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中国式接送孩子:上下学路上 小孩总有家长领着--亲稳网络舆情监测室

原标题 Original title [  [中国式接送孩子:上下学路上,小孩总有家长领着 Chinese shuttle children:ShangXiaXue road,Children always have parents took] ]中国式接送孩子:上下学路上 小孩总有家长领着保存到相册 昨天下午3点50分,南京鼓楼区第一中心小学门口,众多家长在接送区寻找自家孩子。之后,或步行或骑车、开车、坐车离开。 Save to photo album Yesterday afternoon at 3 o 'clock 50 points,Nanjing GuLouOu first center at the door of the primary school,Many parents in the shuttle area looking for their own children.after,Or walk or ride a bicycle/drive/Rode away from.中国式接送孩子:上下学路上 小孩总有家长领着保存到相册 昨天下午,南京鼓楼区第一中心小学门口附近马路上满是接送孩子的家长。 Save to photo album Yesterday afternoon,Nanjing GuLouOu first center primary school near the door on the road is full of transfers the child's parents.

  扬子晚报记者 刘 浏 摄

Yangzi evening news reporter liu clear perturbation

  继“中国式过马路”之后,“中国式接孩子”又成网络热门话题。昨天,南京华侨路茶坊将这一话题置顶到首页,立即引来众多网友的跟帖热议。而类似的话题,在全国各地的论坛中,也都吸引了众多家长吐糟。事实上,每到下午放学时间,全国各地小学门口,便会上演“中国式接孩子”,家长们开着二轮、三轮、四轮等各式交通工具,早早就在翘首以待,人群之众、秩序之嘈杂彷如集贸市场。与之相对照,在国外多数地方的小学门前,几乎不可能看到这样的景象。扬子晚报记者昨日街头随机采访,试图探寻这又一中国特色式现象背后的问题。 扬子晚报记者 谷岳飞

the"Chinese cross the road"after,"Chinese joint children"And into network hot topic.yesterday,Nanjing overseas Chinese tea way will this topic stickies to the first page,Immediately draws many users to post hot debate.A similar topic,In all parts of the country in the BBS,Also attracts many parents vomit worse.In fact,Every class in the afternoon time,All over the country at the door of the primary school,Will stage"Chinese joint children",Parents open two wheel/Three rounds/Four-wheel etc a variety of transport,In early perked up,The crowd/Order as noisy as trade market.By contrast,In a foreign country where most of the elementary school door,Almost impossible to see such a scene.Yangzi evening news reporters yesterday street random interviews,Try to explore it a Chinese characteristic type phenomenon behind the problem. Yangzi evening news reporter GuYueFei

  贴上“中国式”标签的“接孩子” Labeled as"Chinese"label"Pick up the kids"


yesterday,Net friend"Xi baby"Overseas Chinese road in nanjing post tea,Similar days cause of hot debate"Chinese cross the road",She is the theme of the criticism"Chinese joint children".This post was soon the website stickies to the first page,Hundreds of users click on the review.

  这篇帖子写道:"中国式接孩子’的场景每天都会在不同城市、不同学校的门口上演相同的内容。众多家长无论男女老幼,在孩子放学的时间聚集到学校门口,你拥我挤互不相让,其热闹程度不亚于街头闹市。” “大家都翘首期盼眼巴巴地盯着学校门内的孩子,有时因为学生太多令家长眼花缭乱,还要在队伍中仔细搜寻。此时此刻,还有哪个家长顾得了什么交通规则和礼让三先的风范?因此,发生交通拥堵,甚至交通事故似乎也就在情理之中了。”

This is the post wrote:"Chinese joint children’Every day the scene in different cities/Different schools on the door of the gate of the same content.Many parents regardless of men, women and children,In the time of school children gathered to the school gate,You hold me crowded eyeball over,The busy downtown street as degree." "Everyone -- -nikita Khrushchev eagerly looked stared at the school gate of children,Sometimes for students' too much make parents dazzling,Also in the team search carefully.At this moment,What other parents to get what the traffic rules and comity three first style?therefore,Happen traffic jams,Even the traffic accident it seems that there is in reason the."


