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考试重点 课后再讲 老师课外收费传“真经”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

图为:老师截流学生有偿培优(记者刘蔚丹摄) The graph is:The teacher intercepting students paid the pew(Reporter LiuWeiDan perturbation)


"class,Every time when the teacher about important knowledge,This knowledge will be emphasized how important/Test sure will.Then turn a topic of conversation:The more detail about us down……"For the last few days,Look at the mess the pew market survey after this article,Thanks to the reporter parents woman writer,Son enrolled in a high quality junior high school at the provincial level,A while back always exaggeration to retail the teacher's words,Now she finally got the"restatement":"Down to speak"Actually refers to the teacher will be to their own WaiBan speak of the pew class key,Students who want to improve,You had better come to!


Ms xie said,At first she didn't seriously.But when she heard from the son,The school in the examination paper,There are always a few word"Gold content"Quite high problem,Is a teacher"Down detailed speak"of,Thank lady great awakening,Her through the other parents,Found the way,Say good make money into class.recently,Son's grades there is progress.


在校老师截流优质生源 The school teacher intercepting high quality students


"It is no wonder that there will be the teacher suggested that students want to sign up for a class outside;It is no wonder that there will be some teacher have a class not to take care of those who didn't go to cram school students."Attended the school after make up a missed lesson,Ms xie gradually saw"gate".She said,Part of the school, the teacher had become a"undercurrent",Is pushing the students to enter the army school make up a missed lesson.


In the class into,The teacher will give parents/students"brainwashed":They are willing to take the students in private,Belong to rise key"There is hope"of,The teacher to do so is nothing but hope to help these"Top student"oneiromancy,Of course they hope that parents and students can keep a secret,Otherwise things found out,The teacher is trying to help also help the.Some parents in after weigh the pros and cons,Keep silence,This is what some teacher's illegal behavior to continue the reason.


A pew orgnaization controller is active has revealed:Some primary school/Junior high school teacher BaoTuan,Or entrust relatives in WaiBan pew class,Their recruit students object to this"obedient"students,Site often transform,Sometimes in their home,Sometimes is directly borrow the pew mechanism of the site.As for income,In-service teachers in WaiBan a month cram school reward,At school than a term of more than class,"So the teacher class rush in where angels fear to tread,Hold back a lot of high quality students,Even banned students out the pew."


机构贿赂老师招揽生源 Institutions bribery teacher solicit students


interview,Have inside also revealed to reporters,At present a lot of the pew institutions and primary and secondary school teachers are closely related,The pew institutions bribery teacher to solicit students already is the latent rules.In many the pew mechanism seems to be,Compared with the traditional advertisement,The school teachers offering recommend is the most useful,"Used to be called a student to teacher commission fifty yuan,Then rose to 80 yuan,Now has gone up to 100 yuan,If the recommended is graduation grade outstanding student,Then recommend price also higher!"


If you want to start from the teacher to the school to dig to students,The pew agencies also went the whole nine yards.If caught a quality life,And students and able to go to school,A pew institutions to a live advertising,Will attract more students to the pew mechanism.


“禁补令”遭遇软执行 "Forbidden to fill"Encounter soft implementation


From 2009 to 2012,The ministry of education/Province department of education/Wuhan education bureau continuous outgoing mail,It is strictly prohibited for schools and teachers hold or participate in various types of training/Cram school/Senior class,Try to regulate the behavior of primary and secondary schools.Our province is to explore perfect virtue ethics supervision and inspection and the file system,To establish the students/Parents and society participation of the supervision system,Reaffirm strictly prohibited for teachers make up a missed lesson behavior.

  尽管如此,一些地方的实际情况显示,校内和校外的培优屡禁不止,家长和学生付出的成本也越来越大。对此,华中师范大学教授范先佐说,培优班只是一个社会表层现象,背后还是基础教育改革问题,教育等相关部门不能只发“禁令”,更重要的是执行和问责。(楚天金报 记者金育)

Even so,Some parts of the actual situation shows that,The outside and the pew repeated the more than,Parents and students pay cost also more and more big.this,Central China normal university professor FanXianZuo said,The pew class is a social phenomenon of surface,Basic education reform or behind,Education and other related department not only hair"ban",More important is to implement and accountability.(Chutian 27 reporters gold brood)


9:00 - 17:30