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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.The following is the grand ceremony for guests interview memoir.

]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:过去这一年您觉得这个行业有没有发生太大的变化?

This past year do you think this industry are happening too big change?


谢坚(澳际教育副总裁): XieJian(Macao international education vice President):今天有幸参加搜狐教育盛典这个活动,让我想起来两周之前我们集团层面做过一次培训。开场白是把留学行业对教育做一个盘点,给大家做了一个课程,这一点尤其受益于教育行业的蓬勃发展。大家经常会说教育行业受经济形势的变化波动影响不大,甚至是逆势而上。留学行业在教育行业这样的环节每年20%以上增长。而且2012年过去以后,市场份额还会再增加、市场还是在扩大。关键的几个大国家,像美、英、澳还是受到学生的厚爱,依然是留学的首选。

Today to attend sohu education festival this activity,Let me think up two weeks before we at the group level to do a training.Prologue is the study of education industry to do a physical inventory,For everyone to do a course,This is especially benefit from education industry vigorous development.We often say education industry by the economic situation changes fluctuation the impact is not big,Even the woes.Study abroad industry in education industry such link each year more than 20% growth.And 2012 years later,Market share will increase/Market or expand.The key of several countries,Like beauty/British/Australia is still the love of students,Is still the first choice of study abroad.


Other Eurasian countries is also gradually by the students,They will be selected according to their professional and national active choice.The two years of development from increase under the condition of the keep,Other aspects not too big wave motion.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:从这个行业发展这么多年,您自己从业也这么多年,您是如何看待这个行业的创新?其中包括模式创新、管理创新,澳际在这其中是怎样去一直保持创新的活力?

In this industry for so many years development,You also employed for so many years,What do you think this industry innovation?Including mode innovation/Management innovation,Macao border in which is how to keep the innovation vigor?


谢坚(澳际教育副总裁): XieJian(Macao international education vice President):刚刚从论坛观众席上出来,这边互动的词一直是创新。在公司已经十多年的时间了,在行业也是比较久。关于创新这个词也是根据市场的发展。我认为企业不只是为了形式上创新而去创新,更多的是根据客户体验的需求来进行创造。这十多年的时间,作为客户本身的需求,现在包括平面的发展、网络的发展,客户对于各种信息的获取量方式在不断扩大、渠道也不断扩大。对于我们从事行业的专业公司、团队和个人来说,只有比客户获得信息的方式更多、更专业。同时,我本人也是分管全国30多家分公司的独立运营管理公司,我们70%的客户是来自于全国各地。可能会一定程度上影响给学生提供服务的机会,成立这么多分公司就是为了注重服务的工作。成立起来之后,我们怎么能够让各地的客户、学生们能够享受到高校专业教育的服务标准,这又提出新的创新要求。怎么样去创新呢?就要在客户每一个咨询点,以及在咨询后期等各项服务中让他得到跟在北京一样的服务标准。现在我们把服务透明化、系统化,客户从第一次打电话进来,就进入我们的系统,在后期各项工作中,客户可以随时得到自己服务的进展。这对客户来说,就是体验的一种提升。

Just from BBS in the stands out,This interactive word has been innovation.The company has more than ten years of time,In the industry is also longer.This word is also about innovation according to the development of the market.I think the enterprise not only in order to form innovation and innovation,More is according to the needs of the customer experience to create.These ten years,As the demand of customer itself,Now includes the development of the plane/Network development,The customer for all kinds of information acquisition quantity way is on the rise/Channel is also growing.We engaged in the industry for a professional company/Team and individuals,Only has compared to the customer information way more/More professional.At the same time,I am also the charge more than 30 branches of independent operation management company,We are 70% of the customers are from all over the country.May be a certain degree of influence to provide students with the opportunity of the service,The company was established so points is to pay attention to the service work.Established up,How can we let customers around the/The students can enjoy the professional education service standards,It puts forward the new innovation requirements.How to innovation?Will the customer each ZiXunDian,And in consultation and so on each service in late that he gets in Beijing with the same service standards.Now we put the service transparent/systematic,From the first customer call came in,Came into our system,In the later work,Customers can always get your service progress.This as for clients,Experience is a kind of ascension.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我相信在这个过程中尤其是这两年,在留学行业有一些新的形式的竞争对手出现。比如说工作室,或者是DIY。您觉得这两个趋势对这个行业在整体上有没有影响?

I believe in the process especially in these two years,In the study abroad industry has some new forms of rivals emerge.For instance studio,Or DIY.Do you think these two trends of the industry have the influence on the whole?


