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9岁女孩和爸爸搭顺风车 14天行走11个城市(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

9岁女孩和爸爸搭顺风车 14天行走11个城市(图)   辽宁女孩冯靖涵想利用寒假走遍31个省区市,昨日抵达重庆,213.5元就是她和父亲的全部旅行经费 Liaoning girl FengJingHan want to use the winter through all these 31,Arrived in chongqing yesterday,213.5 yuan is her father and all the travel funds

  昨日,九岁女孩冯靖涵来到位于渝中区的儿童医院送祝福,传递正能量。 重庆晨报见习记者 苑铁力 摄

yesterday,Nine year old girl FengJingHan came to the children's hospital is located in yuzhong district send blessings,Transfer positive energy. Chongqing morning trainee reporter yuan tie perturbation


Thick camouflage clothing and camouflage pants,Back also carry a big backpack,Yesterday in the morning at half past seven,From liaoning nine year old girl FengJingHan and dad FengYongLi together came to the winter vacation travel stand 11 in chongqing.Perhaps you do not know,The read four grade 9 year old girl is jinzhou the expo volunteers,Also worked in"China's dream show"On the stage of concern about"Broadsword girl".


but,Although it is a tourist,But FengJingHan and dad's journey is not easy.No advance booking tickets and hotel,No early make travel plans,FengJingHan said:"We went to a,Take where where rest,Don't know the way he asked people."Although all the way through hardships,But only 9 years old FengJingHan said he was not a bit tired.


发邀请函 Hair invitation


请重庆小朋友辽宁相聚 Please chongqing children liaoning together


At half past eight in the morning yesterday,A suit of camouflage clothing FengJingHan appeared at the door of the children's hospital in chongqing.side,A wearing a black frame glasses of the middle age man is FengJingHan father FengYongLi,He is an ordinary jinzhou minibus drivers.


Standing in the children's hospital,Both of the father is particularly eye-catching.


FengJingHan with fluent mandarin ask people around,Think of the children's hospital emergency room to see.Along the direction of the uncle a point,I saw you FengJingHan and dad goes to the emergency room.finally,Both the father went to the infusion area to stop,FengJingHan walk to a hold 2 years old girl's aunt.First a simple clear self introduction,Then FengJingHan took out a beautiful jade pendant to sister hand,Wish her a happy New Year.then,She will also carry"XiaoOu leaf"(And jinzhou expo, the mascot of the same name)The words of the invitation letter to them,The hope can be in May in jinzhou expo together.


突发奇想 Abrupt fantasy


利用寒假走31个省区市 Use these winter walk 31


Want to use the winter vacation time through all these 31,This is not my father FengYongLi proposal,But nine years old FengJingHan during the winter break of day on a whim.


On January 16,,FengJingHan in jinzhou liberation elementary school put the winter vacation.How can the winter,Got home,FengJingHan put their ideas told dad want to go hiking lift these 31."Dad the most began to hear my idea is firmly opposed."FengJingHan said,But she has her own way to let dad agreed to.


FengJingHan said,In the dad says not to travel after funds,She secretly sold some of the waste and old books this,In addition usually saved pocket money and a small"fans"Donated the,A total of 500 multivariate money raised.


Dad FengYongLi be daughter moved to."In the beginning I think she must insist on not down,Will give up halfway."Dad agreed to after,FengJingHan money made a lift banners/invitation,Give the children ready to present,Finally the rest of the 213.5 yuan is all their travel funds.1 month and day,Two big father carry from jinzhou set out.


yesterday,FengJingHan and dad calculated to calculate,So far their funds only sixty multiple,With the money also is basically bought bubble surface and in the city bus once in a while.


一路询问 Ask all the way


13天走了全国10个城市 13 days left ten cities across the country


Really want to go to which city,And to go which route,These are made by my father FengYongLi skill arrangement.But say arrangement,In fact, however, dad just to ask the way forward.finally,FengJingHan and dad to consult,Simply according to CCTV weather forecast city broadcast order will be 31 provincial capital city name written in the book,As this order to walk.


From January and February 1 to sunrise,FengJingHan and dad in 13 days already walked ten cities,They were Harbin/changchun/shenyang/tianjin/Hohhot/yinchuan/xining/lanzhou/xian/chengdu.11 o 'clock yesterday evening,Both of the father from chengdu on a truck,After the transfer yesterday at half past seven in the morning arrived near the caiyuanba.


FengJingHan is expected to,The Spring Festival this year they will be in guangzhou or shenzhen through,Before the 15th day to get back home.


她的故事 Her story


打动司机得以顺利搭车 Move the driver a smoothly


FengYongLi said,Since he and his daughter to travel on foot is a,So we must, in accordance with the plan can't buy long distance steam PiaoChe or train ticket.but,13 days to walk with a lift walk ten cities but is not simple.FengYongLi said,The day before yesterday in chengdu a lift to chongqing is their most difficult times.


"We were on the roadside waiting for,Pull banners for the car,A few hours off to have more than twenty car stop,But without a car may carry them."FengYongLi said,Most drivers may be because of the fear of being cheated is not willing to let a person get a ride."The last is a fifties driver eldest brother let us on the car,His daughter is about to stay/the/When volunteers story touched him."FengYongLi said,Basically all the truck driver was the story of the daughter of move before willing to let them a lift of.


Due to the truck will not in chongqing city,So, at 5 o 'clock,FengJingHan and dad had to get off the car,Finally arrive at half past seven caiyuanba.


一路走来 Along the way


父女俩睡医院吃方便面 Both father sleep hospital eating instant noodles


Choose a hiking trip,FengJingHan is to prove to my father,Don't how many money can also went through all these 31,But also for exercise myself,Also the children all send congratulations.


These days,Comparing two don't have lived in a hotel.FengJingHan said with a smile,A few days ago in xian,Dad found a hotel by the bathroom,"There is no hot water,I'll be DaDongTian wash a cold bath."Dad FengYongLi also said,Along the way they are like that,Tired in the hospital/The bank/Gas station a,To the toilet simple wash gargle,Eat the most is the instant noodles.


FengYongLi pointed to her daughter's feet said:"Her daughter's feet go some swollen,But she said not a bit of it hard."FengJingHan said with a smile:"I think this winter holiday is very fun,Very interesting."


Turn over dad's notebook,FengJingHan said:"The next station we will go to guiyang,Should today(On February 2)Start in."

  本组文/重庆晨报记者 罗清艺

The text/chongqing morning paper reporter LuoQingYi


[她的履历] [her resume]


3 years old to stay,5 years to establish goals in life,7 years old famous,9 years old go through all these 31.Can she draw/Playing the piano,But also fond of martial arts,is"China's dream show"stage"Broadsword girl".


[她的旅程] [her journey]


1 month and day,Starting from jinzhou.Yesterday to,14 days go 11 cities,Respectively is Harbin/changchun/shenyang/tianjin/Hohhot/yinchuan/xining/lanzhou/xian/chengdu/chongqing.


The next station to guiyang,The Spring Festival this year in guangzhou or shenzhen through,The 15th day of the(On February 24)To get home before.


[她的旅途] [her journey]


By walking and take free into the garage,Don't live hotel,Tired in the hospital/The bank/Gas station a,To the toilet simple wash gargle,Eat the most is the instant noodles.


[她的目的] [her objective]


In order to prove to my father,Don't how many money can also went through all these 31,But also for exercise myself,Also the children all send congratulations.
