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广东多所高校巨额借贷 还贷主要靠学费住宿费--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Many university President said,Owing on the loan"Pressure shandong",Debt is indeed cause enrollment in 6 years China farming efforts are nearly 1.2 billion,Still owe loans 5,The headmaster said:

  新快报记者陈红艳 陈杨 冯艳丹 牟晓翼 郑锐

New express reporter ChenGongYan ChenYang FengYanDan MouXiaoYi ZhengRui


yesterday,"Guangdong provincial universities that fifty lending nearly hundred million"News of a street,As the blockbuster, cause attention,Also cause the university President"resonance".New express reporters many university President,They all said owing on the loan pressure.South China agricultural university President ChenXiaoYang is said:China farming is still in debt 5,If you don't raise tuition,In any case he can in his 35 years of tenure pay back the money!


华农 China farming


最高时曾欠债16.8亿 The highest debt was 1.68 billion


China farming the principal ChenXiaoYang said,China farming still owe the bank $for five,And this owe credit digital in 2006 more 16.8,More than six years farmers in China have tried to reimbursement nearly 1.2 billion yuan."6 years can also so much(money),Because we take several hundred million land arrears,At the same time the government help China farming also 4,The other part by tuition and accommodation subsidize reimbursement."


"reimbursement‘Pressure shandong’,Quite difficult.If you don't rise tuition,The term of office of the I 35 years,I was the leadership team,China farming is absolutely not clear 5!"ChenXiaoYang revealed,Provincial colleges and universities at present all funding for 7600 yuan,With the special fund every year,Also didn't meet the national requirements on them appropriation average $12000 goal.He said,If you want to pay off the loan,All funds must be reached 12000 yuan,"And I can't collect fees in disorder,In addition to expect the government increased the investment,I have no choice!"


ChenXiaoYang also said,Not in the university city college,In the city than college debt more,Because the government one-time help university college of the school districts in the city part of the loan is the event.And cause the core reason for debt,Enrollment is,Students increased,School seat/beds/Laboratory and must follow increase,"It is forced to go to the loan".


广工 Wide working


目前还欠债近2亿元 There is nearly 200 million dollars in debt


Guangdong industry university President, Chen xin is introduced,Guangdong industry is still in debt to nearly $200 million,Basic is university city construction period to stay debt,This part of the loan after university campus living quarters is mainly used for infrastructure construction, etc.


"In fact each provincial colleges and universities financial pressure are very big.Fortunately, the government will help us university campus school districts in the part of the loan paid back in full(In 2007 the government to pay a one-off arrangement approved discount of university teaching facilities and equipment a loan of 14.92 billion RMB),Schools need to responsible for their respective university city living quarters of the loan repayment,Otherwise the debt burden heavier than it is now.", Chen xin said.


He pointed out that,Now all the operation cost is increasing,As a school,Rely mainly on the loan tuition/accommodation,"The university is concerned,If there is no government financing to help,The loan is really struggling".


广商 Wide business


北区建设资金还在筹集 North construction funds still raise


The guangdong provincial party committee, China would also pointed out,"Wide business because the school funding sources mainly is financial appropriation and tuition,At present college school cadre north construction only partially completed".this,Guangdong college officials responded that yesterday,The wide business school north construction at present goes well,Still in construction,Has completed nearly half,And already project funds have been implement,Not project funds raised in the.But the people declined the new express reporter understanding wide business overall debt situation request.


广医 GuangYi


需分8年还清贷款13亿 Need points and eight years to pay off the mortgage 1.3 billion


but,Also have individual university"Without credit, out of danger",Such as Beijing college of guangzhou university is no debt,The school's headmaster, meanwhile construction smiled and said,"We don't owe the bank a penny".


Guangzhou university is better than other universities are rich?Meanwhile construction explain,Is not so,Guangzhou university money also not enough use.But the university campus construction when,Guangzhou university city gold section with within four old campus,With the government for replacement(So far only retains the sweet osmanthus duty one old campus),So the construction of guangzhou university city campus all loans,By the government paid."Even if no debt,We still think haven't enough money to spend,Also hope that the government can increase funding."


As Beijing college of guangzhou medical college,Guangzhou university is not so easy.The reporter understands,In order to build GuangYi panyu new campus,In 2009,,GuangYi to bank loans of 1.3 billion yuan,Loan interest by guangzhou municipal government burden.GuangYi will be divided into eight years to pay off the principal.


