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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.The following is the grand ceremony for guests interview memoir.

]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:过去一年您有没有关健词来概括你对整个行业的感受?

In the past year you have a key word you to the industry's feelings?


张靖(东方国际教育交流中心副总经理): ZhangJing(Oriental international education exchange center deputy general manager):对于刚刚过去的一年,我最大感受是竞争和机遇并存。过去一年这个行业的竞争非常激烈:一是竞争伙伴越来越多;第二是新增行业内新模式越来越多。整个的行业正好是一个洗牌的时间。但是同时大家也能看到了机遇,可喜的是看到从教育部刚刚出来的数据来看,今年的出国留学增长率能达到20%,这是在很大基数基础上做到的。如果用一个词来概括就是:如履薄冰。每天我们可能都会遇到各种挑战和压力。因为我们是一个服务行业,口碑和质量是我们生存的基础。现在量越来越大,但凡有一点点的失误可能都会造成很大的负面影响。我们现在每天,尤其是我们这个层次上更怕的就是我们所有的服务或者某一点能够出现问题会影响到我们公司的运营。

For the past year,My biggest feeling is competition and opportunity.Over the past year this profession of the competition is fierce:A competition is more and more partners;The second is the new mode in the industry more and more.The whole industry is just a shuffle of time.But at the same time you can also see the opportunity,The good news is that just came out from the ministry of education to see the data to see,This year's study abroad growth rate can reach 20%,This is in large base basis do.If you use a word is:On thin ice.Every day we can meet all kinds of challenges and pressure.Because we are a service industry,Reputation and quality is our foundation.Now more and more quantity,In every case a little mistake can cause a lot of negative effects.Every day we are now,Especially we this level more afraid of is all our service or a point to problems will affect our company's operation.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您刚才提到洗牌,您觉得这个洗牌已经到来了吗?

You have just mentioned shuffle,Do you think the shuffle has come?


张靖(东方国际教育交流中心副总经理): ZhangJing(Oriental international education exchange center deputy general manager):是的,2010年那个时候开始,行业里面大的越来越大,小的越来越小。学生的选择性最强,正好是洗牌的最好时期。学生可能会挑四到五家,比完价格比服务,比完服务还比细节,如果是做的好的就生存下来了。前期可能还是粗放性经营,如果调整不好自己的位置就下去了。所以我觉得是强者更强、弱者更弱的时候,就是洗牌了。

yes,In 2010, the time to start,Inside the industry more and more big,Little more and more small.Most students' selective,It is the best period shuffle.Students may choose four to five,The price than service,After service than than the details,If you do good will survive the.Early may still CuFangXing business,If adjustment is bad his position is down.So I think it is the strong stronger/The weak when more weak,Is shuffle the.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您在这样一个局面下预判会有什么样战略的思考。

You in such a situation the anticipation will have what kind of strategic thinking.


张靖(东方国际教育交流中心副总经理): ZhangJing(Oriental international education exchange center deputy general manager):战略最重要的是修好内功,毕竟是服务行业,做了十年有一定的口碑,也有一定稳定的客户群体。大家就像吃饭一样,对餐饮的要求越来越挑剔。所以最大的战略还是能不能战胜我们自己,把十年中有些积累下来的习惯改过。用新的面貌呈现给我们的学生和家长。大家都说我们东方国际是一个国企,有一些大佬的作风。2009年我们开始提出认真做留学以后,我们从人、业务每个方面都做了调整。第二个调整最大的一块是走出去,原来是国企,大家感觉不缺学生,不愿意跟媒体和其他机构合作。从2008、09年开始,我们逐渐跟各个媒体交流,希望把我们的品牌做出去,也希望更多品牌了解我们,与更多人合作,知道更多人需求,弥补我们的不足。

Strategy is the most important internal repaired,After all, is a service industry,Do ten years have a certain reputation,Have some stable customer group.You like to eat the same,For food and beverage requirements more and more picky.So the biggest strategy can still can't win over our own,Some of the ten years of accumulated habits changed.With the new appearance appear to our students and their parents.Everyone said that we Orient international is a state-owned enterprise,There are some big brother style.In 2009 we began to put up seriously study later,From our/Each business both in terms of adjustment.The second adjustment the biggest piece of is going out,It is the,You don't feel lack of students,Don't want to with the media and other agencies.From 2008/Began to,We gradually with all the media communication,Hope our brand to make,Also hope that more know our brand,And more cooperation,Know more people demand,Make up for our shortcomings.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您觉得在这样一个企业里面缺乏创新血液吗?

You feel in such a enterprise, lack of innovation in blood?


