are more suitable for good recite and presentation of girl.Such as,The boy the history of the hobby and extensive dabble,But language is not done;Again for instance,The boy generally practical ability,Toy electric appliance and the reload,But the math is not done.forced,The boys to girls only emulate,Learn to quiet,Learn to recite,The boy itself should have the quality and advantages don't measure,Even was completely ignored.


性格教育混淆 Character education confusion


ZhouXiaoYan finally pointed out,In the world now has a new point of view,Think that boys and girls can implement neuter education,That boy has girl character advantage,Such as careful/patience,The girl with the boy's character advantage,Such as brave/decisive.The neutralization of the people,In the job/Interpersonal may have more advantages."In fact, this is a kind of character education,But many parents and even some people in the society,It and gender education confusion."She said,"Neutral beauty is refers to the compatibility of character,It is never the fuzziness of gender.The man should masculine,The woman should be gentle."


幼儿阶段 Infant stage


父亲应当经常单独陪儿子玩耍 Father often play with my son shall be separately

  江北区东海岸幼儿园园长 陈进

Jiangbei east coast kindergarten Chen calls


Many of the families are used to the mother/Grandmother or grandma take children,Father seldom participate in education activities,The boy is against them grow into the little man.Father often should play with my son,To be alone and son together of the time.


If it is single parent families or father out for a long time,Children lack of father's example guidance,Can introduce male relatives/Friends or family teachers to influence,And man together games or dry interested activities,Can make children infected and the emergence of modeling behavior.


Parents should encourage children timely correct sex role behavior.Especially for frail boy,He climb to play this kind of activities and other brave behavior of praise,Praise can be lip,Such as praise he is"Good boy"/"A little man";Also can be material,As his reward a submachine gun.


In addition,Let the boy see/Listen more about male hero books and stories,To their gender role culture go a long way.


小学阶段 Primary school


男孩调皮捣蛋打打小架很正常 The mischievous boy play the small frame is very normal

  南岸区珊瑚实验小学老师 杨林

Nanan distract coral experiment elementary school teacher Yang ling


Boys are lack of masculinity due to family reasons,Such as family members mostly for women,Daily life are surrounded by women,Usually like to play with girl, etc.so,To encourage boys take part in some of the more violent confrontation and collective sports,Can let them in the male population inspired his gender consciousness and group consciousness.


In addition,The parents should be more tolerant to boys,Don't easily to criticize them a naughty boy.In fact,The boys play the small frame/Dirty torn clothes/Out of a smelly sweat home and so on,For the boys,All it is more common.


As for female tendency of boys,Parents and teachers can only secretly guide,Pay special attention to not deliberately hint he,Said he is"False woman ran",For primary school students in the growth process of plasticity is very strong,The people around them about their psychological suggestion effect is very strong,So easy to add to the feminization tendency.


中学阶段 Middle school


要让男孩初步形成家庭责任感 Let the boy the initial formation of the family sense of responsibility

  江北区复盛中学老师 邹红

Jiangbei compound filled ZouGong high school teacher


In the past twenty years of high school counseling experience,Run into a lot of boys feminine case,Teenage boys wear earrings/Become warped LanHuaZhi,Said live/Wriggle action,Even lipstick/MiaoMei etc,See all harrowing.Survey found that reason,Partly because her parents divorced,The elder and mother living together;Partly because father busy with work,Almost regardless of the children,To tube is concerned about performance.Such family atmosphere,Let the child's sex consciousness lack of enough example,If you lack the right guidance,It is easy to cause sex distortion.


Junior high school children are in adolescence,Sexual orientation problem must be scientific guide,To dress to be over,To make more than boys for some of the housework,Even participate in the family management,Want to let him the initial formation of the family sense of responsibility,Dare to undertake the responsibility.


这样教育避免男孩危机 Such education avoid boy crisis


儿子说放心,我会照顾好你老婆的 Son said trust,I will take good care of your wife


"Jun jun said,Mother you don't be afraid,Father won't be home tonight,I come to accompany you,Don't cry oh."Jun jun's mother YinSiRu lady yesterday in his own micro blog wrote:"Son grew up,wiser."


Live in jiulongpo district beach rebate poor city 3 unit 6 floor of jun jun,Although only 5 years old this year,But he already know,To protect my mother is my responsibility.


Jun jun's father is in a private enterprise,Long-term business,Often leave a woman and son at home.Jun jun of the head of a bed on the desk,Piled up a set of[About love story]Family article draw this,This is my father gave his 5 years old birthday gift,"Each book tells the story of animal between the family warmth,The child to know the courtesy/care/Love our family."


yesterday,Dad again left home on a business trip to chengdu,Before I leave,Jun jun stood at the door side to dad do goodbye,Side said:"Stop worrying,I will take good care of your wife,You just come back earlier."


Mother's words:For a normal intelligence for children,Emotion quotient (eq) than intelligence quotient (IQ).Only those who know how to love/Has the sense of responsibility of children,Is a real man.


妈妈说家人的昵称,让儿子有压力 Mom said family nickname,Let the son have pressure


In the spring breeze NaPing LuYuan D building 4th floor of ChenJiaYing,In 2007, gave birth to son hao son.Children come into the world,Become a family treasure."Good how do""The dog dog""Red apple"...These beautiful words,All mother/Grandmother and her mother-in-law to hao son nickname.


This kind of love,Extended hao son the other side of the bed sheet is pink,Metope is yellow,The schoolbag is green...Almost all color is warm color to move.One day last term,Go to preschool classes son home often sigh.Ask don't know,Now even the kindergarten cleaning aunt call son"Red apple",Let the son feel panic.


The second day,ChenJiaYing took his son to the kindergarten,In the presence of all the kid's face to his son to apologize,"I'm sorry,son,We shouldn't be disorderly to take nickname,Beginning from today,You are what you,You are engzi hao."


Mother's words:Cultivate children,From the respect of his personality with,Don't because of his parents' love and forget the feelings of children.
