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“草泥马”成南京大学期末考题 热词变为陷阱--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  原标题 [南大期末考试题:写出老师名字] The original title [south the final examination:Write the name of the teacher,


"Please write the name of the teacher."Nanjing university ZhangJianQin Chinese teacher in the term papers out of such a problem.ZhangJianQin/ZhangJianXun/ZhangQinJian,Some simply written"Teacher zhang",Students' answers ranged,Let a teacher the truth"Injury can not afford to".The final test has been over,Yangzi evening news reporters yesterday in the interview to understand,The final part"God question"is"Geeks were blossoming",Let a person dazzling.

  大学生记者 周炎炎 曹恩惠 吕新阳 吴晨圆 扬子晚报记者 蔡蕴琦 张琳

College students ZhouYanYan reporter CaoEnHui LvXinYang WuChen round yangzi evening news reporter CaiYunQi zhang Lin

  神题一:写出老师名字 God is a problem:Write teacher name

  张健勤?建勋?有人搞不清 ZhangJianQin?Sunghun built?People do not clear


In nanjing university this year yuen-feng final,Part of the papers in this field:"The teacher's name is?"Go to the university's all know,Many students a semester down no and the teacher had communication.Then fill in the names of the teacher appeared many funny place.Such as nanjing university ZhangJianQin Chinese teacher,His lecture the humor and wit humor,I am also very interesting and lively,So his each class people basic will be full.But even if this is the case,When in reading teacher zhang still encounters awkward places."In reading when teachers see a column name,I was shocked.Injury not ah,Everyone began to help me the name,Have ZhangJianQin/ZhangJianXun,And ZhangQinJian.There are many people in the teachers' name simply write directly teacher zhang,Of course most of the system of the students."This ZhangJianQin teacher a feeling on the everyone online,Many students in teacher zhang condition message,Calls to give those who write the wrong name penalty points.


Reporter noticed,Have not convinced of the students and a teacher to a field"debate".Such as WangTongXue in renren message"You're welcome"To say:"The imperial also need not write the teacher's name?The teacher you spite us?"Teacher zhang reply:"The imperial examination see the topic,The examiner and do not give class.University course exam,Teachers teach a term.Know the teacher name of course not what important thing,Know than not excellent."

  神题二:骑着草泥马抢包是“抢夺罪”? God question 2:Riding on the grass mud horse grab bag is"Robbery crime"?

  “草泥马”在这里从网络热词变为陷阱 "Grass mud horse"Here from network hot words into a trap


Serious law and HanHanDe grass mud horse contact together,There will be what kind of effect?Nanjing university science of criminal law the final exam have a choice,"Please choose which one of the following options is wrong?"Which has appeared in an option:"A riding on the grass mud horse rob b bag.Because the grass mud horse to bite dead,It belongs to the weapon.A behavior shall be determined as the crime with lethal weapons,Belong to if the circumstances are especially serious robbery crime."The saying is right or wrong??Pay attention to oh,Here grass mud horse is a trap,"At that time it was grass mud horse attract the past."A candidates feel incredible:"Grass mud horse belong to the weapon".In the impression of you,Grass mud horse is a kind of network rife gentle and happy feeling of animals,Be riding to robbery is Thursday,And become a"weapon"Is absurd,A belly.If always thinking about grass mud horse,This problem must be wrong.paper-constituting/Nanjing university law school HuangXuWei the teacher announced the answer,"This option should be judged as error,Because according to China's criminal law,And no‘Robbery crime’said,And shall provide‘robbery’."Law gives a person a kind of stereotyped impression,But actually law itself is not rigid serious,A lot of cases is very fresh,Very interesting.


KuangYaMing liberal arts college application training law professional ZhouYue students amazed at on the teacher's sense of humor,"In fact‘Grass mud horse’In the function of the topic can completely‘Fierce Wolf dog’this‘weapon’alternative,But the teacher is very trendy very sprout,So to set up this topic subject,A test shine at the moment,Examines the topic nor too fatigue."