张靖(东方国际教育交流中心副总经理): ZhangJing(Oriental international education exchange center deputy general manager):不缺乏。如果说原来私营企业里面,我最大的感受是只有稳才能创造一些东西。如果不稳的话,他不敢停下来,我们是敢停下来,这个时候反而创新很多。我们每年有一些大的调整,这是跟我们自己能够沉下来去思考,然后去改变自己所决定的。所以我觉得创新恰好是我们自己的优势之一。

Do not lack.If the original in private enterprise,My biggest feeling is only stability can create something.If instability words,He didn't dare to stop,We are dare to stop,This time instead of a lot of innovation.Each year we have some big adjustment,It is with our own can sink down to think about,And then to change his decision.So I think that innovation happens to be one of the strengths of our own.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您觉得东方国际的创新最重要是表现在模式还是管理方面?

Do you think Oriental international innovation the heaviest if performance in the pattern or management?


张靖(东方国际教育交流中心副总经理): ZhangJing(Oriental international education exchange center deputy general manager):这几块都有。原先我们很少用到OA和CRM评估系统,前两年我们把这些系统都上了,我们也聘请了一些原来老的领导、行业内专家作为我们的监控和指导。这就是等于对我们整个的机制和架构的调整,也算是我们的创新了,也得到了我们所有合作伙伴和学生的支持,他们可以实时的监控到他走的每一个流程,他也可以投诉到我们每走的每一个服务,看是否合格的。

This several pieces have.Originally we seldom use OA and CRM evaluation system,Before two years we put these systems are on the,We also invited some original old leadership/Experts in the industry as our monitoring and guidance.This is equal to for our entire mechanism and structure adjustment,Is our innovation the,Also got all our partners and the support of the students,They can real-time monitor to he walked every process,He can also complaint to each of us go every service,See if qualified.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们在留学行业还是归在教育行业,作为一个教育企业家,您是如何平衡企业的发展和企业社会责任的?

We in the industry to study abroad or in the education industry,As a education entrepreneurs,How do you balance the development of the enterprise and enterprise social responsibility?


张靖(东方国际教育交流中心副总经理): ZhangJing(Oriental international education exchange center deputy general manager):作为国企,我们当时正好在开会议的时候,领导跟我们说了一句话:当你面临到质量问题和钱的问题的时候,你一定要选择质量问题,后才是钱的问题。这是我们领导班子和我们中心跟大家不一样的地方。因为领导已经下了调子了,我们就好往上说了。我们中心原先有一句话,他们管我们叫学院派的服务机构,这个话体现了我们的特点,学生来了我们敢把他推出去,你不适合于留学,我可以不把你作为我的客户。这是灌输在12年中间所有团队每个人都有这个标准。我们很想做的一件事情就是,你必须做的是教育。前两天跟家长交流,家长把孩子放在你这里,最大的问题不是说他真正能够上清华或者是哈佛,而是希望一个安全的机构,能够跟他说实话,选择的是最适合他的。第二,才说到成绩,这一点衡量我们所有最大的是安全和质量。用你的心把这两个事情做好了,就已经做的相当不错了,虽然很难。

As a state-owned enterprises,We were just in the open when meeting,Leadership and we said a words:When you face to the quality problem and money problems,You must choose quality problem,After is the problem of money.This is our leadership and our center with everyone of different place.Because the leadership has been the tune,We good upgrade said.We have a center of the original,They call us of academic services,The words reflect our characteristics,Students come we dare to put out,You is not suitable for study abroad,I can take you as my client.This is carried in the 12 years among all the team everyone has this standard.We really want to do one thing,You have to do is education.Two days before the parents to communicate,Parents send children in your here,The biggest problem is not to say that he is really able to tsinghua or harvard,But to a security mechanism,To tell the truth to him,Choice is the most suitable for his.The second,Just said to result,This measure we all the largest is the safety and quality.Use your heart to the two things ready,It has been quite good,Although it is difficult to.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您对中国教育的期许是什么?

Your education in China's wishes is what?


张靖(东方国际教育交流中心副总经理): ZhangJing(Oriental international education exchange center deputy general manager):从2012年来看中国留学,它的特点可以体现到中国教育的特点。第一个特点是多元化,刚才在论坛上也在说到了高考的移民,现在教育出口已经是多元化了,包括中端高职教育,其他各种教育,是对现在已有教育的补充,包括留学也是一个补充。第二公平化,你可以选择这个,也可以选择别的,这个公平是逐渐能做到的。能做好这两个,对教育来说对大家是公平的。

From 2012, China's study abroad,It can reflect the characteristics of the characteristics of education in China.The first characteristic is diversified,Just in the BBS is also in the said to the college entrance examination immigration,Now education export is the diversification,Higher vocational education including the end,Various other education,Now is to have education supplement,Including study abroad is also a supplement.The second fair,You can choose this,Also can choose other,The fair is gradually can do it.Can do the two,To education, to all is fair.
