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北大副校长:中国现在三代人同时买房 世界罕见--亲稳网络舆情监控室

北大副校长:中国现在三代人同时买房 世界罕见
刘伟做客中山讲座。南方日报记者 王云 摄 Liu wei, sun yat-sen's lecture.Southern daily reporter wang yunwu perturbation

  南方日报讯 (记者/孙嘉琳)应中国银行中山分行的邀请,北京大学党委常委、副校长刘伟教授昨日来到中山市文化艺术中心小剧场参与2013年度中银论坛暨客户答谢会,并以2小时的演讲对中国宏观经济走势和政策调整作了深入的解读。刘伟认为,现阶段对中国经济而言是“机遇与挑战并存”,但按照经济周期推算,2013年,中国经济将有望迎来复苏。

Southern daily - (Reporter/SunJiaLin)Should the bank of China zhongshan branch invitation,Beijing university party committee standing committee/Vice President professor liu wei yesterday came to zhongshan culture and art center theater in 2013 annual boc BBS and customer DaXieHui,And with 2 hours of speech on China's macroeconomic trends and policy adjustment makes a thorough interpretation.Liu wei think,At the present stage of China's economy is in for"Opportunities and challenges",But in accordance with the economic cycle prediction,In 2013,,China's economic recovery is expected to have.


出口负贡献,增长靠内需 Export negative contribution,By domestic demand growth


In 2012,,China's per capita GDP reached $5800,According to the standard of world bank,Equivalent to the level of middle-income countries.Liu wei think to achieve these goals,It is necessary to actively cope with weak domestic demand/inflation/Marketization lag, etc"Middle-income trap".He said,At the present stage investment growth,Mainly due to the lack of independent innovation/Independent research and development/Own brand factors,instead,The original economic growth depends on land/labor/Natural environment factor cost more and more high,Unable to support growth.


Liu wei think,In the world economic recovery staggering background,Trade protectionism easy to look up,China faces export environment will be more severe.


investment,The government is out of the first two years of dilated fiscal policy,Reduce financial investment,But the enterprise investment failed to follow up,May lead to the problem of insufficient investment.Large enterprises have,But the technology innovation is not enough,The lack of industrial upgrade space,And small businesses want to throw but lack of money,The market failed to form effective investment demand,Can only forced the government to sell again.

  房地产价格很难下降 Real estate prices is hard to fall


Have the audience questions to liu wei real estate regulation policy trend,Liu wei said:"Real estate is the indispensable dominant industry group,The economic pull effect is very obvious,Can drive the accumulation of capital/Technology progress,Can also promote employment,It is difficult to have other industry can replace.Not because of the bubble shake of the present stage of the real estate as the development of leading industry basic policy situation,Otherwise, the structure of economic growth power will be serious loss."


Liu wei think,Industrialization and urbanization process accelerated,Real estate prices will rise,Now only will rise speed control,And the people's living standards improve speed coincide.He admitted the existence of the real estate bubble,Also agree with the policy of foam must be effective control,Also house was attributes.


Real estate prices rising trend when will reduce the pressure?Liu wei said,On the one hand to through industrialization/Urbanization basic acceleration period;On the other hand is just need to question,"China is now three generations at the same time to buy a house,It is rare in the world."He said,"In the future the singleton female children may a person will inherit 7 suites,By that time,House prices may down."
