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北京保京籍学生录取比例 2016前不开放异地高考--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  12月30日,北京市有关部门出台《进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在京参加升学考试工作方案》(以下简称《方案》)。《方案》透露,2014年起允许随迁子女报考“高职”;2016年前,北京不会放开“高职”之外的异地高考;长期政策将努力保障京籍生源录取比例不受影响。 December 30,The relevant departments of the Beijing issued[Migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in Beijing to take part in the eleven-plus work plan](Hereinafter referred to as[scheme]).[scheme]revealed,Since 2014, SuiQian allow children to enter oneself for an examination"Higher vocational";2016 years ago,Beijing won't let go"Higher vocational""Outside the college entrance examination;Long-term policy to ensure the students an admission proportion is not affected.


过渡期政策开了一个小口子 Transition policy opened a small cut


The above[scheme]By the Beijing municipal education commission/The municipal development and reform commission/City human resources and social security bureau/The municipal public security bureau jointly formulate,The Beijing municipal government office forward.


According to the[scheme],In Beijing on SuiQian children in the eleven-plus measures before and after the release of a new way to three years,A transition measures are as follows:


Since 2013,Allow qualified SuiQian children enter oneself for an examination Beijing secondary vocational school.The condition is: migrant workers valid proof of Beijing,Have a legal stable residence,Legal stable occupation has full 3 years,In the continuous pay society insurance already full 3 years,The SuiQian children have this city and has set up a file in the Beijing school for studying the junior middle school three years of study;


Since 2014,Allow qualified SuiQian children enter oneself for an examination of higher vocational school in Beijing.The condition is: migrant workers valid proof of Beijing,Have a legal stable residence,Legal stable occupation is full already 6 years,In the continuous pay society insurance already full 6 years,The city SuiQian children have student and has set up a file in the Beijing high school education in continuous 3 years period of schooling;


Since 2014,Beijing to meet the conditions of the SuiQian children with college entrance examination literacy class JieKao service,Students back to census register of the province to participate in college enrollment.The condition is: migrant workers valid proof of Beijing,Has the legitimate stable occupation and stable legal residence,The city SuiQian children have student and has set up a file in the Beijing high school education in continuous 3 years period of schooling.


The relevant departments of the Beijing to explain,SuiQian children eleven-plus policy adjustment is for migrant workers SuiQian children with eleven-plus service,A parent must be strictly social and professional life requirements,At the same time is also in order to prevent"College entrance examination immigrant",Disturb education order,Affect social stability.


具体办法争取2013年出台 The specific measures on for 2013 years


[scheme]revealed,Beijing SuiQian children eleven-plus way to come in 2013.Although at present can't see the specific content of this method,but[scheme]Disclose some basic principles.


The first,Guarantee the college entrance examination admission examination overall proportion is not affected.This principle is based on the policy of the general office of the state council[The preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in local after in the entrance exam work opinion notice](Countries do hair [2012] no. 46),the[opinion]Put forward"Ensure the local college entrance examination admission scale not by the qualified SuiQian children to participate in local college entrance examination and affected".


The second,In Beijing on SuiQian children in the eleven-plus measures before and after the release of a new way to three years,Implement the transition policy.that,2016 years ago,Don't let go of different college entrance examination.


The third,Different college entrance examination conditions will focus on consider the following factors: the obtain employment of personnel of migrant workers/live/Social security/Family planning and SuiQian children at a local school continuous life span.


The fourth,By increasing the education resources to ease pressures upon their schoolwork.


政策出台面临三大难题 Policies faces three big problems


The relevant departments of the Beijing to explain,Beijing as the capital and megapolis,Do SuiQian children eleven-plus work,Face a lot of problems,Concentrated expression in three aspects.


One is the need to cope with population and resources/Environmental contradictions.At present,Beijing permanent population more than 2000 people,The state council has far more than 2003 years the overall plan of the rights to put forward to the 2020 Beijing population control in 18 million control target,Beijing's resources and environment is facing serious challenges,The rapid population growth at the same time bring traffic congestion/Environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious problem,From the deep restricts the sustainable development of Beijing.


The second is to properly handle the contradiction between supply and demand of resources at all levels of education.In recent years,Migrant workers SuiQian children the rapid growth,Begin from 2011 SuiQian children rush hour and Beijing registered permanent residence of this municipality school-age population peak superposition,By 2014,The primary school grade one admission from the current population about 100000 ballooned to about 180000 people,Growth rate as high as 80%,Elementary school students from the current amount to about 680000 increased to about 840000 people,After a few years will be a sustained growth trend.


Three is to consider to plan as a whole by the students and the students' interests by the entrance exam.The general office of the state council[opinion]Put forward"Ensure the local college entrance examination admission scale not by the qualified SuiQian children to participate in local college entrance examination and affected",But as a result of education resource supply capacity of the objective limit and the current college entrance examination enrollment system bound,At the same time,Increased college enrollment plan/Provide JieKao service need national competent ministries and commissions and the overall coordination of the places of the provinces and cities coordination,How to effectively balance the cadastral cadastral students and not the students' study interest,Very difficult.(WanXueZhong reporter zhang wei)

  京沪粤进展: Beijing-shanghai guangdong progress:

   上海敲定异地高考方案:家长须持居住证A证 Shanghai finalized different college entrance examination plan: parents must hold A residence permit card

   北京异地高考条件:要有五证 需有稳定住所 Beijing different college entrance examination conditions:Must have 5 card one need to have a stable home

   广东出台异地高考方案 不符合报考条件的可借考 Guangdong college entrance examination on different scheme does not comply with the conditions of JieKao can enter oneself for an examination


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