"A few days ago,The media of the hot debate‘Chinese cross the road’To people's consciousness of rules/Civilization accomplishment,And the traffic status of a deep reflection and debate.People can be labeled as such‘Chinese’Label daily behavior and habits and customs is not a few,‘Chinese joint children’Nature also should be in the reflection and rational solution of the column."


This article cause net friend's hot debate,Have net friend to your side already inured to strange"Chinese joint children"Vomit tank.Micro bo net friend"elsewhere"Directed at this kind of phenomenon traffic hidden trouble:"In China most of the school gate,There will be a large number of bicycles/Electric car/motorcycle/Car no order to stop near the school,More many vendors inclusion in people/Of traffic,Not only has paralyzed traffic,Back to the children's safety the hidden trouble."


Net friend"Jun's father"Further reflection:"Send their children to school,Pick up the kids school,Regardless of wind and rain,This has become a lot of Chinese family life of a model.But why parents are not trust to your child from school to go to school?This is a social problem,Absolutely not parent questions."


then,Reporter found that search,This title"Chinese joint children:Worth social reflection and solving living habits"Posts in all parts of the country place BBS all have appeared,For this topic all net friend are high attention.

  孩子和接送的家长几乎一对一 Children and shuttle parents almost one-on-one


Yesterday afternoon 3 when xu,The reporter comes to nanjing phoenix garden city elementary school.time,The school gate has brought together more than a parent,Many parents open private car to pick up the kids,They will car parked in zhanjiang road on both sides of the road.On both sides of the road were parked have a row of vehicle,This makes the narrow road congestion zhanjiang more.


More parents can choose electric bicycle to come to pick up the child.More than 30 Taiwan electric vehicles will be the school and zhanjiang road cross the small space crowded get full to the brim,Parents sat in the car or chatting,Or to gather at the school gate the wait-and-see,Noisy situations and busy trade market no difference.


The school one to two grade is two school fifty,Grade three to six grade school at 3 o 'clock.so,When the school gate open,Have students coming out of the school,Gathered near the school meet the child's parents group begins to stir,You have walked to school,Zheng big eyes,Carefully searching for their child.


With the constantly have more parents arrived,And constantly out of students flow convergence,The whole school gate more lively.Ms xu every day to meet the son of the third grade,For even the son for interest,About four will be out of school,This let her in the crowd not so worried,The full-time with children at home housewife leisurely sits on the electric vehicle,Bored at sight of the noisy crowd.


Small children,Why to meet?Facing journalists' questions,Ms xu face some exaggeration,She felt it difficult to ask some wonderful"You see what children need not answered the?"She asked the reporter,"Are home an only child,How can parents trust them(children)Home on your own."


As ms xu said,Reporter noticed,At the school gate,To meet the child's parents group and elementary school students form a than almost a proportion,No one answered the students can be counted on one's fingers.Such people to nature at the school gate traffic caused great pressure.Other parts of the city,The road traffic pressure maximum time is the office worker's working hours,For near the school in the road,It completely by the school to go to school/School is over time leading.


The order of the phoenix garden city primary school the door a store boss told reporters,Every morning at about seven/More than 3 PM,Zhanjiang road is the most busy time,Because the shuttle children more vehicles,Together with constantly have a default vehicle stop/Head back, etc,This road is often stuck up.

  日本家长不操心小孩上下学问题 Japan's parents don't worry about the child ShangXiaXue problem


for"Chinese joint children",interview,Many parents said,It is China's characteristics,But don't"Say foreign",Us and European transportation is the one that won't work in China.but,Also have parents immediately pointed out,Don't say the us and Europe,We may follow from urban form/Traffic condition and population, etc in China and Japan are more similar,In Japan at the door of the primary school,Seldom see have parents to shuttle children,Are children ShangXiaXue himself.


