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川大保送生测试题现脑筋急转弯 哪晚上比早上早--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  世界上,哪个地方的晚上比早上还要早?8个8如何演算才能得出1000?有人说“全球化是一个伪命题”,你如何看待呢?……在四川大学昨日举行的2013年保送测试中,5道全英文的“IQ”测试题,让不少“久经沙场”的考生捏了把冷汗。面试题则包罗万象,囊括国际形势、大学生就业难、世界末日、包拯等千奇百怪的问题。 The world,Which place in the evening than in the morning and early?Eight and how to calculus to draw 1000?Some say"Globalization is a false proposition",What do you think?……In sichuan university yesterday's 2013 unripe tests,5 all the English word"IQ"test,Let a lot of"battle-tested"Candidates knead the cold sweat.Interview question is all inclusive,Include international situation/College students' employment difficult/The end of the world/Bao zheng, such as the problem of all sorts of strange things.


IQ够高吗? IQ high enough??


不如来做川大测试题 As to do my test


At 11 am,Take 3 hours of my written unripe test end.Walked out of the room of zhang told reporters,Written content includes Chinese/mathematics/English three subjects,A wide range of,Chinese thesis topic for a period of material,the"Xiang yu actually can have other choices,But he finally in wujiang to commit suicide,The value of life is also improved",Students talk about"choose".Compared with the college entrance examination questions,Chinese did not get writings in classical Chinese reading,Math is the topic quantity,Difficulty is big,The whole test"A bit more partial science".


English topic not conventional,Not only test the campus shooting went to the United States,Also appeared five ways"IQ"test."The world,Which place in the evening than in the morning still early?This is the geographical problem?,Or brain twister?"Have students told reporters,His answer the question in the unavoidable.


Reporters found on the Internet search,"Which place in the evening than in the morning still early"Answer for"In the dictionary",Let not completely satisfied.


更有针对性 More specific


开封学生考到“包公祠” Kaifeng students to test"Memorial shrine"


This year my unripe test version of the interview,innovator"The new/odd/blame"traditional,Yesterday the examiner questions,Is more targeted.


"Please introduce your hometown scenic spots and historical sites and historical celebrities."From henan kaifeng's xiao liu after introduction[In qingming]after,was"Add try"introduce"Memorial shrine".After the end of the interview,Xiao liu surface dew of shame to tell reporter,He hasn't been to memorial shrine,Time can not answer.


记者观察 Reporter observed


揣着通知书来应考 Abundant advice to take an examination


考生轮番练兵广撒网 Students take turns training casting a wide


Chengdu evening news reporter survey found,In the face of the universities of pop"Olive branch",candidates"Casting a wide"Seems to be a common strategy.


From mianyang middle school's historiography,Born in my before the test,Has participated in Shanghai jiaotong university/Zhejiang university/Tongji university three university's unripe test."Since last September,Began to participate in various colleges and universities in the recruitment of students test."Historiography told reporters,She has got the zhejiang university admission notice in advance,This is for my to choose a good professional.

  记者初略统计发现,在2013年2月23日、2月24日、3月8日、3月9日,西南交大、复旦大学、电子科大和西南财大的保送生测试,还将陆续展开。成都晚报记者 董亮 李华琼 摄影 王浩儒

Reporters found that initial slightly statistics,On February 23, 2013/On February 24/On March 8/On March 9,,Southwest jiaotong university/Fudan university/Electronic hkust and southwest of the larger unripe test,Will also spread.Chengdu evening news reporter DongLiang LiHuaQiong WangHaoRu photography




My 2013 unripe test interview questions(part)


1. Do you think that college students' employment difficult sticking point in where?


2. Say what you know about the current international situation?


3. Do you think high school and university is the biggest difference???????


4. You have attended high school school school motto?If there is no,You want to a?


5. What do you think of the competition?


6. What do you think the net love?


9. If the end of the world coming,You can choose to take three books to outer space,You will choose to take the which three?


10. Some people think that globalization is a false proposition,How do you know this statement?
