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Beat and scold is punished extreme sex,appropriate/Timely scientific punishment to the child the warning role.


the,With the increasing popularity of the family education knowledge,"And light punishment"Has become the consensus of the parents.In people's subconscious in,Punishment is the pronoun of beat and scold,So often on the newspapers and magazines for children to see a few parents make stand as punishment/Penalty knelt/Even a hungry child abuse reports of deaths,These parents is to punish the lack of correct understanding and grasp.


Education psychologists think,There are so many ways to punishment;Beat and scold is just one of them,Punishment is the extreme sex.Wrong with/Abuse punishment so irresponsibly to the child body and mind violence,Will increase the child's psychological inversion,In the long run will make punish failure,Would eventually lead to"Tube not children";And the appropriate/Timely scientific punishment but to the child the warning role,Urge correct errors,Thus to receive a teaching assistant/To punish and the effect of teaching.


so,Punishment is a tutor art,Punishment can achieve the desired effect,The key is to see parents can be used correctly.

  学问1:惩罚的“量刑”要适当 Learning 1:punishment"sentencing"To appropriate


The purpose of punishing the children nature is to cause the child's good transform,So punishment"sentencing"We must according to the child's behavior.


Punishment is overweight easy to cause the child's rivalry,It's too light and not enough to make the child warning.Therefore punish children to in order to achieve the purpose for the principle,Neither understatement,And can't make a mountain out of a molehill abuse"punishment".

  专家提示 Expert clew


In fact,In daily life we all have such an experience,For the vast majority of children speaking,Parents only need to use their words or actions to child said a little even if it is extremely small dissatisfaction,Children will think it is wrong to his punishment,Consciously and correct the mistakes.Education psychology think,Punishment including indirect and direct criticism.Give the child make a glances/To his action limits/Confiscate his toy and so on are all punishment and method.

  学问2:指明“出路”不含糊 Learning 2:specified"way"unambiguous


To punish the child cannot give up halfway,Children should be punished for a specific subjects reaction to stop.


The parents should be clear attitude,Children with clear he should do/To achieve any requirements or standard,Or what kind of consequences.If your child has litter/Do not love the habit of finishing,Parents should be punished for his own good things up/Finishing good toys.Parents never waffles and even make the children"Yourself to want to".Parents don't give"way",The children correct their mistakes is no goal,The effect is not obvious.

  专家提示 Expert clew


Punishment can make children correct errors,This is the law of effect education psychology in action.Law of effect that:children"Is happy to accept;Pain refused to",To make the children to continue or terminate a certain behavior,We can through the reward or punishment to do this.In fact,There are many things that is not possible through the reward way to let the children meet,If your child intentionally destroy things/Adhere to the"Wind crime"/Disorderly mention unrealistic requirements, etc,This situation must be punished.

  学问3:罚了又赏要不得 Learning 3:Punishment and reward wrong


Parents education children to cooperate with each other,attitude,Put the saddle on the right horse.


The award will be seriously even seriously award,Let the children really experience the joy of recipients;The penalty should clear attitude/Resolute measures,Let it really know the oneself's wrong where.Only in this way,To cultivate children right from wrong/The importance is to conduct.If in the implementation of the children after the punishment,One of the parents think children wronged,Immediately and goods or food to comfort him,This will make punishment out of action.

  专家提示 Expert clew


admittedly,Punishment is not of cure-all panacea,There is also a method of use problem,The correct use of can teach a generation,If use undeserved,The child's bad habit be further intensified.If some children in the emotional impulse in the error behavior will use to get punished.And punish the repeated execution or make the child produce fear parents neurosis,Either make the child even more badly,To punish"Grin and bear it"Doesn't matter,All these are slim.

  学问4:及时惩罚莫迟疑 Knowledge and:Don't hesitate to punish in time


The modern education theory is that,The effect of punishment part is from the conditioning,And conditioning in a conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus interval time is shorter, the better the results.


So parents once found the child's behavior is wrong,As long as the condition permission shall immediately be corresponding punishment;If the situation(If the guest is present or is a public place)Not allowed to respond immediately,The event should be timely to create conditions as far as possible make the child back to the original similar situation to,Parents and children to review and summarize the words and deeds,He realized that the wrong behavior,And clearly asked him to correct.

  学问5:劣性转嫁不可有 Learning 5:The proportion of shifting shall have no


As the saying goes:"The world is full of 10 times",In daily life we always had a thing.Parents are in a bad mood when it is difficult to grasp his feelings,Easy to make oneself bad mood to pass on to their children,The consequences are often is unimaginable.


As a child not to be punished,Parents make a mountain out of a molehill,Will make the children feel beneath justice.Secondly if the parents more with incontinence and make the punishment unrestrainedly upgrade,Then often intensifies children to parents' against the mood.so,Parents do not suggest the drunk or in a bad mood/Depressed mood/Temper when children such as punishment,Lest ultra gaffe,Influence their children in the image and the prestige.

  学问6:讽刺挖苦最忌讳 Knowledge and:Sarcasm is the most taboo


Parents punish children should strictly avoid sarcasm,More can't count on"The child is born of me/Is I have"And optional with malice language accused of child abuse.


Practice has proved,Sarcasm and viciously abuse has transcended the child's reason can accept range,Will be stuck in the child's self-esteem.so,Parents should keep their punishment children's purpose is to help children correct errors,Is by no means in order to map the mouth time and to stimulate the minds of children in the corner of the most sensitive - pride.


Some parents in punishing the children language not civilization/When dirty words,himself"Export into dirty",This makes teaching effect to sell at a discount greatly,Even lose persuasion.

  学问7:事后说理不可无 Knowledge and:Do not be later argue


Parents and children exist between the relationship between teaching and be taught,But education child still when convince people by reasoning.Punishment is only a means, not the aim,so,After the punishment must be promptly with children argue,otherwise,Children in bear the punishment after will remain as before.so,Parents in a child later through reason things out/The analysis of the way to make the child understand why he would be punished/Know the cause of the mistake,Speak clearly if you insist on making on what would be the consequences.so,Let the child understand oneself punished is the key reason for the error,Reasons things out the punishment after children an indispensable important steps.

  学问8:点到为止莫唠叨 Knowledge and:Point don't nag


Some parents teach children like endless,But also HeWen children regularly"My words you heard no?"Children startled by the majesty of the parents,In order to from the flesh of bitterness;Can only have no choice but to say"heard",In fact he might what all didn't listen to go in or just didn't listen to.


The reason that children know,But the meaning of the parents,In order to finish early reprimand.so,When a child again make the same mistake,Parents and are"saddened",Immediately say children"Don't take my words seriously",Said children"Not obedient".In fact, this is not the child not obedient,But parents nag too much,Let the child cart before the horse,Don't know which one to as well;moreover,The regular nagging,Also can cause the child to the ear"deaf",Make teaching lose effect.so,Parents in education child be sure to get rid of love nagging problem,All things point,Then observe the child's reaction to take appropriate measures.
