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大三男生参加千米体质测试后晕倒 抢救无效离世--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

大三男生参加千米体质测试后晕倒 抢救无效离世


In this piece of the playground,Samuel small down not to stand up.

  晨报记者 罗剑华 言莹 姚克勤

The morning paper reporter LuoJianHua jade-like stone YaoKeQin said


Yesterday morning at about 10,Donghua university in songjiang campus,A big three boys in the run 1000 meters physical testing suddenly fall in a faint.The first-aid invalid,The boy from the misfortunes at noon.To prevent accidental,The original plan of next week"Winter three kilometers run"Been suspended.


大三生千米测试终点倒下 Junior km endpoints fell down


"Samuel is small at about half past ten happened,At that time,He is suburb next to the ground track field to physical test."Insider said,Samuel is small donghua university foreign language college undergraduate course grade three students,From anhui.Yesterday morning,Upon completion of a translation class after the lecture,Small Samuel decided to track to participate in the 1000 meters fitness CeShiPao.


According to the school rules,Physical fitness test is all undergraduate students need to complete the examination subjects.the,The boy want to be timing finished 1000 - meter run,The girl is 800 meters.And yesterday morning,Just is undergraduate course grade three of the fitness test day,In addition to part of the advance in sick classmate,Small Samuel and other classmates accept the test.According to the track at the time of the students describe,Samuel is small in finish arrived at the end of the ground.


医生称入院已无生命体征 The doctor says to the hospital has nonlife signs


"Man suddenly passed out,School doctor to one side after the first aid,Side of the phone number is 120."At 11,Small Samuel was sent to the first people's hospital songjiang sorting for treatment,But after 45 minutes,The doctor or sign out[Death certificate].In hospital emergency indoor,The reporter sees little Samuel records only simple pages,Caught in one of the electrocardiogram record single from the beginning to the end is a straight line.


The doctor said,Small Samuel admission has lost vital signs,The doctors tried their best to the best,But I still can't wake him.


学校设意外事件处理小组 Schools shall establish accident treatment group


According to reporter understanding,Donghua university has established accident treatment group,Contact with the parents of the students to Shanghai cope with the aftermath.And Samuel small accident cause of death,Remains to be authoritative organization investigation.To prevent one thousand,The original plan of next week"Winter three kilometers run"Will be suspended.


[晨报调查] [the morning paper investigation]


学生用尽办法躲避长跑 Students from run to run out


After the incident,Reporter in donghua university campus asked many students.In clusters that boys for long distance from the accident after,A lot of students said,They also to school for the long distance running project is very afraid.


"Each year we have to complete a certain number of running in the morning training,Otherwise it will affect graduation,But everyone not too would like to go jogging,So can drag will drag,Not happy to run and then find school doctor open sick leave single."A girl said,School doctor are usually the students apply for the sick leave tacit,Both claim to catch a cold/Official holiday or other discomfort,Usually will not haggle over true and false.Took yesterday morning for fitness test,So also have a significant proportion of students,Because asked for sick leave and did not attend.

  一位机械工程学院的男生告诉记者,为了尽可能躲避跑步,学生们甚至会相互交流“经验”。 “比如说,学校规定参加义务献血的,就可以减免晨跑,所以有的同学就会用献血来冲抵长跑的次数。 ”该男生还透露,下周日,学校会有一次“冬季三公里跑”项目,只要参加,不论成绩好坏,就可以减免五次晨跑。 “只要跑完7圈半,大冬天就有5天不用起早,我肯定要去参加。 ”

A mechanical engineering institute of boy told reporters,In order to avoid running as soon as possible,Students are even will communicate"experience". "For example,The school is required to participate in blood donation obligations,Can derate running in the morning,So some classmates will use blood donation to charge against the number of long-distance running. "This boy also revealed,Next Sunday,The school will have a"Winter three kilometers run"project,As long as to,Whether grades,Can derate five CiChen run. "As long as the run and a half circle,DaDongTian have 5 days don't work very hard,I'm sure I'm going to go to. "


[专家解析] [experts analytic]


“宅一族”、“晚睡族”、“肥胖族”长跑时最易发生意外 "Curtilage gens"/"Late family"/"Obesity family"Run most easily when the accident

  晨报记者 姚克勤

The morning paper reporter YaoKeQin


The end of a guangzhou marathon efferent news:21 year old college students in the game suddenly collapse,After the rescue invalid death.And earlier,Central China university of science and technology also announced,Cancel fall sports women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m project.As a has been in existence for more than half a century sports required project,People can not help but ask,What happened to run?yesterday,The reporter interviewed medical experts and sports experts,explore"Run disease"In young children why frequent.


