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  千龙网北京12月30日讯 自国务院办公厅转发教育部、发展改革委、公安部、人力资源社会保障部《关于做好进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在当地参加升学考试工作的意见》出台后,北京市委、市政府认真学习贯彻,高度重视进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在京参加升学考试工作,将其作为贯彻落实党的十八大精神、保障和改善民生、加强和创新社会管理、维护社会和谐的重要举措,成立了专门工作小组,市教委、市发展改革委、市流管办、市财政局、市公安局、市人力社保局、市住建委、市人口计生委、北京教育科学研究院和北京教育考试院等部门密切合作,就进城务工人员就业、居住、社保和随迁子女就学情况展开了深入调查,广泛听取了高校、中小学、人大代表、政协委员和专家学者等意见和建议,并通过网络媒体和接待上访等方式,充分了解各方面的社情民意,结合北京实际进行了认真研究,明确提出了北京市做好随迁子女升学考试工作的时间表、路线图和近期措施,最终形成了市教委、市发展改革委、市人力资源社会保障局、市公安局《进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在京参加升学考试工作方案》(以下简称《方案》),近日经北京市人民政府办公厅转发并正式发布。

QianLongWang Beijing since the state council on forwarding on dec. 30, the ministry of education/Development and reform commission/The ministry of public security/Human resources and social security[Preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children accept compulsory education in local entrance exam after work]Come after,Beijing municipal committee/Earnestly study and implement the municipal government,Attaches great importance to migrant workers SuiQian children accept compulsory education entrance exam in Beijing after work,As to implement the party's 18 big spirit/Safeguard and improve people's livelihood/Strengthen social management and innovation/Maintain the important measure of social harmony,Established a special working group,Municipal education commission/The municipal development and reform commission/The flow tube to do/Bureau of finance/The municipal public security bureau/The human social security bureau/City live is built appoint/The city population family planning/Beijing education scientific research institute and Beijing education the examination departments work closely,And employment of migrant workers/live/Social security and SuiQian children learned an in-depth investigation,Widely listen to the colleges and universities/Primary and secondary schools/National People's Congress/CPPCC member and experts and scholars, comments and Suggestions,And through the network media and receives petitions, etc,Fully understand all aspects of public opinion,Study on the actual situation in Beijing,Put forward the Beijing well SuiQian children entrance examination work schedule/Roadmap and measures in the near future,Eventually form the municipal education committee/The municipal development and reform commission/The human resources and social security bureau/The municipal public security bureau[SuiQian migrant workers children accept compulsory education entrance exam in Beijing after work](Hereinafter referred to as the[scheme]),Recently by the Beijing municipal people's government on forwarding and release.


As the capital of Beijing,Has been attached great importance to migrant workers SuiQian children accept education problems.According to statistics,In 2012,,Beijing - Beijing household register 419000 students compulsory education stage,About 40.9% of the whole city compulsory education students,SuiQian children enter the public school to study the proportion of 74.7%.The municipal financial investment more than 1 billion yuan every year,Used for equal protection SuiQian children to receive compulsory education.In recent years,SuiQian children accept compulsory education after work also mentioned the municipal party committee in Beijing to participate in entrance examination/The municipal government the important agenda.


[scheme]Put forward:Adhere to the people-centered/Promote fair,After the well SuiQian children accept compulsory education work in Beijing to attend the entrance exam,As a safeguard and improve people's livelihood/Strengthen social management and innovation/The great act of maintaining social harmony,Put on the agenda.Active safety/Whole advancement,Full consideration of Beijing as a super large the population of the city/resources/Environment and education resources carrying capacity,Overall planning the future of Beijing at various levels and the development of education,Step by step to construct the permanent population as the object of the system of social management and public education service system.Adhere to the overall consideration/implementing,As far as possible through the increasing education resources to gradually alleviate the pressure of the entrance,To ensure migrant workers SuiQian children fair right to receive education and exam of Beijing college entrance examination admission does not affect overall proportion.


After well SuiQian children accept compulsory education in local work in entrance examination,Is not only a education reform,Is also a related employment/housing/Social security/The public service/The population management, and many other aspects of the comprehensive reform,Is a complex social system project.Beijing will be according to the urban function/Industrial structure layout and city resources bearing capacity,In further perfecting the service management system on the basis of the migrant workers,Get hold of the research has linked with the SuiQian children entrance examination methods,And strive for in 2013.


Due to the policy system needs further innovation and perfect,The relevant work need to be prepared and refined,Beijing set up a new system prior to the implementation of the transition.In order to facilitate SuiQian migrant workers children entrance exam in Beijing,First introduced some measures to alleviate the current prominent contradictions.including:(a)Since 2013,,All the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,A stable and legal residence,Legal stable career has been full booked for 3 years,Successive pay social insurance in Beijing has reached the age of 3 years,The SuiQian children with the city and the university has set up a file in the Beijing continuous read the junior middle school three year study life,Can attend the exam of Beijing municipal secondary vocational schools.The students from rural areas and agriculture etc in conformity with the stipulations in the relevant professional students who study enjoy free education for municipal secondary vocational education and the state grants policy.Students from such as vocational school after graduation,Can be in accordance with the relevant provisions in the enrollment of higher vocational schools.(The second)Since 2014,,All the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,A stable and legal residence,Legal stable career has been full booked in 6 years,Successive pay social insurance in Beijing has reached the age of 6 years,The SuiQian children with the city and the university has set up a file in the Beijing high school stage education three consecutive years learning fixed number of year,Can attend the exam of higher vocational school in Beijing.Students from higher vocational school after graduation,May participate in the outstanding graduates into undergraduate study recommend and enrollment.(three)Since 2014,,All the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,Legally stable occupation and stable legal residence,The SuiQian children with the city and the university has set up a file in the Beijing high school stage education three consecutive years learning fixed number of year,Can choose JieKao the university entrance exam in Beijing.Beijing related documents according to the ministry of education,With students household province consent to provide students with the university entrance exam of literacy class in Beijing JieKao service,Students back to census register of the province in the enrollment of colleges and universities.(four)All the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,The SuiQian children all can, in accordance with the relevant regulations,Beijing and census register students equal treatment for adult higher education/Higher education self-study exam/Network of higher education/The Open University's enrollment.


Do migrant workers SuiQian children to receive compulsory education in local work in entrance examination,Is a public service involved in global of the policy,Is also a great event in highly concerned with all aspects of society.In order to promote the work,General office of the Beijing municipal people's government in the forwarding[scheme]The notice of,Further clear the districts and counties/Each department's job responsibilities and provide service for children of migrant workers SuiQian town of requirements.At the same time,The advancement of the work also need to the understanding of the whole society/Support and cooperation.Our common goal is,Through deepening reform/Innovation system/Increased resources/Perfect policy,Step by step to construct the permanent population as the object of the system of social management and public education service system,To realize the sustainable economic and social development in Beijing.
