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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.The following is the grand ceremony for guests interview memoir.
]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:培生所理解的中国教育的无论是2012年的总结或者是2013年的展望,您是怎么样来看的?

Pearson education understanding of China, both in 2012 or 2013, summarizes the outlook,What is you see?


孙高鹏(培生中国业务发展总监): GaoPeng sun(Pearson China business development director):我觉得2012、2013年都可以用一个词来概括,就是机遇。因为教育是一个受经济周期影响比较小的行业。所以大家可以看到2012年有更多的机构在构思进入教育这个行业。我们可以预见2013年这个趋势会继续的发展。所以我们认为,中国的教育在过去这一年以及我们所在的2013年都有着很多的机遇。但是与此同时,我们可以看到在不同的教育领域里面,特别是在本土化的公司,相对来讲,不管是从经营上、管理上,我们还处在一个较低的水平。我觉得这个是摆在我们所有教育行业从业人员面前的一个课题或者是挑战,或者对于我们行业的每一个公司管理的团队来讲,都是非常值得去探讨的问题。如何在机遇面前能够抓住机遇,把我们的经营能够进一步的去提升。我想说的就是机遇和挑战并存。

I think 2012/2013 years can be summed up in one word,Is opportunity.Because education is a comparatively small impact by the economic cycle of the industry.So you can see 2012 more institutions in the education idea into the industry.We can foresee in 2013 the development of this trend will continue.So we think,China's education in the past one year and 2013 where we have a lot of opportunities.But at the same time,We can see in different education field inside,Especially in the localization of the company,relatively,No matter from the management/management,We are in a low level.I think this is in all of our education industry practitioners in front of a subject or a challenge,For our industry or every company management team speaking,Is very worth to discuss problems.How to opportunities to seize the opportunity,Our business can further to ascend.I want to say is opportunities and challenges.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:回到行业具体的操作层面来看,培生更看重的是这个行业的哪些领域?哪些领域在2013年更有爆发的趋势?

Back to the industry specific operation level,Pearson is more important to the industry what areas?What areas in 2013 more the outbreak of the trend?


孙高鹏(培生中国业务发展总监): GaoPeng sun(Pearson China business development director):我觉得这是两个方面的问题,我们行业自身的发展和培生的关注点有些时候并不重合。我们认为中国的基础教育会继续迅猛发展,但是培生作为一个外资公司,目前我们还不大可能直接介入教育某一个领域,或许因为时机不成熟。所以有时候培生这个名字对大家而言并不熟悉,但是一提到朗文、新概念,大家都恍然大悟。这从另外一个侧面说明了英语培训是培生核心的竞争力。所以我们会继续沿着这条路往前走。从市场环境来讲,英语学习我个人认为还会有15到20年的美好的市场前景。所以在这期间,培生一定会去抓住这样一个市场前景和我们自身的战略优势,将二者结合在一块。第二,和留学有关的。我们在2011年的时候收购了环球雅思,这本身就是和留学有关的考试培训。但是我们看到更多的是留学中介以及国际教育这样的一个市场。我们认为,国际教育在中国会是一个方兴未艾、蓬勃发展的行业。这也是我们非常关注的,而且从自身的资源和条件来讲,培生也有先天优势。我们一定会去关注这个市场。总体来讲,包括英语教育、国际教育或者跟留学相关。我们还有的优势就是职业教育,因为从目前来讲,国家的职业教育还处在一个较低的水平。不仅是从政策引导、资金扶持,还是学校、学生、家长的观念来讲,整个的职业教育有非常广阔的发展前景。这也是培生希望能够从中发现更多机会的领域。