谢坚(澳际教育副总裁): XieJian(Macao international education vice President):从这个行业未来的发展来说,越大的企业在市场的品牌好。中小企业在发展中结合自己独到的产品和服务,在市场中也能占领一定的份额。但是从长远发展来看,可能会对留学行业有一定的影响。因为是客户选择,你的口碑和服务要得到客户的认可,这个主动权掌握在客户手里。正如我觉得企业不能追求垄断,也不能在市场行政设施各方面培育好的、专业的高校的企业形成壁垒。在几年前行政区域服务的限制,现在在各省之间已经打开了限制。包括大型的北上广地区的好的企业,进一步进入了中国的二三级城市,给他们提供服务。我相信地方的企业在这种情况,会对大型企业形成不断的竞争。过去四五年,有的企业根据自己所选择的项目和市场,细分中掌握的市场份额还是不错的。对于我们来说在综合性留学产品中怎么去走的更好们,需要在其他的二三级城市能够做到更好、专业性的服务。

In this industry for the development of the future,The greater the enterprise in the market a good brand.Small and medium-sized enterprises in developing combined with its own unique products and services,In the market can also occupy a certain share.But from a long-term perspective,May be to study the influence of the industry is a must.Because it is the customer to choose,Your reputation and service to get the customer approval,This initiative is in the hand of customers.As I think enterprise cannot pursue monopoly,Also can't in the market administrative facilities all aspects cultivate good/Professional college enterprise form barriers.A few years ago in the administrative area service limit,Now among provinces have opened the limit.Including large north wide area good enterprise,Further into the China's second level 3 city,Provide service.I believe that the local enterprises in this kind of situation,For large enterprises to form continuous competition.In the past four or five years,Some enterprises according to their chosen project and market,In the segmentation of market share is still good.For us in a comprehensive study product how to go the better,Need to be in the other two level 3 city can do better/Professional service.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:作为一个教育企业家,您是如何平衡企业发展的利益以及教育责任这两个方面?

As a education entrepreneurs,How do you balance the interests of the enterprise development and education responsibility both?


谢坚(澳际教育副总裁): XieJian(Macao international education vice President):再往下发展任务越来越重。我们现在公司从事着非常崇高的行业。十几年从业经历给我的感觉是,这种责任越往后推进,任务和责任非常大。我记得有一句话我跟朋友在一起分享,你这个行业如果做好了,这个孩子和家里人都会记住你一辈子。但是如果做不好,同样也会记得你一辈子。因为你所做的这个行业崇高在于,帮助了孩子的下半生未来的发展,是一个很重要的环节。我们现在从事的服务是在教育中提供给他成长的其中一个环节,把他输送到国外去,让中国学生享受到国外优良大学培训的机会。我们除了把中国孩子输送出去,同时我们也有一份责任把海外好的优秀教育培训产品引进到国内来,让中国的学生在没有出国之前能够得到更好的机会。这部分也是我们在人才培养责任中一个非常重要的工作面。比如将近有十年时间,我们也在建立自己的预科基地,囊括了美国、加拿大、澳洲、英国等好的优质教育产品国家的一些教育产品。让中国的学生培训完了以后再到国外去,让他们能够很好的适应东西方教育的差异。这一点也应该是我们企业非常重要的一种责任。

Go back to the development task is more and more heavy.We are now the company is engaged in a very high industry.More than ten years relevant working experience gave me the feeling is,This responsibility is in advance,The task and responsibility is very large.I remember a word with my friends together to share,You this industry if ready,The child and family will remember you forever.But if you do not,Also will remember you forever.Because you have done this industry is high,To help the child's life future development,Is a very important link.We are now engaged in education service is provided to grow his one of the link,His delivery to go abroad,Let Chinese students enjoy the good university training opportunities abroad.In addition to the Chinese children transfer out,And we also have a responsibility to the overseas good good education training products introduced to domestic to,Let Chinese students go abroad without before can get better opportunities.This part is our responsibility in personnel training in a very important working face.Such as nearly ten years,We are also set up their own preparatory base,Include the United States/Canada/Australia/The good quality education products country some education products.Let Chinese students after training to go abroad,Let them can be very good to adapt to the difference of eastern and western education.It should also is our enterprise very important a responsibility.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您参加我们今天的年度教育盛典,您是如何看待中国教育的未来?

You to attend our today's annual education grand ceremony,A: how do you think about the future of China's education?


谢坚(澳际教育副总裁): XieJian(Macao international education vice President):又是一个更大的话题。来之前,我找了一些朋友在讨论,因为我们都是留学行业的,朋友们都已经提前有所计划:准备把自己的第二代送到国外留学。我也在反思这个问题,我们虽然从事的是这个行业,把中国的孩子送到国外去。我们中国的教育,大家一直在抨击它的应试教育、包括各种在教育中反映出来的各种各样的负面信息。我们不要太绝对的对中国教育的否定。我觉得我们作为企业给中国的学生创造这样一个渠道和桥梁,让他们有机会到国外学习,也把优秀的教育资源引进到国内,把中西方的教育结合在一起。我们更期待中国的高校和教育相关的领导真正的把国家教育的壁垒尽早的打破,让国外的大学真正有这个机会给我们的学生授课、传道等。让更多的学生有机会享受到这样好的教育产品。

It is a more topics.before,I've been looking for some friends in the discussion,Because we are study in industry,The friends all have a plan in advance:Ready to put their second generation to study abroad.I also reflect on this problem,Although we engaged in this industry,The Chinese children to go abroad.Our Chinese education,We have been attacked it takes an exam the education/Including in education reflected in the various negative information.We don't absolutely to Chinese education negative.I think we as enterprise to Chinese students to create such a channel and Bridges,Let them have the opportunity to study abroad,The excellent education resources introduced to domestic,The differences and the education together.We also look forward to China's universities and education related to the leadership of the state of the real education barriers of the break as soon as possible,Let the foreign university really have this opportunity for our students/Preaching, etc.Let more students have the opportunity to enjoy such a good education products.
