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回望西北联大:为坚守而纪念 那些宝贵的精神财富--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  西北联合大学,与西南联合大学同时成立,只不过西北联大的名字只存在了1年4个月,加上前期的名字“西安临时大学”,也只有23个月。但是,合组成西北联大的几所大学,在西北地区整整坚持了8年,盼来了抗战胜利。而抗战胜利乃至新中国成立后,由西北联大带到西北地区的大学和大学教师,这些中国高等教育的一时之选,却大多留在了条件异常艰苦的西北地区,与黄土高原为伴,与西北大风为伴,坚持到如今,又是整整67年! Northwest united university,And the southwest united university was founded at the same time,Just the name of the general assembly northwest existed only for 1 year 4 months,Add the name"Xian university of temporary",Only 23 months.but,Close to the general northwest of several universities,In the northwest region on the whole eight years,Hoping to come to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.And the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and even after the founding of new China,The general assembly by the northwest to the northwest university and college teachers,The Chinese higher education in a moment of choice,But mostly on the condition of abnormal hard in northwest China,And the company of the loess plateau,The company with northwest wind,Insist on until now,And for 67 years!


Northwest lianda,The development of higher education of the northwest,Based the northwest region in China's higher education status and achievements,Today is the northwest region and China's future education/economic/social/defense,Nurture talents,Cultivate spirit,HanYu bottom spirit.

西北联大汇聚学术泰斗灿若星辰如此高教引人遐思 Northwest lianda convergent academic masters can if stars so higher education soliciting idea


After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan comprehensive,At that time the national government ministry of education in September of 1937 and 16696 promulgated by order:"In Beijing university/Tsinghua university/Nankai university and the central research institute faculty equipment for the skeleton,Changsha temporary university was established.In Peiping university/Peiping normal university/The college of engineering and Peiping research institute and other institutions for backbone,Xian university set up temporary".With the resistance situation changes,Changsha temporary university soon turn 3 yunnan,Formed the national southwest united university;And xian temporary university after moving in hanzhong,Formed national northwest united university.


Two schools the south and the north,Hardships in,For China's reserve essence,Raising elite.


But very unfortunately,At present the northwest general research is very weak,Little known to the world.In fact,Northwest university of China's higher education to joint the surviving and development,Have a very important role,The history of higher education in China has the pivotal status.


记住西北联大 Remember that the general assembly northwest


西北联大的宝贵财富 Northwest the precious wealth of the general assembly中国高教学会名誉会长 周远清 China's higher education society honorary President ZhouYuanQing  西北联大具有强烈的文化使命感。西北联大地处西北一隅,提出的“发扬民族精神,融汇世界思想,肩负建设西北之重任”的办学愿景,体现了大学传承民族文化,弘扬民族精神的高度文化使命感。要创建世界一流的高等教育,我们的大学就要在融入时代发展潮流的同时,更加自觉地牢记民族的使命、文化的重任、历史的责任。

Northwest lianda has strong cultural sense of mission.The general assembly is located in the northwest corner of northwest,Put forward"Carry forward the national spirit,Blends together the world thought,Shoulder the responsibility of the construction of the northwest"Running vision,Reflects the national culture inheritance university,Carry forward the national spirit of the highly cultural mission.To create a world-class higher education,Our university will be in with The Times development trend at the same time,More consciously remember national mission/The burden of the culture/Historical responsibility.


The general assembly in the northwest training on large quantities of outstanding students,We see clearly,Northwest lianda consciously will culture construction in the the course of talent training.The general assembly and its successor northwest culture of most of the graduates,Its growth is benefited from the northwest to the general culture,They take root for a long time the western,For western provided the basic talents reserves.


薪火传承 文化中坚 Our next inheritance of culture厦门大学教育研究院名誉院长 潘懋元 Xiamen university education institute honorary President of the PanMao yuan  第一,大学是一个国家学术的标杆,或者叫做丰碑,也可叫做灯塔。不管是西北联大、西南联大也好,也不管是战时的厦门大学也好,大学矗立在敌后,代表的就是我们国家的学术、中国大学的文化!中国大学文化很坚强!

The first,University is a national academic post,Or called monument,Can also be called the lighthouse.Whether the general assembly northwest/Southwest associated university or,Both wartime xiamen university well,University stands behind the enemy lines,Representative is our country's academic/The Chinese university culture!The Chinese university culture is very strong!


The second,University is a lot of elite talents gathered place.The country these elite talent,Have to retreat to the rear.so,When a large number of talents outback migration,This shows that Chinese universities intellectuals is very strong!


锻造灵魂 培育人才 Forging soul cultivating talents陕西省教育厅厅长 杨希文 Shaanxi provincial director YangXiWen  西北联大诞生于中华民族生死存亡之际。1939年,西北联大改组为“国立五校”,永久扎根在西北,构建了文、理、工、农、医、师范等较为完整的高等教育体系。今天,西北特别是陕西的主要高校,都与西北联大有着直接传承关系。没有西北联大,就没有今天的西北高等教育。

The general assembly was born to the northwest of national survival.In 1939,,The general assembly for the northwest reorganization"National five school",Permanent rooted in the northwest,Constructs the/reason/work/agriculture/medical/Normal and relatively complete higher education system.today,Shaanxi province northwest especially the main university,The general assembly with northwest has a direct relationship between inheritance.No northwest lianda,There is no today's northwest higher education.


Since the founding of new China,Especially since the development of the western region,Northwest university has made great strides in development,Core competitiveness/The contribution of science and technology and social service ability significantly enhanced.As higher education center of northwest China's shaanxi province,The existing university 116,In 1.33 million the number of people,"985 university"/"211 project"the/The master of Dr Authorized/Key national disciplines/Quality engineering project/Scientific research funds and results in the core indicators about fourth place.