The PengXing parents is introduced,She has a relative in Japan,Last year she had gone to visit,See relatives little sister in elementary school,Because there is nothing to help,She carried her little sister ShangXiaXue said can pick-up,Didn't expect relatives a rebuff:"Completely don't,In this,Children all go to school on foot."


used"Chinese joint children",Peng some don't believe,Japan's parents will not worry about the children come home from school on the road safety issue?And she ran to the relatives children go to school the door a look,Results the time after school,True have never found a parent to meet the child,Of children is listed good team walk home on my own.


According to media reports:In Japan,The children go to school by area nearby.Most Japanese elementary school pupils every morning at 6:30, the or so will get up,Go out and live nearby classmates rendezvous,Then walk to school together.


For parents worry that their children to school the road safety problem,In Japan,The school has special"Children support member",Their task is to ShangXiaXue time every day,Standing outside the big traffic/Traffic more complex intersection guide students through security.


In addition to"Children support member"outside,Protect the children traffic safety is a folk organization"PTA"(The parent-teacher association).This organization is spontaneous,Is do one's duty,Don't bring remuneration,Its members regularly take turns as a security officer,Children to school in the school time to traffic arteries escort the child.


A settled in Japan's Chinese TangXinZi he had attended"PTA",Her special article wrote down their feelings:"This morning, it is my turn to stand guard,Winter morning street extremely cold,But standing in the corner on duty,See wearing yellow helmet children were allowed to from far to near,Scenery came,But in his heart he felt a peace and warmth.Those in the hot sun the wind and rain,Her body lies in the middle of the road,With small flag command the children of the mothers of figure,I have seen the most beautiful figure."

  值得反思 Deserves reflection

  应用时间来纠正的“中国式习惯” Application of time to correct"Chinese habit"


for"Chinese joint children",An interesting data is worth further study the relevant departments.Reporters yesterday in nanjing much primary school/Kindergarten observation found,Kindergarten transfers rate can be said to be 100%,And elementary school especially young students,Shuttle rate visual at least in more than ninety percent.A city has hundreds of thousands and even millions of primary school children and kindergarten children,so,Everyday round the school two people will be millions,The city traffic pressure cans be imagined.


Since Japan's experience proved,Students can ShangXiaXue,And why our parents insisted on shuttle?In nanjing cool and refreshing door a nursery school door,A was in nursery school sophomore class ChuYan(sound)Children told reporters the answer.Every day he is grandpa pick-up,The little boy TongQi children's chorale said,He himself a man can from kindergarten walk home,But his mother told him,The road there are"The thief",Will steal children,Put your mouth a wu will steal ran.The little boy said bravely to also make wu mouth movements.


In fact,Reporters many parents,Parents are said,The reason why shuttle children,School children on the road safety is their most to worry about,In some of the children heard by others after the news of the abducted,This makes the parents to the child to go to school is not willing to school"To let go".


Boils down to see,In addition to their children to school/On the road outside the school security problems,There are several reasons why parents insist on transportation,Such as the urban traffic complex,Not according to the rules of driving vehicle many;Roadside some"bad"shop,Worry about the child that which is evil and the children haven't grown up,Can't independent home, etc.


so,Although foreign let the children themselves ShangXiaXue looks very beautiful,But in reality,China's parents prefer to adhere to"Chinese transportation",And this kind of transfers and often and"Chinese cross the road"Doping together,Then the door of the gate of the school,Every school to go to school time,noisy/Congestion scene appears more Chinese.


The above PengXing parents told reporters,In the current background,She can't be really let their children ShangXiaXue independence,"Environment are not allowed to",But she really hope"Chinese transportation"Can change,Should set a timetable,Abolished the"Chinese living habits",Think about,Parents don't worry about/The safety of child alone ShangXiaXue that this much good!