  神题三:请回答老师为啥出这道题? God question three:Please answer the teacher why out the problem?

  有同学吐槽:神啊,让我变蛔虫吧 Have a classmate who spit tank:god,Let me change it ascaris lumbricoides


Nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics"Introduction to defense science, technology and industry"Final examination questions in such a topic"From the stock market quotation analysis military industry development"and"Please talk about the teacher why out this problem"."Directly by the second asked the earthquake live?why?Pen holder quick bite is broken,Don't know how to answer."A candidates said.After the test,The network has many candidates to vomit slot how ironic."Who can tell me why?""The teacher's mind guess also guessing!""god,Let me become ascaris lumbricoides it."But there are also students think this topic is very new,"At least not by rote topic ah."Some students joked:"The teacher really interesting,Know so many things."


On teacher,The PLA university of science and technology LiJiXiang senior colonel think,The stock market and military industry can be linked to let the students in learning to national defence knowledge at the same time and can independently understand and learn about the stock market financial knowledge,Can cultivate students' autonomous learning consciousness and ability.


The final exam"God see repeatedly problem"


And in the final time,Attended the exam net friends have vomit slot those god general questions:"sinister"To report to skip class most of the three students,Cow fork to ask who is the instructor,Shocking to"Prick silk"Couples GaoFu handsome probability how to calculate,Say to the math problem is actually against the composition……

  最“阴险” The most"sinister"

  检举翘课最多的3名同学 Report to skip class most of the three students


A hospital of shandong university final exam last question popular network:Do you think the most positive elected class 3 students skip class and most 3 students.Shandong college of management WangHuai paper-constituting testified, associate professor,Their own to the purpose of this problem is not let students report each other,This is the human resources professional problem,Assessment is"360 degrees of performance management"of"Colleague mutual evaluation".

  最牛叉: Most cow fork:

  期末考试“苍老师”成选项 The final exam"Old teacher"Into options

  “我们的逻辑老师是()A金老师 B苍老师 C赵老师 D施老师”,这个据传是暨大今年逻辑学期末考题,被称为“史上最牛期末考试选择题”。在该道选择题每个选项之下,依次是朝鲜第三代领导人金正恩、日本AV女优苍井空、香港明星赵雅芝和该校逻辑学教师施老师。

"Our teacher is logical()A gold teacher B old t C zhao teacher D was the teacher",This is allegedly JiDa logic final exam this year,called"Most in the history of the final exam choice".In this way choice under each option,North Korea is the third generation of leaders in JinZhengEn/Japanese AV before sora aoi/Hong Kong star gigi and the application logic teacher teacher.


To say the most:


Mathematics against the test questions"Chinese writing"


recently,a"Fuzhou fourth middle school GaoErNian section of the final volume against the math problem"On the network heat transfer.The request that high school math and your story!This exam question after upload on the Internet caused a sensation.Math exam into Chinese writing,Net friends said"speechless".

  最新潮: The latest:

  对着莫言头像猜猜“他是谁” The head of mo yan guess"Who is he"


This is nanjing primary school grade 5 final examination.Material is the writer, mo yan's half as,Pictures speak for.Lay down the net friend three answers are respectively:He is zhou libo,He has the gift of the gab,And very humorous,By the people's favorite;He is zhao4 ben3 shan,I to your skill is amazing.But I think you in the year of snake out of the spring to rehearse late,Let me very regret;The man seems to be very proud,Because he inclined the eyes when looking,Like look down on others.We can't,Or you will fail.

  最雷人: The most shocking:

  “屌丝”夫妇生“高富帅”概率有多大 "Prick silk"couples"GaoFu handsome"Probability have how old


Prick silk couples GaoFu handsome probability?Can you work out?recently,A chongqing BaZhong a simulation problem screenshots in micro bo discussion on very hot.Topics involved in the second semester of high biological genetic probability algorithm.To prick silk gene as a carrier problem,Then give relevant conditions,Let the students calculation"Prick silk"Couples GaoFu handsome son's probability,And its output is GaoFu handsome probability.Our comprehensive