I think these are two aspects of the problem,Our industry's own development and Pearson concerns some time is not coincidence.We believe that China's basic education will continue to rapid development,But Pearson as a foreign company,At present, we are not likely to direct intervention education one field,Perhaps because the timing was not mature.So sometimes Pearson this name for all is not familiar with,But mention longman/New concept,Everybody take a tumble.This from another shows that English training is Pearson core competitiveness.So we will continue to follow this road.Will tell from the market environment,Personally, I think learning English will have fifteen to twenty years of good market prospect.So in this period,Pearson will be to hold such a market prospect and our own strategic advantages,Both in a.The second,And the study.We in 2011, the acquisition of global ielts,This is itself and study the relevant examination training.But we see more is to study abroad intermediary and international education such a market.We think,International education in China will be a beginning/Vigorous development of the industry.This is also our very concern,And from their own resources and conditions terms,Pearson also have congenital advantage.We would have to pay attention to the market.Generally speaking,Including English education/International education or related to study abroad.We still have the advantage is the professional education,Because from the fact,National vocational education is still in a lower level.Not only from the policy guidance/Capital support,Or school/students/The idea of parents will tell,The whole career education has a very broad prospects for development.This is Pearson hope to be able to find more opportunities to field.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您是如何理解教育行业领军品牌的定义的?

How do you comprehend the education industry leader in the definition of brand?


孙高鹏(培生中国业务发展总监): GaoPeng sun(Pearson China business development director):我觉得领军行业有两个特点,第一是规模和品牌。第一是从产值看。第二从覆盖面、拥有的员工、在全球的各个地域性来讲。我觉得这是多数人能够理解的。其实对我来讲,最主要的或者更重要的一个因素可以体现它能够在这个行业具有前瞻性。对这个行业有一个战略性的布局,以及用应用创新的方法和技术来把整个行业的价值最大化的体现在我们的最终用户面前。所以我是这样来理解领先教育的品牌。

I think there are two characteristics of leading industry,The first is the scale and brand.The first is from output to see.The second from the coverage/Have employees/In the world in terms of each region.I think this is most people are able to understand.Actually I want to,The main or more important factors can reflect it can in this industry has foresight.For this industry has a strategic layout,The application of innovation and the use of methods and techniques to the whole industry to maximize the value reflected in our before the end user.So I am so to understand leading education brand.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:作为全球领先的教育集团,培生是如何看待中国的教育行业?如何看待中国教育的未来?

As the world's leading education group,Pearson is how to look at China's education industry?How to think about the future of China's education?


孙高鹏(培生中国业务发展总监): GaoPeng sun(Pearson China business development director):今天我特别荣幸参加搜狐教育主办的向教育提问的盛典。刚才我听了主题演讲嘉宾开场发言,他的演讲题目是:教育的焦虑。特别是中国人的教育,现在面临着不同的问题,但是有问题才表明有机会。有机会才表明有发展的空间。作为培生,我们有一个信条,我们的使命对于培生来讲,用英语我们有一句话叫做Always Learning,培生认为教育是可以改变人的命运。在人生的不同阶段,我们每个人都需要教育、需要学习。培生就是希望在人生的不同阶段学习的过程中,能够陪伴大家一起去成长。我觉得最终教育必须要回归其本质。教育的本质到底是怎么样。我个人认为包括培生其实也是坚信教育最根本是教育一个人成为真正的人。具体来说,用前苏联著名的教育学家苏霍姆罗斯基讲的一句话:他说我希望从我手上教出来的每一个学生,他们能够有能力来幸福的度过自己的一生。最终教育的本质就要回归让一个人成为一个真正的人,成为一个幸福的人。

Today I am very honored to attend sohu education sponsored by the education to the questions of the festival.Just now I listened to the lecture guests opening speech,His speech topic is:Education anxiety.Especially the Chinese education,Now faced with a different problem,But there are problems that have a chance to.Have the opportunity to show that have development space.As Pearson,We have a creed,Our mission to Pearson speaking,In English we have a word called Always Learning,Pearson education is that can change the destiny of man.In different stages of life,We all need to education/Need to learn.Pearson is hope in life in the different stages of the process of learning,To see everyone together to grow up.I think ultimately education must return to the nature.What is the essence of education.I personally think including Pearson is actually believe that education is the most fundamental education a person becomes a real person.specifically,In the former Soviet union famous education experts SuHuoM rosicky speak a word:He said I hope from my hand teach out each student,They will be able to have the ability to spend your life of happiness.The essence of education will eventually return to let a person become a real person,Be a happy person.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢孙总的分享。

Thanks for sharing the sun.