建议 Suggestions


中山大学常务副校长许家瑞:中大每年获得的拨款发工资都不够 Sun yat-sen university XuGuRui executive vice President:Each year the university for funding pay enough


高校欠债应厘清哪些由政府负担 The debt, we need to clarify what burden by the government


Dispatch of new wall bulletin yesterday,On behalf of the provincial/Sun yat-sen university executive vice President XuGuRui accept new express a reporter to interview said,For education liabilities,The government should be detailed anatomy,What the government is taking;meanwhile,Education investment should be made of more than a regulation,exactly"enough"or"enough",Can't light on both sides of cleopatra.


XuGuRui think,The debt problems need two side,On the one hand who also don't want to owe,But over the years of higher education developing very fast,The government's investment,Especially hardware also didn't keep up with.But it is there individual schools did not hold good/Yourself to make,Don't know.He thinks,First to analyze the debt is how form,Which the burden by the government.Such as the construction of city is very clear,At that time is the government-leading.Then the government school districts in the loan repayment,The living quarters of the loan repayment by the school.To visible,Each schools form loans situation is different,So the first analysis of loan is how to form.Some is the government to school loans,It is part shall be repaid by the government.


"To tell you the truth,Now, the price level is on the rise,The human cost is high,We get a year from the government funds pay are not enough,We have to charge fees to just go."XuGuRui said,Now all is according to the funding them.Some provinces is 12000 yuan,Guangdong only 7000 multivariate."If we a teacher's salary is 10000 yuan/month,The year is 120000 yuan,Ten to twenty students' funding is enough.But we still have public spending,Such as water and electricity,A year millions.There are thousands of retired teachers,Will pay.Funds must be not enough."


观点 view


择校费根源并非欠债而是优质学位太少了 ZeJiaoFei root is not in debt but quality degree is too little


As a provincial representative,XuGuRui this year have a suggestion:Better development of guangdong province private education.Because in his view,"ZeJiaoFei"The causes and not in school and to"Sell degree",But high quality degree resources too little.


"Now everybody to ZeJiaoSheng/Unwelcome have views,But the fact is that the fundamental problem in where?The most fundamental problem is the guangdong province level of education quality degree too few resources,Does not conform to the needs of society."XuGuRui said,The economic level,People are very pay attention to children's education,All hope in a good school,It is like to buy a house as rigid demand.


He introduced,Was public education,Especially the compulsory education stage,Countries should be input to the fair is given priority to.But the present situation is good schools basically is public,By the provincial finance allocates funds directly."The school had a lot of investment,Teaching level is higher,A lot of people want to go to,do?"XuGuRui said,If society has a very good education run by the local people,People will choose,Better be alone than in so many ZeJiaoFei on as usual,As the good school of run by the local people.


热议 Hot debate


多名代表指盲目扩招导致大学生就业难 Many delegates refers to blind expansion lead to college students' employment difficult


大学争着办赚钱的专业 高校办艺术系几近泛滥 University emulatively do make money professional institutes of art nearly flood

  新快报讯 关于高校教育问题,昨日广州代表团多位代表认为,目前高校招生盲目扩大,与社会需求脱节。

Dispatch of new wall bulletin about the education problems,Yesterday more than guangzhou delegation on behalf of think,At present college recruit students expand blindly,And social demand disrupted.


Social blindly requirements of high-end talent cultivation,College will be enlarged enrollment.The National People's Congress in li yongzhong looks,Now the only blind expansion in liberal arts why.Because the school of arts living culture easily,A teacher has classrooms is ok,But engineering raw high cost.Blind expansion led directly to the employment problem.He analysis,Now a lot of college students' employment did shunt,To the army,To rural grassroots exercise,"In fact shunt three years later still can't obtain employment."


On behalf of the provincial/Guangzhou city health bureau deputy director TangXiaoPing are emotionally,Think medical college talents training and health system didn't combine,"Medical school graduates not to sell medicine,Is anything else."


Delegates agreed that,Institutes of art nearly flood.On behalf of the provincial/Guangzhou sculpture, vice President of the court LiuZengKang said,The enrollment of art are also blindness,"Now which school did not do school of art?"He said,Including China farming and schools are done school of art,Because of the high tuition."What major to make money,University is a professional to do what,No matter whether graduation way out."He stressed that,Devolution of power to each university,Is out of control.


Li yongzhong concludes,College recruit students to plan.He suggested that,The state planning future twenty years for what leading,Need what kind of talent,Issued by the ministry of education and engineering class/Arts indexes,Each university points index.
