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男子高三退学赴北大旁听11年 曾7天未进食--亲稳舆论引导监测室
作家、北大教授曹文轩与郑球洋 writer/Peking University professor with the attempt to ZhengQiu
Since the beginning of s,"audit"As a traditional,Is Beijing university has been maintained today.MAO zedong was a guest student at Peking University,The famous literature you shen congwen/Writer ding ling/The vice chairman of China's one FengXueFeng have audit experience.Now there are still thousands of people each year at Peking University audit,Ganzhou in jiangxi province of the ZhengQiu is one,In 2001,,When the high he resolutely drop out of school with Peking University audit,Be like shen congwen that literature everyone.
a,The ZhengQiu back to jiangxi home record[Depth observation]program,Program field,The ZhengQiu tells the story of his 11 years to sit in on the pain of study and experience,But in the guests and trigger the same question.
不屑文凭放弃高考 获北大教授曹文轩鼓励赴北大旁听 Despise diploma to give up the attempt to encourage college entrance examination of Peking University professor of Peking University to sit on
In the program,The ZhengQiu said that his and han han, and many other literature youth,Love literature,In 2001,,He took part in the selection of han han/Guo jingming young writers such as new concept composition contest,So know as the writer/Peking University professor attempt,He volunteered to professor attempt to call letter,Professor cao encourage him"You're so crazy literature,Can come to Peking University audit".
The professor cao encouragement,Together with dazed and confused he think"Diploma is just a piece of paper,Can't prove his talent,Should go to Peking University that academic achievement,Listen to QianLiQun/Such as the course adopts famous,Accept their edification,Write about your satisfactory work,Social proof to".Was ranked third grade he resolutely give up the university entrance exam,To Peking University audit,So far there have been 11 years.
The ZhengQiu said his biggest dream is to be his idol shen congwen that literature everyone,But his approach reaction,Whether the poem or improvisational couplet,Didn't show his literary skills and talent,Commentators ShiShuSi field out of a pair of name couplet part:"Things pawnshop when things",ZhengQiu to the:"North and south baked wheat cake sold baked wheat cake."
The guests and for him to give up the university entrance exam,Hope that through audit and become"Shen congwen"The feasibility of this great dream questioned.Only ShiShuSi to he said the understanding and encouragement:"People do not frivolous waste young,Youth is to use against the wrong.The ZhengQiu just take their precious youth,To explore other people think the wrong way."
艰难求学食不果腹 痛苦经历为何遭全场质疑 Hard study have little food to eat bitter experience in the question why
The ZhengQiu endeavor for 11 years,To his family brought serious influence,And even disasters.ZhengQiu the old neighbor ZhengYouRong as the spokesperson ZhengQiu parents,appeared[Depth observation]Studio of,According to ZhengYouRong said,ZhengQiu the family is very poor,They village has more than 100 households,ZhengQiu the home is the most difficult,Mother had suffered from mental illness can't work,Father has stepped into sixty years,Poor health,Family depends on this a labor to support.
The ZhengQiu left home that night,His mother cried all night,After half a year,Mother got schizophrenia,Have do not know who he is.In the program,The ZhengQiu recall his mother farewell to the,Recall the until now the mother in the telephone the head of nonchalance,The two scene let this out eleven years of study to take,Difficult to control to weep aloud,This is not only a son hoping to the guilt and remorse,But for their own regret,If he didn't leave,Mother may not be so.
however,Mother had learned that after illness,But he did not go home to visit,But choose to continue to stay in Peking University,Until 2005,ZhengQiu only the first home,The cause of the home is not to see his parents,But because he lives in Beijing unsustainable,Family need to lend a hand.
Since there is no economic source,The ZhengQiu at Peking University audit life have little food to eat/struggling,He had the last 7 days and nights hadn't had a bite to eat,Finally had to sell the clothes for more than ten dollars to buy food in the steamed bread.Because there is no money to pay the rent,He also was the landlord in the eve of out before,In the north of the WeiMing lake in the cold wind of suffer through a painful on New Year's eve.But these did not impress guests and the audience,A college student audience said:"A began to listen to your story I have tears,After hearing your family status later,I think you still hungry it!"
To the audience ZhengQiu new anger,But previous ZhengQiu support the ShiShuSi has said,He felt a kind of comprehensive and desolate,He thinks that the ZhengQiu pursue is not literature,Also is not a dream,Is a kind of"success"desire,Don't succeed give me liberty or give me death,Even loved ones will not regard."Hong Kong has a song,That calculate you malicious,But this kind of malicious,You may have to take on the most valuable things,Such as family,Such as love,To such as this in a age,Through their own struggle to attain all happy."
North auditor made a lot of celebrities,In addition to MAO zedong/Shen congwen/Ding ling, etc,And roushi began to edit yusi magazine/Qu qiubai etc revolutionist,Peking University in one hundred, accumulation of academic atmosphere,Lead countless students dream of heart.now,The ZhengQiu will be officially admitted to Peking University,However back mixed with anguish and wishes to sit in on career,Dream and reality how to balance?Family and remote unknowable future who is more valuable?As the host TuLei in program last message:"Don't under the banner of dreams,To hurt your loved ones,The sky overhead idealism,Foot realism of the earth,Love in your heart,You can talk with ideal."(Jiangxi television)
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