长跑猝死与心律失常有关 Run with the sudden death of arrhythmia


"Run to the body is a very good sport,But to choose the method."Tongji university affiliated tongji hospital deputy director/Professor heart LuoMing told reporters,Scientific experiments show the,Long distance running help exercise human heart lungs function,In the long distance running process,The fast pace of deep breath can let the body suction more oxygen,The lung function enhancement is very favorable.The experimental data show,When lung oxygen suction volume achieve at ordinary times breathing 8 times around,Lung capacity can get the promotion of the quality,If you insist on a period of time,People's vital capacity and than ever before or can improve to a higher level."Long distance running occurs sudden death,In most cases with severe arrhythmia relevant."LuoMing said,Due to the sudden increase exercise load,Cardiac function can't keep up with the increase of the amount of exercise,Cause cardiac ischemia,Or have a severe lack of oxygen,Cause all kinds of cardiomyopathy.


本市高校仍保留长跑项目 The city college remain long project


It is understood,Although foreign universities have cancel long project,But this city university still have reservations.Fudan university sports meeting retained the women's 3000 meters/Men's 5000 meters long project,Schools to open winter cross-country race is also involved in long distance running projects.Donghua university and the normal university sports meeting long distance running is set only 800 m and 1500 m,But also higher than the physical education curriculum standard.


打篮球等无法媲美长跑 Playing basketball, etc can't rival long distance running


"Middle-distance race to enhance heart lungs function is extremely effective,Individual security hidden danger is not cancel the reason of long-distance running,Otherwise it is of."The Shanghai sports institute XiaoHuanYu professor said,Since liberation,Our country sports course are equipped with long distance running project,"Sports meeting before,Man to run 10000 meters,Women also want to run 5000 meters.now,Quite a few students sent into even 1000 meters can't also run down."


According to the national youth physique health survey,In recent 20 years,Our students' physical quality is declining,The obesity rate doubled than five years ago.this,XiaoHuanYu professor thinks,Cause the cause of the low quality of students' physical fitness is varied."On the one hand now students' academic pressure is bigger than in the past,Exercise opportunity less and less.On the other hand,Students' entertainment more rich,Such as computer/games,Didn't go to bed until very late at night,Poor eating habits and not rule,The majority of students even free time would not like to go to outdoor long distance running."


so,Can use to play basketball/Skip motion replace the long-distance runners?XiaoHuanYu professor thinks,The sports are intermittent movement,To improve the endurance and improve cardiopulmonary function of continuous movement can't run comparable.


纷纷取消长跑发出堪忧信号 Have to cancel a long bullish signal


Run to the benefits of teenagers,The most obvious is a strong body,The most important is perseverance exercise/Self-restraint willpower.national"Psychosomatic weak"Serious consequences of,Chen duxiu nearly years ago in[The new youth]Articles on pain Chen.


Because of fears that students get hurt during the competition,Central China university of science and technology this year fall sports cancel the women's 3000 meters and the men's 5000 m two regular project,At that time become target of public criticism,Dismissed as"Act in a procrustean way"/"of"/"irresponsible".In fact,Central China university of science and technology become the target is very some undeserved in the national scope,Now keep the two long distance running project of university or already is one of the few,And some college is 10 years ago was cancelled.


I have no intention to central China university of science and technology to defend.In view of the game happened to the teaching of the sudden death,University with the less trouble the better psychological,Long distance race have cancelled project,It is not the deep but not a negative.If university students' physical condition in deep for sorrow,In order to enhance students' constitution as our duty,Take positive measures to institutionalization,Gradually change the habit of the students do not love sports and health living way,Also can receive better late than never effect.But now see,Seems to be the first is"cancel",The second is"cancel",The third or"cancel",College students' physique I'm afraid even bad on day by day.


No matter how to,College students' physique general and continuous decline,But long-term accumulation of the results.Primary and secondary school master sports and sports attention,Seems to be more surface form now.According to the requirements on the curriculum can often arrange physical education,In fact it is often literacy class occupation.sports/Constitution only seems to be the vital interests of students and relevant,The school has a performance evaluation,So the sport is also such as safety education as,It important,It secondary,Busy don't.Have sports facilities of the school,For minors in motion may have an accident worry,Natural more than college to college students,And college not to strive to protect the movement security,So good facilities also became decoration,During the holiday season is to let it idle.And more schools,I'm afraid even basic facilities also do not have.


The school sports condition no,Community what?That would be much that won't be possible.Exercise does not seem to be the composition of life,Do not belong to the category of community construction.A lot of community CheManWeiHuan/The dog more trouble,Exercise place pitifully small,Sports facilities little,You want to make a what the ball,Is the charge by the hour/The price does not poor sports venues.School or in name only pay attention to sports,Parents what?As well as the school.Many parents only care about the child's study result,Only care about children don't lose in the achievement of the starting line,Physical quality seems to be in the starting line of outside.


Run to the benefits of teenagers,The most obvious is a strong body,The most important is perseverance exercise/Self-restraint willpower.national"Psychosomatic weak"Serious consequences of,Chen duxiu nearly years ago in[The new youth]Articles on pain Chen.now,Have cancel run has issued a bullish signal,But more worried is that people can't see,Or although see,But don't think what of it.(According to[Southern daily])
